Death Sutra

Chapter 355: Middle meter

The group of people will leave the old man behind, and it will not take long for the wild horse to catch up with him.

"Is everything he said really true?" At the moment of life and death, Shangguanhong is most concerned about the story told by the old man. It is no wonder that his internal strength is the weakest, and he is greatly affected by the seven-turn magic sound.

"Maybe." The Dutch girl regained her original tone and became indifferent and boring. Then she looked at Gu Shenwei and explained to him specifically, "Seven turns to reunion, using his own bones as a basis for practice, and turning around with the gods." It’s a bit similar, it’s said to have the effect of reviving, but...”

The results of "but" have been seen by a few people. A normal old man has become a dwarf. Everyone thinks at the same time that he does not practice this evil spirit.

Xiaoyuetang is good at sorcerer. This is just a legend. Gu Shen is now really feeling it.

"Speciality is also the martial arts of your Xiaoyuetang?" Shangguanhong asked, he and the twins just knew that the Dutch woman was a disciple of Xiaoyuetang, both surprised and awe-inspiring, especially Shangguanhong, who would be a woman in her heart. Raised to a height almost equal to the Dragon King.

"No, I saw the record in a book of the master. I said that there is a five-hole punch in the world. When I practice the fire, I will focus on the heart. Maybe it is the martial arts used by the old man. ”

Shangguan Hong’s heart is on the heart, “The lotus girl, you Xiaoyuetang is so familiar with the old man...”

When the words were not finished, he was disappointed himself. The old man and the Xiaoyuetang had hatred. They had already threatened. The first one to kill was the lotus girl. It was impossible for her to be merciful.

Shangguanfei took a shot with his hands. "Things are becoming more and more obvious. The goal of the old man is only the Dragon King and the Dutch girl, so..."

"So the three of you are still a little farther away from us." Gu Shen said that the voice was cold and he said this in a commanding tone.

Gu Shen is planning to fight back.

The Mustang urged the mount to catch up with the target in front of it. The Gobi of the left hand and the desert of the right hand were all a flat river. There were nowhere to escape from the slaves. They were all playthings with his old man.

The wild horse disliked the gnome and old children hiding in the rucksack behind him, but they had to rely on each other's martial arts to support themselves.

At that time, he was expelled from Jinpeng Fort by Shangguan, and his internal strength was almost broken by a sword of slavery. One person wandered aimlessly toward the north, and his heart was full of hatred.

He will always remember that Huannu sold him. They had agreed to work together to count the ten sons who did not kill the heart. At the last moment, Huannu was attacked.

He and Huannu were opponents from the beginning, but they were not enemies until he was expelled from Jinpengbao.

The tongueless juvenile killer never wanted him to sneak up on the slaves several times, only to think that his dream was shattered, and the fire of vengeance ignited.

It is purely accidental that the wild horse meets the old man.

At the expense of his own martial arts, Mu Laotou exchanged his life-saving medicinal herbs and secret techniques from Xiaoyuetang. After more than a decade, he has been practicing retreats. When he leaves the customs, he has shrunk into ugly gnomes and is afraid of seeing the sun. Can only come out at night.

The old man of the wood also has to avenge, killing those who have besieged him, and killing the disciples of Guangxiaotang, who are the mad women, and turn him into a human being.

Prior to this, the old man needed a waiter who could take him to walk during the day.

He fancy the wild horse, a murderer who can't talk.

In order to make the waiter worthy of himself, the old man of the wood passed to the wild horse a lot of martial arts. When he discovered that the teenager was actually a scholar, he taught more.

The two did not have the name of mentoring, but they taught it.

Fortunately, the wild horse met such a strange person, cautiously pleaded with his heart, and slowly instilled his hatred to the old man.

One year later, the wild horse martial arts began, the old man also felt that he had the strength to revenge, and the two returned to the rivers and lakes.

The slaves were still in the process of fleeing, the reputation was getting bigger and bigger, and the hatred of the wild horses was getting deeper and deeper, but his ambition was not so simple as revenge, so he went to the North Court to take advantage of the martial arts. Immediately obtained the trust of a prince, and was ordered to go to Saitama City to establish power in the dark.

The wild horse feels the advantage of relying on the big tree. He is the abandonment of Jinpengbao, but he is welcomed and allowed by Jinpengbao, and he can move freely in the city of Yuyu.

It is because of the reason of the slaves, the wild horse knows that there are many masters in the building of Wangcheng Lane, so they went to visit and quickly gained the trust of the white-faced Peng Xianren, relying on this group of strangers to build a powerful force.

Throughout the process, the old man was hidden, except for the wild horse, only one person knew his existence.

The one-step king hides in the stone fort and keeps his eyes, but his eyes and ears are not idle. He knows the big things in Yucheng City, and the wild horse returns to Yuyu City as a master of the North Court. Naturally, some people report the news directly to the people. he.

At the beginning, the one-step king regarded this as a trivial matter. Until the news about the high horses and the magical means of the wild horses came on and off intermittently, he finally became alert. He saw the shadow of Xiaoyuetang from some methods of the wild horse. .

