Death Sutra

Chapter 446: Get sick

The people who follow Han Fen are three children. They probably regard this action as a rare experience. They are very serious and very careful. They cover each other and choose the most hidden route. Every detail is different.

But they are still only children. At this stage, they should practice martial arts to lay the foundation and strengthen the will of the killer, instead of actually killing people.

The child last night successfully killed a treasurer, but that is just an ordinary person who does not have martial arts. The goal tonight is Xiaoyuetang disciple.

Han Fen seemed to be ignorant, quietly lying on the roof, looking at the opposite temple.

In many ways, she is not like a killer. Even the quality of ordinary killers is not good. I laugh, I can’t hold my breath, my curiosity is too heavy, especially when I touch it a little. In Jinpengbao, this is serious. Disadvantages.

Gu Shenwei did not know much about the real methods of Xiaoyuetang's disciples. The Dutch women and Guanshang were trained by Jinpengbao, and the style of this door was not obvious.

Han Fen showed him how Xiaoyuetang dealt with the followers.

Three small assassins are already in place, one is under the eaves, one is ambushing on the right side of the house, and the other side is relatively wide, which is the best path for the target to escape. The last one is very slow to approach Han Fen from behind.

The more mature the killer is, the closer it is to the target, and the third child is a bit too big, and it is within seven steps.

Han Fen still did not respond.

The small assassin's narrow knife has already been squirted out, gently leaping, like a fox that captures the hamster, and flutters the prey accurately.

Then he was stunned.

From this time on, the three little assassins made a mistake and showed their immaturity.

Regardless of the outcome, the killer must quickly evacuate after a blow, and encounter any accidents and stay in the target.

Secondly, once the partner's actions are found to be abnormal, the vigilant perimeter killer will immediately shift from offensive to precaution, because the enemy is likely to hide nearby.

But the two little assassins were hesitant, and one of them even looked at the partner who stood still.

Another Han Fen appeared, like a naughty little girl walking in the wild, every step is changing direction, the body tilts so badly that it seems to fall at any time, but the movement is very fast, jumping in the house under the roof in the blink of an eye. Two round-trips, passing by three unknown assassins.

She only had a broken sword on her body, and she did not show other weapons on her hands, but she did not delay the killing.

Gu Shenwei looked at this scene in the distance, fast and dull, even a little boring, the night and the moonlight just added a little stranger.

Han Fenxing eagerly packed up three bodies, came to her original lurking roof, opened the pile of black clothes, threw the bodies one by one, and shook their heads as if they were silently singing songs.

This is a move to the gold shell, she has already designed her own fixed lurking place, can directly pass to the following room, the technique of **** and drilling holes is extremely skillful, and even Gu Shenwei did not see the flaws.

When Jinpengbao and Xiaoyuetang train apprentices, they will force them to contact the body to remove the natural fear and rejection. It seems that Han Fen’s training is too successful. She holds the body like she is the most beloved. Toys.

Everything is busy, Han Fen Chong Shen is begging for hiding places.

The Dragon King stayed in a place for too long, inevitably showing a little bit of a foot, Han Fen can find him not strange.

"How long have you been here?" Han Fen whispered in a low voice, and his heart was filled with joy from the bottom of his heart, as if the Dragon King came to her to play.

"Not too long."

"Hey, don't you think it's a bit cold?"


"I ate a bowl of cold rice in the afternoon, and now it seems to be all ice in my stomach."

Han Fen is likely to talk about it all the time. Gu Shen has rushed to throw a question and master the initiative of the conversation.

"The three children came out of the temple?"

"Maybe, I guess they were secretly out during the day, I was still resting."

"All dead?"

"It’s not too fast to die. I have poisoned my poison. I can’t live a fragrant time.”

"I need a live mouth."

"Well, wait for the people to come out again in the temple. I will catch you one."

"No, you save the three children."

"Oh, this is also a way."

Han Fen drilled into the room from the hole in the roof. Gu Shen did not follow the back, but took a circle around him. He observed it for a long time here. He knew that there was no ambush, but he could not change it. He still had to survey one. Fan.

He also plunged into the black house from the hole and immediately found two unusual things.

First of all, there is a master in the house, a middle-aged couple, lying in bed and sleeping well, apparently eating a drug, even if the thunder is loud outside, it is noisy.

Secondly, Han Fen has not saved anyone. She placed three poisoned stunned little assassins side by side in a chair, pulled down their masks, frowned and couldn't make a decision. I saw the Dragon King coming in and hurriedly asked for help. "Which one is saved? This looks more honest. This looks better. This is more lovely, hey, it's too hard."

No more hands-on, it is estimated that which can not save, Gu Shen pointed to the child closest to him, secretly admire the woman, can actually endure such a fellow disciple, and also assigned her to protect herself.

