Death Sutra

Chapter 274: Thin line

Gu Shen was tracked for the second time. This time, the tracker was much better than Wang Cheng, and it was hidden deeper. If the fire in Guilin Taolin reflected his shadow, Gu Shen would find it for a while. Not his way.

Back to the residence, Gu Shen left the south screen in the house, and she took off her robes, put on a black cloak, jumped out from the back window, lurked on the neighbor's roof, and watched the tracker.

The tracker did not know that it had been exposed, and stared at the night until the early hours of the morning when two people came to take over and he left.

Regardless of the newcomers, Gu Shen is following the first tracker, his light skills and skills are better, without revealing any flaws.

At dawn, the ignorant tracker entered a house in the city and never came out.

Gu Shenwei circled around and found no ambush. When he returned to the alley for the third time, a middle-aged woman came out of the house with a basket in his hand. It seemed to be buying food.

However, she went directly to the center of the city, where there are brothels, pubs, casinos, and no market.

Gu Shenwei is far behind her.

The woman is not like martial arts. Although she is very vigilant, she often looks back and sees no abnormalities. She has seen people wearing black cloaks several times, but here is the South City. This dress is very common.

The woman is also circling around, Gu Shenwei began to wonder if she was fooled. When she was in the third place, she finally stepped up and went straight to her destination.

She came to the pedestrian lane where the pedestrians were scarce, and went into a family that Gu Shen was absolutely unimaginable.

Xiao Fengqi.

For many years, Xiao Fengqi has been the most famous prostitute in the city, and even the entire most famous prostitute in Yuyu City. Many people feel incomprehensible and fascinated.

Gu Shenwei once saw her once, and it was still with the Shangguan as a kidnapping. When he was covered with a face, he said that he would not remember him.

So things are even more weird.

The small building where Xu Yanwei lived next door had already changed his master. Gu Shen had nowhere to go, so he did not stay here. He knew who the master messenger was behind. He had to observe for a while before deciding on the future action.

Since she has got rid of the tracking, Gu Shen decided to use this opportunity to go to the four sangha blues. "Stop the killing" of this kind of thing, it must be made by the Lianxin Master. Through him, it may be easier to obtain the support of the swordsmen.

Nancheng East City has a business rental of Hummer, which has already been opened early. Gu Shen left a deposit and hired a horse to go to a temple outside the city.

He went to the Zuopo Jingshe near Sijialan, where no one, the Caowu Zen Hall was long gone.

In front of the Galan Mountain Gate, a lot of male and female pilgrims gathered, saying that they were pilgrims, the expression on the face was eagerly awaited as if waiting to see the excitement.

"Buddha bless, I hope that the woman will come." A man with a shiny face muttered excitedly.

Gu Shenwei came very well. The new female servants of the city governor came here to Shangxiang, accompanied by the Shangguan family and the son-in-law of Meng. They arrived yesterday and lived in Jialanli, but few people knew the news and returned to the city today. Many talents have come to see this news and look forward to seeing their eyes.

The appearance of Luo Ning tea three years ago, the residents of Saitama City have not yet forgotten.

"Is that woman not coming?" Someone asked, but I couldn't get a positive answer. Some people even wanted to bribe the door of the hacker, and they were severely rejected.

Four Sangha Blue is not allowed to enter the ordinary pilgrim today. Gu Shen wants to see the Lianxin Master. The confidant is connected with a sigh, and Gu Shenwei said that he wants to give, and the clerk thinks that he also wants to peek at the female propriet of the floating child. Said: "Go come tomorrow, do not accept the silver ticket."

Gu Shenwei was about to leave the horse, and the crowd suddenly had a commotion. "Come out, come out."

A large group of knives with knives rushed out to separate the crowd and create a broad road. The son-in-law seemed to be in a hurry, and hundreds of onlookers were excited.

"Is there? Where?" The men stretched their necks arbitrarily, and the women squinted at them with disdain, but one detail was not missed.

"Oh, no, no."

"Is it in the carriage?"

"No, she is the daughter of the Big Head, and she must ride."

"The horse is coming, no... oh... who is that? Pretty..."

"Ten son, isn't that the ten sons of Shibao? She hasn't gone down for a long time?"

"Yeah, I didn't expect her to wear women's clothes..."

Everyone does not know how to describe it.

Gu Shenwei stood on the outskirts of the crowd and saw Shangguan as a horse riding.

The last time I saw her wearing women's clothes, it was also in the four sangha blues. They went to see the tiger sorcerer. At that time, she was very uncomfortable with women's clothing. Don't be a boy like a boy. Now she is used to it, even The riding position was also changed to a slanting seat, but the oversized mount, and the unspeakable glimpse of the detachment, separated her from the many riding women around her.

But she is really a girl, and even she is so feminine, and she is envious of the woman, and the man is so excited.

This is a special kind of beauty that has always existed on her body, but too many people have not seen it before. Only the veteran of the love field is fascinating. When she was 11 years old, she knew how to appreciate it. After three years, she missed it.

