Death Sutra

Chapter 317: Reunion

Gu Shenwei did not move, and at the last minute, he was suspicious to persuade him to dispel his thoughts. Even Shangguan Ru, may become a part of the trap.

Three years ago, she was still a child who loved fantasy. After three years of house arrest and falling out of favor, who knows what will make her look like? In front of the Four Sangha Blue Mountains, she rode her head and horses, and her heroic spirits seemed to remain in her heart.

Those who have great ambitions will never be afraid to change their present self.

Gu Shenwei was hesitant on the roof, and there was a sound in the opposite water lily.

A group of black people with knives, at least 50 people, surrounded the house, a group of people, only a dozen steps away from Gu Shenwei and the Dutch woman.

The female body on the rockery was discovered.

After the ambush was completed, several black people rang the door.

Separated too far, the night is deep, Gu Shen and the Dutch woman can not see the situation inside, it seems that some disputes have occurred, and finally, the black man still went in as soon as possible, and soon came out again, the action was rushing, seems to suffer a little lesson.

However, they still confirmed that the Dragon King was not here, and greeted the surrounding companions to evacuate.

It’s already four days, and it’s going to be brighter when I wait.

The Dutch girl whispered, "I will go there and see." Quietly disappeared into the night.

Gu Shenwei jumped to the ground, rushed across the street at a very fast speed, jumped onto the wall of the Sleeping Lotus, and observed it for a while, and found that the light of a room was lit, reflecting a blurred figure.

Another night suddenly appeared in his mind, when it was still midsummer, the flowers floated, and he jumped into the yard, picking up stones under the jellyfish tree and ringing the window of Shangguanru.

A tree was planted in the water lily, and Gu Shen unconsciously came under the tree, picked up a small piece of frozen snow, and gently popped it up and hit the window of the lighted room.

There was no sleepy head in the window to find out, the figure of the figure reflected by the solitary lamp did not move, but the door gently opened a slit, adding a trace of surprise, Gu Shen was awakened from fantasy.

He waited for a while before slowly approaching the door, listening for a while, holding the knife flashing.

Shangguan Ruoqiang sat at the table, the other hand paddling on the table, staring bored at the moving candlelight, the look on his face was both childish and naughty, and the girl’s elegant indifference seemed to Did not notice that there was a man in the room.

Gu Shen is very sorry to regret her decision. Although there is no trap here, there is no scene he imagined and secretly expected, but he always has to say something, "I am coming..."

He doesn't know what to do.

"The little girl of Xiaochu and surnamed Iron are here."

Gu Shen was too surprised to say anything. He thought that it was just a lie to deceive the Dragon King's self-investment. I didn't expect it to happen.

"You will take them away later." Shangguan still doesn't look at him. It seems that there is a big secret in the candlelight that is weak and weak, asking her to keep watching. "They are not familiar with the North City, I am Don't worry about letting them go."

"Thank you." Gu Shen gave a hard time to spit out these two words, and my heart was a lot easier.

"Yeah." Shangguan did not say cold or cold, his eyes did not move, Gu Shen can only see the sparks jumping from the two dark scorpions.

The two had not spoken for a while, and Shangguan did not call the junior iron two. She seemed to be thinking about her own thoughts, and the dragon king who made the Yucheng City feel sorrowful was still no different from the former slaves. It was her confidant. Minions, no special attention is required.

Gu Shen’s anger in his heart gradually rose, raising his head slightly, and said coldly: “Call them out, I will pay you back, but you should not hold too high expectations.”

"Because my surname is Shangguan, is it your enemy?"

"Yes, you are my enemy, not only because of your family name, but also because you sold the two Dapeng birds, they are also my loved ones."

For this sentence, Shangguan seems to be unmoved, but her fingers on the table have stopped, and for a while she said: "I always wanted to apologize to you, and the one who is with you. Only Red Top Dapeng is their child. I also want to apologize to it. I didn’t know how cruel it was to die. The killing of the stamp brought happiness to my father, but it also brought me happiness. These are not the main points. You have the right to take revenge. You can do it now. I promise that no one will come out to stop it."

Gu Shen is holding the handle tightly, but the knife is like the rooted rock. I don’t score. "I won’t kill you today." He said, finally found an excuse for himself, "as you hand over Nanping and Tie Ling’s return."

Shangguan suddenly reversed his gaze. For the first time, he looked at her slaves and the dragon king in the eyes of everyone. He showed his familiar smile. "Is this true you? You used to be acting, are you? Living in the castle of the enemy. In the case, the daughter who serves the enemy must be very uncomfortable."

This is like a blatant provocation. In the face of Shangguanru, Gu Shen gave birth to a real murder in the bottom of my heart for the first time. "I can bear it because I know that there will be a return."

Shangguan’s face was apologetic when she said something wrong. She didn’t understand why she said something that hurts her. Maybe she was worried about her trust when she was young and ignorant. She gave the only chance to trust others in life. Huannu, he turned into a pale, strange man in front of him.

