Death Sutra

Chapter 333: Shen Gong

This contest is more like a performance by a woman.

She did not dare to use the "Death Man" sword method, but from the first move, it took a lot of tricks, palms, fingers, claws, fists, shoots, pokes, grabs, squats, every move is not old, immediately replaced trick.

There are no novelties in the daughter's tricks. Xiaoyuetang is good at the Qimen sorcerer. In terms of fists and feet, it is even worse than the sacred door that was born. In the seemingly innocent movement of the lotus girl, all the needles are hidden. Items such as medicines sometimes emit extremely subtle hidden objects, as if they are tricking.

On the contrary, there was only one trick for Fajan's response to turn over and over: the fist was hit straight and there was no change.

The old monk is thin and thin, and his fist is not much bigger than the child. It seems that there is not much power, and the punch is not quick, but the boxing is effective, and it is hard to get close to the woman.

The Dutch woman is the killer. In this face-to-face competition, the internal strength is only restored to 30% to 40%. Under the strong force of the other party, it can only step back.

After a dozen strokes, she has been separated from the monk by seven or eight steps. Unless she draws a sword, there is no way to hurt the monk.

Gu Shen is faintly aware of the tricks of Fa Yan. Like the lotus leaf, the old monk uses the air to spread the air. Although the fist does not touch the target, the internal strength has already spread to the other party.

Gu Shen was busy with her hands and was ready to hold the handle. He was waiting for the woman to give a hint. The two had already set a plan in the eyes of each other before the war. The woman led the law to Gu Shenwei’s attack. Within the scope, he will choose the opportunity to attack.

However, the Dutch woman seems to be involuntarily unable to retreat in one direction, which leads to the extension of the law and the distance from Gu Shen.

The lotus girl suddenly stopped her hand and squatted on one leg. "The mage is awesome, and the little girl is willing to admit defeat."

Gu Shen's finger movements, he is more than ten steps away from Fa Yan, not the best distance, but he has not much choice, either now, or like the lotus girl, face-to-face with the old monk.

Several monks leaned forward, Gu Shen gave up the offensive plan, the other side was defensive, and he did not have a chance to succeed.

Then, he accidentally discovered that the Dutch woman actually accepted her defeat.

“Does the female donor feel better?”

"Mage compassion, I have recovered six or seven."

As soon as this statement came out, the monks who watched the war were surprised. Gu Shenwei was even more shocked. The lotus girl relied on the medicinal herbs and the gods to reinvigorate. She barely ended the fire, and the internal strength was greatly damaged. Why did she fight with the old monk, instead Recovery faster?

"The old man has a ruthless request."

The Dutch woman knew the meaning of Fa Yan, stood up, and walked to the front of the broken-line person who had scratched herself all over her body. She took out a pill and "opened her mouth."

The broken man was very itchy, and opened his mouth slyly, letting the lotus girl pounce the pill into it.

Gu Shenwei noticed that the pill seemed to be green, exactly the same as the coagulation brain.

The effect is extremely fast, and the itchiness of the broken people is gradually disappearing, but the whole body is exhausted, lying on the ground and whispering.

It is against the intention of the woman to save the broken Taoist. She said to the monk: "This person is a solitary thief, burning and killing swindlers, no evil, no reason, why should the Master put him a way of life?"

Fa Yan smiled, the lotus girl understood what he meant, she was the murderous devil, and the monk even let her go, not to mention a lone thief.

"There are no wicked people in the world."

The old monk only came out for a while, the lotus girl did not say anything, Gu Shen was on the side but could not help but snorted. "If there are no evil people, who made those evil things? Is it okay?" ?"

This is a strange dialogue. The "wicked people" in the eyes of ordinary people are the dragon king and the lotus girl, the "good person" is the law, and the "bad" is the latter.

Fa Yan gently shook his head. "No one is damn. There are always countless evils in this world. People who are evil often have good thoughts. You may think that the people who rob you may use this money to support their mothers. The disciples may even talk about the brotherly righteousness, and the generals who have lost their battles are trying to end the war as soon as possible."

The old monk paused for a moment and continued to say, "The people who do not forget the deep hatred must have great love, and love and hate, that is, to raise evil with good. The world does evil for good, no one does evil for evil. Everyone There is a kindness, occasionally for the magical thoughts, deliberately misinterpreting the good way, only to do those evil things, so the Dharma has a cloud 'put down the knife to become a Buddha'."

Gu Shen knows where his dislike of Fa Yan came from. When you are forcing yourself to do something that is contrary to your intentions, you are standing with an insider, like a mirror, although without intervention, How can you not be angered by the mirror when you are ugly and dirty?

"All the same." Gu Shen exposed the blue veins on her face, and the anger in her heart was on the verge of losing control. "The person who should not die is still dead, and the person who kills still has to kill."

He glanced at the lotus girl and the anger in his heart disappeared immediately.

The expression of the female woman is so calm, it seems to accept the old monk's statement, and it seems to be indifferent. Gu Shen found herself falling into the trap. Unnecessary anger is another way to admit defeat. He can't follow the idea of ​​law. Go on.