Han Fen was relieved, and the ten fingers flew. He wiped it in front of the child's nose, stuffed the pill into his mouth, and even pushed it to help him swallow it. He was half-hearted and remembered a question. "Save a few?"

"You can talk."

"Oh, waste me a hundred pills, I saved a little more, he may live two or three more days, OK?"


Han Fen retreated to one side and stared straight at the Dragon King as if he were a statue for people to watch.

"You go to monitor and find out the problem and remind me immediately." Gu Shen gave the order directly, which is the most effective way to speak to Han Fen.

Han Fen solemnly nodded and slammed the beam and disappeared.

The room was very dark, and it was only faintly visible. Gu Shen took a careful circle and once again determined that this was not a trap. The couple on the bed were ordinary people.

The little assassin slowly woke up and found that the partners around him were as shocked as the dead bodies. When they saw the people standing in front of them, they were even more shocked.

"What is your name?" Gu Shen began to ask questions, making the sound seem dull.

"Ban Tu."

"Do you know who I am?"

"Dragon King."

"You are the one I picked up in a small town in Shule."

The child nodded and admitted.

Gu Shenwei does not remember the appearance in the dark, but remembers the name "bantu", which is one of the apprentices he chose three years ago. He should be eleven or two years old this year.

"Why be betrayed?"

"I want to be a real killer. Only Jinpeng Fort can make me realize my dream."

This dream was given to him by the Dragon King. He used to deal with the Dragon King. Gu Shenwei felt very funny. "Who told you this?"

He thought it would be Hu Shining, the teacher of the Jinpengbao Carving House. Bantu’s answer made him a bit surprised. "He, he is the best killer in the world. The Dragon King only spent two or three years in the Stone Fort. It’s all fur, so I can’t teach us, he can train us to be real killers.”

The child is very straightforward, and he is arrogant about his own betrayal. He even has a look down on the Dragon King.

Although Bantu is only in his teens, he can make him become so thorough. Gu Shenwei began to admire the "he". "Who is he?"

"He..." Bantu doesn't seem to be hiding, but he is a bit confused.

"Shangguan Jianyi?"

"Yes, Shangguan Jianyi, the best killer in the world, you have thousands of troops, but you have lost the killer's instinct, and even dare not fight with the killer. Killing is a disease, you want to reach the extreme, you have to make yourself sick. OK, if you cure your illness, it is not a killer."

This is really a strange theory. It is similar to the Xiaoyuetang, which is strong after the madness. It is obviously impossible for Bantu to figure out it himself. The Shangguan Jianyi really took a lot of thoughts in order to draw a few children.

Moreover, these words are said to the Dragon King, Gu Shen believes that no matter which he let Hanfen save a small assassin, will say the same.

"Where is he?"

"I won't say it." The child is firm in tone. "The killer kills people and is always ready to be killed. I am not afraid."

“What about other people? Hu Shining, Chu Nanping, and other apprentices?”

"They are too stupid, not worthy of being a killer, and they are self-defeating in prison."

"Well, you don't have to be afraid." Gu Shen saw the small tree she had planted by herself and suddenly turned into a poisonous plant with thorns. She knew that everything was irreparable, so she took out a pill and forced the child to swallow it. He closed his eyes again.

Nothing to ask, Gu Shen knows where to go to find the enemy, the enemy has tried hard to challenge the apprentices through the rebellion, just to lead him into the ancestral temple.

He returned to the roof and said to Han Fen: "Give me the sword."

Han Fen smoothly handed over the "Happy" sword of the lotus girl. Gu Shen took a look at the moonlight and did not pull it out, but also gave it to Han Fen.

"You enter me in the temple and protect me behind me."


For another person, he would question the decision of the Dragon King. Han Fen accepted the order with enthusiasm and tried it. He did not feel confused at all. She was very tired of monitoring the temple for nearly two months.

After the two went one after the other, they marched toward the ancestral temple and left the three bodies in the house. The next morning, the couple, the two of them would be fainted by the sight.

The enemies hiding in the ancestral temple are very familiar with the character of the Dragon King. Others think that the Dragon King will never be impulsive. He uses the rebellious apprentice to make the simplest challenge: the killer should use the killer to decide the outcome.

Gu Shen accepts the challenge, not only because of impulsive impulses, but because he has the grasp of defeating the enemy.

The true identity of the enemy has been exposed, it is not the Shangguan Jianyi.

"Killing is a disease." Gu Shen clearly remembers who the sentence came from, but the speaker at that time was still trapped in the stone prison, and was happy for the Shangguan to cure the "illness". I have never thought of "sickness."

Gu Shenwei also understands what is the deepest secret hidden in the heart of the King. The woman fell in love with the "he" from Jinpengbao, and really thought that she would get help.

Jinpengbao three young masters, Xiaowan Wang Shangguan Yun left a thousand troops and horses, personally came to challenge the Dragon King.

(Seeking for advice)

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