Death Sutra

Chapter 383: Recruit

Gu Shen’s first person to send out was back, and the dragon turned to the next step. The sons of Limomo had taken the high priest and important fragrant medicines away.

The disciples of the high priest are still there. The dragon turns over the clouds and some people continue to chase the fugitives. They bring the dozen or so teenagers back to the military camp.

But these young disciples are not scared. They live in the flowering forest. They don’t know the outside situation. Suddenly, among the large groups of strangers who are fierce and sinister, they are so fascinated that they don’t respond, they seem to inhale. Be fragrant and become a walking dead.

It was not until several tribal leaders had been persuaded that they slowly returned to normal and could speak.

No one will make antidote, and the young disciples are still in the stage of studying ancient books. No one has any practical experience.

The tribal leaders who are eager to please the Dragon King immediately ordered several perfumers from the city. They were all disciples trained by the great priests. The result was even worse. A total of thirty or forty people would only make a few fragrances. Medicine, there is no most important Indraxiang and antidote.

Indra is the emperor in the scent, and only the high priest himself and the designated successor will make it.

I took a circle and returned to the young disciples.

The heir to the high priest is a 14-year-old boy. Among all the disciples, only he is from the aristocratic class. He looks handsome and has the least courage. He can't speak in front of the Dragon King.

Gu Shenwei had to ask the two leaders to ask separately.

The heir finally said all the truth.

Indra can be fascinated by the whole body, in a state of semi-death and half-live, and it will lose the pain, even if it is stabbed by fire, it will not struggle to resist.

The annual sacrifice of the country of Xiangji is based on this kind of fragrant medicine, so that the women who burned the flames protect the calm from beginning to end, thereby increasing the solemnity and sacredness of the ceremony.

Indra has a long-lasting effect. According to the book, if the drug is not taken for a long time, the victim will not be naturally awake, but will remain in a coma. The symptoms will become more and more serious, about a month later. Die silently.

Antidote is rarely used, the heirs remember the prescription, but never made it. He is willing to try it and it takes at least half a month.

Gu Shenwei’s sense of disgust towards the whole country of Xiangji is increasing day by day.

The inhabitants here seem to be weak and harmless, but they are born with a kind of pure cruelty. It seems that children who have been arrogant since childhood have regarded people outside this class as cats and dogs. There is no trace of sympathy. Unless they are oppressed, they will never take the initiative to cure any. A person.

A few days later, Gu Shenwei felt that her judgment was very accurate.

The Daxueshan army did not enter the capital and was still stationed outside the city. If possible, Gu Shenwei even wanted to completely separate the soldiers from the local indigenous people, but the contact could not be cut off at once.

The daily rations of the army are still supplied by the city. Those slave women, who were forced by the masters to seduce the Snowy Mountain soldiers, have no orders now. They like these barbarians who are the opposite of their own men, and still secretly go out of the city, and There is a growing trend.

In this regard, Gu Shenwei can only close one eye, and it is one thing to speak up. Strict execution is another matter. He prevents the soldiers from dividing the country like a robber, and can no longer ask them to give up other welfare.

What made him unbearable was the recruits who were recruited into the army.

The population of Xiangji has a total population of 50,000 or 60, and the number of men over the age of fifteen and under 50 is close to 10,000. The old and weak, sick and some necessary craftsmen are removed, and there are still about 6,000 left, all of which are incorporated into the military.

At the beginning, the six thousand people formed their own army. The swordsman and the swordsman only sent people to train. It was a few days to prove that this was a wrong decision. The recruits tried every means to escape the sword, and even some people secretly distributed it to the army. Your own weapons are destroyed.

There is no iron in the country of Xiangji, and the extra weapons in the Daxueshan army are not enough to equip 6,000 people. Therefore, most people receive wooden swords and wooden swords, which can easily be broken or burnt.

Gu Shenwei had to split more than 6,000 people and added it to the Dafengshan Wufeng and the swordsman team. I hope that through the subtle influence of the veterans, this weak nation can be strengthened.

This is a risk, and the number of veterans is too small. If they are assimilated by the people of the country of fragrant, Daxueshan will not be worth the loss.

The bigger problem is still behind.

Among the more than 6,000 new recruits, the aristocrats accounted for 1,200 people. The rest were slaves. The former publicly refused to fight alongside the latter, and even they were not willing to train together.

The nobles were gentle and arrogant, facing the fear of the Snowy Mountain soldiers, but they could not sit on the same level as the slaves. Countless times, these men who could not touch any weapons forever, picked up the wooden sword and beat the slave soldiers, and saw the shots. The old warriors who are used to **** feel a bit too much.

More and more disputes, the aristocrats even asked the slave soldiers to serve themselves as usual, ordering them to run for themselves, greatly disrupting normal training.

