Death Sutra

Chapter 447: Ashiya

There are no traps within the temple.

There are no ambush killers, no unexpected dark passages and secret rooms, no Chu Nanping and Hu Shining, and no killer apprentices who should have been loyal to the Dragon King.

Twenty Longmen soldiers were stationed at the main entrance, and they were patrolling in shifts. The priests and the servants had rested, and the entire temple was quiet.

Gu Shenwei and Han Fen avoided the soldiers and took two laps inside and out. No suspicious signs were found.

Gu Shenwei suddenly understood that he almost went to the right, Shangguan Yun deliberately sent three children to die, is to anger the Dragon King, let him send the Dragon Army to sweep the ancestral temple, thus provoke the dissatisfaction of Huiguo people.

It’s not just Gu Shenwei who is being deceived, but also the lotus girl. She also thought that the temple would be a trap, so Han Fen would be assigned to monitor it.

Han Fen was discovered early in the morning, and those suspicious people who occasionally enter and exit are just tricks to confuse her.

However, Han Fen did not feel this. She had prevented the Dragon King from entering the ancestral temple. It was the task of the sect of the princes and the priests. Once she finished, she obeyed the command of the Dragon King. She did not care if there were any traps in the ancestral temple.

In fact, I found that the most trusted son of the One-Step King was hiding in the ancestral temple. The normal move of the Dragon King should be to send troops to level this place. Being alone is a wrong impulse decision, but avoiding a killing that may bring bad consequences.

Everyone has their own intrigues and tricks. For the style of Shangguanyun, Gu Shen has to understand slowly.

Gu Shen has always used to maliciously speculate on others, but the change of Shangguan Yun is always incomprehensible.

He clearly remembered that Shangguan Yun was locked in the stone prison, looking at the moon outside the window, revealing the poet's general smile, the little master who is very similar to his father, caring for the youngest sister, disdaining the cold killer, Sad and angry for the unfortunate encounters of friends and lovers, and even try to assassinate the ferocious father in the past.

Every feature of Shangguanyun is incompatible with the Shibao above the absolute. Gu Shenwei sometimes thinks that Shangguan will become like her third brother one day sooner or later, and the change will be Shangguanyun. The renegade who once vowed never to pull out the narrow knife, will go back to the old road of the family after going around a great circle.

Shangguan Yun has already won the title of Xiaowan Wang. Why do you have to go to the remote Huiguo? And it took two months to lay down the complicated traps just to make the Dragon King lose the hearts of the people?

Gu Shen is once again unable to understand.

Han Fen is a good killer. The cooperation with the Dragon King is very tacit. It is not as quiet as the Dutch woman. She found that the Dragon King slackened down. She automatically ended the protection task and said, “It’s not as good as watching it outside. It is estimated that it will be better during the day. ”

If this is a Dutch woman, Gu Shenwei will discuss with her the current situation, but it will take a lot of work for the Xiaoyuetang disciple to explain the situation, let alone seek advice.

"Follow me." Gu Shenwei has decided what to do next.

Han Fen seems to have an organ in his mind, who can automatically switch between the mad woman and the killer. The dragon king changed her order. She immediately changed herself, retired to the shadows outside the steps, and loyally guarded the side of the dragon king.

Gu Shen was the first to enter the palace and went straight to the palace. This time, it bypassed the main entrance and the guards and sneaked in.

The queen is sleeping, the little prince who is about ten years old is sleeping here, lying next to her mother, seems to be having a nightmare, and screaming from time to time.

The queen slept unfamiliarly, and when the son called, she took two shots subconsciously.

The little prince suddenly sat up, looked up at the vague figure in front of the bed, combined it with the dream, fell down and slept, and after a while, reason told him that it was not a dream.

He reminded his mother.

The Queen opened her eyes and felt the anger that was difficult to contain. The Dragon King’s humiliation to her was more serious than once, as if she was the lowest-minded female slave.

"You don't deserve to be called 'Dragon King.'" The Queen had decided to take the soft, but the anger made her forget the decision of the day. "Not even a man, if you have a little respect for the dead King, please go out." ”

"Respect?" Gu Shen sarcastically asked, because this woman's deliberate concealment, he wasted a lot of precious time, "When you are good with him, Hui Wang is still alive?"

"What are you talking about?" The queen sat up fiercely, wearing a tight pajamas and still grabbing the quilt in front of her.

