Death Sutra

Chapter 444: Save people

The boy is about ten years old and walks alone in the winter night. His skills are still immature, his mind is mature, and he is not nervous. He touches the door of the innermost shop of the alley and uncovers the narrow knife behind him.

The narrow knife has no sheath and appears too big on the boy. He holds it in his hand as if it were a simple task he is used to.

The boy jumped into the wall, not long after, pushing the door out of the store, the knife had returned to the back.

He seemed to be very proud, his footsteps were lighter than when he came, and he quickly walked out of the alley, took a circle and went around the direction of the north of the city.

Gu Shenwei quietly followed.

The shopkeepers must have inadvertently mastered some very important information. They did not think of it in the face of the Dragon King and were assassinated.

Such a small child, Jinpengbao master like a cloud, will never give him the opportunity to perform tasks, it may be Hu Shining trained apprentice.

The children who stayed at the base of Shule State were basically selected by Gu Shen for personally, but he was only impressed by a few of them. Even if they were face to face with the boy who was in front, they probably couldn’t recognize it.

After walking a few streets, the boy felt completely safe, stepped up and got into a complicated street.

Gu Shen shortened the distance between the two, and the result was an ambush at a corner. At that time, the boy’s figure just disappeared in the moonlight. The hidden weapon was shot from a tree near his right, only a few feet away from him. .

The hidden weapon came suddenly, but there was no such power as the small prince in the palace hall. Gu Shen was tracking all the way. The vigilant was to be trapped by the target, so he was prepared in advance for possible ambush locations along the way.

He took a small step forward and just escaped the hidden weapon, then jumped to the right wall and was catching up with the ambush who was about to escape.

The ambush was in black, apparently surprised by the interception of the Dragon King. He jumped into the courtyard and was about to get up again. The cold blade was close to the neck.

"Da girl!" The ambush whispered, using these two words to save one's life, but also exposed the woman's voice.

Gu Shen is very familiar with the ambush's body. She knows that she will jump up and down many times in a row, and change direction every time until she gets rid of the tracker, and then speeds up the speed, so he can block the opponent first. The way through.

The owner in the room seemed to hear the sound outside and screamed.

Gu Shenwei put the narrow knife on the neck of the female assassin, forced her to retreat, leaning against the wall of the courtyard, she kept quietly in coordination, and raised her hands to the ear, indicating that she would never resist.

The owner coughed a few times and found that there was no more sound outside, and he fell back and slept.

"I am here to save you." The female assassin said very quietly, deliberately exhaling the face of the Dragon King, as if he was familiar with him.

Xiaoyuetang crazy woman's trick Gu Shen for the coach, so immediately lifted his left hand to block the weak breath, while the right hand force, indicating that the other party shut up.

The female assassin was very obedient, her body suddenly stiffened, and her eyes were not blind.

She is more like a child than Gu Shen’s tracking boy. It’s a bad thing for the danger, thinking that the knife on the neck is just a fun game.

Waiting for a while, about to touch the people in the house completely sleepy, Gu Shen said to the whisper: "Evidence."

The Dutch woman should have returned from Saitama City. Her delay in returning is also a very incomprehensible thing for Gu Shen. But this female assassin has a kind of cheerful temperament that she can’t tell. The disciples are out of place.

"Oh my sword." The female assassin's eyes moved downward, and the tone became more familiar.

Gu Shenwei did not look down, still staring at the other's eyes, and the left hand took out the long sword that the female assassin inserted in the belt.

When the scabbard was away from the body, it seemed to touch her itch. The female assassin couldn't help but slightly twist the waist and make a laugh.

She is also like a madman, but the madness is the opposite of ordinary Xiaoyuetang disciples.

These did not interfere with Gu Shenwei, he held his breath, prevented the inhalation of the drug, and then quickly glanced at the sword of the left hand through the moonlight. Nothing special, he could not recognize the mark of the lotus girl.

"Pull out." The female assassin whispered, a little anxious, so she ignored the narrow knife on her neck and held the scabbard with both hands.

Gu Shen is using a light force and pulling out a half-sword.

The lotus woman has two swords, and the hilt is engraved with "happy" and "allow". The "happy" sword is broken when ambushing the old man in the desert, but she has not thrown away.

The female assassin handed over the "happy" sword.

"Yu Zhongshi took it with him as a baby, hesitated to lend me for a long time, and the Dragon King would not recognize it."

Why does Xiaoyuetang want to stab himself and claim to save people? Gu Shen was puzzled by a stomach, but there was no way to talk here, so she broke the broken sword back into the sheath and slowly put away the Wufeng knife and took the lead to jump out of the wall.

The female assassin shook her head and seemed to think that the Dragon King’s behavior was very funny, and then she jumped out. She understood that she could not escape.

The boy has disappeared, Gu Shen has to return to his place of residence.

As soon as I entered the tent, the female assassin smashed the flint, lit the oil lamp on the table, and then retreated to the side, standing down, not like a captive, but like the dragon king's ring.

"What is your name?" Gu Shenwei had already believed a little about her, and the tone was slightly relieved.

The female assassin caught the change of the dragon king's emotions. The two eyes bent into the crescent, and the mask was pulled off to reveal a young and cheerful smile. "My name is Han Fen, the 'fragrant' of the 'Fen' is a disciple of the Xiaoyue Party. The most trusted person of the royal family."

