Death Sutra

Chapter 332: Magic power

"I didn't expect it." The old monk went out of the tent and wrapped his bandages under his ribs. He said it again, "I didn't expect it."

Gu Shenwei’s sense of disgust that could not be said about this monk had no reason, but it was extremely strong, so he took a knife and stared at him without saying a word.

Fa Yan’s eyes are very penetrating, and the essence of the whole body seems to be concentrated in the eyes. Like a kindly elder who is watching the mischievous descendants, “Does Da Xue Shan and Xiao Yue Tang join hands?”

Gu Shen was shocked. Few people knew that the lotus girl had joined Xiaoyuetang. The old monk actually guessed the truth with only one scream.

Fa Yan’s money was transferred from the dragon’s face to the tent, and the screams in it had stopped. “Which is the high moon of Xiaoyuetang?”

The lotus girl walked out of the tent, her face was still not very good, her footsteps were vain, but she could walk after all.

Gu Shenwei was shocked again. Every time he confronted the devil, after the first stage of torture, he couldn’t even get up. He must continue to exercise self-treatment. The lotus girl can move freely so quickly. It is really his own. Expected.

"Is the Master recognized the "high man" of Xiaoyuetang?" The voice of the woman was weak, but she showed obvious vigilance. Like Gu Shenwei, she had an instinctive resentment against the old monk.

Fa Yan was obviously a glimpse. Last night, when the female woman shot her face, she was covered with a very fast speed. The old monk did not see her. She found that the tent was out of a young woman, which was quite inconsistent with his expectations. Is the female donor surnamed Kang or surnamed Han?"

"My surname is Huo." The female girl was originally named Huo Yun. She had few people who knew this surname.

Fa Yan was even more surprised. He shook his head and nodded. "Xiaoyuetang has re-emerged from the rivers and lakes. Has it begun to accept the disciples of the surnames? Forgive the old and ignorant, may I ask the Hantang masters to be good?"

"The cousin is very good, but she did not mention the mage with me."

"Han Tang has always been walking on the rivers and lakes. The old man just heard it, and he couldn't see the real body. She wouldn't know the old name of the old man."

Fa Yan seems to be more and more interested in the Dutch woman, staring at her, even if the ordinary person is also rude, he does not care, "How long has the female donor practiced?"

"The monk knows a lot, but he knows the secret of the door." The woman's wariness is getting heavier and heavier, the footsteps are stable, the voice is calm, and the strength is being prepared to launch an attack.

Fa Yan didn't seem to feel the danger. Instead, he looked up and thought for a while. He said, "There is no Taoist book, Dajue Jianjing, and a big turn of the gods. Three sets of magical powers, I am afraid that no one has been repaired for nearly 100 years. The female donor is young, actually..."

"Magic power?" The Dutch woman sneered, "God kills, magic power kills, what is the god?"

Although the Dutch woman had murdered her machine, she was really jealous of the old monk and spoke on her mouth, but she did not dare to do it easily.

There are many mysteries in Xiaoyuetang. Gu Shenwei is quite familiar with it. In the past three years, I don’t know what kind of tricks the lotus girl has learned. It seems that she can use the "Dead Man Jing" sword method without restriction. Related to this.

Gu Shen’s heart agrees with the woman’s point of view. It is also the martial art of killing. There is no **** and magic. The law is four sangha blue sorghum. It is probably the same as Lianhua and Lianxin brothers. It dreams of eliminating the killing of the world. It will produce pedantic views.

Fa Yan’s hands were mixed, and a few verses were read in the mouth. He looked up and said: “The difference is still there, these three sets of magic...”

The monk suddenly shut up, at the same time, Gu Shen rushed into the tent with the Dutch woman.

The weapons intersected and made a crisp sound. A figure broke through the top of the account and vacated. After landing, it jumped three times and stopped at dozens of steps.

Gu Shen broke the tent with a knife and walked out with the lotus girl. This person can escape under the siege of the two killers, and the martial arts are extraordinary.

Moonlight shines, Gu Shen’s eyes go to Shi Dazhi, who is used by the lotus woman to practice. The strong man can’t see any wounds, but his face is extremely distorted, his eyes are violent, his mouth is so big that it’s incredible, his face is pale. Covered with a layer of frost.

He seems to be scared to death in an icy environment.

Gu Shenwei just glanced at it and immediately looked at the master who sneaked into the tent.

In one body, three long-shoulders, three-footed swords, are the dead people who left alone and secretly returned.

The broken Taoist people escaped in the midst of a thousand miles, and they have a lingering sorrow. The face is ridiculous. "Unfortunately, the three great powers are all in the hands of a little girl. God doesn't have long eyes. Your grandfather can be a little dissatisfied." ”

The female woman was unhealed and could not use the sword, but she was not afraid. She said, "If you are not convinced, come over and take it, defeat me, and the magic will come to you naturally."

Through the previous fight, the broken Taoist has discovered that the Dutch woman’s internal strength has been damaged, but there is also a dragon king around her. The two joined forces. He did not have the confidence to be able to compete, so he turned to Fayan, “The monk, the demon demon is Buddhism is heavy, and now the two devils are standing by, are you watching them like this? You are not going to kill them to get rid of the troubles."

"Amitabha, the devil is born from the heart, and must be removed from the heart. The two donors are not deeply enshrined and can be saved."