Apologetics are fleeting, she is proud, even if she is forced to get used to women's clothing, even if she has never touched a real knife for more than three years, she is still proud. "This is exactly what I want to say to you, you can Revenge, but your revenge is limited, I will not allow you to kill innocent people, not all people who are surnamed are guilty."

Gu Shen is extremely angry and laughs. Three years of house arrest has probably cured the girl’s temperament for fourteen years. She is also a ten son, and he is a slave to the ear. "I forgot." You have been practicing the Taoist martial arts. I hope that your martial arts have not fallen. When I am dead, I have an opponent."

Hearing the sarcasm of the Dragon King, Shangguan’s eyes showed a trace of grief. It’s hard to say who this grief is for. “I won’t kill, I won’t kill anyone, I’ve tasted the pain of killing, I just hope One day you can understand this truth, not now, your hatred has not been reported, but I don't want you to go too far."

"No one can stop me." Gu Shen unconsciously raised his voice and his face became severe. This is what makes the Da Xueshan swordsmen awe. "The road to revenge is endless, only death can be terminated." all of these."

The man in front of him is both terrible and strange. The Shangguan is hard to believe that he is the same person as Huannu, but the arrogance and ambition of her heart are also motivated. She can’t kill, but she will not bow to any threat, so she stands up. In almost the same blunt tone, "I will prove to you that there is another way in the world."

The two glared at each other, and the red flaming flames pulsed in their eyes, seemingly spurting out at any time.

Shangguan, for the first time, couldn’t help but laugh. This is not a happy slave she knows, but a more interesting figure. For many years, her heart has never been so happy.

Gu Shenwei was annoyed by her unusual behavior. "You don't believe I will kill you?"

This is a stupid question. Gu Shen regrets when she says it. Many years ago, he understood the ridiculous part of the insult, and did not expect to blurt out at the most inappropriate time.

"I believe." Shangguan stopped his laughter, but his face still had a smile, which made her look more like three years ago. "You are the Dragon King, killing people without blinking, I am waiting for you to start. Take your Take them away and tell them, don't mess with the Rock Fortress, I don't remember that we will do this kind of stupid stupidity at this age."

Shangguan is two or three years older than the junior iron, but his voice is like an experienced veteran of the rivers and lakes, and Gu Shen is very clear to remember that she has done a lot of stupid things, many times more than these two The teenager is even more excessive.

Gu Shen shakes the pale and stiff face a few times. It is that he is reluctant to hold back the smile. It looks a bit weird. He quickly adjusts his emotions. "How can Mrs. Meng allow you to take them both down the mountain?"

"Let them both tell you."

There was a footstep outside the door. Before the arrival of the people, Shangguan quickly added a sentence, "Thank you, help me solve a big problem."

Gu Shenwei wants to ask, if Meng Mingshi did not die at the gate of Jinpengbao, what would she do? She can't kill, can she escape?

A maid came in with the South Screen and Tie Ling, and Gu Shenwei could only swallow the words back.

The appearance of the two is very strange. Tie Ling is wearing the dress of the Jinpengbao servant. If the eyeball is green, it is similar to the Shangguan of the younger child. The first south screen is wearing the girl's clothes, and it is very fit. Gu Shen I didn’t recognize it at first sight.

The south-south screen was uneasy and was ashamed of his appearance.

Tie Lingling didn't care. When she saw the Dragon King, she immediately exclaimed, and then lowered her voice. "Dragon King, I know you will come."

Gu Shen wanted to scold two people, but now it is not the time, just order: "Follow me."

Tie Lingling whispered, but when she saw Shangguan, who was sitting at the table, she became surprised and disappointed. "If my sister doesn't go with us?"

"No." Shangguan said with a smile, "This is my home, and I am an enemy with the Dragon King."

"Enemy?" Tie Linglong became more and more surprised. "How is it possible? Dragon King is not coming to you..."

"Go." Gu Shen took the lead to leave the house, followed by the South Screen.

Tie Linglong looked around and hurriedly threw the next sentence, "I will persuade the Dragon King to change his mind" and follow away.

When I jumped out of the wall, Chunan Screen immediately pulled the floral ornament on the head and just threw it away. Tie Ling, who was later caught up, smashed it. "Don't throw it, do you want to leave a clue?"

The Dutch woman did not appear. Gu Shen knew that she was nearby, so she did not specifically look for it. She quickly withdrew from the North City with two people.

The North City is strictly guarded. If Gu Shen is the leader of such a familiar situation, it is really difficult for the Junior Iron and Steel to escape safely.

The three people remained silent along the way, and Tie Ling was anxious to tell the story of her own and the South Screen. Gu Shenwei did not have the mood to listen. When she returned to the Dragon King House, the dawn of the sky was slightly exposed, and the cover of the night was lost. The boundaries of the North and South City were completely revealed. Come out, no one can fly around.

Shangguanru’s words are correct. Gu Shen thinks that they are enemies. He always knows that he is sometimes unwilling to accept.

(Seeking for advice)

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