If she is not self-proclaimed, the girl is obviously a bit away this time.

"How have I never seen you?" Gu Shenwei had contacted many Xiaoyuetang disciples in Yuyucheng, and there was no such Han Fen.

"Yu Zhongshi said that the most trusted people must hide in the dark, I have been hiding in the dark, this is the first time to go out to perform the task."

"Why are you going to assassinate me?"

"I am saving you, but I also want to know how good the Dragon King's skill is, so I will try it. The squad is right, you are really good."

Han Fen said it was easy. Gu Shenwei knew that she had made all her efforts in the hidden weapon. There was no such thing as "trying it". This crazy person is a bit like Xiaoyuetang, but her stare is staring. The void can also be self-satisfied, and the difference between the gloomy style of Xiaoyuetang is too great.

And she did not say what Gu Shenwei wants to know.

Han Fen greeted the dragon's cold eyes, and he was calm and self-confident. He seemed to see the rare animals, and looked at them carefully. It will take a while to understand. "Oh, you want to know what the boy is going to do, hey, you are not Say, I thought you were going to find a flaw from me. I am indeed a disciple of Xiaoyuetang. The most trusted person of the imperial division, I have the mark of the imperial teacher, I don’t believe you."

Han Fen started to undress and Gu Shen felt that her patience had always been good. At this time, it was not enough. She reached out and stopped her. "No, you should talk about the boy first."

"Yes, yes, that's it. The boy wants to lead the dragon king to the trap. I can't let you be fooled."

In such a simple sentence, no more, Han Fen seems to think that everything she knows, Dragon King also knows, so just give a hint.

After some difficult dialogue, Gu Shen made two things.

First, Han Fen's surface is normal, but the bones are a complete madman, so it is definitely a disciple of Xiaoyuetang. Her thinking is different from normal people. She never turns, and she doesn't think much more, unless the questions raised are extremely high. Clearly, she is likely to be swaying and talking about small things that are close at hand, such as the clothes of the Dragon King are a bit old.

Secondly, the boy really is the bait of the dragon king.

There is a reason why the Dutch woman has not returned, and it is a bit long, and Han Fen is a flashback. Gu Shen spent a little time, sorting out the cause and effect in the normal order.

In the ** months when the imperial guards were absent, the Xiaoyuetang disciples in Saitama City were still operating in an orderly manner. They were like a group of wood people controlled by the organs. Once they set the task, they would bury their heads in the end.

The one-step king did not turn a blind eye to the various forces under the mountain. He did not want to solve it. The North Court Iron Rider launched a war in the entire Western Region. At the same time, the killers and swordsmen of Jinpengbao began to clean up the hidden enemies in the north and south towns. Those who are sympathetic to the Dragon King have been hit by different degrees.

Xiaoyuetang disciples did not react faster than others, but the church master and the ancestral division had set up an alternative plan for them. Once they discovered that the Jinpeng killer had a change, they immediately dispersed and concealed, some escaped from Yuyucheng, and some went deep into the north city. A few people were killed.

In the process of hiding, they are still collecting information tirelessly. Although it is not clear what is useful, the order is the order, and there is no second way of understanding.

The Dutch woman returned to Saitama City and summoned her disciples in a batch of secrets. She analyzed the intelligence obtained by the people and found many useful clues. One of the most attractive attentions: a group of robbers who openly voted for Jinpengbao. I have already set off for the Xiaoyao Sea. I am not the most convenient east road, but I am heading to the west of the Shule country.

The leader of the robber was called Akasaka. He once fell into the hands of the Dragon King. He was bought by the merchants in the North City and put out a fake corpse. Now he no longer has to hide and hide.

The Dutch women left half of the disciples, continued to inquire about intelligence, and led the other half. There were more than forty people, leaving Yuyu City in batches, and also marching westward, tracking the traces of a group of people in Akasaka.

As soon as he left the boundary of Saitama City, Akasaka changed his name, instructed his men to call friends, make promises of generosity, and put together an army of more than a thousand people to enter Huiguo by the West Road.

This is something nearly two months ago. The Dragon King has not been cited. The Dutch woman suddenly left with most of her disciples, leaving Han Fen and the "Happy" sword, ordering her to stop the Dragon King from entering the ancestral temple at all costs. And the boy who came out to kill in the middle of the night, the purpose is to lead the dragon king there.

"Where is the ancestral temple?" Gu Shen was used to Han Fen's way of speaking, and asked as straightforward as possible.

"The north side of the palace. There is a place where the king was buried." Han Fen played a level once, and even answered a question of the Dragon King in advance.

"What traps are there?"

"I don't know, the prince said, don't get close to that place."

Gu Shenwei frowned, did not understand what the Dutch woman arranged in such a way, and Han Fei had more doubts, and then completely out of the inertia of these two days, he asked: "Have you seen it? A teenager, with a long sword, grows..."

"Like like a little girl!" Han Fen said with excitement. "I have seen that I almost thought he was a fellow disciple I didn't know, but his brain was not so good."

Han Fen pointed seriously to his head. "He counts, and he is led to the temple by the people, and he never comes out."

(Seeking for advice)

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