Death Sutra

Chapter 436: Jianjun

The dust settled, and the talents in the military camp found that the two assassins did not sneak into the military camp last night. They pretended to be women and had been cooking and doing chores in the military camp.

Everyone feels scared. If these two "women" are poisoned in the meal, they don't know how many people are going to die, but they shoulder more important tasks.

Their initial goal is likely to be an important general, even the Dragon King himself, until the two queens stay at the same time, temporarily change the assassination object, the details can not be speculated.

Gu Shen is waiting for this moment.

Through two encirclements on the same day, he issued a clear and ruthless challenge. The counterattack of Shangguan Jianyi must be equally ruthless. Only a few people can afford this status. In addition to the Dragon King, the two future queens are the best goals.

Gu Shenwei used the princess and **** as a bait. The people responsible for fishing were Long Tuanyun and Lin Hill. The two selected four of the most elite helpers. After clever disguise, they kept hiding around the tent, so they could hear it. The vague voice inside.

In order to lead the killer to the trap, the Dragon King himself must stay in other places to give up a relatively safe passage.

The Dragon King chose to stay with Duo, the one-armed general who is also the one who wants to kill Jinpengbao and needs to be strictly protected.

The order that Long Chaoyun and Lin Xiaoshan got was: Anyone who tried to enter the queen's tent after dark, regardless of men, women, and children, would be killed.

The dragon turned over the cloud to protect the princess Shi Guo. He didn’t see anyone entering the account, but he heard the unclear questioning voice in the account. He could be hesitant to change someone. The person who lives in it is the dragon king today. The queen of sly, as a warrior under the Dragon King, how can you break in when the sky is still not bright?

The string in the heart of the dragon has been stretched for a whole night, just thinking about the assassin, forgetting everything else, never thinking about what the queen is after the queen, and once he heard the sound, he lifted the knife and rushed the tent. Into the four, accompanied by the attack from all directions.

The assassin could have killed the princess easily, but his plan was to retire and then retreat, and the movement was a little slower.

The princess didn't sleep at all. She saw a ring that didn't come to me for no reason. I said with a doubt, "I didn't call you." These four words recruited five Da Xueshan swordsmen.

This is a killer who is proficient in the process of accommodating. First, she is dressed as a strong middle-aged woman. She kidnapped a princess ring last night and changed her identity. She stayed at the princess after the night and was not recognized. Out.

The five-handed epee is like a roaring lion rushing to the weak and weak deer. The princess swears to marry the dragon king several times to accept the terrible way of life, but it is still terrified by the sight of the moment, and there is no fainting.

Another ring screamed.

Between the murder and the escape, the killer chose the latter. The alertness and keen reaction of the Snowman Swordsman were beyond his expectations, so he did not want to risk exposing his back to the enemy.

The killer's weapon is a delicate dagger, stabbed in the dragon's epee sword, and leaps and flies out of the tent.

Originally, he should kill the princess when he was just dawning, and then leave with ease as a ring. Now he can only rely on the top of the light to overcome the heavy guards. Fortunately, he has another companion.

Lin Hill’s respect for Jiang is no less than the loyalty to the Dragon King. This is a bad thing. His entire attention is concentrated on the outside, and he does not even dare to listen to the voice inside, for fear of failing the trust of the Dragon King.

After the dragon turned to the cloud, he suddenly felt that things were wrong. He hesitated and slashed his knife into the tent.

It was already late, and the killer heard the screams outside, knowing that everything had been revealed, and the arrows swept out and passed by Lin Shan.

The young swordsman was full of horror and anger, struggling to fight back, and did not care about his own safety, but he had already lost his chance, he had a pain in his chest, and he fell involuntarily. Before he lost consciousness, he saw the **** being Sleeping in bed seems to know nothing about what is happening outside.

The two killers failed to escape.

Originally, they still had a chance. The guards outside the account all looked outward. When they heard the scream, they hurriedly turned around. As a result, the team was confused. Later, other soldiers were cheering for killing the thirteenth killer. They are also in a state of semi-slack.

The person who shot is the Dragon King.

Throughout the night, soldiers have been in and out of the solitary tents to report the military situation. At some point, Gu Shen has also adopted the means of tolerance, exchanged identity with a soldier, hidden among the groups of guards, away from the princess and Ginger's tent is not far away.

For the first time, many soldiers saw the dragon king's knives for the first time. Unfortunately, after seeing it, there was nothing to say. The speed was too fast. The two killers leaped high in the air. The dragon king suddenly rose up and landed again, two consecutive knives. The knife hits.

It was not until three days later that the soldiers on the scene added fuel and vinegar on the basis of memory, depicting the dragon king's knife as a god.

The quicker knife method can't make up for the loss of this night. The snowy mountain girl **** died, just before she was about to become the king of the dragon king.

The cheers of the invading killer turned into endless mourning, and the Daxueshan swordsmen were so arrogant that they could not believe this cruel news.

Not all of the soldiers in the barracks regard the swordsman as a friend, but at this moment, they all have sympathy.

