Death Sutra

Chapter 404: poison

Among the disciples of Xiaoyuetang, apart from the lotus girl, Gu Shen is most familiar with Guan.

In the underground palace of the Bodhi Garden in Saitama City, the two had a battle that was apparently dark. When the customs finally showed that they were Xiaoyuetang disciples, Gu Shenwei was quite surprised.

After that, the two had several cooperations.

Guanshang is a very good killer. It can be a good face for Shangguanfei. It is no accident that Xiaoyuetang is good at secret surgery. It is a little worse in terms of actual martial arts. The Dutch women and customs brokers are rare among them.

Years of training in the face, let Guanshang develop a special set of skills: hide strength, as much as possible to attract attention.

She can show her different levels according to her needs. From the weak women who have no power to the chickens, the ordinary Jinpengbao knife, to the top green assassins, they can be convincingly revealed.

Because of this, every time Guan Guan is nearby, Gu Shen will give birth to a sense of tension.

Today, this tension is unexpected. Gu Shen did not understand its source at the beginning. His eyes were swept twice from the face of the businessman after Yi Rong. He could not find any flaws until the third time, weak. The signal flashed in the brain, Gu Shen immediately seized it, suddenly found the source of tension, but also recognized that she must be a business.

Guan Shang's Yi Rong is very clever. He did not make himself younger or older. He is still around 30 years old. The facial features are slightly modified, but she has become more mediocre, and she is judged by the real one.

Guan Shang is good at hiding sharpness, but once she discovers her disguise, Gu Shen immediately thinks about it. This is not the first time that Guan Shang has appeared in Dongfu. In fact, for the past two days, Gu Shen has seen the fat patriarch almost every time. They are all standing in the vicinity of the servant group.

Gu Shenwei waited for the businessman to make a shot. He was prepared, not afraid of the martial arts of Xiaoyuetang disciples, and even more afraid of their secret skills. The lotus girl had helped him to relieve her worries.

Before coming to see the fat patriarch, Gu Shen guessed that the "guest" of Tunfengxia was probably a traitor to Xiaoyuetang. The Dutch woman was very worried at the time. Jinpengbao was a huge organization, even after undergoing complete training, the stone. There are still many secrets in the castle that are not accessible to ordinary killers. But for Xiaoyuetang, the Dutch woman believes that she has already understood everything about it.

"If it is really the group of traitors who are plotting conspiracy, they will not dare to slash the sword." The lotus girl is very certain about this, so she and the Dragon King act separately, instead of staying together to protect each other.

When the real Xiaoyuetang disciple is assassinating the master, the most accustomed to use is a variety of secret techniques, which naturally include a variety of poisons.

"They have three kinds of poisons to choose from, all of which are odorless and tasteless." The daughters are like a few treasures, and they comment on them one by one. "The first kind is the quickest, but the food is harmless. You must **** in it, so someone has to risk throwing." Powder, we only need to guard against one point; the second effect is also very fast, we need to add to the food to deceive us to eat, but it works too fast, the first mouth will swallow it will have an effect, if spit out in time, the harm It is not big, it is estimated that they will not use it; the third one has the slowest effect, and it needs to be eaten several times. It will accumulate and kill people. After the attack, there is no antidote and no trace. The poisoned person is no different from the sudden death. It is called 'one head scattered' and takes the meaning of falling down."

This is one of the many secret medicines in Xiaoyuetang. It is not easy to survive in such a martial art. Gu Shen is very curious about a problem. "So, Xiaoyuetang wants to poison someone. It’s too easy, and it’s easy to get rid of suspicions afterwards.”

"It's very easy, but it's very troublesome to mix together. It's not an important goal. We won't use it casually."

Obviously, the Dragon King and the Dutch girl are important goals.

"Maybe we have eaten a few times."

"Well, there is such a possibility that it cannot be confirmed before it occurs."

Although it is impossible to confirm, the Dutch woman still has a way to dissolve the poison. Otherwise, she can't live in Xiaoyuetang. She took out a small wooden box containing more than ten red pills.

Gu Shen has had a serious escape from the fire. The Dutch woman once gave him two such pills. He didn’t eat it. Later, he gave it to others. It’s not a big problem. Now, he has to face the choice of eating and not eating. The question behind it is how much he wants to trust the woman.

"Before the poison attack, this is the only antidote." The lotus girl carefully carried the small wooden box, as if it was a valuable but fragile treasure. "As long as there are Xiaoyuetang disciples nearby, I will eat every seven days." One grain, this is what I have reconstituted in the country of Xiangji. I haven't used it yet."

The specialty of the country of Xiangji is rich in herbs. The lotus girl has to go to the country's fragrant high priests and all the disciples, and work with them to make a lot of secret drugs.

Gu Shen’s vigilance in his heart suddenly rose, but on the surface he did not show any hesitation. He picked up a pill and threw it into his mouth.

The lotus girl took a grain in front of him.

"Within seven days, no Xiaoyuetang disciple can secretly harm you," she said.

