Death Sutra

Chapter 382: burden

The Dragon King also has a woman who likes it. This makes the soldiers in the army feel a lot of peace of mind, and they are all ready to go to the city to plunder and rush, almost excited to sleep.

Gu Shenwei did not sleep, forcing himself to temporarily forget Shangguanru, the Dutch woman and the old man, and concentrate on how to deal with the country of Xiangji.

Among the people, only the most important reason for the Toon tooth is that the country of Xiangji can no longer be isolated from the world. Nearly two thousand Snowy Mountain soldiers cannot be tight-lipped, so easily conquered countries like a **** Meat, will attract countless tiger wolves, which must have Jinpeng Fort.

Mercy can't save the country of Xiangji, only give it to the One-Step King, and strengthen the power of the enemy.

Gu Shenwei hopes that there will be a pointing person around him, Fang Wen is, and Zhong Heng can immediately put forward the best advice.

He didn't know much about the art of war. He could only rely on intuition and his shallow understanding of the Central Plains army to command the Snowy Mountain soldiers, but he was very certain that the army that he had left was to compete for the Western Region and compete with Jinpengbao and Beiting. Negative, you must not let it lower to the level of the gang.

How to treat the spoils that are easy to get, will be a test to determine the future direction of the Dragon King and Da Xueshan.

Gu Shen understands this truth, but does not know how to express it.

The swordsman, the swordsman, and the savage are the three most important sources of the Western Region’s bandits. Fairness is a matter of course for them. They don’t understand or listen to them. The dragon’s hesitation will only make People think that he wants to swallow.

Soon after the two teams sent their men to find antidote and wooden old man, the sky was brightened. The aristocratic hostages left in the military camp had already felt the crisis from the eager eyes of the soldiers. Two tribal leaders who would speak the Central Plains, I stayed in front of the Dragon King early in the morning and begged for a meeting.

After being approved, the two men traveled their knees, and the chickens and glutinous rice were even more than a dozen heads. Gu Shen was ordered to get up, but the two were still squatting and squatting for more than a dozen times before they barely stood up. One of them was sincere and fearful. Said: "We have discussed together. Since Fenglong Wang is the head of the country, it is not only loyal to the words, but also a more realistic expression. Although the country of Xiangji is remote, each family has some surplus, we are willing to offer Half of the property is used to fill the military."

When Gu Shen heard this, she did not say anything.

The Dragon King did not seem to be very satisfied, and the other immediately said: "There are three thousand male slaves and three thousand female slaves who accompany the military to serve the entire camp."

The number of troops in the Daxueshan army is less than two thousand. The nobles of the aristocrats sent six thousand. The Gu Shenwei did not understand why. When the country of Xiangxiang developed the national policy, it was thought that it was only based on the mountains and Can the forest block all foreign enemies?

Gu Shenwei solemnly stated that he would accept the gift, so as to appease the two leaders, and then ask the two to call other hostages and go to the camp to fight with the Dragon King.

The rising sun is rising, and the excited soldiers are waiting for the Dragon King to announce the plan to distribute the spoils.

Gu Shenwei stood in the middle of an open space, behind him were more than fifty shivering aristocratic hostages. He also ordered people to move out the only boxes of gold and silver in Daxueshan and put them at his feet.

This is more like to divide things, the soldiers nodded with satisfaction, and the hostages were pale, thinking that they did not give enough.

"Everyone has been resting for so long, I have to look at the kung fu to fall first." The thing that Long Wang said was not related to the separation. "The swordsman chooses 50 people, and the swordsman and the pro-infantry combine 50 people. No penalty, the winner has a reward."

The pro-military soldiers are savage soldiers. They are directly commanded by the Dragon King, so they are called pro-militaries.

The contest is one of the favorite things of the soldiers. With the order of the Dragon King, hundreds of people immediately rushed to the front of their respective leaders to sign up.

Many people don't understand the Dragon King's move, but when they see the panicked look of the hostages, they understand that the Dragon King is going to give the aristocrats of the country of Xiangji a horse.

The soldiers who participated in the contest were quickly selected, a total of one hundred people, and the two sides of the Dragon King.

Gu Shen was ordered, and the two teams shouted and charged each other.

It is said that the losers have no penalty, but these warriors see the honor as heavier than anything else. Just the reputation of defeating them, let them endure, let alone the dragon king said that the winner has a reward, it must be more when the spoils are to be distributed. Get a copy.

Therefore, although it is the same robes, many people are even at the turn of life and death, but they are not ambiguous at all, and both sides have made every effort.

If the Dragon King wants to intimidate the hostages, then his purpose is completely achieved. Those nobles wearing soft robes and beautiful waistbands are all like lions and tigers. They are so scared that they have to help each other to stand up. .

Gu Shenwei and several patriarchs pay close attention to the situation on the field. There is nothing wrong with the injury, but they cannot let these soldiers die.

The victory and defeat just showed signs, Gu Shenwei stopped the contest.

Fifty Daxueshan swordsmen are the winners. The swordsmen and the dragon kings are not as strong as the other, and they are unskilled and unsuccessful.

Everyone looked at the Dragon King with enthusiasm, waiting for him to announce the distribution plan and reward the winner.