But no one has more sorrows than Lin Shan. The first thing he wakes up is to have his own knife and prepare to commit suicide. He is sorry for the Dragon King. He is also sorry for all the Snow Mountain Swordsmen. The Princess of the Dragon Cloud Protection is still alive, and he The person who protects is dead in his sleep.

But Dragon King is not allowed to die. "It is enough for you two to die. If you are still loyal to me, you will get well."

The words were cruel and ruthless. Lin Xiaoshan was ashamed and self-confident, but never tried to commit suicide. He was lying in bed for two days. The day he got up was just the funeral of Jiang. He stood silently in the crowd and felt that he followed the coffin. Buried underground.

There have been many things in these two days.

First of all, the Dragon King’s marriage had to be postponed. Although there was no wedding, Jiang was still a queen, and it was the first queen of the Dragon King. No one raised any objection. Even if she did not know her, she would really Expressing mourning, she believes that she deserves such treatment.

Secondly, several assassinations of Shangguan Jianyi showed that there were still many spies in the military camp. This is his style of action. Internal and external cooperation always makes a sudden blow when the opponent thinks that nothing is safe. The dragon king has broken through. His tricks did not save the Queen's life.

More detailed inspections were carried out throughout the army. Every soldier, especially the soldiers from the Five Kingdoms, must be guaranteed by at least two familiar soldiers to prove his true identity.

Through this opportunity, Du Guzhen began to officially issue orders to reorganize the complex army.

For a long time, this army has taken the Daxueshan swordsman as the core. Even if the proportion is getting lower and lower, it is still called the “Da Xueshan army”. Du Guzhen believes that this is not conducive to uniting soldiers from other sources, so instead of using one but not commonly used The name recognized by many people - Long Jun, or Dragon King.

The names of Daxue Mountain, Xiangji Country, Xiaoyaohai have also been canceled, but the personnel are not forced to mix, but are free to choose. Du Gu and Dragon King select ten generals named Millennium, seven of them are Da Xue Shan. The swordsman, including five young and old patriarchs, and two of them are the generals of Xiaoyaohai, and the last one is reserved for the toon teeth that are guarding the Wushan Passage.

By analogy, Qianxi himself selected ten hundred baht, one hundred baht to choose ten 尉, ten 尉 selected soldiers, and each millennial army has more than a thousand soldiers.

In this way, the Da Xueshan swordsman is no longer a group of **, but it is still the deserved main force, and there are many soldiers in other areas.

Since everyone is "selected", the resistance is relatively small.

More than 10,000 people have become the elite of the Dragon Army, leaving nearly 10,000 people. One thousand people were elected by the Dragon King as direct troops. Others as reserve forces, or concentrated training, or division is not important. The relationship can be ** combat, and can be added to the elite troops at any time.

These soldiers also have ten chiefs, known as the Deputy Millennium.

Gu Shen’s designated vice-president is Wu Zongheng from Anguo.

The task of reorganizing the army is very complicated, and there are many voices of opposition. If there is no full support from the Dragon King, Du Guzhen may even be assassinated by himself in the military camp.

Shangguan Jianyi will not look down on the establishment of the Dragon Army, but there are not many killers and spies that he can control. The defense of the military camp is increasingly strict, so after more than ten days of silence, he chooses to do it in another strategic place.

The Huiguo, the easternmost part of Xiaoyaohai, heard the news that the army of the small stock Jinpengbao suddenly appeared from the desert, broke the checkpoint, killed many guards, and marched toward the Huiguo capital city. No rescue was sent, and the king could only surrender.

There is also a less clear news that Shangguan Jianyi himself is commanding the operation of Huiguo. If this is true, according to the distance calculation, he has left Shiguo after formulating the plan to assassinate the two queens.

Long Jun Cao Chuang, many millennials have not yet selected all the soldiers, Gu Shen decided to personally bring troops to help.

There was another reason for him to leave Shi Guo at this time. Qu Xiang and Zhong Heng began to urge the Dragon King to marry the princess. Gu Shenwei felt that it was too hasty. The **** bones were not cold, and the soldiers of the Five Kingdoms began to show signs of stability. The marriage seemed to be less urgent. .

Zhong Heng can't be in a hurry. He reminded Xu Yanwei that he was really true. He didn't say anything in his mouth. However, his heart has been calculating the time when the female girl returned from Yuyu City, and she felt more and more urgent.

Moreover, Zhong Heng’s eyes are accurate. Among the whole army, only he can see the dragon king’s calculations. “Ginger is a good girl, but it’s a pity to die, but to be honest, it’s really time for her to die, not only to solve the problem of the division of the Daxue Mountain and the Happy Sea. It also brings a lot of benefits. If Shangguan Jianyi thinks more, he will definitely regret the decision to spur."

Gu Shenwei finally understood that people like Zhong Heng, who are so considerate, have always been unsatisfied in the officialdom. Sometimes, he knows too much.

(Seeking for advice)

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