Death Sutra

Chapter 442: Torture

Gu Shenwei has not heard the news of Chunan Screen for a long time.

That is still nearly a year ago, because I felt that the killer I cultivated was unbearable, Gu Shenwei found a martial art teacher who retired from Jinpengbao Carving House in Yuyu City, named Hu Shining. Three teenagers went to the Shule country to take charge of a secret base there.

Among the three teenagers, Tie Lingling sneaked away, and the whereabouts were unknown. Chu Nanping and the boy named Nie Zeng should follow Hu Shining.

Jinpengbao and the North Court coalition forces swallowed up the Shule country, and the secret base was estimated to be exposed. Hu Shining’s loyalty has never been tested. He accepted the hire of the Dragon King for a meal, and still deeply felt for the former owner. The fear of the children in his hands is awful.

Gu Shen asked in detail to confirm that the boy-like teenager was a South-South screen, and that he was alone and had no companions. This showed a trace of ominousness.

Chunan Screen probably heard that Dragon King occupied the Xiaoyao Sea, so he rushed to the west and thought that Huiguo was an ally of the Dragon King. There was no special hiding.

It was a simple boy, and a short killer education would not leave too much mark on him.

What makes Gu Shenwei feel uneasy and puzzled is that it has been two months since I came to Huiguo. Why is the first Nanping screen still not showing up?

The day is already dark, Gu Shenwei does not want to wait for one night, leading five hundred soldiers into the city overnight, occupying the royal palace for the second time, and ordered the important ministers of Huiguo to be arrested from home, together with the eunuchs of the palace. The palace ladies, a total of more than a hundred people, were detained separately, and the soldiers were divided and tortured, that is, to know the whereabouts of the young swordsman.

Gu Shen led a small team of guards and directly broke into the queen's palace. The game had ended prematurely. He didn't want to go around the circle, and immediately knew the secret that the woman could not hide.

In order to win the hearts and minds of Huiguo, the Dragon King has always exercised restraint. Now, he wants to make the most direct and tyrannical means.

The soldiers arrested people in the palace. The queen would not know it. She had already dressed up to wait for the Dragon King. The little prince gloomy in the corner and looked at the dragon king who came in.

"The Dragon King is good, what's the big thing, can't wait until tomorrow morning?" The Queen's tone was not as proud as it was during the day, but it showed a hint of coldness and sarcasm.

"You know why."

Behind the Dragon King, ten guard swords were unsheathed, which is more convincing than any swearing.

"I don't know." The queen hesitated for a while and was still stubborn.

"Take the child away."

The two guards went to the corner and drove the little prince out to the outside. The boy was like a little beast who had just fallen into the hands of the man, and he struggled to curse. It was not the opponent of two adults.

The queen's face changed, but did not rush to rescue, but softly, said to the dragon king: "What do you want? Huiguo is already yours, what else is dissatisfied? He is still a child, you I have already punished him."

Gu Shenwei did not answer immediately. Standing there was like thinking about irrelevant issues. Soon, there was a pig-like scream outside. The child who was spoiled from childhood was experiencing the first setback in life. Far beyond the frustrations he imagined.

"Stop!" The Queen called out and could no longer remain calm. Although she also had many ambitions, these ambitions were all around her son. Every call of the boy brought ten times of pain to her. .

Gu Shen looked at her coldly. He did not torture the boy in front of the woman. It was already kind.

"I said, say everything, let them stop."

Gu Shenwei waited for a little while before waving to the guard behind him. Someone went out to order, and the screams gradually stopped.

The queen was in a state of chaos, his face was red and white, his eyes were panicked, his chest was violently ups and downs, and there was not much difference from an ordinary woman. "He... Shangguan Jianyi has conspiracy."

This is not what Gu Shenwei wants to know most, but he did not interrupt the queen and let her continue.

"He wants to provoke a rebellion and kill the Dragon King in Huiguo."

The Queen said the secret that he believed to be the most important, and found that the Dragon King did not show the color of surprise, and his heart was suddenly chaotic, and the latter words were very fast.

"He said, let the Dragon King stay in Huiguo, away from the main force of the Da Xueshan swordsman, but you can't lie, want to let you stay, the best way is to refuse the Dragon Army into the city, once you are suspicious, you will not leave easily He went to contact the royal family of Kang, Sha, and An, and the garrisons around the country, preparing to lead a large army with an absolute advantage, and three days from the agreed time."

It seems that this is the plan used by the Shangguan Jianyi to convince the King and the ministers. If the Dragon King did not let Du Guzhen reorganize the entire army, this plan may still have a chance of success, but now it is just an empty talk.

The garrisons around the sea, regardless of size, there are people who are loyal to the Dragon King. Even if Shangguan Jianyi can successfully convince some people, it is not enough to piece together into a military. As for the Kang, Sha, and Ansan king rooms, there is only hidden in the hands. The people have little fighting power at all.

Every day, there are intelligences sent to the Dragon King here, so he has a much more grasp of the situation than the Huiguo group.

It is impossible for Shangguan Jianyi to be unable to see the situation. Those words are just to make the idiots of Huiguo safely sell their lives for him. Gu Shenwei can guarantee that after three days, there will never be any army.

