Death Sutra

Chapter 344: princess

The princess personally chose and attracted many people. Even the princes and sons who did not hope to get the favor, they tried every means to squeeze into the palace and want to see the princess.

Since everyone thinks this is a ritual without suspense, everyone’s attention has been transferred to the princess for the first time.

Princess Shi Guo was just sixteen years old. When she went to Saitama City with her family, she was still a baby in the middle of the country. She didn’t have any impression of her motherland. But her two brothers and nurses were proud to tell her almost every day: "You are a princess, later To marry the king."

After years of being immersed in this, the princess is very proud of her identity. Even if she witnessed the dying of the old lady who was in exile in the next door, no one was buried. A group of rude swordsmen who did not touch the royal family’s bloodline surrounded the prince’s house. She also I believe that one day, I will marry the real king.

Returning to the old country, she was more excited than the second brother who was on the throne. Therefore, soon after, she was more disappointed than her second brother.

It turns out that when the princess means losing his freedom, he becomes a bird in the cage and becomes a rare commodity that is waiting for the price.

On the way back to the country, Yan Xiang Yang Bao officially informed the princess, "When the grandmother grows up, he will marry the younger brother of Yang. I will personally choose the most suitable Hummer for the princess."

The princess in her teens is puzzled, what about the king? Don't you want to marry the real king? How could it be assigned to the son of the minister? At that time, she did not understand the complexity of power, and she even asked questions directly to the prime minister.

She always remembers that the old man laughed arrogantly and did not put her princess in her eyes. "There are only a dozen kings in the Western Region, but there are hundreds of princesses. You think they will marry the King." Haha, little girl, you will know soon, marrying the younger brother of Yang, you are climbing."

Prime Minister Yang Bao said yes, she soon learned that the king and the princess are the delicious prey of Yang’s giant online, which is not dead but just to ensure the freshness of the food.

She didn't even have the chance to see her people in the country. From the boring carriage, she turned directly into a small, cold and cold house. She couldn't walk out in one step. Even when she saw Wang Xiong, she had to pass the approval of the prime minister.

She gradually realized that her sole responsibility was to give Yang the son who could inherit the throne after growing up.

It was from that time that she began to hate the princess for the title of luck.

Next, the storm began, she sat in the squatting room, staring at the cold, waiting for the wind and rain to swallow herself in an indifferent and detached attitude.

First, Kang Guo, threatened by force, implied that the princess is not the prince of the country. At that time, Yang Bao, who was still able to succumb to the snake, used a slippery wrist to block the competitors who were inserted in the country.

Next is Meng's, holding a thick piece of evidence, the price of the princess, "debt free, there are one million two dowry, Meng's son, the princess picks."

Yang Bao began to show the weak bottom. Yang, who used to cover the sky in Shiguo, faced with the stewardship of the richest man in the Western Region. He would also sweat and be able to perfuse with a pile of lies.

The threat of Meng’s is only a short episode, or an introduction, followed by Jinpengbao. The Shangguan’s family has neither the blood of the Kang’s son nor the wealth of Meng’s, and it’s in front of the prime minister’s Yang Bao. It is a killer and secret that cannot be rejected.

The king colluded with the scorpion to kill the secret of the great prince.

No one spoke to the princess about these things, but she had countless solitude time. Every scene of Saitama City repeatedly flashed in her mind many times. Before the Shangguan’s suitor came to the door, she already understood the death of her eldest brother. .

The old-fashioned slick scorpion Yang Bao is also hooked up. The assassination he made in the eyes of Jinpengbao is tantamount to the tricks of the children, leaving countless flaws and loopholes, even after many years, it is enough to prove behind the scenes. Who is the commander?

The princess looked at the eagerness of the prime minister, and did not care who he was going to marry. Since the princess's name can be illusory and false, who can guarantee the authenticity of those kings? Perhaps the son of the One Step King is more powerful and can protect her.

Then, the name of the Dragon King suddenly appeared.

The princess has never heard of the title of "the head of the dragon, the king of the five peaks", and I feel that it is ridiculous, and even worse than the "one-step king" sounds like a real king.

Gradually, the rumors about the Dragon King entered the princess's ear a little bit, the Dapeng bird that swallowed the eyeball, the murderous countless demon king, the tens of thousands of rude and barbaric Daxueshan swordsmen, and the Avengers who were incompatible with Jinpengbao. A princess who does not hold any hope, prays in front of the Buddha statue in fear, not letting himself marry the wicked.

The Buddha must have heard the princess's prayer, but did not obey her wishes. Instead, she pushed the Dragon King step by step to her.

