Death Sutra

Chapter 399: shortcut

The entire Western Region has undergone tremendous changes.

In less than a year, the Shule country in the west has lost more than half of the country, the capital of the city fell, the royal family fled, the whereabouts are unknown, and basically lost the resistance.

Jinpengbao and the North Court joined forces to advance eastwardly, and even two small countries were eliminated. The Central Plains’ sphere of influence in the Western Regions is increasingly approaching. The larger-scale wars will see a full-scale outbreak.

The four countries of Xiaoyaohai surrendered and became the vassals of Jinpengbao. In order to show their loyalty, they took turns to play, and they were willing to let the throne be self-proclaimed.

I have always dreamed of getting the real king’s Shangguan, but at this time I held up and refused all the requests for the resignation, but everyone knows that the “One Step King” has become one of the Western Kings by the rivers and lakes, but it’s only a matter of time. .

Jinpengbao almost solved all the worries of the future, leaving only an insignificant stone country.

The stone country does not fall, and it is unexpected to many people.

It is a small country in the easternmost part of the Happy Sea. It is sparsely populated. It is not to be said that it is in the Western Region, and it is also a weaker than other countries in the Happy Sea.

However, in the face of continuous siege, it has remained for eight months, and it is even more tenacious than the much larger Shule country.

There are many reasons why Shiguo can maintain the **. The most important one is that the single-step king does not pay attention to it. The most important enemy of Jinpengbao and Beiting is the Central Plains. Therefore, the main force is in the east, and it is difficult to divide the troops south. .

The besieged stone country capital was under the responsibility of the coalition forces consisting of Kang, Sha, Hui and An. The result was disappointing. Although the casualties were heavy, it was a half-step to attack the wall.

A few months later, the battle of Shuleguo was nearing the end. The one-step king finally paid attention to this small southern country, and was very surprised that it had not yet been conquered.

However, during the preparatory process with the Central Plains, Jinpengbao still had no spare power to Nangu, so the one-step king sent a general and dozens of killers to command the four countries to fight.

At the request of the new generals, the countries recruited men of the appropriate age, and the siege army gradually grew from nearly two thousand people to nearly 5,000.

The new general is still not satisfied, but from the Jinpeng Fort and the Xiaoyaohai four countries can not go to a soldier, so I had to make an idea to the tribe in Wushanli.

The various tribes in Wushan did not intend to be involved in disputes in the Western Regions. Some were euphemistic and some were straightforward. They all refused to send troops.

Wushan Fine Iron is an important strategic material. Jinpengbao has been quietly placing people in the area. They were ordered to provoke a big fight between the mine thief and the indigenous people. When the two sides stayed together, they all asked for help from Jinpengbao. At that time, nature will send troops to participate in the war surrounding the stone country, and even have time to participate in the decisive battle with the Central Plains.

The plan was close to success, and suddenly there was strange news that the Dragon King was resurrected and led a army from the wilderness to Wushan. There are not many people who believe that when the army really arrives, Jinpengbao’s The spies were all in a mess.

Finally, a knifeman who has been lurking for many years in Wushan came up with a "wonderful plan": not to fight openly with the Dragon King, but to "help" the Dragon King to defeat the tribal coalition forces in order to gain trust and then lead the Dragon King to the depths of Wushan. Consuming the strength of the Daxueshan army, you can also find an opportunity to assassinate the Dragon King, which is a great achievement.

The knife is very clever, just ignore it. His conspiracy is very effective for the mine thieves and the Wushan indigenous people. It is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the Dragon King.

It is from this mouth of the surrendering knife that Gu Shen understands the changes in the situation in the Western Region.

Shi Guo actually did not surrender, this is another gift that God gave to the Daxueshan army. Gu Shen was glad that he chose Zhong Heng as the stone country.

At present, the situation is still very critical. Wushan is vast and vast. There is only one passageway into and out of the Xiaoyao Sea. It is located in the north and is connected with Anguo. The passage is narrow and tortuous. Once closed, the 10,000-strong army will be trapped in the mountains and cannot be heavy. Return to the Western Region.

Gu Shen made a series of decisions to make a decision.

The Huagaifeng family turned to the clouds and led the 500 selected pioneers. Several indigenous people used them as guides to set off immediately and strive to get out the mountain roads as soon as possible.

The old knife is able to lead the knife and the two thousand soldiers, followed by the dragon.

After the multi-peak family leader Long Xiaoshi led the main army, he steadily and steadily opened up a safe route to ensure the connection with the country of Xiangji.

As for the Wushan tribe and the mine thieves, the grievances of the two sides have not been resolved, and there is no deep hatred against Jinpengbao. Gu Shen allowed them to leave, leaving only a small number of volunteers to act as hostages and guides.

After confessing everything, Gu Shenwei and the Dutch women lightly set off and walked in the forefront, and they had to compete for time with the Jinpeng killer who was rushing to the mountain.

The passer-by was Ha Chilie, and the Dragon King rescued the lower-level coalition army. He was very happy to have the opportunity to return this person.

The mountain road is rugged, the horses are of little use, and the three people are walking on foot. Ha Chilie knows Wushan clearly, and it is a shortcut. Although it is more difficult to walk, it can save a lot of time.

