Death Sutra

Chapter 354: Magic sound

The old man is really an old man. The bare skin is covered with layers of folds. Only the forehead is as smooth as a baby, which makes his appearance look strange.

Gu Shenwei's sword stabbed into the body of He Sancai, and the body was used as a shield by the old man.

The lotus girl rises to the sky, she is covered in a dark yellow cloak, hidden on the sand, this sword makes full effort.

The old man expected that there would be an ambush at the foot, and he did not hide. He accepted the attack with his body.

The long sword of the lotus woman stabbed the enemy's heart, and the blade was bent into a very obvious arc, but one inch did not advance. The master of the old man, even wearing a close-fitting body.

The three people hanging in the air are just a moment of things, but they have all done their best.

Shangguan was only one step late, jumping high above the three, and the wooden knife smashed to the enemy's forehead.

She has been practicing the magic of nowhere, even if it is a wooden knife, she has a strong attack power in her hands.

But this knife is too hesitant.

When the three people collapsed tightly, the old man couldn’t escape the attack of Shangguanru, but he was hesitant when he was suspicious. When he felt that the wooden knife could kill, the first man’s internal interest was finished. The internal interest is generated, and by the strength of Gu and the Dutch, they slammed into the sky, and the stones thrown out by the ripper were constantly rolling, just behind the wild horse.

"Haha, the three little dolls are good at martial arts. It must be very enjoyable to kill. Prepare the sword and go tonight."

The wild horse turned to the horse's head and disappeared into the last night.

Gu Shenwei and the Dutch women landed, almost at the same time a sword stabbed to the other side, the two swords hit together, "Happy" word swords no enemy but the first sword, a slamming into two.

Shangguan’s landing, seeing this scene, did not respond, Shangguanfei did not see it clearly, “You, you two...”

"Nothing." The Dutch woman picked up the broken sword on the ground, looked at it for a while, and took it back into the sheath. She had another "Yun" sword available.

Gu Shenwei and the Dutch woman almost "have something", the last bullet of the wooden old man absorbed most of the two people's strength, and a little left in the sword, must be immediately vented, otherwise, it may lead to counterattack.

"Everyone blames me, the shot is too late." Shangguan admits mistakes, but for her, this is no way, no matter how hot the old man is, it is also a living person, she just can't die. .

"It doesn't matter. At least we know the bottom of the old man. The five people can join hands and kill him." Gu Shen will not blame Shangguan on this matter. No one knows her situation better than him.

“Five people join hands?” Shang Guanhong got up from the ground and asked in a confused way, “I can't help anything.”

"Everyone has a use." Gu Shenwei finished the game, in fact, I really doubt that Shangguanhong can not live the next night.

It was dawn, five people, seven horses, and continued to walk on the dividing line between the Gobi and the desert.

On this day, they did not drive the horses, but they believed that the horses were slowly moving forward. These horses were exhausted and they ran all the way, only to stay for a few days.

Shangguanhong was in the middle of the team, but he didn't feel relieved, and kept looking around, so he was the first person to find behind him. "Look, the wild horse is still following us."

Sure enough, there is a small black spot in the distance that keeps the same speed as the five.

"They are waiting for the dark." Shangguan Feiyin said, was abandoned by his father, did not follow the waiter, was hunted by the geeks, which made him full of grievances, "Who is this turn this evening?"

Shangguanhong almost fell off the horse. "The dragon king said... Five people can join the old man."

"Hey." Shangguan Fei sneered, seemingly mocking the stupidity of Shangguan.

The team marched silently. When the sun was the most sinister at noon, the grievances in Shangguanfei finally broke out. "I said, the goal of the old man is the Dragon King and the Great Sword, what do you have to do with the couple?"

"Don't talk nonsense." Shangguan Hong is anxious to please the Dragon King, the first export rebuttal, "Without the protection of the Dragon King, you have already died."

"It's better to die early, so as not to suffer from this kind of living crime. Do you want your heart to be alive?"

Shangguanhong would like to continue to please the Dragon King, but his face muscles are stiff and he can't speak.

Gu Shenwei did not pay attention to Shangguanfei’s complaints.

In the afternoon, the five people speeded up and once the wild horses disappeared, but on the edge of the flat desert, walking on the only route, it is impossible to hide the trails and hide.

The Mustang quickly caught up and still maintained the distance.

"What are they doing in the end? You have to do it at night." Shangguan Hong frequently turned around and saw the sun setting, and his heart became more and more uneasy.

No one answered his question, only Shangguanfei whispered how unfortunate he was.

In the evening, the five people accelerated again, and they continued to run until the second day.

Gu Shenwei jumped off the horse and faced the three people of Shangguanjia. "Well, let's get rid of it."

Shangguan’s faceless expression, Shangguanfei’s gaze, and Shangguan Hong’s surprise, “This, Dragon King, I believe in you, let Shangguan fly alone.”

"I can't give you the energy to protect you. You don't use it to me. It's still good to separate. Go out of the desert, let's meet again."

The three people of Shangguan’s family, one who did not kill the heart, one who was courageous, and one who had poor martial arts, did not use much.

In the darkness, there was a voice that was both sinister and fascinating. "The little dolls are scattered, and they are separated and separated."