Gu Shen made people divide the gold and silver in the box into roughly fifty, and then said: "Let's get a reward, a gold and silver, a hostage, your reward."

The warriors face each other, this is not the same as the prize they imagined. The amount cannot be said to be small. But these gold and silver are the original ones in the army, not the wealth of the country of fragrant accumulation. As for the hostages, one is weak and the other is a man. Who wants to ask them?

The ideas of the nobility are quite the opposite. They are the highest-ranking group of people in the country. They all have huge family businesses and are divided into slaves. Are they not even the whole family and people to surrender? So I kneel down together, crying and pleading for the Dragon King to open the door, the price of the redemption is getting higher and higher, and finally even more than a few times my own.

The winning swordsmen suddenly realized that they were going to grab the hostages, but they couldn’t look at the small pile of gold and silver at the foot of the Dragon King.

Regardless of how the hostages pleaded, the Dragon King was indifferent. When the 50 swordsmen took hostages and gold and silver, he issued an order that surprised everyone. "The winner, carrying your slaves, picking up your gold and silver." ”

This can be a little weird. The slave is the waiter. How can the master carry them? As for the gold and silver, it is better to say that fifty swordsmen have already packaged them in their hands.

The command of the Dragon King can not be violated. Although the swordsmen are puzzled, they are obeying one by one, but those men who are crying on their backs are really upset, and they can’t immediately get rid of them.

“Do you guys are willing to give up their rewards?” Long Wang asked loudly.

The swordsmen all smiled and shook their heads, and no one would give up the good things that they had.

"Well, take your reward and prepare for the second contest."

The Dragon King’s order made everyone stunned.

Fifty winning swordsmen, carrying heavy burdens on their bodies, holding gold and silver in one hand, only the other hand is available. Although one-handedly swinging the sword is not a problem, the opponent is not a weak and deceitful, this way, the swordsman Must lose no doubt.

The camp was full of people, and even the mournful aristocratic hostages stopped crying, and they were puzzled by the Dragon King’s intentions.

"When the war, the hostages and the gold and silver landing, that is to give up."

Some people have vaguely understood the meaning of the Dragon King, but others are not convinced, with one hand waving the sword, rushing to the opponent.

The outcome is obvious. No swordsman can carry the gold and silver against the opponent with the hostage. It is not to throw away the reward halfway, or to lose the knot, and finally have to throw away the useless things.

"Oh." Gu Shenwei felt that it was time to say his true thoughts. "This is the meaning of slaves and money to the warrior, or it becomes fatal and cumbersome, or it is taken away in a blink of an eye."

This large basin of cold water has ruined the excitement of the soldiers. Gu Shenwei has to boost morale, so I will continue to say, "Our enemy is the one-step king. I have vowed to Heaven, to be within three years. Breaking through Jinpengbao, now one year has passed. You told me that Jinpengbao was taken down?"

"No." There was a rare answer from the crowd.

"Do you want to admit defeat, hide forever, or be ready to challenge the one-step king?"

"Challenge." The answer is more.

"Do you want to bear the slaves and drag the gold and silver on the battlefield, or do you want to go to the light and fight for victory with the sword?"

"Lightly loaded!" Everyone understood the meaning of the Dragon King and shouted in unison.

Gold and silver stayed on the ground and no one else ignored them.

The aristocrats of the country of Xiangji are in a lifetime, but they don’t understand what is going on. The words of the Dragon King make them understandable. The reaction of the soldiers is even more incredible. They are in slave money and generosity. In the meantime, these barbarians chose the latter happily.

A knifeman, a little bolder, is not as sacred to the Dragon King as a swordsman and a savage, so he raises questions in the crowd, "I will die if you fight, can we not enjoy it before we die?"

In the beginning, it was just the enjoyment and relaxation before the battlefield. However, there are not many fighters who can resist the joy brought by women and money for a long time. It will not take long for the mortal ambition to be shaken, that is, the most brave snowy mountain swordsman will also be charged when charging. Hesitate to lose their most precious qualities as a warrior.

Gu Shenwei clearly sees this, but he said that the export is another word. "Well, everyone can die on the battlefield, you will, he will, I will, occasionally enjoy. Let you relax, but this relaxation is false. Jinpengbao's knife is always hanging on the head. Can you enjoy it in a down-to-earth manner? Now there is a chance that we will win the war and defeat the one-step king. The land, rule the countless population, when you can enjoy it, and leave this enjoyment to future generations. Let's make a bet, lose, fight the battlefield, win, and enjoy peace, are you willing? ”

The cry of "willingness, willingness" sounded. At this moment, Gu Shenwei persuaded his soldiers.

The shout stopped, and the multi-peak one-eyed dragon, Long Xiaoshi, pointed to a group of hostages lying on the ground and said, "What about them? Just leave it alone?"

Gu Shen did not want slaves, but he could not leave slaves to others.

"The men of the country of Xiangji, regardless of the master slave, from the age of fifteen to 50, all join the army and learn to use the sword."

This is Gu Shenwei's disposal plan for the country of Xiangji: transforming the weak ones who are obedient into warriors who can kill and fight, and transform them into living forces.

(Seeking for advice)

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