Death Sutra

Chapter 405: Ring

The Dutch woman also glanced inside and returned to the room. She told Gu Shen that she could not identify the identity of the body.

The two headless bodies may be anyone.

When the day was still not bright, there was a miserable scream that rang throughout the village. So everyone quickly learned that a granddaughter’s granddaughter had been assassinated with a close-fitting ring, and even his head was gone.

Who is so cruel that it will assassinate two unarmed weak women? The people and business travelers in the village immediately thought of Jinpengbao. It was obvious that the son of the Dongshan chief had just chosen his fiancee, and the person he liked was cut off from his head. This is obviously the handwriting of Jinpengbao.

The Dragon King easily got rid of the suspicion. In the eyes of ordinary people, Ha Chilie is the subordinate of the Dragon King, and the Dragon King will not do it to his own people.

Ha Chilie is not very enthusiastic about this marriage, but ending marriage in this way is beyond his tolerance. When he heard the news, he went to see the fat patriarch and vowed to avenge his fiancee anyway.

"The murderer is not only the enemy of the swallowing canyon, but also the enemy of the Dongshan people who don't share the sky. Even if I chase the end of the earth, I will kill him by myself."

The anger of Ha Chilie was praised by many people, especially the fat patriarch. He has always been able to hold his breath, but he lost two descendants in succession, and he was deeply hurt. He suddenly looked old.

Gu Shenwei was also at the scene and said some clichés, most of which were used to observe carefully.

The sorrow of the fat patriarch is very similar to the incident. He can't see a little flaw. But this one is only one of his many granddaughters. He seems to be more sad than the death of the seven young masters. It is somewhat unreasonable.

Guanshang is also hiding in the group of servants, and does not attract attention.

After all, the Dragon King and Ha Chilie were outsiders, so they quickly retired.

On the way, Ha Chilie remained silent and bowed his head.

He is probably still skeptical that the Dragon King is the murderer. Gu Shen does not intend to tell the truth now. Fortunately, it will soon be carried out to enact the enemy’s enemies, and then everything will naturally be true.

"Dragon King." When he arrived at his place of residence, Ha Chilie stopped and looked around. After confirming no one, he continued: "I don't know how to speak, this thing..."

"I don't want to lie to you, but I can't tell the truth right away, so you better not ask." Gu Shen hopes to use this sentence to send Ha Chilie.

However, Ha Chilie revealed a stunned look and did not understand the meaning of the Dragon King. Gu Shenwei knew that she was wrong. "What do you say, though?"

Ha Chilie once again looked left and right. "Please ask the Dragon King to come to my room."

Gu Shenhe hesitated for a while and agreed. Ha Chilie and his tribe have a very good position in Wushan. Now and in the future, they will be strong allies of Daxueshan, and it is worth taking risks to win.

Ha Chilie’s room is next door to the Dragon King. It is also a medium-sized cave house with complete facilities and gorgeous decoration. The fat patriarch did not take him as an outsider.

Closing the door, Ha Chilie still did not feel at ease, and pushed open the window slits, looking out for a while, more nervous than outside.

Gu Shen is holding the handle, this kind of little trick can't stop him, and there are other people hiding in the house, at least two.

Ha Chilie went back and saw the look of the Dragon King's alert. He immediately said, "Don't miss the Dragon King. In fact, it is not me who wants to see the Dragon King. It is her..."

Ha Chi Lie’s voice just fell, the door in the corner was silently pushed open, and two women were walked out from the inside. The younger was fifteen or six years old, and the face was panicked. The big 20s were like the Dragon King. alert.

Gu Shenwei was surprised at the beginning. He vaguely guessed who the two were, but he felt too surprised.

Ha Chilie pointed to the young girl and said, "This is Miss Zhenzhen." Referring to the older woman, "This is..."

"My name is Han Wei." The woman took the initiative to introduce herself. "It is half a Xiaotangtang disciple."

Mingzhen is the fiancee chosen by Ha Chilie. Han Han is naturally the master of the discovery of the lotus girl. They should die in the bedroom instead of standing in front of the Dragon King.

There was a major change in the matter. Gu Shenwei still held the handle and did not speak. At this time, the two women who needed to explain the problem were the "resurrection".

Mingzhen is a spoiled young lady. It is very difficult to stay awake after a sudden accident. There is no way to speak, so Han Han is responsible for communicating with Dragon King.

"The Dragon King must have been surprised."


"Dragon King saw the body last night?"


"What about the lotus girl? I hope she is also standing in front of me, hiding in the dark makes me nervous."

Han Yu’s tone is a bit aggressive, and Gu Shenwei doesn’t want to be polite with her. “If there is anything, it’s best to say it right away. I don’t have much time to stay here, I think, you have less time.”

Han Hao seems to be angry, and soon forcibly resisted and sighed. "Yes, my time is less, I will open the door, Dragon King, Miss Zhenzhen and I need your protection."

"From the beginning, who are the two bodies?"

"Two laundry women, the name is not important, it is our dead ghost."

The perfect guess will also be a lot of loopholes. Gu Shen’s previous inference relies on all the words and the human nature he understands. There is not enough understanding of the swallowing canyon and the fat patriarch family. Many things are not ignored by him. But I can't see it at all.