The secret of the Queen’s heart seems to have been drained, but the word does not mention the South Screen. Maybe she thinks that the young swordsman is not important at all, so Gu Shenwei asked: “There is a teenager with a long sword and a person. People say that he looks like a girl, I want to know his whereabouts."

According to the contact of this day, Gu Shen’s judgment on the face of the queen is true and credible. She probably thought that the Dragon King was interested in finding a problem and was looking for a chance to kill. “Dragon King, I am telling the truth, all are, you ask Prime Minister, he also knows the plan of Shangguan Jianyi. You said that we are not dead."

Gu Shenwei wanted to remind her that his promise was made before the little prince shot and wounded, but it was just a meaningless tongue. He stared at the queen and seemed to use his eyes to dig her internal organs. Come out and have a look.

There are still some things that are not right. Gu Shen does not know if this is a queen's problem, or because she did not ask the clues of the first Nanping.

In the eyes of the hegemonic, the human life is like a mustard, but even the most ruthless emperor in the world, there will always be several people whose lives are more important than the grass mustard.

In particular, Gu Shenwei needs Chunan Screen. The young swordsman is most likely to replace the position of the lotus girl in the future. To protect the Dragon King, if he is dead, it will be a major loss that cannot be made up.

The dragon turned into the clouds and the Dragon King nodded, indicating that the torture outside had a result.

Gu Shenwei knows that tomorrow morning, the atrocities of the Dragon King will spread throughout the capital of Huiguo. The little impression he has just established among the people is likely to disappear, so he has to take some remedial measures.

All the ministers who were arrested in the palace, together with the queen and mother, were publicly declared as traitors. They planned the plot to assassinate the prince. The dragon king would hold them all up and give them gifts to the returning prince.

This statement is not invulnerable, but there are many people who believe it.

It was revealed that the first half of the screen was a court guard. The other ministers confessed a lot of content. The conspiracy of Shangguan Jianyi, the ambition of the queen and mother, and the love of a child who loved the child were all shaken, but no one had seen it. The handsome boy of the sword.

The name of the guard, Li, was not in the first arrested person, but the massive torture of the Dragon King frightened everyone. He was one of dozens of active “subjects” who did not wait for the soldiers to use the sentence. That young boy swordsman.

"He just looks like a girl. In fact, if you look closely, the look is completely man."

Li Shiwei was very impressed with Chu Nanping. He was anxious to clear his own affair in front of the Dragon King, so his speech was somewhat upside down, and he could finally explain the general passing of the white matter.

At the beginning of the year, a person came to Huiguo and lived in a remote guest shop in the city. It still attracted the attention of many people. A group of rogue teenagers went in and picked up things. All of them were knocked down by him. Everyone understands that teenagers It’s true that women are not dressed as men’s clothing, and the long sword in their hands is not an ornament to scare people.

Then I don't know who sent the news, saying that this beautiful boy is the personal guard of the Dragon King.

Li Shiwei was the one who heard about the boy at this time. The guest in the palace, that is, Shangguan Jianyi found him, hoping that he could go and explore the situation.

Li Weiwei did not dare to refuse, so he went to see the first Nanping, in the name of the king, asked the young swordsman's true identity, claiming that Huiguo had already formed an alliance with the Dragon King, and the Dragon King's personal protective guard deserves the best reception.

The young swordsman received Li Shiwei in a cold manner. He did not say his name. The rumors of the Dragon King guards were not okay. He only said that he would stay for one night and leave tomorrow morning.

Li Shiwei returned to the palace to return to life.

The only fact that Li Weiwei can confess is that he did not hear about the whereabouts of the young swordsman, so he guessed that the strange boy had left the capital.

If it weren't for the beauty of the boy and the occasional murder that impressed him, he wouldn't remember it for so long.

As for the Shangguan Jianyi, he was very satisfied with Li Weiwei and rewarded him with a lot of silver. He did not mention his own purpose.

Gu Shenwei can be sure that Chuannan Screen has never reached the Longjun Camp, and it is very likely that he has never left the Huiguo Capital City.

In the whole story, Gu Shenwei felt incredulous that Chu Nanping was so careless. When the young boy and Tie Linglong accompanied the Dragon King to walk away from the Jinpeng killer in the early years, his appearance was a problem, and he often needed to cover up. Now, he came to the Xiaoyao Sea from the slain of the Shule country alone. It is reasonable to say that he should be more careful.

In any case, the young swordsman who refused to be named is definitely a South-South screen. It has been two months, and Gu Shenwei is hard to hope again.

To see people, to see the dead, to lead the way, Li Shiwei led the way, Gu Shen led the soldiers to go straight to the small shop in the south of the screen, determined to ask.

The night was deep, the wind was biting, and Gu Shen gradually calmed down and found that she could not understand the behavior of Shangguan Jianyi in Huiguo. He used the queen to leave the Dragon King here. So far, he has not made any moves, and the sea is peaceful. The hot and ruthless killer seems to have forgotten his plans.

(Seeking for advice)

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