Death Sutra

Chapter 435: Dark night

The assassination plan of Shangguan Jianyi has just begun, and naturally it will not easily admit defeat. He sniffs out the meaning of the challenge from the action of the Dragon King and immediately counterattacks.

His response was direct and cruel. At the cost, there were more than 30 first-rate killers and more swordsmen on the night. Although these swordsmen belonged to the employees, they have been serving Jinpengbao for many years and are familiar with the killers. Rules, not people who make up the number.

There is not much novelty in the entire assassination plan. On the one hand, each one is very simple, but one by one, starting from the second day and ending at dawn, the most experienced fighters have also had a fear of the night. .

The five ** team was controlled more and more tightly by the Dragon King. It was the first to be hurt in the assassination wave of the previous few days, but this did not affect the position of a small number of people: the Jinpengbao army that has not yet entered the Xiaohai Sea seems to be The Daxueshan army, which has occupied the whole territory, is more pleasing to the eye. Through an uninhabited desert, the ambitious King of the Steps is vaguely like a rescuer, not an aggressor.

The sect is still hidden in the army, no longer as open as before, but more destructive.

A small group of soldiers, a total of fifteen people, patrolled after dark, walking on a fixed route, passing through a number of mutual support whistle, the dark whistle through the simulation of the sound of birds and beasts at night, very unusual to the surrounding noise alert.

But this time the assassination took place in the middle of two dark whistle, silent, and it was completed in the blink of an eye, without causing anyone’s attention.

Thirteen soldiers were killed, and the assassin quickly took off his black clothes, revealing the uniforms of the five-country soldiers who had already worn them, dragging the bodies to the side of the road, covering them with their own black clothes, and then picking up the weapons of the deceased, following the two. The leader continued to patrol.

The two leaders didn't even return, as if they didn't know anything about the situation behind them, just slowed down a bit, and when the team was neatly arranged again, everything returned to normal.

The squad was not in a hurry. After completing the patrol mission, he handed over to the next squad on time and returned to the military camp.

At this time, it is two quarters away from the second day.

The soldiers of the five countries lived in the east and south of the military camp. They were on the periphery and adjacent to the Daxueshan camp. According to the military order, they could not cross the border at will.

Thirteen killers sat in a dark tent and waited for a while, then every two hours, quietly walked out of two or three people, a total of five groups, each to the designated location to stand by.

The two leaders screamed in their respective accounts and made exaggerated grunts. When the last batch of killers left, they secretly sighed and sighed in the camp. They will take the opportunity to escape from the military camp and openly The Dragon King is the enemy.

The killers apparently had another idea, the sharp knife slid into the key, the traitor completed the final mission, and stopped the pretending snoring.

The first assassination was unremarkable. It happened outside the military camp. Four soldiers in the two whistle were killed. They did not signal on time and were quickly discovered. A large number of soldiers arrived and found the 13 dead patrol soldiers in the middle of the whistle. Immediately understand that the killer has been mixed into the military camp.

There were so many deaths at the beginning, indicating that the assassination tonight will be larger than any previous day.

The snowy swordsman who led the team immediately blew the horn and warned the camp.

The killers who have been buried are also using this voice as a signal of hands-on.

How to deal with this situation, the whole army has long-term plans, basically will not panic, especially the Daxueshan swordsmen, they are the main force of the **** barracks, at any time in the state of readiness, the horn sounds, immediately from the warm bed Climb out, pick up the epee and go to the assembly point.

The horns outside the camp have not stopped, and most of the swordsmen are ready.

However, the vigilance improvement needs a process after all, especially in the military camp of the enemy. Although there are several people living in each tent, there will be some confusion when going out.

The killers who are already in place will start at this time.

The goal they chose was the swordsman who walked in the back. When they hit it, they immediately shifted. When the former swordsman found it wrong, when he looked back at his companion, three swordsmen had died.

The defense of the Daxueshan camp was extremely strict, so all three assassinations occurred in the marginal areas, but they caused strong anger in the hearts of all the Snow Swordsmen. They ignited the torches and searched the hidden killers.

This is a wrong decision. The swordsmen have a heavy responsibility and should have traveled to important areas as quickly as possible to help other soldiers who started to panic strengthen their defense while protecting important people in the camp.

It was not until a quarter of an hour later that the left-handed general of the left general sent people to urge, and the swordsmen hated to act according to the established plan.

But it was already late, and the other two groups of killers started in the Savage Camp, killing two important leaders.

The number of savage soldiers is small, only a few hundred people, designated by the Dragon King as a pro-military, although the Dragon King’s living tents are erratic every night, but in the majority’s concept, they are always not far from the pro-barracks. Therefore, these two assassinations The vigilance caused is higher.

The two queens of the Dragon King also lived in the military camp. Many people immediately understood that the target of the killer tonight is not just a small person.

