Death Sutra

Chapter 443: Night visit

The rushing knock on the door made the shopkeepers stunned. Now it’s a very special period. The business is very cold. The shop is home to a group of refugees who often can’t pay the house money. Which one of them can’t get anywhere, and it’s going to cause something outside. Trouble is here.

Even after making the worst preparations, the shopkeeper was scared to sit on the ground after opening the store with a lantern.

A group of strange soldiers surrounded the small shop, and the pale young man standing at the door seemed to be the rumored dragon king.

"Guest officer, do you live in the store?" The treasurer did not know what he thought, and for a long time, he came up with such a sentence.

I heard that the Dragon King came to inquire about things. The treasurer put a little bit of heart down, and soon remembered the handsome young boy. "It was really strange that night. I ran a dozen guests at once, and didn't even give the money." My shop started to be bad luck from that time."

Chunan Screen is the only one who paid the money in advance. After the night, the store just closed, and suddenly burst into the 12 or three fierce guests from outside, with swords on the body and patted the table to say the best. room.

After a long time of tossing, the shopkeeper arranged the guests properly, and my heart suddenly jumped, and I didn’t sleep well in one night, so I heard the mess outside in the middle of the night.

First, some people slammed, followed by ambiguous shouts, no two sentences, and ping-pong ping-pong sounds lasted for less than a quarter of an hour. It seems that more people are involved, then someone flees and someone catches up, outside Quietly soon.

Wait until dawn, the treasurer immediately went to the newspaper, the police came to check twice, and did not find any clues, the squadron entered the siege, this little thing no one will control, anyway, there is no body at the scene, but there are more than a dozen guests Paying the house money.

"There is no body?" Gu Shen asked, and my heart was a bit puzzled.

"Well, even the blood is not there. If you listen to the sound, it will be very lively. Maybe they have a measure of the shot." It was found that the Dragon King was not as terrible as it was, and the shopkeeper spoke more smoothly.

All of this, the treasurer has never seen the young swordsman since then, and has not heard of his news.

The clues are interrupted, and Gu Shen’s doubts in his heart are getting higher and higher. The number of Wugong roads in Chunan Screen is very similar to that of Dragon King. No matter how many enemies there are, it is reasonable to say that they will not play “ping-pong”, and will not hit nearby. A quarter of an hour did not produce a body.

Is there a second handsome swordsman in the world? Gu Shenwei asked the guest again about the appearance of the guest. The shopkeeper described it very carefully. Obviously, he observed it carefully. "The eyes are big, the nose is straight, the lips are very thin, always tightly closed, looks like a girl, but definitely It’s a man’s, it’s not tall or short, and the sword on the body looks a bit long. It’s like floating, oh, or the eyes, it’s like thinking about things, but when you look up at people, you can scare you, cold and ice. There is a... there is something... especially uncomfortable."

It must be the beginning of the South Screen, Gu Shenwei no doubt, things must be different for another reason.

Gu Shen gave the treasurer a large piece of money, enough to make up for the loss caused by his business.

When I left the store, the sky was already bright. Gu Shen was riding a horse, bowed her head and meditated. When she was about to leave the alley, she looked up and saw a sudden movement. Nothing was said, moving on, vaguely thinking of a answer.

The day's affairs were very busy. Both the Queen and the Prime Minister claimed that Shangguan Jianyi would lead the troops to attack the Dragon King within three days. Although Gu Shenwei believed that the possibility was very low, he still sent a long-term scout and ordered people to go to Kang and Sha. Happening.

The minister of Huiguo was detained, but the state administration could not be cooked. Gu Shen had to appoint a temporary responsible person to stabilize the people.

The Dragon King’s search for the whereabouts of the young swordsman is inevitable, and everyone’s interest in this is even greater than the concern for the queen and the minister, and there are many strange speculations.

"Oh, the original Dragon King likes..."

"No wonder he is too late to swear..."


The speaker did not dare to be too straightforward, but had to use the smile of the sly and the eyes of the inferior to supplement the remaining meaning.

The rumor spread to Gu Shen as the ear, he did not care, a country that cares about the affair more than the political change, is more reassuring.

Moreover, this has another advantage. Many residents have come to the conclusion that the Dragon King must be very concerned about the handsome young boy, so he swarmed in and provided intelligence and hoped to receive a reward.

Gu Shenwei has no time, so that Shangguanfei is responsible for listening to those strange information, as long as it is a little reliable, it will be rewarded.

As a result, all the time down, the silver was sent out a lot. Shangguanfei’s ears also gave birth to the old man, but did not get a valuable intelligence. It was nothing more than someone walking through a street in the south, and there was a mysterious person behind him. Once again, the boy and the mysterious man disappeared at the same time. Except for the different places, everyone’s statement is similar. It seems that the same lie was bought from the same person before coming.

