Death Sutra

Chapter 345: Palace change

At noon, the meeting room was quiet, everyone was holding their breath, looking at the corner door in the hall, the princess should come out from here.

Come out, it’s really beautiful, but... it’s not quite right, she’s not like a sixteen-year-old girl.

"Ah, it's you!" Shangguanfei called out, then closed his mouth and looked at the Dragon King in a panic.

Xu Yanwei bowed his head and looked very shy in front of many of the men. After a while, he said, "The princess under the palace is so cold, can't get out of bed, can't..."

There was a lot in the Chamber of Deputies. Everyone came to see the princess. I didn’t expect it to be a ring.

Yan Xiang Yang Bao was even puzzled. He rushed to the front of the unknown, and whispered coldly and asked: "What happened?"

Yang has always played with the king and the princess in the palm of his hand. He has never encountered fierce resistance. In the past two years, he has relaxed his vigilance. He did not expect to make a mistake at the most critical moment.

"The Princess is really sick, she asked me to announce the result." Xu Yanwei also whispered.

Yang Bao’s face turned a little better, and he was behind him. He couldn’t ask too much. He could only look at the ring with a harsh look. “Then you will tell the princess’s true will, Jinpengbao’s nine masters and the dragon king. She chooses which one to be a Hummer."

The crowd calmed down again, and the princess couldn’t see it. At least, I knew who was the Hummer. More than half of the people’s eyes were cast on the official flight.

Shangguanfei is not like a man who wants to be a Hummer. He is timid and bowed his head. Like a teenager in the country who has never seen the world, even the special envoy of the North Court can’t help but frown, thinking that the table of the nine masters is actually there. Damage to the face of the official.

"His Royal Highness has made a decision." Xu Yanwei raised his voice slightly. Nine Masters and Dragon King are rare men in the world. They can get two favors. The Royal Highness Princess is deeply glorified and hard to choose..."

Kang’s son was anxious and shouted: “First talk about the results, then talk nonsense.”

"Hey, the Princess of the Princess thought about it, or decided - choose Dragon King as a horse."

The Chamber was quiet, and the result was the opposite of what they had heard beforehand. Everyone was quickly calculating the possible causes and consequences of the incident.

"This is impossible!"

Prime Minister Yang Bao shouted, his voice floating on the top of everyone's head, and many people looked at him with compassion.

Yang Bao’s face was white, and he hurriedly defended his gaffe. “Dragon King, don’t misunderstand, I mean... How can the princess get sick? And...what are you? I don’t seem to have seen you. ”

"I am the ring of the princess of the princess. If you don't believe in the prime minister, you can go and ask her now."

It must have been an accident. Yang Bao’s mind was mixed up in a mess. He was usually slick and slick, and now he can’t say a scene, and he can’t care how rude his behavior is, rushing out from the corner door.

At the door, he remembered to make an explanation for Shangguanfei, so he turned around and looked for the Jinpengbao nine young masters who should be furious at this time.

Shangguanfei disappeared. As soon as the results were announced, he squeezed out the crowd and left the main entrance.

"This, this..." The special envoy of the North Court stunned for a while, then shouted loudly. "There is a swindle, let the princess come out, and the North Court will never accept this result."

Gu Shenwei is indifferent to this news. He has been monitoring the seven Jinpeng killers in the crowd.

The killers apparently did not expect this situation to occur. Four of them followed Shangguanfei and the other three hesitated. After waiting for a while, they also withdrew. No one was close to the Dragon King.

The first four people were to protect Shangguanfei, and the three who followed were the assassins who assassinated Shangguanfei.

Originally, the Dragon King failed to compete with the Hummer and killed the Nine Majors in a rage. This is the most reasonable evidence of the planting, but the Dragon King unexpectedly won the Princess Heart and suddenly lost the reason for the killing. The three assassins did not Hands-on.

Everyone stared at the Dragon King. Suddenly, they remembered the important things in their homes. They rushed to the hall and rushed to the front of the hall. It seems that those who fall behind will have life and worry.

When there were only two people left, Gu Shen asked: "How come you are out?"

"The princess really can't get out of bed, it's not a cold, because there was an assassin last night, but she was fine, just scared."

"Assassin!" Gu Shen screamed in surprise.

"Hey, Dragon King will soon know the specific process, I have to go first."

Gu Shenwei also left the Chamber of Deputies. He still has a lot of things to do. The real murderer who traced the assassination of the princess was temporarily in a secondary position.

At noon, dozens of guards appeared at the gate of the palace, all with knives. The strange thing is that the guards did not recognize them.

The large group of people who came to see the princess rushed out of the palace gate and ran around. Many people noticed these dozens of fierce guards, thinking that the big things were not good and they ran faster.

A personal bodyguard of the king appeared at the gate of the palace and loudly announced the imperial purpose. "There is a purpose for the majesty, and the horse is admitted to the palace, and the new guards are admitted to the palace."

