Death Sutra

Chapter 275: trick

Someone knocked at the door outside. Gu Shen was very surprised. He only moved in last night. Is it being tracked again? And escaped his repeated inspections several times?

If this is the case, the follower is not only highly skilled, but also very courageous, even visiting the house during the day.

Gu Shenwei opened the door in person, and the south south screen stood on the wall, five steps away from the dragon king.

The knockers are three knives. The leader is in his thirties. He is short and strong. The other two are younger and thinner. Although he has a waist knife under his waist, it looks nondescript. It seems that the weapon of killing is just too big. Jewelry.

As soon as the courtyard door opened, the three men squeezed in. They stood around in the yard and looked around when they saw the swordsman on the wall. They were only slightly surprised and did not show their vigilance.

Gu Shen has stepped back two steps, and it has formed a close relationship with the beginning of the South Screen. If the other party is an experienced knife, it should feel dangerous and react, but the three people are more interested in the house. I don't know if I am in danger.

Usually, the three of them broke into the house, and the other party would be surprised to ask first. The two guys did not say anything like the wood man. The short and sturdy knife coughed, and a list of thin knives raised their heads. Asked: "You are new."

Gu Shen nodded.

"This is Mo Lao Da. This piece of knife is owned by him. He has something to say to you."

Gu Shenwei has never heard of the new "knife" who is going to "manage", but he still does not say anything, holding the handle in his right hand, and the alert in his heart has not been put down.

When the short and strong Mo’s boss reached out and put his arm on his shoulder, Gu Shen almost sent out the knife. The first screen of the South was connected to the finger. In special times, although the Dragon King did not need to implement the five-step ban, it could not Just let people touch, but Dragon King did not start, he did not pull the sword.

The three swordsmen still have nothing to do with this.

Mo Lao Da is not malicious. He said with a hoarse voice: "Friends, it’s not good to go out. It’s Yuyu City. People who want to eat with a knife and eat less have tens of thousands. You feel that your knife is very Good, people are very special, in fact no one knows you. Friends, you need a referrer, he will give you a way out, and will introduce you to work."

"Is this referrer you?"

"Yes." Mo Lao looked back at the two men. "This friend is very open-minded and has a future."

Gu Shenwei just wanted to open the three people to leave, Mo Lao continued to ask: "Have you heard of the killing?"

Gu Shen nodded.

"Have you heard of the guardian sacred?"

"Lianhua Master of the Four Sangha Blues."

"Hey, you know quite a lot, then you must know that the sacred mana is boundless and universal. It is the protector of our swordsmen. Listen to him. From then on, the enemy's knife is always half. Inch can't cut you, let him open the knife for you, from now on, the martial arts are refined, the world is invincible. I see you are an honest man, just came to Yuyucheng, life is not familiar, so kindly tell you a message, this afternoon, holy 僧 ** The whole city is sensational, and tens of thousands of swordsmen want to listen. There are just a few places left in my hand, how do you want to listen?"

When the ruthless Lianhua Master was mixed with the rivers and lakes liar, Gu Shen was surprised, but still wanted to see him, so he nodded, "Think."

Mo Laoda reached out to the palm of his hand. "One or two silver ones, don't bargain." He only wants money, not even cares about the other's name.

In the afternoon, in the abandoned vegetable garden in the suburbs, the sacred meeting of the Master of the Lianhua Lianhua was held.

There are more than 200 people in the audience, most of them look stunned, obviously the first come.

When the time came, Gu Shen was familiar with the Lianhua Master, and there was still a lotus leaf protection around him.

Unsurprisingly, the monk is still a cliché. In the back, a section of "Discontinuity" tells the story. The swordsmen tried to listen at the beginning, and slowly they couldn’t keep up. They yawned and talked to each other with boring. Opportunity to meet a few new friends.

Gu Shen was prepared for a long time. When he heard the "Discontinuity Theory", he immediately blocked the ear with a cotton ball. He suffered a lot in the past and easily dared not listen again.

Near the evening, the Lianhua Master was finished. The short swordman named Mo Lao Da stood up again and said how great this method is. He finally said: "After listening to the **, you are now lucky. Body, of course, the duration is not the same, look at each person's legal relationship, but the person with the shallowest legality, there is no weapon to touch you now. If you don't believe, you can test it on the spot."

No one wants to slap a knife for no reason, so they just look at each other and laugh, and they don’t really believe it.

"This is good, I am confident that there is a little law, you just come out and cut me alone, cut down on my fate, and cut off everything to make everyone happy."

Mo Laoda sent a kiss in the rivers and lakes. It sounded like it was selling stalls. "Who is here? Who is coming? Why, in the South City, do you have a courage to hack people?"

A strong knifeman was not overwhelmed. He said "I am coming", crowded out the crowd, pulled out a long knife, and walked a few steps in front of Mo Laoda. Suddenly, he slammed and slashed. Everyone looked at it, and saw that the knife was cut off according to Mo’s old brain door. However, he went to the side and went involuntarily to the side, leaning against the shoulder and landing, without hurting the target.