"Don't waste money." Shangguanfei screamed at the ear and advised the Dragon King. "The small initial estimate is fierce and less, don't ask, it must be me... Shangguan Jianyi sent a killer to remove him, just find a place to bury it, unless Coincidentally, I am afraid I will never find a dead body."

Gu Shenwei has already thought of this possibility, but there are too many doubts in the whole thing. I can't help but think that he does not think much. "Shangguan Jianyi was high-profile in the murder of Shiguo. I was afraid that others would not know that it was the hand of Jinpeng killer. Why is it in Huiguo? Changed the style, killed my guard, did not even show the head around to show off?"

Gu Shen is the person around me. Only Shangguanfei is good at conspiracy and tricks, and dare to say anything in front of the Dragon King. It is not because he is brave than others, but that it is a broken jar.

"Oh, this is a problem. He doesn't know that Xiaochu is the guard of the Dragon King? Impossible, even if he doesn't know, the Jinpeng killer around him will tell him."

Shangguanfei didn't care much about this matter. He talked with the Dragon King and let him start thinking seriously. "He also let an ordinary court guard go to inquire about the news. It seems that there is no need to send a group of people to live in the store and knock on the door. It is also a table, which is not like the style of Jinpengbao."

"It’s too much of a blatant for Xiaochu to enter the city so clearly. These two people are not stupid, but it’s weird to make stupid things one after the other.”

Shangguanfei frowned and shook his head. When he saw the Dragon King, he saw this as an exam. So he looked down and thought for a while, and both hands took a shot. "I think there is only one reasonable explanation. Xiaochu deliberately appeared, and wanted to lead the snake out of the hole. Wings deliberately hooked up, it is necessary to count the meter, look like, the loser is Xiaochu. Can the Shangguan Jianyi not promote this victory? There is only one possibility, he did not kill Xiaochu, but kept him in his hands. Another use."

Sometimes, Gu Shenwei needs to be told by others, so that he can observe the loopholes from the perspective of a bystander. "For nearly two months, Shangguan Jianyi seems to be very calm and has not used the south. Screen."

"Hey, Dragon King, you have to be prepared. When you don't have a small time, you will suddenly come out. It's a wound. It seems that you have escaped through hardships and pains. You are crying and crying to the Dragon King. You are soft. You should know the methods of Jinpengbao, no one can support for two months, even if it is the heart of diamonds, this time probably has changed."

Gu Shen has this preparation. He has always regarded loyalty as a rare quality. He never had too much hope for it. Even for the most trusted people, there is still more than three points.

It seems that things will not be progressed for a while, and I don’t know where the Shangguan Jianyi is hiding at the moment. The only choice for the Dragon King seems to be that the other party will first move.

Shangguanfei thinks so, and he doesn't care about himself. He can't think too thoroughly, and his intuition is too lazy to work.

Gu Shenwei did not want to wait for this, and let the enemy be fully prepared. He quietly left the residence on the third night and planned to find clues on his own.

Only people will lie, so the confession will be more than a certain degree, but the fact will be more blurred. He will find some clues that he will not speak and will not lie naturally.

Lurking on the nearby high roof, overlooking the entire alley in the night, Gu Shen is more and more aware that the daytime guess is correct.

The alleys are narrow and twisted. The distance of hundreds of steps has actually turned three bends, and it is a dead end. At the end is the guest shop where the first Nanping once lived. The houses on both sides are low and simple, one is connected to one, so-called The window is just a small hole half a foot square, even in the daytime, I can't see the scene inside.

This is a great place to set up an ambush, but there are enough people, some are in the alley, and the ambush will run away after being frightened. The surrounding houses look the same, but there are three obviously lower and slightly more experienced. People will choose these three places to escape, and the second group of ambushes will be there to wait for the rabbits to kill the enemy.

Perhaps this is the intention of the South China screen to enter this remote shop, as Shangguanfei guessed, acting as a bait to lead the snake out of the hole, but where does the "many hands" needed to set up the trap come from?

Even if Hu Shining did not betray, he led a group of children. It took a long time to accept the killer training and it seemed that this relatively complicated action could not be completed.

Gu Shen is the land purchased in a valley outside the capital city of Shule. Some of the killer apprentices are bought, some are selected by him, and some are children provided by the peaks of the Daxue Mountain. There are about sixty or seventy.

Such a group of children, no matter where they are, will be very conspicuous.

Gu Shenwei just thought of this, really saw a child sneaking into the alley.

Time, place, and characters are unreasonable, and the child knows how to hide the whereabouts by the shadow of the house. When the night is over, the walk is also cautious, and obviously has received some basic training.

Gu Shenwei did not expect direct contact with this night visit, so he was very wary of this little guy who was sent to the door.

(Seeking for advice)

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