Death Sutra

Chapter 398: spy

Ha Chi Lie was embarrassed, how could he not think that fate would be so tricky: he was fighting with the Dragon King for a quarter of an hour, and after a quarter of an hour, he had to bow down to the Dragon King for help.

There are many tribes in Wushan, and the relationship is complicated. They can be divided into two categories. One type of people believe that their ancestors were born in the longevity of the ancestors. Ha Chilie belongs to this class. The families associated with him are basically similar. The other type is similar. People have no ancestors who can show off. They are mostly outsiders, attracted by rich minerals, and compete with local indigenous people for their interests and interests. They are nicknamed "mineral thieves."

Those who suddenly came out from behind and attacked the tribal coalition were the mine thieves.

The number of mine thieves is not much, probably only ** hundred people, but the condescending from the back, the various tribes were caught unprepared, even turning around to meet the enemy is difficult, can only retreat to the bottom, a short period of time, heavy losses.

Ha Chilie originally thought that these mine thieves were bought by the Dragon King. When they discovered that the Daxueshan army did not move, they realized that this matter had nothing to do with the Dragon King.

The time and choices left for him were pitiful. The tribal coalition forces either died in the narrow valley with the mines, and then faced the threat of the snowy mountains or surrendered to one of them.

The mine thief is the enemy of the native tribe. For this reason, Ha Chilie would rather bow to the Dragon King. There is chaos on the battlefield. There is no way to solicit opinions from all. But these tribes are brought together by him, and he has to be responsible for it. Make a decision.

"Dragon King." Ha Chilie raised a long knife and shouted for help on the hillside. "I volunteered to offer weapons. Please don't count the suspicions and lend a helping hand to the tribes in distress!"

The tribal coalition forces suffered a surprise attack, which was a godsend for the Daxueshan army. It was almost equivalent to another country of fragrant accumulation.

But Gu Shenwei did not want to send troops to rescue.

The Daxueshan army has just entered Wushan, and its life is unfamiliar. It is impossible to offend another party for one party.

"Let your people come up, I can protect your safety, but you have to lay down your weapons." Gu Shenwei's voice is not big enough, but it is enough for the people at the bottom of the valley to hear clearly.

The requirements of the Dragon King were very harsh, with a hint of insult. Ha Hare was pale and turned to look at the situation on the battlefield. He sighed and ran to the tribal chiefs and shouted: "Go up! Go up the mountain!"

I don’t need the persuasion of Ha Chilie. Everyone has heard the words of the Dragon King. I have already rushed to the mountains. There are tigers in front of the wolves. The party that has not opened the **** mouth is a safe haven in their view. .

As soon as they entered the defense line of the Daxueshan army, soldiers immediately greeted the weapons of the lower-class soldiers.

The mine thieves were red-eyed and even chased after them. They also ran up the mountain.

The Daxueshan striker was eagerly awaited, and hundreds of savage squadrons bowed their arrows in the back. The young patriarch of Huagaifeng was asked to blow the horn, and then said loudly: "The Snowy Dragon King is here, the comer stops."

Seeing a complete victory, the mine thieves did not follow a step.

Hundreds of arrows were shot at the same time, falling behind the mine thieves, which is more effective than a thousand words of warning.

The mine thieves stepped back dozens of steps and kept a distance from the Daxueshan army. They still refused to escape. They discussed each other for a while and elected a negotiator.

The man was short and strong, holding a double knife in his hand, and shouted on the mountain: "Who is the Dragon King, let me take a look." The tone is arrogant, facing the 10,000-strong army, there is no fear.

Numerous swords were swung at the same time, and the sound of the wind blowing the water surface was heard. The double-knife thief squinted at both eyes and waved the blade, and refused to accept it.

Gu Shenwei admire the courage of this person, and the more out of the crowd, standing on a prominent boulder, "I am the Dragon King, come to sign up."

The double-knife thief will look at the Dragon King up and down. "My name is Ge Ying, and I call it ‘leopard and double knife.’ You are really a dragon king?”

Gu Shen is young and his face is pale and weak even in the sun. It often surprises the first time people meet. The leopard and the double knife Ge Ying are no exception. He looked at it again, obviously not too much. Take the Dragon King seriously, "I said Dragon King, you can't do it. You play the soldiers, we also fight the soldiers, it is to help you, how do you protect the soldiers?"

Ge Ying is not courageous, but rather reckless and ignorant. Gu Shenwei immediately understands that the other party is only being shot as a person, not a real leader, so his face sinks, "Let your leader come out to speak."

Ge Ying really does not deserve the title of "Leopard Gallbladder". The double knife is horizontal on the chest. "Tell me, they will listen to me..."

Gu Shen suddenly jumped off the boulders. After landing, the toes were a little bit, and they popped up quickly. In the blink of an eye, they had already rushed to Ge Ying, then jumped three times and returned to the original place.

Ge Ying had no time to react until the mountain came up with a laughter, only to touch the head of the cold, and the hair was gone, leaving only the hair roots less than an inch long.

Ge Ying’s “Leopard Gallbladder” was not enough. He opened his mouth wide and couldn’t speak, and his double knife trembled slightly.

Someone in the mine thief broke the deadlock and said: "Since the dragon king spoke, I see that we still give him a face, and everyone withdraws."

