Death Sutra

Chapter 316: Meng Er

The Dutch woman hopes to pursue the feeling of the past.

At that time, the slaves, from the vigilant to the conditional cooperation, and finally to the complete trust, experienced a slow process.

She thought that this time will be the same.

She even felt that the current Dragon King had come to trust her too early. She not only immediately served as a guard in the dark, but also had the opportunity to participate in every conspiracy.

Therefore, she witnessed a group of people who had been arguing to the dragon five. After seeing Xiao Fengqi and Lu’s shopkeeper struggle, they bowed to the Dragon King like others, and were willing to run for him, with the establishment of a huge business network. The dream goes away.

She also saw the note sent by the mysterious man in the evening, which claimed that Chu Nanping and Tie Lingling were locked in the Bodhi Garden and invited the Dragon King to lead.

But there are things that she doesn't have anymore. For example, she provides poisons that kill people invisible, but I don't know how Dragon King sent this poison into Mengming's palatability.

Sitting behind the desk, the Dragon King fell into an undefended meditation. The Dutch woman appeared from the hiding place and felt that the scene was so familiar that it was so exciting that it seemed extremely unreal.

"You know, that's a trap." The woman's tone is gentle, neither persuasion nor analysis, but just a simple truth.

Gu Shen knows the words in the Dutch woman's words. Although he never showed interest in the note, his heart will never be able to marry her.

"This trap is too simple, Jinpengbao knows that I will not be fooled." Gu Shenwei's tone is not as calm as the lotus girl, he is looking for reasons to go to adventure.

"Your suspicion has always been very heavy. How can you trust this time? There are many people who know you in Jinpeng Fort. Maybe you want to use the simplest tricks to cover you."

Gu Shen is silent, and the woman is right. According to his habits, it is normal to dig out signs of conspiracy from normal things. It is indeed rare to take the initiative to find a reason for not conspiring.

The Dutch girl was very surprised. After more than three years, she was able to feel all the thoughts of this man accurately, but it was better for her to be better than ignorance. "The two people are very important to you."

This is exactly what Gu Shenwei is waiting for. "Yes, their loyalty has been tested."

Gu Shenwei did not find the meaning of the intrigue in this sentence. The woman’s heart trembled, but she was well concealed. In this respect, she has always done better than him. “Maybe we can avoid the trap and rescue. they."

Gu Shen looked up at the Dutch woman and found that she was violating her original intentions and regained a good impression on her. She talked with the Dutch woman as if she was talking to herself. No one had ever had such a tacit understanding with him. This is also his more than three years. I have been looking for a feeling of unsuccessful.

"The military division will not agree." Gu Shenwei said that he did not really care about the idea of ​​Fang Wen, but this time is different. It is very likely that the Bodhi Garden will ambush the Jinpeng killer. His intrusion will provide the end to the one-step king. An excuse for a temporary truce.

"We have no plans to let others know." The Dutch woman ended the discussion with this sentence.

The two secretly sneaked into the North City. Except for Jiang, no one was able to detect it. When the decisive battle with the Mustang was over, Jiang insisted on returning to the Dragon King House from the North City. She became the best person to cover up the Dragon King.

Gu Shenwei did not go straight to the Bodhi Garden, but turned to the corner of a small house on the side of the East Side. After a tour with the Dutch woman, he jumped in alone and she stayed outside.

When the lotus girl and Xiaoyuetang disciple were in Longyucheng for a long time, they were very familiar with the situation here, so she immediately remembered who the owner of the house was, and who knew who was poisoning Mengwugongzi.

Meng Yuzun killed more than a dozen servants in vain, and did not expect that the real murderer was his other son.

Meng Ergongzi Ming Forg, who is the most stable lover of the famous Xiao Fengxi, has had little contact with the Dragon King. Gu Shenwei once saw him in Xiao Feng's home, and learned from her mouth that Meng Mingshu is an ambitious man.

Although the ambition is still somewhat obscure, Gu Shen is keenly aware that it only needs to pour a little fire, and it will immediately ignite.

Meng's is another mountain attached to Jinpengbao. To kill it, you must start with its own cracks. Gu Shen is familiar with this.

Meng Mingshu looks handsome, temperament and arrogant four brothers, debauchery five brothers are completely different, sullen and restrained, even when the Dragon King suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, he did not panic, and even roughly guessed the other party's intention.

The negotiation was extremely smooth. No one hides and hides, but is open and honest. Although no specific cooperation plan has been proposed, the two found that they have their own lack of strength and they have a good impression.

A few days ago, Gu Shen came to see Meng Mingshu for the second time. This time, the negotiations were more in-depth and they made their own demands.

Gu Shenwei wants to kill Meng Mingshi, the reason is to give Meng Yuzun a lesson, and at the same time knock on the close relationship between Meng and Shibao.

Dragon King and Da Xueshan can't participate in this incident on the surface, because Meng Mingshi, who is about to marry Shangguanru, is already half a person from Jinpengbao.

The Dragon King needs the assistance of Meng Erzi.

Meng Mingshu wants to kill his eldest brother. The reason is simpler and more direct. He wants to inherit the huge Meng family industry. Since he met with the Dragon King, this ambition has been expanding. He decided to achieve it in desperation.