"The monk said very well that the boy is rude." Gu Shen sincerely apologized for the tone. "The Master said that the mystery is profound, and he will not be able to enlighten him at the next time.

Fa Yan bowed his eyes and accepted the apologize of the Dragon King. He understood that he could not let the two devils change their minds in a few words.

Over there, the broken man has returned to normal, his clothes are silky, not complete, his hair is scattered, unlike the Taoist, it is like a madness.

His eyes were full of anger, and the left ear of Fa Yan Nao’s words went out to the right ear. He didn’t care. He shouted out to the depths of the desert and shouted: “We will have a period!”

The Dutch girl whispered, "very fast."

She and Gu Shenwei are against the old monk and the snake, and the younger brother Li Qing, who is standing behind the law, is deeply touched. "Master, I am thinking of the brothers, it is good. If you want to kill the dragon, it is evil. Good is like this." Evil."

The law extended the hand to the top of the apprentice, and said nothing.

Lian Qing was both confused and confused. He wanted to put down the butcher's knife. However, when he saw the dragon king standing on one side, his heart was angry but unable to contain it. He finally snorted and threw himself down. "The disciple is incompetent, and he can't understand it. Please ask Master to punish."

Fayan sighed. "Since you can move around, let's continue on our way."

Lian Qing understood Master's meaning and did not want him to be more irritated. He stood up and nodded silently. He first entered the tent, took up his heavy bag, and took the lead to the south. He no longer looked back.

The monks moved very fast and quickly removed the two tents and stalked them.

Fa Yan walked in the end and gave a deep ceremony. "Please ask the two to look at the old man's face and try to minimize the injury."

In the eyes of the old monk, more than a hundred robbers outside the miles are not comparable to the two young people in front of them.

Gu Shenwei did not say anything, and the Dutch woman said that she was, when the monk would not leave, he asked: "Is the wizard just doing what he wants?"

"The gods can't be called, and its name is indeed 'the must-have mustard.'"

The old monk said that he looked at the two people with deep thoughts and walked behind the disciples, gradually disappearing into the night.

"The monk's internal strength is very good for both you and me. I saw a description of the mustard in the book of Xiaoyuetang. I didn't expect it to have such a great benefit to the insignificant power."

When the public went far, the Dutch woman explained to Gu Shenwei. When she was in a fight with Fayan, she felt a warm breath to enter Dantian every time she took the punch of a monk. The coldness of the cold, the end of the contest, she not only did not suffer, but recovered more.

Gu Shenwei understood the intent of the woman, she was interested in the monk's magical powers. In fact, he did not, "Be careful." He reminded, "Don't take the monk's traitor, and get a copy of the book. ""."

"Discontinuity" is a scripture invented by Lianxin Master. It can remove the killing heart. The lotus heart is the apprentice of the law. This group has a common characteristic. It is a nosy, and likes to accept the "wicked" as a disciple. Tigers, lotus leaves, and lotus green were all thieves. Gu Shen had to be wary of the purpose of Fa Yan.

"There is always a way to get real magical power." The Dutch woman has made up her mind that she has just experienced the pain of getting rid of the fire, and the method of cracking is more focused than Gu Shen.

"Your fascination is also good, and it recovers very quickly." Gu Shen took the opportunity, the Dutch woman said that she would tell him everything, and it might not be long before she would change her mind.

"I stole "The Book of Nothing" and made great contributions. The church master passed this set of exercises to me. It allows me to quickly restore my skill. As long as there are living people around me, I will write it out when I leave the desert. Give you."

The eyes of the lotus girl are sincere. Gu Shenwei was originally because she believed in her too much, and she would practice the insignificant power without warning. It led to a fire, so he said "good" and there was no other indication.

The two packed their bags and prepared to ride out of the encirclement and greet a sin. The bandits would not be a monk, but they would not let them go.

A figure ran over and squatted on the ground from the distance. "Xian Gu spares! Immortal save me!"

It was a broken man with a negligent clothes. He didn’t run far, and he felt that the internal interest was not right. He sat on the ground for a week and immediately stunned. He knew that he was in a panic or was in the middle of his opponent’s sin. He hesitated and ran back. beg for mercy.

The lotus woman sits on the horse's back, and there is a dim sum that hurts the coagulation brain. If it is not for the old monk, she will never waste such a rare **** in the broken Taoist.

"I am the Dragon King Guard, what are you asking me for?"

The broken Taoist man wakes up and walks to the front of the dragon king. "Dragon King, let me join the Snowy Mountain. The broken Taoist will give you a running dog and drive with you."

The broken sinner is also a famous lone thief. He ate a pill and was so whispered. Gu Shen was more vigilant about the sorcerer of Xiaoyuetang. "If you want to join the snowy mountain, let me tell you the truth. You come to kill me. What benefits does Jinpengbao give you?"

"Jinpengbao?" The broken Taoist man raised his head and showed a surprised expression. "I have not heard of anyone from Jinpengbao who participated in the dragon slaughter... This is the case that He Sancai took everyone together and said that he had obtained the "Stealing King." After the title, he will be publicly recognized by a certain party. He did not disclose the details, but we all feel privately that this party is not the Central Plains or the North Court."

Gu Shen knows which one.

(Seeking for advice)

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