The broken singer laughed and the sword swayed in the air. "The monk of good compassion, not thinking of the eternal life, will only shirk responsibility, and the tyranny is so tired that he has to do it."

The words of the broken Taoist people are so saying that the mind has actually made up his mind. If the Dragon King and the Dutch woman are on the same line, he will never take the move.

What makes him happy is that the only one who comes out is the Dutch woman.

The lotus girl looked at Gu Shen as a glance, indicating that she was fine, and took a few steps forward. The sword was hanging under the waist and the hands were empty. "The devil is here, please ask the leader to demon."

The monks in the tent all came out, even the injured Li Qing, also helped the brothers to stand behind the law and watch the battle together.

Fayan whispered his head and seemed to be not interested in the duel on the court.

Gu Shenwei carefully observed and wanted to see how much the martial arts of the lotus girl was repaired.

The sorrowful face of the broken people’s face was not reduced. The long sword slid on the ground and provoked a sand curtain. The sand curtain raised as high as one person, and suddenly attacked the lotus woman as if it were a huge sword.

The broken swords of the broken people kept moving, and the sand curtains flew up and merged into a storm, hitting the target.

The female internal strength of the woman has not yet fully recovered. She does not dare to pick it up. She only uses the light work and flashes in the middle of the sand curtain to avoid it.

The more the flying sands gather, the more the lotuses are surrounded. In contrast, the first knives of Tianshan are the lower level.

The three great magical powers of the broken Taoist people did not immediately make up the success of the ten, but slowly strengthened their strength. They hoped that the power consumption of the female female would be exhausted and she would be born in one fell swoop.

Soon, he will regret his decision.

A large number of robbers in the distance found that there was fighting here, and the torch was slowly approaching.

The Dutch woman suddenly launched a counterattack. Originally, the flat boat floated in the turbulent waves, turning into a sharp sword in a blink of an eye, breaking through the heavy sand curtain and reaching for the enemy.

The broken-line people have been prepared, the reaction is still a little slower, the chest in the middle of the palm, and even more than ten steps back, I feel that this palm is weak and weak, no big problem, a wide heart.

The sand curtain landed, the lotus girl stood in the same place, sweating, it seems that the palm of the hand has exhausted all the power.

The broken-minded man squatted on his chest and smiled: "Why, teasing the grandfather..."

Halfway through the words, the body suddenly fell short, and even involuntarily squatted, then spit foaming, hands on his own body scratching, blushing like blood, actually like crazy to roll around.

The monks who watched the war face each other, and the Fayan scriptures are faster.

Gu Shenwei saw the shadow of the eight absurd fingers in the palm of the lotus girl, but it was so easy to play, the attack was so fast, and it was very different from Xue Niang and others.

The broken people are full of fire and smoldering. When they touch each other, they feel that the sting is extremely incomparable. They are too itchy and unbearable. They have to squat on the ground. Finally, there is still a clear line in the heart, and desperately begged for mercy. "Girl, grandma, forgiveness. Ah, it’s my bastard, I have no eyes, no life, no life!”

The voice became fierce, and it was somewhat similar to the screams before Shi Dazhi died.

The robbers who are approaching are parked in the distance.

In the face of the mourning and forgiveness of the deceased, the woman was indifferent and turned around. Her eyes only stayed on Gu Shen, and there was even a hint of challenge in her eyes.

At this moment, she is not the shadow guard of the Dragon King, but the Xiaoyuetang Royal Master, who is responsible for the three great powers and many strange tricks.

Gu Shenwei raised his head slightly, and he was indifferent to the screams that filled his ears. On the contrary, the witch standing in the moonlight made him involuntarily stunned. He understood that the monk was right, no law. He and the dead are both magical, he and she have been enchanted, and enjoy it.

They are a different kind of person.

When the lotus girl smiles, she knows that this man will be the only person in the world who understands her.

They are the same kind of people.

"Amitabha." A Buddha called the two to wake up.

Perhaps the monks have found that they are irreparable. The two thought of one piece, so they approached each other and stood side by side, facing the twelve monks.

"The bliss needle, the female lord's blessing is not shallow, and even the Hantang master has given him a gift."

The lotus girl interrupted the singer's palm and there was another mystery. She had a pinch of poisoned needle between her two fingers, and stabbed the important acupoints of the target. In fact, there is no similarity with the eight-headed force.

"The monk seems to be very familiar with Xiaoyuetang."

"The old man spent half of his life studying the secrets of Xiaoyuetang. How much do you know? This bliss needle is said to last for seven days and seven nights."


The broken Taoist heard clearly and clearly, and immediately the soul flew away. At this time, the robe had been torn apart, rolling over, while climbing to the lotus girl, still could not stop begging for mercy.

"The female donor does not intend to save him?"

"Why are you going to save?"

Fayan sighed. "The old man is willing to ask the female donor to teach the gods of the moon, how do you know what the female donor is?"

Such a polite challenge, the first time the Dutch woman met, the monk martial arts is good, she has seen it, but she is not afraid, and would like to report the revenge of hatred, "Desperate."

The Dutch woman turned to Gu Shenwei. I don’t know if it was impulsive, or if I had a purpose, I whispered, "I will tell you everything."

(Seeking for advice)

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