Guan Shang would rather sacrifice a companion and plant it to Jinpengbao. He did not want the lotus girl to find Xiaoditang disciples in this place. In this way, the lotus girl and the dragon king would not take the antidote in advance.

This idea played very well, but Gu Shen not only guessed it, but also recognized her.

It was late, and Ha Chilie chose the "Italian". Strictly speaking, this was the woman's election. He received a hint and pointed to a girl around me and left without saying anything.

The two servants who followed him carefully watched and smiled and quickly reported the results to the patriarch.

"Ah, my granddaughter is coming, we are really a family this time. Your eyes are good, pick my favorite granddaughter." The fat patriarch spread his arms and congratulated Ha Chilie intimately.

Ha Chi is still red, and I don’t know if it’s called “uncle” or “grandfather”.

Things have been fixed, talked a few words, Gu Shen to get up and leave, standing straight for a moment, his face passed a blush, as if it was infected by Ha Chilie, but the blush disappeared very quickly, almost no one found Similarly, Lianlong Wang himself did not seem to notice.

This is what he deliberately made with his internal strength.

Before a seizure, the person who takes the food will not have any special feelings, but there will be some subtle indications of the degree of accumulation. The lotus girl assumes that every meal after entering the Windswallow Gorge has eaten a little poison, so they are described in detail. The reaction that should be produced.

One of them is the redness on his face.

Gu Shen hopes that the business can start as soon as possible. His delay in the Tundra Gorge is too long. In three days, the news of the Dragon King’s reappearance may have spread to half of the sea.

He can't preempt, and there must be more mourning sorcerers in the Windswallow Gorge, so they have to be exposed.

Guan Shang is probably the only person who saw the dragon face red, but she obviously does not think this is the best time to start, still choose not to move.

Gu Shenwei also pretends to know nothing.

The Dutch woman was waiting for him in the room. When she met, she said, "I am afraid we have to kill another person tonight."

Among the fat patriarchs, a bunch of daughters, granddaughters, and many servants of the ring, the lotus girl did not find the traces of Xiaoyuetang disciples. This is normal. No one dares to pretend in front of the priests. It is a complete accident. She never imagined that the woman would come to the swallow wind gorge so soon.

But the Dutch girl found a master.

She is a ring, the owner is the fiancee chosen by Ha Chilie.

The daughter named the fat patriarch of the Dutch woman naturally has a reason. The ring around the lady apparently thought that she was exposed. There was a murderousness and panic in her eyes. The woman was more certain that she would have martial arts and her skills were good.

"This is a test. They want to know if the goal of the trick is to stay on the Jinpeng killer, so send a target."

Gu Shenwei felt that the judgment of the woman was accurate, agreed with her decision, and then told her that she recognized the business.

Upon hearing this news, the Dutch woman was silent for a while. "I have never been able to fully believe her."

Gu Shen remembers that Guan Shang was always nervous and nervous in front of the Dutch woman. He was even more humble than the lowest servant. When the woman was in a fire, she also reminded the Dragon King not to let the merchants close.

"We have to get started as soon as possible, I am worried that Shi Guo has already changed."

"The last day, we have enough to eat, and it will happen around noon tomorrow."

The two men reapplied, and the door was bolted from the inside and jumped out of the window. After the fiancee was appointed to Hachilie, they had to assassinate the fiancee of the fiancee.

There is also a possibility that the ring will deliberately expose the identity and induce the two to enter the trap. If the opponent is only a Jinpeng killer, this possibility is very big, but the method of Xiaoyuetang disciple is different. The lotus girl believes that the poison is theirs. s Choice.

The seven young masters have just been assassinated. The warnings in the villages are obviously stricter. After the third, many people still patrolled with torches, and many places also arranged dark whistle.

There is only one road in the swallow wind gorge, nowhere to hide, Gu Shen and the female woman sneaked on the cliff to sneak away, avoiding a large number of torches, and marching toward the target along the tortuous shadow.

Most of the Dongfu houses here have two or three floors, and the son-in-law usually lives on the highest floor. The lotus girl has already heard the place where the lady and the ring are in front of her, and does not need to find it.

This is a strange assassination. Both the murderer and the murderer voluntarily jump into the scam.

Sacrifice a master, just to let the Dragon King and the Dutch girl believe that the main messenger behind the scenes is Jinpeng Fort. If it is not a little understanding of Xiaoyuetang, Gu Shenwei will not believe that someone can make such a plan.

Xiaoyuetang is a madman, Gu Shen can't help but think, what kind of experience the Dutch woman has experienced in the past few years, perhaps no more difficult than the bitterness of the ice when entering the magic.

There are ventilated windows on the cliff wall. As usual, Gu Shen is responsible for opening the window to kill, and the lotus girl is behind her to guard against the enemy's sneak attack.

Gu Shen opened the window with a dagger and gently opened a slit and saw that he and the lotus girl did not need to go in.

The two bodies were lying on the ground, and there were no heads. Gu Shen could not see more details. He could only guess that this is the lady and the ring that the woman suspected.

(Seeking for advice)

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