Everyone is not as savage as Ge Ying, seeing the other person, and is fully prepared, and has a retreat, so he said, "Yes, give the dragon king a face." "How are people also the master of the army? Give face to face."

The mine thief was about to retreat, and the horn sounded again on the mountain. The sound of the Dragon King sounded in their ears. "Others can go, there are a few people who want to stay."

Although the mine thief has a "mine" in its name, he never mines. He uses the sword to seize the site and sells it at a high price. There is not much difference between the real robbers and the real robbers. The dragon king does not say anything, they can Let the three points, this opening, everyone feels despised, and they all turn around, slashing swords and screaming, not tens of thousands of soldiers in their eyes.

Gu Shen’s original idea was to sin as much as possible of any force in Wushan. At this time, he changed his mind and nodded to the dragon that had been behind him.

The dragon king was humiliated, and the dragon turned over the cloud, but he was waiting for this order.

Thousands of pioneers, under the encouragement of the horn, took the initiative to attack the mine thief.

The mine thief is also like the robbers. It is a good "fake brave" fight "virtual ambiguity". When the dragon king moves true, he immediately wears soft clothes. Or is it talked by the bald Ge Ying. "Wait, Dragon King, you can't rival me. We are not here today. Challenge the Snowy Mountains, let's not fight."

Gu Shenwei did not answer immediately. When the striker took dozens of steps and was close to the enemy, the mine thief also changed his face when he suddenly changed his face. "The enemy of Daxueshan is only Jinpengbao, and no one intends to cooperate with other people. Enemy, you can retreat from the whole body, but the Jinpeng Fortress among you will be left behind."

The mine thieves looked at each other and did not understand where the dragon king came from. Ge Ying said loudly: "Dragon King, you made a mistake. We are a group of people who make a living from mine. It has nothing to do with Jinpengbao and Duobuwang."

"You are fooled. When I first arrived in Wushan, someone told me that Jinpengbao had been mixed up..."

Gu Shen said that half of the words, the mine thief suddenly burst out of five people, ran to the hillside originally occupied by the tribal coalition forces, the mine thieves were even more surprised, these five are acquaintances who have known each other for at least half a year, did not expect that It’s really the spies of Jinpengbao, but they don’t understand, a group of mine thieves in the mountains, what is worthy of being alone.

Gu Shenwei quickly guessed the truth, of course, not because some people confessed, but because the mine thieves were too contradictory. These people, like Ge Ying, were daring, but they were savage and unscrupulous, and they were able to plan such a detailed plan to attack the tribal coalition forces. Come, there must be high people behind.

Then he recognized a Jinpeng killer, so that the killer was not the face, but the assassination he was used to.

Gu Shenwei rushed to Ge Ying to cut off his hair, but for a moment, most people did not react. After Ge Ying, a thin man took a step to the right, but the Dragon King moved too fast. The thin man returned to his place.

In such a simple movement, it reveals the obvious style of the Jinpengbao: do everything possible to launch an attack behind the enemy side.

Gu Shen is not good at attacking even during the apprenticeship, but can see the enemy's intention at a glance.

Not only one, but five Jinpengbao spies, was swindled by the Dragon King, and fled.

Gu Shenwei did not order chasing, but looked at the five figures.

The five spies have already ran halfway up the mountain, and they will disappear from the peak. Suddenly, they are like drunken drinkers, falling one after another, and they are hit by the dragon king's gaze, and instantly lose all their strength.

All bystanders, from the Daxueshan army to the mine thief, were stunned by this strange sight.

The last one fell down and finally showed a pretty figure, then the khaki cloak flashed, the figure disappeared, no one could find her.

The Dutch woman has already been ambushed, although the training she received in Jinpengbao is the same, her martial arts is much higher than the five, and she easily put down the fleeing escapers.

The Dutch woman knew that the Dragon King was going to live, so these few people just lost strength and did not die.

Not waiting for the Daxueshan soldiers to dispatch, dozens of mine thieves swarmed up and caught the traitors and sent them to the front.

Ge Ying kicked an angry foot on everyone. "Bastard king eight lambs, lie to me for so long..."

After the five people were arrested, they silently refused to look up at the Dragon King.

"I just want to know one thing. The one-step king is so enthusiastic to help me deal with the Wushan tribe. What is your heart?"

The killer will run away and will fail, but will not easily confess.

Gu Shenwei waited for a while, and the dragon turned to the cloud to get an indication. Pull out the long knife to protect the first person, pause for a while, and kill the second person.

No one speaks, only silent killing is going on.

After killing four people, the last decision was made. He was deliberately left by Gu Shen. Among the five, only this person looked a little flustered. If not, he immediately said the truth. "The dragon king is forgiving, I am The swordsman hired by Jinpengbao is not the killer of Shangguan."

Gu Shen nodded and let the other party continue to talk. His initial question has not yet been answered: Why did Jin Peng’s killer help the Dragon King to attack the tribal coalition forces.

"Two or two purposes." Jinpengbao knife said nervously, "I hope to take the opportunity to join the Dragon King army, take the opportunity to spur, or leave the Dragon King in the mountains as much as possible, and strive for time to seal the mountain."

(Seeking for advice)

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