The ten soldiers who guarded the door were frightened. Since the king’s accession to the throne, they have heard his decree for the first time. The things inside and outside the palace have always been the masters.

A goalkeeper soldier boldly asked: "Where is the holy aim? Where is the seal?"

The personal guard said with a sigh: "Do you dare not follow it?"

Dozens of strange bodyguards pulled out the knife together and things were solved.

Gu Shenwei just came out and nodded to the personal bodyguard, so he was led by the personal bodyguard and dressed up as a guard, He Sancai and others, surrounded by the Dragon King and walked inside the palace.

Along the way, they only encountered very slight resistance. After the two guards died under the chaos, no one came out to block them. The guards dropped their weapons. The eunuchs and the ladies were giving way and making a sound.

They know that Shi Guo once again had a court coup, and by convention, no one was anxious to express his position until he saw the final result.

The king waited anxiously for the arrival of the Dragon King. There was only one palace guard appointed by the Dragon King. He felt very unreliable about the female guard named Guan.

Seeing the Dragon King led a group of rude and fierce guards coming in, the king's hanging heart finally put down.

“Is everything safe?”

"You can see the results immediately."

The words of the Dragon King will soon be fulfilled.

The first person to be brought in was the prime minister, Yang Bao. In the hands of the lotus girl, he was like a newborn baby. He had no resistance. When he saw the king, Yang Bao gave birth to some enthusiasm. "Your Majesty, all are chaotic." , this, what the **** is going on? Princess... Dragon King..."

"Yangdou, can you know sin?" In the dream, this sentence has spit out from the king's mouth countless times, but when it really forms a language with real voice, the king still feels excited, he hopes this It has been a long time.

"I don't know sin." Yang Bao's face suddenly reddened. He was the master of Shi Guo, and the pre-existing king in front of him was just a shackle in Yang's hands.

"Collecting foreign enemies, forcing the king to abdicate, Yangdou, what you committed is the sin of annihilating the nine races." The king stood on the steps, and every time he spoke a word, he felt that there was a fresh breath coming into the body, and the stubborn disease seemed to sweep away. air.

Yang Bao was speechless and suddenly turned to the Dragon King. "It's all you, the conspiracy you set, kneel down, don't believe him, he... he wants to kill the royal family!"

The Dragon King snorted softly, and the guards dressed by dozens of robbers pulled out the bright single knife again, and the yard was filled with chilling gas immediately.

The king’s heart trembled slightly, but he quickly regained his calmness. “Save the time and effort, Yang Bao, blame yourself, you push me to the dead, so I have no other choice.”

Under the deterrent of many swords, Yang Bao slowly fell to the ground. He did not understand how the Dragon King approached the king.

More and more people admit that the king is the winner of this palace coup, running to loyalty to his Majesty, and several eunuchs sent Yu Yu, a symbol of power that the king has not touched since he was enthroned.

Most of the court guards confessed to the king and confessed their sins. There were also a dozen people who fled. They were the knives sent by Jinpengbao. When they heard that the dragon king was guarding the king, they immediately rushed out of the city and went to the nine masters.

Ministers other than Yang also came, and many people burst into tears. They were the first to see their king.

Gu Shen was at the same time as the robbers who had been placed in the city and the outside of the city. The Yang family was almost completely wiped out and sent to the palace.

When he saw that even the youngest grandson was also arrested, Yang Bao completely collapsed and asked the king for forgiveness.

Seeing that the general trend has been fixed, the king can already grasp the situation by himself. Gu Shen left half of the people and left with the other half. He gave the people of Jinpengbao the opportunity to escape from the stone country, but if they refused to admit defeat, he also Not afraid of war.

The residents of the city were still calm, and the family closed their doors. The king’s commander held the king’s flag and announced Yang’s guilt and martial law.

The station outside the city is another scene. The special envoy of the North Court and Shangguanfei hid in the nearby Jinpengbao camp. The princes of the countries returned to another camp with their entourage, indicating that they were not biased and did not intervene. There are only more than 20 Daxueshan swordsmen in the house, and Lin Hill leads them to wait.

The Jinpengbao people did not escape, nor did they launch an attack. The surface looked as usual.

Gu Shenwei observed a meeting in the camp of Jinpengbao, ordered Lin Hill and others to enter the city, and sent people to invite people from various countries to watch.

Most of the princes and the chiefs of the tribes are willing to enter the city. They remember the gold preserved in the palace. If possible, they hope to get back the gold that fell in the wooden bucket than the rich.

Until the evening, Gu Shenwei wanted to see the princess as a thorn, that is, at this time, Guan Shang sent an assassin.

"If it wasn't for my sister, I would definitely kill her." Tie Ling, who lost her weapon, was not angry. Xu Yanwei prevented her from assassinating the princess. Guan Shang took her to life and calculated the assassination plan for many days. Failed.

(Seeking for advice)

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