Gu Shen’s appreciation for this is even lower than that of ordinary people.

In the three years of escape, Gu Shen has been paying attention to the trend of Shibao, and occasionally heard rumors about Shangguanru.

On the same day he was rescued by Red Top Dapeng, Mrs. Meng confiscated her daughter’s narrow knife, forced her to put on her women’s clothes, and put her under house arrest. From then on, the name “Jingongzi” of Jinpengbao did not exist, only Residents in the city of Saitama in the mountains, habitually use this name when mentioning her.

I don't know if it is too far away, or the impression of the past is too deep, or simply because of the women's clothing, in short, Gu Shen is so strange to the 17-year-old girl who feels flying, a thin line in his heart suddenly broke.

That thin line connects some of the good times of the past, and it becomes weaker with the passage of time. Finally, under the bang of reality, there is no more thing to bear.

For three years, he never cared about how much he changed, so he didn't expect her to change. The little girl he played with, adventured, and started a business, always became a memory.



Onlookers still can't think of the vocabulary to describe the women's ten-year-old debut, who can only make a meaningless sound from the throat.

"Value." The man with a shiny face looked left and right, with a satisfied smile on his face. "Not worse than that woman, I feel stronger."

"Hmm." Shangguan’s figure on horseback has disappeared. The crowd is still excited and whispering, and they are not interested in the team behind. Some men even close their eyes and carefully recollect the moment just because they know that in the next few days, even In a few months, the moment when the women's ten sons will appear will be the focus of the inside and outside of Saitama City, and as the ones who see it, they will suffer repeated tortures. They have to keep every detail in mind.

Gu Shen went back to the city on horseback, followed the Shangxiang team, did not catch up, and began to think about how to find the lotus master, how to deal with Xiao Fengqi.

After entering the South City to return the horse, he has made a plan, the plan is very simple, this does not need to think so long, but he feels that he needs to think constantly to keep himself awake.

Soon, there was a lot of news that took his mind from the outside.

At first, he did not notice the opinions of the residents in the city until a mad man rushed from the street, and his mouth screamed vaguely. "...the dragon king killed...the blood washed the jade...all died, All died, haha, all dead!"

"Liandu City officials dare to stab, this Dragon King is really killing red eyes." A man watching the crazy performance said.

Gu Shenwei feels that her ability to inquire about intelligence is far less than Xu Xiaoyi. It took so long to notice what people around me are saying.

Last night, the fire in Guilin Taolin was not an accident. Several assassins sneaked into the new Ducheng official. When they ran away, they ignited the haystacks. It was the dry season in the late autumn. There were few thousands of peach trees left. Last year, I spent money to buy your garden. Meng's, only once has a beautiful view of peach blossoms.

This season, Taolin has no scenery. It is a pet who has to come and see. The governor’s official ink has only moved to your garden for a night. As a result, he has truly experienced the custom of a southern city.

In the end, the spoiler’s pets saved the ink, and the arrogant and arrogant woman had to wear the official clothes of the old man in the night. This may also be the idea of ​​adding his own feelings, adding a little sentiment, in short, in the dim Under the light, the assassin killed the wrong person.

The governor of the city was scared and shocked. He woke up and immediately returned to the North City after waking up. He said that he would take the assassin and peel off their skin.

If this is in the North Court, a large number of officers and men will act on the night, but in Saitama City, there are only a few hundred people who can direct the command of the governor. It is not enough to protect themselves, let alone the city.

The women of the four sangha blue scented people heard the news and returned to the city in advance. The forces of all parties also gathered in the governor's government to discuss how to avenge the old man.

Nancheng was temporarily unaffected, and everyone talked about this assassination as an anecdote.

From the governor and even the sellers selling vegetables, they are 100% sure that the assassin is the killer - Long Wang Yang Huan.

Gu Shenwei returned to his residence, and the two followers were still watching outside the door, sitting under the tree, pretending to play chess, and the first screen was kept in the house until the dragon king’s instructions.

Gu Shenwei passed by them and deliberately stopped, then pushed the door to the hospital.

The two monitors were stunned and glanced at each other. One of them slammed the pieces and turned to report to the boss.

In the evening of the same day, the monitors all evacuated.

Gu Shen was originally planning to visit Xiao Fengqi in the evening. When she asked her face clearly, she did not disclose the news to Jinpengbao. It seemed to indicate another purpose. She temporarily changed her mind and moved again with the first screen.

Then he went to the nearby pub alone, bought the wine but didn't drink it. After sitting in the middle of the night, he didn't hear any news worthy of attention. The drunkards took the "Dragon King assassination of the Governor" and immediately became a wine dish, and soon stopped I mentioned this.

Gu Shen returned to the new residence, carefully checked and confirmed that there was no surveillance, then returned to the room to rest.

Close your eyes, without warning, the appearance of the women's Shangguanru appeared in front of you, the broken thin line miraculously restored to its original state, but the boy-like little girl disappeared, and was replaced by the new image. As if she was from childhood, it was like this.

(Seeking for advice)

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