The dragon king, who had no hope, actually reversed Qiankun on the last day and won half of the votes. This is the result of the princess’s unexpected thoughts, and she is even more afraid of this man.

For the first time in his life, the princess accepted the command of the prime minister with willingness. "The right to choose is now in the hands of His Royal Highness. I don't need to say more. The princess should understand that choosing Jinpengbao's nine masters is the most favorable decision for Shiguo. ”

She does not care about the interests of Shi Guo, but she is busy and nodded, as long as she does not marry the Dragon King with a terrible bird, she is willing to choose who.

A mysterious woman broke the mood she had just settled down.

The woman was sent by the king's guard. He claimed to be Xu Yanwei, especially speaking, and soon gained the trust of the princess until she took out a secret letter when she was no one.

The letter was written by Wang Xiong personally. There are only three short words, "Select Dragon King."

"But the prime minister..." The princess's heart will be broken. I don't understand when this violent storm will end.

"Dragon King is a good person." With a keen instinct, Xu Yanwei felt the fear in the princess's heart, so he said the Dragon King's past one by one. Of course, she knew what to say and what should not be said.

"Dragon King... is that what you said?" The princess was confused. The Dragon King was like a vague, multifaceted god, constantly spinning, showing the opposite face.

"Dragon King is a good person." Xu Yanwei nodded solemnly, beginning with this sentence, and ending with this sentence. Then, she would like to talk about the nine masters of Jinpengbao.

For Shangguanfei, Xu Yanwei is clear and clear, more than the understanding of the Dragon King. "He is a sinister, timid like a mouse, you will know when you see him, his eyes are not normal, and, There is a bad leg, even if it is not important, you should also know that he... likes men."

The princess didn't understand the last sentence. After Xu Yan's explanation was broken, she couldn't believe her ears. "How is this possible?"

"Ah, pure His Royal Highness." Xu Yanwei slammed the princess's shoulder and envied her from the bottom of her heart. "This world is far more complicated and dirty than you think, because I saw more hypocritical men. I will know that Dragon King is a good person."

The princess was dubious, and the Dragon King had already become a nightmare in her heart. It was not a few words that could be easily dispelled. "That big bird, eat it... Is it a lie?"

Xu Yan is a little embarrassed, regretting that he did not come to see the princess earlier. This secluded girl is too rich in imagination and has shaped the dragon king into a mythical demon. "Oh, it is true, but it has already flown away, for a long time. Appeared."

The princess trembled, tears swirled in her eyes, but she resisted, saying with a resolute and decisive attitude: "Well, as long as you can keep your brother's throne, he can let me marry anyone."

Xu Yanwei is very susceptible to infection and tears fall down. "This is fate. God always uses men to punish women."

The only thing that delighted the princess was that she could humiliate her in the face of everyone and retaliate against the captivity of these years.

But she can't help but think, if there is still a choice, why did God arrange such a narrow road for her, and it is so difficult to turn her fingers?

Therefore, when the assassin appeared, she only flashed a moment of fear in her heart. Then, the boulder that had been pressed in my heart for many years smashed, and the princess even smiled and greeted the knife that came to the chest.


At noon, the palace of the palace was crowded with people. Many men who were not qualified to propose marriages also came in through various channels. It is said that this will be the first appearance of Princess Shi Guo, and probably the last time.

There was a little dispute in the hall, and several people who voted for the Dragon King were surrounded by the Prince Loulan and asked for a good reward in advance.

The Loulan prince who gave up the hot potato was very awake at this time. He whispered, "You have to ask the dragon king for money, the ticket is for him, right? What does it have to do with me?"

"But..." But no one dared to find the Dragon King. "No, it was the promise you made. On the last day, you also let us switch to the Dragon King. We naturally want to find you. Do you want to lie to the Dragon King? Not?"

Prince Loulan began to ooze sweat on his forehead, and cursed the Central Plains envoy in his heart. It was because Lin Biao fled to escape that he would bring him so much trouble.

On the other side of the hall, Shangguan Fei whispered a conversation with the special envoy of the North Court, then stood up and squeezed through the crowd to come to the Dragon King.

In the crowded council, there is no one near the Dragon King.

"Just wait for the princess to announce the result." Shangguanfei showed a tacit smile. He once promised to the Dragon King that he was unintentionally inherited the stone king while becoming a Hummer.

Gu Shenwei nodded slightly, and her heart was bright. Shangguan Fei gave him a false promise. In the Chamber of Deputies, there were several mixed Jinpeng killers. Gu Shen could smell their taste even if he closed his eyes.

The only thing that Gu Shen is unclear is whether these killers want to protect Shangguanfei, or kill him, and then plant it for the Dragon King.

(Seeking for advice)

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