Meng Mingshu and his eldest brother Meng Mingkuan were the same mother. They only lived for more than a year later, and their abilities were not bad. The family that they could finally get was not as much as one tenth of the eldest brother, which made him feel unfair to his fate.

Similarly, Meng Mingshu can not participate in the murder of the big brother, his father Meng Yuzun is not stupid, the eldest son Ming Kuan is an accidental death, his first suspect is the second son.

Meng's is not a Jinpeng Fort. There is no reward for punishment for brothers.

Therefore, Meng Mingshu also needs the assistance of Dragon King. The Dragon King and the Meng family oppose each other. The eldest brother only died in the hands of the Dragon King, and the father would not doubt him.

The only problem that the two need to pay attention to is that their cooperation cannot be discovered by anyone. Even Xiao Fengxi, Meng Mingshu does not mention anything.

Therefore, the third time I saw the Dragon King, Meng Mingshu was surprised, but immediately resumed calmness. He also had something to ask. "I listened to Feng Wei and said that you intend to establish a second business network in the Western Region, which is comparable to Meng."


"You don't forget the agreement between us." Meng Mingshu is a little anxious. He wants to inherit the complete Mengshi industry, not a name that is illusory.

"When you are in power, you will find it easy to resolve these competitions and your status will be more stable."

Meng Mingshu is dubious. He is more and more vigilant about the Dragon King's means. This man, who is ten years younger than him, is more conscientious than his father. "I hope that this day will come soon, and I hope that the industry of Mengshi will be around. It is still complete."

"You will do what you want." Gu Shen believes that he has firmly grasped the lifeline of the Meng Ergong. "I want to know if there is a trap waiting for me in Bodhi Garden."

Meng Mingshu showed a sarcasm of smile, but it was not the Dragon King, but his father. "Father thinks you will go to Bodhi Garden sooner or later, so I made great efforts to set up a trap and used about a hundred people. I don't know the details, but He said, live to catch the Dragon King, reward one million two, kill the Dragon King, and also enjoy 500,000."

"I am going to Bodhi Garden tonight."

Meng Mingshu felt that even without his reminder, Dragon King would not be deceived. Therefore, when he heard this answer, he did not respond at that time. This is not the scheming dragon king in his impression. "Dragon King went to Bodhi Garden to do it. what?"

Meng Mingshu couldn't help but think of the rumors that he had never thought of. If the Dragon King saw the female color so heavy, he had to reconsider the agreement between the two. He hoped that he relied on a decisive decisive man, not a heavy one. Lightweight hairy kid.

"I have two important helpers who have been caught in Bodhi Garden."

The calm of the Dragon King dispelled some of the doubts of Meng Mingshu. "It's a little risky, but you can try it." He didn't understand the details of the Bodhi Garden trap, only to say the general situation.

Gu Shen left immediately after listening to the meeting, and joined the lotus girl outside the house, and came to Bodhi Garden before the third.

The Dutch woman still didn't ask anything.

On a rockery in the northeast of Bodhi Garden, a woman wearing a black cloak is anxiously waiting for the Dragon King. She is, she sends a note in the evening, and the Dragon King meets here.

"Is it you?" The woman whispered as she saw the figure with two weapons under her waist.

Gu Shen nodded, he appeared alone, the Dutch girl was hiding nearby.

"Ah, Miss said that you will come. She got the news. There is a palace in the garden. The two people are inside. She can easily get it..."

Gu Shenwei's Wufeng knife suddenly came out of the sheath and was placed on the other's neck.

"Dragon King..." The woman’s eyes showed panic.

"You shouldn't call her 'Miss.'" Gu Shen said coldly, he believes that even if he wears women's clothing for more than three years, Shangguan will still not like the title of "Miss", in front of the Four Sangha Blue Mountains. The glimpse of the glory is evidence.

"I..." The woman’s voice shook.

"Where does she live?"

The woman didn't seem to want to answer, until the five-peak knife on her neck strengthened, she pointed to the southwest, "Lianlianzhai. Dragon King, I didn't lie..."

Gu Shen took the knife and the woman fell softly, leaving a small wound on her neck.

Meng Mingshu did not know the specific residence of Shangguanru, but as far as he knows, the traps set by Meng Yuzun are far from the Shangguan. They dare not let her discover a little clue. His famous daughter-in-law is not very obedient.

Sure enough, Meng Yuzun hopes to lead the Dragon King to the underground palace. Shangguanru’s residence, Lilianzhai, is just away from Yuanxin Lake, at the southwest corner of Bodhi Garden.

Gu Shenwei and the Dutch woman withdrew from the Bodhi Garden and took a big circle. They came outside the water lily, lurking on a roof, and peering into the wall.

The night was deep and the courtyard was silent.

Gu Shenwei suddenly did not know what he was doing here. The so-called junior irons have proved to be a scam in Bodhi Garden. He should leave this right.

Once again, the Dutch woman guessed Gu Shenwei’s thoughts and whispered: "If you kill someone's husband, you should always explain it face to face."

(Seeking for advice)

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