Gu Shen convened the leaders of the top ten tribes and solemnly ordered them to dedicate all privileges to the slaves and to get along with all the soldiers.

The aristocrats of the country of Xiangji can surrender without any resistance, and can sacrifice all their wealth and all women, that is, they cannot bow to slaves.

Gu Shenwei finally realized the stubbornness of the weak.

There are no clear reasons and no conditions for compromise. The tribal leaders are begging, crying, and voluntarily punished. They refuse to admit that the slaves of the past are their own comrades.

Gu Shen had to kill a hundred, but when the tribal leaders rushed to take responsibility, he understood that this trick was useless.

The nobility and the slave were separated. The former joined the swordsman team and the latter was incorporated into the Wufeng swordsman. But the problem still exists. The slaves’ obedience has become a natural nature. Even with the support of the dragon king himself, they still sneaked to the former owner. Service, and take pride in it, whoever has done one thing for the main person for three days will be despised by his companions.

Gu Shenwei doubts whether his decision is wrong. The people here are not suitable for becoming warriors. It is better to satisfy the wishes of the soldiers at the beginning and turn everyone into prisoners of war and slaves. That would be better.

Shangguanru and the Dutch women did not wake up. Gu Shen did not know that she was repeating the old road of the two women, and produced an irreconcilable split with the nobility of the country of Xiangji.

Therefore, Gu Shenwei hopes to leave this country as soon as possible. He feels that he has a broader world. After participating in one or two battles between life and death, the gap between aristocrats and slaves may gradually disappear.

He used most of his energy to collect grain and horses.

The toon tooth is also back. He has searched every inch of the land within a hundred miles. He still hasn't found the retreat of the old man, but he brought all the high priests and disciples in the flowering forest. Come back, then set fire to burn the woodland of the evil gate.

Ten flower soul forests, the one in the palace is empty, and there is a high priest living in the labyrinth of other woodland, each with its own strengths, teaching fragrant, medicine, healing, flowering, chanting, ritual, There are nine majors of prophecy, costumes, and martial arts.

After a cursory conversation, Gu Shenwei discovered that these people are slaves of obedience. To the point of adoration of ancient books to fascination, for more than a hundred years, there has been no elucidation, but the more they learn, the more rigid they are.

Gu Shenwei only left two high priests and several disciples who were good at cultivating medicine and treating diseases. All others were freed, or returned to the city or joined the army.

He specially talked with the high priest who taught martial arts for a while. The result was as disappointing as Shangguanru and the lotus girl. Although the old man had questions and answers, occasionally a few words made people shine, but they were all recorded in the book. Most of the reviews, the actual guidance is none.

The high priest is like a chicken rib. It is a pity that the food is tasteless. The most important reason for Gu Shen’s stay in the army is that the high priest’s lower limbs are paralyzed, and giving him freedom is tantamount to a death sentence.

Gu Shenwei plans to have a good time and then talk to the high priest, and dig a useful thing out of the other savage and old-fashioned mind.

Although the military is the most important and most important means of defeating Jinpengbao, if it does not have the martial arts above the transcendental people, the Dragon King cannot command the swordsman and the swordsman.

Gu Shen-based wants to lead six thousand new recruits to the outside world to see what is the real war. I did not expect the war to come to the door.

There are seven sons in the room of Limoro. They not only fled with the incense priest, but also moved back to a rescue.

The scouts brought back the news three days in advance, and a large army of about 3,000 people was marching from the northeast to the capital.

The country of Xiangji is not completely isolated from the world, but the privilege of contact with the outside world is firmly in the hands of a very small number of people, including Chamber Limo and his sons.

Gu Shenwei felt that this was an excellent opportunity not only to find a way to return to the Western Regions, but also to solve the problems among the recruits.

He secretly issued an order requiring the Daxueshan swordsman to strictly take care of the slave soldiers of the headquarters, and not allow anyone to contact the former owner again.

At the same time, the swordsmen did not accept the same order. On the contrary, they spread the news of the rebels among the nobility soldiers.

Not as long as the Dragon King expected, on the night before the arrival of the Shili family army, more than half of the aristocratic soldiers searched for various excuses to return to the city, and then fled the night and sent to the rescuers from afar.

Gu Shenwei did not send people to block, he even felt that there were too few people to escape, and three or four hundred noble soldiers remained in the Snowy Mountain Army because of their courage.

Gu Shenwei wanted to fight a perfect battle, so he ordered to withdraw to the southwest for 30 miles, and even the capital of the country of Xiangji was handed over.

Although the soldiers executed the command of the Dragon King, they did not understand the intention of the move.

The last batch of aristocratic soldiers also fled, and took away a large number of gold and silver treasures and son-in-law from the city.

Tired has been transferred to the other party's hands, Gu Shenwei feels that the time is ripe, can start the war.

This will be the first war in the country of Xiangji for more than a hundred years.

(Seeking for advice)

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