Mingzhen is the granddaughter of the fat patriarch. In fact, it is his biological daughter. She used to be very popular, but after her mother died, her love became thinner.

The mother died very suddenly, leaving nothing but the grievances of the older generation.

Han Yu’s life experience is more complicated. He was abandoned at the gate of the village shortly after he was born. He was adopted as an illegitimate woman by the patriarch’s family. When he was six or seven years old, he suddenly came to a mysterious woman who not only taught martial arts, but also Said that she should be surnamed Han, the birth of a mother has a great source.

The mysterious woman will come once or twice a year. Four years ago, she changed a woman. She claimed to be a child. She was frank and told Han Xiaoxiao’s affairs. She claimed that her mother was an important person in the church and she was dead. Then, care for her daughter, and then began to ask whether the mysterious woman before left a secret or something.

Han Hao had nothing in her hands. In fact, she only learned a few normal martial arts. She knew nothing about mystery. She was barely a master, but she never really handed it over to anyone.

The nephew stayed, and after a year, she finally believed in Han Yu’s words, but she became interested in the swallow wind gorge. She had a set of efforts that Han Yu was ashamed to mention, and soon she got the favor of the fat patriarch.

Han Han was forgotten and continued to be a ring. She did not know how high her martial arts were, so she never had the idea of ​​leaving the Wind River Gorge alone.

Mingzhen is the second lady she served. Both of them were sick and sick. They all had a mother who protected themselves. They were all suffering from the death of the mother.

Not long ago, more and more strange women came here, all of them were acquaintances of the deaf children, hiding in a kind of identity, rarely showing up.

When Xiaoyuetang traitors needed a bait that led the Dragon King and the Dutch woman to the wrong way, Han Yu was remembered again. She would not be secretive. The martial arts learned had nothing to do with Xiaoyuetang. It was the ideal candidate.

As for Miss Zhen Zhen, it is white to give the dragon king the addition, anyway, from the patriarch, no one cares about her life and death.

This plan should not be leaked. Mingzhen is a young girl who is not childish. Han Han is older, but she does not have any experience in the rivers and lakes. Even if she knows that people are sinister, she can’t see where the sin is, she is in the real The master does not know how to converge in front of him, but it is the best tool to attract the attention of the woman.

Guan Shang and others underestimated the famous Jane. Only when she was fifteen years old, she felt more warm and warm than Han Han, so she was much more precocious. The childishness was only the face, not the heart.

Mingzhen is like the air. The people in the family don't pay attention to her, and they rarely talk to her. According to a few hints, she guesses that there is danger in the ring, and then infers that she is also at risk.

The two laundry women are sisters. They have just died in the past two days, and the name is cherished. Han Han is fighting for the dead.

Even at this time, they did not expect to escape from the Windswallow Gorge and decided to find a backer.

Ha Chilie is naturally selected.

Mingzhen was very impressed with this tall and rough man. "Let's go to him and let him tell the truth about the Dragon King."

Still famous for her name, but since she entered this room, she was shy and said nothing, all of them were Han Hao.

This kind of truth, even if it is a hundred times smarter than Gu Shen, can not guess.

“How many Xiaoyuetang women are there in the swallow wind gorge?” The escape story of the lady and the ring is of course interesting. Gu Shen is more concerned about the enemy.

"I don't know, probably... seven or eight." Han Han hated the nephew as a person, so she has never been involved in her affairs.

Mingzhen quickly looked up at the dragon king and seemed to want to say something, but then the words disappeared into the air, leaving only the lips silently moving.

Han Han immediately interpreted the meaning of Miss. "Oh, Miss said that there are at least ten, no more than fifteen, and most of them live in Jiuqu Cave."

"Where is the Jiuqu Cave?"

Han Yu looked at the Dragon King with horror, as if he didn't know that Jiuqu Cave was an unforgivable mistake.

Ha Chilie knew that the temper of this ring was very strange, so she replied for her, "A cave in the north of the village is said to have a hole in the twists and turns, so it is called Jiuqu Cave, which is a refuge for the swallowing gorges. Have you used it?"

"From the beginning of my note, I have never used it, but everyone here knows Jiuqudong." Han Yu still feels that Ha Chilie's explanation is more than one move.

“When did the customs broker come to the village?” After slowly understanding the personality of Han Han, Gu Shen did not care.

“Off business? Who is the business.”

"Approximately thirty years old, often pretending to be a servant, a woman standing near the patriarch."

"She, it’s been more than a month."

"Forty-five days." Miss Zhenzhen finally opened a golden mouth, the sound is smaller than the mosquito.

Gu Shenwei roughly calculated it. Forty days ago, it was the time when the Wushan tribal coalition forces fought in the country of Xiangji and Daxueshan.

When the nobility of the country of Xiangji came to Wushan to seek reinforcements, no one believed that their enemy would be the Dragon King. Now it seems that some people have taken this news seriously. The Dutch woman ran into the Xiaoyuetang traitor in the swallow wind gorge. I am afraid not. It’s just a coincidence.

(Seeking for advice)

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