Gu Shen is very urgent, staying up all night, even if it is in accordance with the standard of Jinpeng killer, it is too hard, Hachi Lie still has a competitive heart for the first three days, insisting on it without a word, the fourth day has already I couldn’t hold on, and I walked to the cliff several times, and I was dragged by the Dragon King.

"Dragon King... It’s all right, you guard, but a woman... It’s amazing.” When he finally stopped, Ha Chilie was sincerely admired. He did not admire the Dragon King - the Dragon King should be like this - But the lotus girl.

Ha Chilie did not know the name of the lotus girl, but she had seen her on the hillside intercepting five Jinpengbao spies, and she walked with her for a few days, and her heart was soaring. "The whole Wushan can not find a woman like you." , uh..."

Suddenly I found myself staring at the female guard of the Dragon King. Ha Chili turned his head and embarrassedly blushed.

The Dutch woman did not say anything, but she was not angry.

This is just a small episode of the three on the road. Then, regardless of fatigue and drowsiness, they continue to move forward day and night. No one is in the mood and no energy to say a word.

For fifteen days, the three people only took a short break of less than ten times. They finally walked for nearly a month and came to the first level of the Wushan main road.

It is a bit reluctant to say that the level is actually a tribal village. It is specially used to collect tolls from the caravans that transport ore, and to provide accommodation and meals. The cost is not high, but it is enough to support the villagers.

When I arrived at the village, Gu Shenwei finally understood the "must" of the road. This is a canyon with high cliffs on both sides. Only five or six people can walk side by side.

The canyon has been more than ten miles long, and the middle of the valley has become slightly wider. There are many natural or artificial caves on the cliff wall, which is the home of the tribe residents.

As long as you are willing, the people in the village can use the stone to build a number of levels along the canyon in a few days, and hundreds of people in the district can block thousands of horses.

Gu Shen really can't think of any way to break through this obstacle.

Thanks to the shortcuts led by Ha Chilie, when the three men rushed to the village, they did not find the Jinpeng killer.

In fact, the news that the Dragon King and the Daxueshan army entered Wushan was still spreading on the road, and was also left behind by three people.

Everything in the village is as usual, and the entire row of vehicles is parked on the roadside. There are various kinds of ore piled up on it, and there are many iron ore. They have to be smelted outside the mountains.

The size of the village is small, and there are more businessmen and miners than locals.

Ha Chilie’s attitude towards the Dragon King has undergone major changes. From the obedience to the voluntary loyalty, he knows that the matter is urgent. Jinpengbao’s power here is much larger than that of the Dragon King, so there is no rest for a moment, and he asks to see the village chief. .

"The patriarch here is an old friend with my father and will listen to my advice."

This is the most ideal way. Only by the Dragon King and the Dutch woman can kill many people, but there is no way to occupy the entire village.

The patriarch is Gu Shen who has seen the fattest person, sitting on a soft collapse enough to accommodate three people, leaving no gaps.

Compared with this type of body, his arm is as short and fleshy as a baby.

These arms are trying to stretch out and welcome the arrival of the old friend's son. "Have a scorpion, how long have you not come to see me? Have you been married? My little daughter is still waiting for you."

Ha Chilie went deep into the ceremony. "The guardian of Wushan, the owner of the swallowing canyon, Ha Chilie asked you for peace. I brought my father's greetings and thank you for your care of the Dongshan people for many years."

The rules and traditions of Wushan, acquaintances must meet, must give gifts, the three went in a hurry, nothing was taken, Ha Chilie then offered his own knife.

The fat patriarch took the gift and recognized that it was a rare weapon. Then look at the arrogance of the servant, and the two men and women who are arrogant and arrogant behind him, immediately understand that something big has happened.

"Ha Chilie, why don't you introduce these two friends? Do you think I am not warm enough?"

Ha Chilie apologized to the fat patriarch, but delayed to refuse to say the identity of the dragon king. The Wushan tribe has never been interested in the disputes outside the mountain, but the forces of Jinpengbao have infiltrated here, and they are still buying large customers of ore. The good feelings obtained are far more than the snowy mountains.

If the Dragon King has a little popularity in Wushan, Da Xueshan is completely a strange name.

After telling the story of Jinpengbao’s sneak sneak attack on the tribal coalition, Ha Chilie finally said the name of the dragon king.

The fat patriarch was very surprised. Like many people who saw the Dragon King for the first time, it was hard to believe that this pale young man would be the head of the army.

But he has more eyesight than most people. The temperament of the Dragon King makes him understand that this young man is by no means a name.

The fat patriarch tried to move the fat body and pay tribute to the Dragon King. "Welcome to you, the Dragon King, and your army. The Windswallow Canyon is a business road. As long as you follow the rules, no one will be blocked."

Gu Shenwei nodded slightly, he knew what the "rules" are, "Da Xueshan will pay customs duties according to the head of the people, a lot of silver."

The fat patriarch looks very satisfied and starts to open his arms again. "The more friends there are, the better. The Dragon King has been a friend of the swallowing village since then. Come and have a good food and drink. I want to have a drink with my new friends. Return."

Ha Chilie was happy to look back at the Dragon King.

Gu Shenwei has been carefully observing and found no suspicious signs. The fat patriarch and the people around him seem to be sincere. The only thing that surprised him was the Dutch woman.

The lotus girl is as quiet as usual, but Gu Shenwei can feel a little tension from her body. This is a dangerous signal nearby.

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