Shangguan Jianyi seems to be a **** overlooking the human world. Knowing everything that happened in the military camp, the assassination plan is always a step ahead.

When a large number of soldiers surrounded the princess and the **** tent, the assassination took place on the other side of the barracks.

The two nobles and four slaves in the country of Xiangji have been killed. The process of killing the assassin is very professional, not flawed, but the technique is a bit different. For demonstrations and intimidation, the body is extremely devastated, and the discoverers are mad. This timid army was in a panic and had to be crushed by a large number of swordsmen.

The assassination proceeded step by step, and the frequency became faster and faster. Next, two other five-nation generals and one mine thief were killed.

The panic was spreading. Only a thousand of the Snow Mountain swordsmen remained calm, but they were forced to spread to various camps to ensure the stability of the military.

The Dragon King has never appeared.

Gu Shenwei is waiting patiently, knowing that as soon as he shows up, he will become part of the Shangguan Jianyi plan.

Shangguan Jianyi once hid in the military camp. He knew the mentality of each army very well and was able to accurately guess their reaction. Only the Dragon King could not find a routine.

Gu Shen believes that patience is the most important quality in this duel.

The assassination is still going on, but as the defense of the military camp increases, the loopholes of the killers begin to increase.

Any plan is always perfect at the beginning, then it is going downhill, smart people will stop in time, but those who are eager to retaliate must stick to it.

Shangguan Jianyi is a person who is eager to retaliate. He has never had a relationship with the Dragon King, but he is deeply convinced that the Dragon King is a slave to Jinpengbao. He cannot be humiliated in front of the slaves.

The swordsmen launched a cooperative operation outside the military camp, but the effect was not very good. The Da Xueshan swordsman strictly obeyed the order and stopped running around. The panic of the patrolling soldiers began to become the will to survive after the continuous fermentation, and the alertness was higher than usual. A few times, even if it is the first-rate killer, it is difficult to quietly use it.

Detecting people's minds is just as easy as finishing a plan. The Shangguan Jianyi exerts pressure on the entire military camp, but it has an unexpected effect.

The assassinations outside the military camps turned into face-to-face battles. When the five-nation soldiers proved that they were struggling hard, the attacking power could not be underestimated. When the assassination night came to an end, they blocked the knives outside the camp. Sneak attack, encircle more than 60 people, only a few knives escaped.

The cooperation outside the camp did not take effect, and the assassination in the camp was more and more difficult. The killers had to continue to implement the original plan before they received new orders.

The two killers showed their horses when they stabbed a nobleman in the country of Xiangxiang. They died under the chaos of the Dragon King's soldiers. Then, another killer was discovered in the hiding place and killed by several Da Xueshan swordsmen.

Most of the killers are used to secretly starting from the back. Once the whereabouts are exposed, they lose their chances and the combat power is immediately compromised.

The swordsmen are just the opposite.

The news of several killers falling off the net coincided with the time and was quickly spread throughout the military camp. The most embarrassing soldiers were also encouraged, and the horror aura that shrouded the Jinpeng killer gradually weakened.

But the assassination did not end. After the whole army was tightening the string of vigilance, there were still people killed and the killers were changing their lives.

Shangguan Jianyi’s character at the expense of the goal was once again revealed. The last time the fire martial arts library sacrificed were the five-nation deserters, but this time it was the most elite force in his hands.

By the fourth day, the knives outside the military camp were either killed or fled, and there were eleven killers in the camp.

Thirteen of the earliest patrolling soldiers corresponded to the same number of killers, so there were two missing netgers. The two seemed to be scared and kept hiding and refused to show up.

The day is about to light up, and the night of the killer is coming to an end. The soldiers believe that the best killer is nowhere to be seen in the sun.

It seems that the killer’s annihilation is only a matter of time.

Gu Shenwei's patience is undergoing a test. His understanding of Shangguan Jianyi is far less than that of his own, but he thinks he can guess the other's mind. The assassination plan should never be just this degree.

The dawn of the sky was slightly exposed, and the cheers of relief were heard in the military camp. The last two killers were finally arrested.

Shangguan Jianyi may also make mistakes. Gu Shen thinks like this, but the vigilance in her heart has not been reduced.

The soldiers did not completely relax their vigilance and began to prepare for a large search of the military camp, not only to find out the possible killers, but also to check whether there were more spies.

At this time, the two tents in the middle of the barracks screamed, and everyone’s face suddenly changed, because everyone knows that it is the residence of two future queens. At least 500 soldiers are responsible for the alert, almost everyone is squatting. Even if the killers are invisible, there is no way to squeeze them out.

But the assassination still happened.

Princess Shi Guo and the Snow Mountain Girl Ginger were assassinated at the same time, and Lin Shan, who was prepared to pay for his life, was injured, but did not die.

(Seeking for advice)

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