The results of the investigation were unexpected. The one-step king found the old man who was not adult.

The old man of the woods was famous in the Western Regions, but he was admired for the One-Step King, so that he never made a crime on the boundary of Jinpengbao. Now both sides have a common enemy, so they hit it off. The one-step king kept him secret. He played for the One-Step King. .

Mrs. Meng and Meng Yuzun wanted to capture the great swords of the slaves. During the search for the wild horses, the news came to the old man’s ears. He didn’t pay much attention to it. When he was ordered to kill the dragon king, he saw a sword that was a ghost. It is.

The two little dolls didn’t learn well. If the swordsmanship fell in my hands... the old man was in a state of itch, he believed that his martial arts were invincible, and he might only be a little bit worse than the one-step king, but for the swordsmanship that is different, He is still envious, like an idiot who collects calligraphy and painting. When he sees a special work, he can't help but think of it.

This mission was originally just a murder, and now there is another purpose.

The old man likes to kill, and deeply enjoys the process. The fear of others is like a feast for him, and he will never eat enough.

Therefore, standing on the shoulders of the wild horses, I saw that the Dragon King and his party were divided into two in the night. He was very happy. "The son of the One Step King is really not decent, and he has to be liked."

The wild horse is a competent waiter. The only shortcoming is that he can't talk. The old man is a loved one. He can only talk to himself. "Which one is the first one? The dragon king and the Xiaoyuetang woman, or the Shangguan family three." A little baby? I said that I have to unload her eight pieces. She must set a trap with the Dragon King. Hey, it’s not so easy to want me to be fooled. I will kill the children of the One Step King and see the Dragon King come to save, then Kill her again, that's right."

The Mustang made several gestures.

"Dragon King is scheming? I don't think he can do anything. He didn't kill me twice, but he exposed his old bottom. It's either a big sword or a problem, or he made it wrong. The dragon king's trick can only be used. Once, the internal interest must be transferred to pierce the second sword. This is enough time for me to kill him ten times."

The old man jumped to the ground, like an agile little beast, jumping three times and two jumps, disappearing, faster than the running horse.

The wild horse showed a disgusted expression. Although the old man was kind to him, he couldn’t help but like the gnome that was reduced. Every contact made him want to vomit.

The wild horse and the old man, the definition of grace and resentment by two people, is surprisingly similar.

The five-person squad split, the Dragon King and the Dutch woman were close to the desert, and the three officers of the Shangguan family were driving on the Gobi, halfway between them, even if they wanted to help each other.

The old man quickly caught up with the target. He couldn't run all night like a running horse, so he jumped to the side of a horse that was not riding, and fixed his body with a girth.

His light work has always been very good, but it has become a little better after being reduced to a dwarf.

The three people were obviously frightened. They silently rushed to the road and did not speak a word. The faces of Shangguanhong and Shangguanfei were especially pale.

Which one to kill first? Wood old man is thinking about it, he is very cautious, even if the martial arts are superior, you must first choose the most vulnerable object to start.

Shangguanru and Shangguanhong, one without killing, one with poor hands, are the best prey.

As long as one is killed, the remaining two will definitely go to plead for the protection of the Dragon King. The old man decided to follow behind them and take the opportunity to kill the Xiaoyuetang female disciple, just to realize the promise of exporting in the middle of the night.

This is his plan.

Shangguan Hong, Mu Laotou selected the target.

He didn't worry, he liked to start before the early hours of the morning, except that people were easy to relax, he mainly wanted to create an impressive killing style.

When the time is up, he still has to leave some time for the two survivors to go to the Dragon King for help.

Shangguanhong seems to be helpless than the baby, but the old man is not too disgusted. He has killed a lot of people who have no binding power. The fun is the same, only a little less exciting than killing the master.

The five-hole fist, in fact, is a claw-shaped, such a powerful martial arts, more useful than a sword, even few people want to learn, the wood old man feels incredible.

The old man gently jumped off the horse, his limbs on the ground, like a fine fox, quickly smashing down the belly of the previous horse. The rider was Shangguanru. He resisted the impulse of the little girl’s heart and speeded up. More than two horses, along with Shangguanhong's horses.

The flying horseshoes have become the best cover. Don't say that the three little boys who have little experience are the masters who have been walking on the rivers and lakes for many years, and they can't find the little figure in the dark night.

The right hand turned over the horse, and the left hand was dislocated.

This is the most accustomed technique used by the old man. He has never made a mistake. If the other party is a master, he will be worried from behind. As for Shangguanhong, he can kill it.

When I was on the horse, everything went well. Shangguanhong knew nothing about it. When he got out of the move, he encountered an accident. The target’s heart was even harder than steel, and the claws could not be inserted.

The old man was shocked. In any case, the next move was to dismount, but he couldn’t move. A strong arm squatted on his stomach. At the same time, a dagger was inserted into his lower abdomen. Big, fast, is not a normal person to learn.

This is obviously Shangguanhong, but his skill is like a master who has been practicing for decades. The old man is more and more shocked and knows that he has counted.

(Seeking for advice)

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