"I want to be with the Dragon King." Shangguan Fei was a spirit, and immediately stated, "I can come in handy, the Dragon King said."

Gu Shenwei did not take another three people to go, but ordered everyone to rest for half an hour.

The old man seems to be a bit over-excited, and he keeps talking. He refuses to show up, and his voice suddenly turns to the west. No one can tell where he is hiding.

The wild horse is still like a doll, riding on the horse, away from five people, looming in the moonlight night.

The old man is telling his own history of murder, one by one, and the details are rich. It seems that he has a booklet that records these things, especially the sound is uncertain. One person is decorated with horns, one will be fierce, one will plead, one It will simulate the sound of the broken bones of the knife, and it will be even more creepy with the whistling wind.

The voice of the old man is more and more strange, and there is no one sentence that can be finished in a fixed tone. It seems like a group of drummers with poor skills. They are unscrupulously knocking on the five eardrums. Shangguanhong can’t stand it first and squats with his ears. Get up and shout, "Don't talk, shut up!"

The twins’ faces are also a bit blue.

"The internal resistance is resistant." The Dutch woman said that she already understood what the old man was doing. "Don't stuff your ears, it's useless."

"Hey? The little girl knows the odds of the old man?" When the old man heard the words of the woman, the tone was very unexpected.

"Seven turns of magic sound, nothing great." The woman returned, she usually whispered, and occasionally the opening is also plain, then it seems to have changed a person, a total of ten words, but also ups and downs, faint Showing a certain rhythm, the effect is just the opposite of the old man, it is refreshing.

The Dutch girl indicated that everyone was on the horse and she was at the end.

"It turns out that you are a disciple of Xiaoyuetang. It is very good." Mu Laotou immediately guessed the identity of the lotus girl.

"It turns out that you are a little abducted by Xiaoyuetang. It is very bad." The female singer said, because she is also playing seven turns of magic, this set of exercises is itself one of Xiaoyuetang.

This is a strange competition. The two of you asked me to answer, the words are plain and unpredictable, but the tone is how weird and weird. They seem to be challenging the limits of human voice, as a weapon, you come and go.

As a listener, other people can be uncomfortable. When the heart beats like a drum, the blood is rushing, and the blood is cold and ice-cold. Fortunately, the voice of the woman is just the opposite of the old man. It plays a balancing role, and several people can rely on the interest to keep their minds. Not messy.

"Hey, what does the little girl know, Han Wuxian is okay?"

The woman’s heart was slightly shocked. Han Wuxian was the owner of the Xiaoyue Hall. Few people knew the name. This weird old man even spoke out.

"The owner is very good, no problem, wooden old man, you steal the mystery of this class, or quickly cut it, Xiaoyuetang will not let you go."

"I don't know who is stealing someone, you go back and ask clearly."

The old man seems to want to defend himself. He started to speak, his tone was slightly excited, and the effect of the seven-turn magic sound was destroyed. The listener was much better. The Dutch woman only had to counterattack occasionally.

"That was ten years ago? The old man couldn’t remember, and thousands of martial arts widows besieged me."

"Buffing, up to a hundred people."

"The number of people, anyway, a lot of people, all the way to fight, accidentally entered the site of Xiaoyuetang, the old man killed countless, but he was not careful in a few knives, almost killed Huangquan, the fool also thought that I died Up..."

"In fact, you are saved by this church. As a result, you will enmity and steal the secrets."

"No! Han Xiaoxian, Xiao Nizi, save me with ulterior motives. You Xiaoyuetang is good at secret surgery. The martial arts of the real knife is very bad. She passed me on the "Seven Secrets" and I also took care of the housekeeping skills. Teach her, Xiaojuntang disciples have been martial arts in these years, but all of my credit."

The lotus girl joined Xiaoyuetang for a few years. These old memories are naturally unknown, but the "Seven Secrets" is true. The seven-turn magic sound is one of the exercises. "Blowing yourself, Xiaoyuetang I don't remember having your number."

"Of course, I don't remember!" The old man became more and more indignant, which made his magic sound effect greatly reduced. "Which Xiaoyuetang has a person who speaks and speaks? Han Wuxian is the owner, and the deceitful kungfu is naturally stronger than anyone else. She I passed my "Seven Secrets", but I didn't tell me what can be practiced and what can't be practiced."

"It turns out that you have secretly practiced seven turns and returned to the merits. No wonder you become a gnome who dare not see the sky, but you can’t blame the lord. The seven-turn secret book clearly says ‘this skill is prudent.’

"Grass his grandmother!" The old man was said to be in a painful position by the Dutch woman. He was angry and could not keep calm. "The old man was in the wind of Yushu. Now he is abandoning the ghost, all thanks to the moon, the little girl, let it be." I will dig your heart tonight and unload eight pieces."

Shangguanhong, who was walking in the middle, was relieved to hear this.

"Go." Gu Shen, who has not spoken, suddenly ordered, and took the lead to accelerate and gallop forward.

He originally wanted to go all out to the Daxueshan camp, and grab the time with Jinpengbao. Now it seems that it is necessary to waste some on the old man. The old man is not removed, and it is a big problem.

(Seeking for advice)

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