Death Sutra

Chapter 437: Drop off

In the eyes of others, everything seems to be normal, but Zhong Heng has made many problems.

In the identification of Jinpeng killer, the Dragon King was better than the dog, but did not recognize the two men who disguised as servants, but he guessed that the assassination target of Shangguan Jianyi must be two queens. There is no attention in the middle. Contradictions.

Although Lin Shan is loyal, among the Dragon Army, martial arts is not in the first class. Compared with the dragons that have been through battles, it is a bit worse. He protects **** and is too big, not like the Dragon King. Acting style.

Finally, when Jiang was killed, Long Wang got many benefits from it, and nominally gave the dead Jiang Zun to meet the grief and vanity of the Da Xueshan swordsmen, arousing their high hatred towards Jinpengbao, and at the same time not offending Xiaoyao Haiwu* *people.

Even if it is Zhong Heng, I can't think of a more clever strategy than this to "solve the problem."

The only victim is Jiang, the innocent Snow Mountain girl, and perhaps Lin Hill. His despair and self-blame are written on his face, and his loyalty to the Dragon King is more and more pure.

Zhong Heng regrets Jiang deeply and respects the Dragon King. This is the cleverness and enthusiasm of the hegemony. He is completely practical.

Since giving up the position of the Central Plains officer and serving as the Shi Guofan, Zhong Heng’s heart has been a little uneasy from time to time. The Dragon King is too young, and the hatred in his heart is too heavy. In a critical moment, it is possible to make impulsive choices and assist in making such a mistake. A leader who is not mature enough has a bigger bet.

This time, the event proves that the Dragon King is no worse than the one-man in the case of sinful deception, and is even stronger in concealing packaging.

Zhong Heng felt that he should express this kind of appreciation, lest the Dragon King misunderstand his own meaning, so he bowed humbly and bowed. "Before the big marriage, the Dragon King should hold a formal ceremony to declare the world."

Gu Shenwei understands that Prime Minister proposed this proposal in order to express complete surrender, so he nodded nodded. "Now don't worry, first defeat Shangguan Jianyi."

"Yes." Zhong Heng consciously stopped persuading. Anyway, this suggestion was first proposed by him. He will mention it again every once in a while, so that when the Dragon King is one day, he will succeed in hegemony. This will be a great achievement, and it is more important than his hard work to gather soldiers, prepare food and grass, and control the stone country.

Zhong Heng knows that his duties are mostly unknown, and he is not comparable to the generals who rushed in front of the Dragon King. For this reason, he has to find a way to make the Dragon King impressed his credit.

In the past, this kind of pleasing behavior seemed too impatient. Now, Zhong Heng has more confidence in this life gambling, and even wants to add some chips.

After Zhong Heng retire, Gu Shen is only a little relaxed for the tight heartstrings. The attitude of the prime minister is a new situation, reminding the Dragon King to pay special attention to his own words and deeds in the future, especially not to repeat the mistakes of Shangguan.

Shangguan Ruben was the most popular host of the young killers. At that time, everyone believed that she would have more interest than her brother Shangguanfei. She left the early days of Shibao’s establishment of Yushe. She did show many leadership qualities, but a series of blows made her Changed a person, heartfelt and soft, questioned the meaning of killing, the result is that the subordinate killers are separated from each other, and even carefully planned the master plan.

Gu Shenwei believes that he will not suddenly change like Shangguan, but the demands of these people on his leaders are much higher than those of a small group of young killers.

The slightest mercy that is unintentionally revealed may be seen as a precursor to weakness, triggering an unexpected betrayal.

At this time, Gu Shen realized that the risk she had taken was so big that he had to end it as soon as possible.

On the tenth day of Jiang’s death, Dragon King personally led a thousand direct troops and a thousand reserve troops to the Hui State to invade the invaders.

Although she has not yet had a big marriage, the princess still went to the tower as a future queen. She wore a plain dress and expressed her condolences to another young boy who died early. A row of dense dragon and red crow flags was launched behind him. Like two wings that grow on her.

Those who lack confidence in the war see ominous from the princess, and the fighters who are fighting high spirits feel tragic and strong.

Fang Wen was riding on the horse and sneaked back and looked at it. Among the people, only he saw the princess.

The Dragon King agreed with the plan of the military division and decided to send him to the North Court. He used the money to pave the way. After the final battle of next year, he decided to start the action and immediately expressed his intention to the North Court.

Simply relying on the North Court or the Central Plains, the end result is not worth the loss. Fang Wen believes that there is always a narrow and tortuous path between the two strong, can benefit from both sides, and maintain ** and security, he also believes that he has the ability Point out this road.

Gu Shen decided to let the military division let go.

He placed a solitary piece in a distant position, although it did not help the situation at hand, but in the near future it may provide the power he needs most.

Half a month later, the two thousand dragons arrived in Huiguo and were catching up with the most stressful moments of the war.

The Huimin people are alone in the capital city. When they send out the messengers, they begin to calculate the time. When the rescuers are not due, they are ready to surrender to the enemy outside the city.

Surrender to any strong enemy has become the way to survive in the Five Kingdoms.