The knifeman touched his head, a look of incomprehensibility, the audience whispered, and some began to believe, some thought it was a good childcare.

Five swordsmen were not convinced, and they voluntarily jumped out to hack people. The result was the same. No matter what you started to look at, you always turned around when the knife was cut in half, and passed by.

This time, the scene was sensational, the swordsmen swarmed up, they wanted to verify once, Mo Laoda did not do it, "stop, I have used this method almost, I dare not try again, who is deep in law, come over Hey two knives."

When the monk was just **, few people listened carefully, so no one felt that they were deeply involved in the law, but they all believed in the words of Mo Lao Da, and shouted: "Speak again, talk again."

Mo Laoda raised his hands and pressed the shouts. "Listen to me, the Holy Day speaks the law once in ten days. I want to listen to it again tomorrow and go to Fuyuan Pub to find me, fifty-two silver."

The price has risen to five times, and the swordsmen don't feel expensive. Some people at the scene want to sign up. Mo Lao refused. They want to sign up and have to wait for tomorrow. Then they said: "The holy shrine will give the weapon a blessing, and the eighty-two silver one time. The effect lasts for two to ten days, and the same opinion. Also, the killing will be created by the holy priest. Those who want to join will prepare one hundred and two silver, and then listen to the ** and open the weapons, and all will be 20% off."

Most of the swordsmen had just arrived in Saitama City. They had no money. They had to leave, but there were 20 people left behind, lined up in a team, holding a knife in one hand and holding a silver hand. First, they applied for a killing session through Mo Laoda. Then respectfully ask the monk to open the light.

The sky is dim, only Gu Shen has seen the monk's tricks. The position of Mo Lao Da Station is very clever. The right shoulder is directed at the lotus leaf. Whenever someone comes out of the knife, the lotus leaf arm will move slightly, popping the pebbles and kicking the blade. The monk has deep internal strength and accurate calculation. The person who took the knife did not feel it.

For this kind of deceptive trick, the lotus heart on the altar is calmly watching, and Gu Shen feels incredible how it is, which is too different from the monk he impressions.

He wanted to talk to the monk when he was young, but he changed his mind, walked out of the vegetable garden, turned in from a low wall, and sneaked behind a tree.

The knives who opened the light to the weapons left with satisfaction, and the heart was thinking about the expiration date of the opening, and looking for two people to try the knife.

Mo Laoda swears to the monk and then takes away all the money.

Lianhua and Lianye packed up their rucksacks, looked around no one, put on a cloak, put on a hood, walked out of the vegetable garden by night, and hurryed, and entered the North City before closing the door.

Gu Shenwei did not follow up.

Saitama City is becoming more and more strange to him.

It’s the most lively time in the people’s alleys. Even those who don’t have enough money, they come here to hang out in groups, look at the amazing names, and go to other women with a good impression. “Look at others. The meat on the plate, eat your own taro pickles, this is also an economic means of survival." Tie Hanfeng has a brilliant summary of this.

Gu Shenwei directly knocked Xiao Feng's door.

A beautiful but indifferent ring opened the door. "The guests are not coming, the wife is not seen today."

Gu Shen grabbed her hand and grabbed the door. "She will see me."

"who are you?"

"The lady your wife is waiting for."

She is still hesitant. She hasn't heard of the lady waiting for her. The guests who come to see Xiao Fengqi are always in front of each other. This person is alone, not like a rich man, but there is something in the voice. The majesty that is difficult to reject.

"You wait," she said, hesitating for a moment, opening the door and letting the guests in. "Just wait here."

The ring hurried upstairs, leaving a few women to watch the strange guests on alert.

Gu Shen took off the hood, the black cloak was placed on the chest, the right hand was hidden inside, and the handle was habitually held. For many days, there was no knife extraction, and his heart was slightly agitated.

The ring went downstairs, with a surprised look on his face, and his attitude became respectful. "Guests please go upstairs."

In the small living room on the second floor, Gu Shenwei waited for a while before being allowed to enter the inner room.

If he knows a little about the rules here, he will know how unusual the speed of seeing Xiao Fengqi himself. Only a few of the men who have seen the first name of this Yucheng City can enjoy this kind of treatment.

Even if you are in the sea, everything in Saitama City is not what it used to be. Only this woman will not change. Gu Shen can't help but generate this idea.

Xiao Fengqi under the light is almost the same as three years ago. The elegant costumes and luxurious decorations are incompatible with each other and complement each other.

"You look like this, I have seen me before."

"I am here to tie up the guardian spirit."

"Oh." Xiao Fengqi slightly raised his head. "You are one of the two killers brought by the little girl of Shibao. Yes, you are Yang Huan, who is originally a member of the ten sons."

Gu Shen made a move in his heart, and his right hand pulled out the knife. Then he inhaled a colorless and odorless powder in his nose. When he swung his body, the hand holding the knife could not help but relax.

(Seeking for advice)

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