It is actually a bit reluctant to call the besieged city a Jin Pengjun. This is a team composed of bandits, swordsmen and refugees from the Western Region. However, more than a thousand people, holding the self-made Jin Pengqi bluff, heard that the young man of Xiaoyaohai They were all captured by the Dragon King as soldiers, concentrated in the stone country, and the other four countries guarded the emptiness, so they came to burn and rob.

This is a group of typical hustle and bustle. The purpose of the siege is to rob the property inside. It is found that the gates of the city are towering, and all of them are helpless. They will only fight outside the wall.

Even so, the kings and ministers of Huiguo did not think about taking the initiative to fight. In any case, the food in the city was still sufficient. They just waited for the rescue of the Dragon King, and this wait was not very patient.

Therefore, when Gu Shenwei arrived at the army, he discovered that the real enemy was not a besieged city. This so-called army saw a large piece of dust rising from the horseshoe, and immediately withdrew it and turned it into a small number. The stock gang helped and escaped.

The person who obstructs the Dragon Army is Hui Guojun.

It was found that the enemies in the besieged city were so vulnerable. They regretted asking for help. So they sent messengers, sent some gifts, and then turned around and refused to enter the city.

Gu Shen’s efforts to unite the Five Kingdoms of the Sea have only made some achievements in Shiguo and have not affected the most western areas.

The enemy could not be commanded by the Shangguan Jianyi. Upon discovering this fact, Gu Shenwei had already planned to leave part of the garrison and quickly returned to the stone country. However, the cold attitude of Huiguo people changed his mind.

Huiguo is obeying the entrance and exit of the West Sea. Although this road is not conducive to the passage of the army, it is also an important strategic position. It is a big mistake for a group of three-minded and weak and incompetent people to guard.

Gu Shen intends to stay for a while and completely block this loophole.

The Dragon King received the Huiguo messenger very politely. He did not insist on entering the city. He only asked them to provide the necessary daily food and help the Dragon Army to annihilate the domestic hooligans.

The rogue is scattered, many have already broken into other countries, but Gu Shenwei has not rushed to catch up, but went straight to the edge of the desert. There used to be a simple sentry post. There were only a hundred guards in the army. When the army came, they all ran.

The gap must be blocked. The Dragon King ordered the people in the capital city of Huiguo to build a real city on the border. It is not too big, but it is enough to resist foreign enemies.

From this, go deep into the passage to the Shule country, until the 7th day of the life-saving spring, set up a number of sentry posts, with fireworks as a signal, you can quickly find the enemy, especially near the life-saving spring, the guards are more, once found A large number of enemies, the only task is to put dirt and poison in the spring water.

It takes time to build a city. The bricks are too slow to burn bricks. The locals are used to building walls with wicker and mud. These two materials are everywhere. The new border city is also built in this way. It is not strong and strong, as long as it can be blocked. Naturally, there will be reinforcements coming to the rear.

During this period, Gu Shenwei sent two detachments of 500 people each to advance in both the north and the south, surrounding the territory of Huiguo and annihilating the hooligans.

Everything is going on, Gu Shen is sending out the time for the military division.

When you go to Beiting, you can't be too shabby, but you have to go through the site of Jinpengbao on the way, and you can't be too arrogant. Gu Shenwei only sent three followers, but gave the military a large number of silver tickets that can be exchanged, and some gold.

Fang Wen is finally fulfilling his wish. He can control a piece of money like a real adviser, but he has little excitement in his heart. "Dragon King, I am waiting for your good news in Beiting, you are also waiting for my good in the sea." Let's get the news."

The atmosphere is somewhat dignified and marching in the desert. Fang Wen is the feeling of the counselor in the heart gradually recovering. I want to lengthen the voice and say "Wind Xiao Xiao Yu" to the Dragon King, but turned around and found that the Dragon King did not stay in the same place to see himself, 吟The emotions of the poems are all gone.

Gu Shen is the only person to be sent away.

After these days of suffering, Lin Hill has been shaped and sturdy, and his skin has become more and more sturdy.

Others are avoiding death, but he wants to take the initiative to meet, but without the permission of the Dragon King, he can not do so.

Fang Wen left during the day, and Lin Xiaoshan left at night, knowing nothing about this trip before departure.

"You have been saying that you are going to die, are you ready now?" Long Wang summoned him alone and asked questions straightforwardly.

Lin Shan thought that he would send him to squat, and immediately said: "People and knives are all ready."

"Very good." Gu Shenwei stared at Lin Xiaoshan. Through these days of tests and observations, it proved that the loyalty of young swordsmen is basically reliable. It is difficult to find a second suitable person. "I want you to go to the Central Plains. I’m hiding my name, searching for information for me, and I’m not going back to the Western Regions anymore. Just like being dead, are you willing?”

Lin Hill was so surprised that it was too different from his supposed task. "I..."

"You can disagree, I will give you a different task."

Lin Hill squats on one leg. "I am willing, as long as it is good for the Dragon King, even if I go to hell, I am willing."

"You will be very beneficial to me in the Central Plains." Gu Shen has already decided to put another piece in a farther position, but I have to ensure that this piece is not only loyal, but also has vitality. "There is one person, you take it away." Never send it back."

It is this person who has become a hot potato in the hands of Gu Shen, and must be sent away without knowing it.

(Seeking for advice)

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