"Who is the hand, are you still him?"

"I don't understand what you are talking about?" The Queen's tone was soft, but did not give up resistance.

"Shangguan Jianyi, you are a little uncomfortable every time you mention this name, because in your heart, ‘he’ has a deep meaning and really does not want to be attached to others.”

Shangguan Yun initially used the name of his uncle, deceiving Hui Guoqun and the killer apprentices. Only the queen knew his true identity.

Gu Shenwei knows too little about the woman's mind. Although she always feels that the queen is hiding, she has not figured out the direction. She changed her cigarettes and saw that the queen has a special relationship with the "he" in the morning.

"Do you know everything?" the Queen asked with vigilance.

"Almost a little, tell me, how did Hui Wang die?" Gu Shenwei did not care about the cause of Hui Wang's death. He used this as the beginning of the question and wanted to lead the queen to tell the truth.

"It's not my hand, it has nothing to do with me." The Queen said harshly, but it was tantamount to acknowledging that Hui Wang was unclear.

"Why should he kill Hui Wang?"

"Hui Wang is confused, and his response to the proposal is cold, and...he is killing people for me, so it is counted on my head, I hate that old thing, he is dead, I will only be happy."

"Mother." The little prince screamed. He was very clever and very arrogant. He had a little affection for his father. Suddenly he heard that his mother was so unrequited, and some could not accept it.

"Hold your ears." The Queen ordered coldly.

The little prince was doing the same, as before, and closed his eyes. He knew when he could spoil the rogue in front of his mother, and when he should honestly obey.

"Only he is the savior of Huiguo." The queen began to linger. Since the Dragon King already knows everything, it doesn't make sense to pretend. "You are not his opponent, no one is his opponent. You want to kill me, even though it is hands-on." Ok, but I still have to persuade the Dragon King to spend more time to arrange a path for myself."

Shangguan Yun seems to have the ability to let all those who follow him die. The queen and the killer apprentices are the same. They know Shangguan Yun only two months, and then, the Wu madman in Wangcheng Lane, even Gu Shenwei Master Tie Hanfeng, such a cynical person, has always respected the three young masters.

"Where is he?"

Shangguan Yun disappeared for two months and must have returned to the Huiguo capital. He did not bring back the army, but he still had to challenge the Dragon King.

The queen was silent for a while, and seemed to make up her mind not to sell the one she loved. She said a long word and said a secret that was hidden in her heart. "It's here."

The ending of the word "he" is not over yet. Two killers emerged under the bed and the ceiling, and they cooperated with each other to attack the Dragon King.

This is not an adult killer apprentice, but a genuine Jinpeng killer.

Gu Shen pulled out the Wufeng knife before the rush, and cut the killer from the sky.

Although the knife is drilled at the same time, the action will always be a little slower. Gu Shen first solves the most threatening assassin and leaves the second person to his own helper.

Han Fen proved her strength and loyalty. When she was serious, she could completely replace the position of the female girl. When Wang Wanggang got out of the knife, she also flashed through the cracks in the door, and the ten fingers became claws, and the assassin swooped to the bottom of the bed.

Four people caught the fight and killed no one.

The Queen's heart was suspended in tension, and the little prince opened his eyes, and his cheeks were red with excitement, but he had not had time to cheer for it. The battle of the Dragon King was over.

The Assassin and the Dragon King played four or five strokes. When attacking again, they passed the Dragon King. The first two steps were still normal. The last three steps became awkward. Finally, they hit the wall and fell softly.

In fact, Han Fen’s battle has ended, but it has been slower.

The assassin is still slashing, and the speed is faster, Han Fen seems to be in danger, but after a few strokes, even the queen who does not understand martial arts can see that the assassin is slashing in order to protect himself. I can't see the goal at all.

The true Xiaoyuetang disciple's method of killing is different from that of other factions. Gu Shenwei can see the clues. The Queen Mother and the Son can't figure out what happened, and thought that they met the demon girl.

"Don't come over," the Queen said sharply.

"He refused to come to save you personally?" Gu Shen took a step forward and placed the tip of the knife on the edge of the bed.

"You will not die." The queen made a curse and then realized the curse.

The ground suddenly vibrates and seems to be reversed.

Gu Shenwei and Han Fen looked around for enemies, but nothing.

Their feet are still on the ground, but they feel that their bodies are falling, everything is falling. Gu Shen has seen many underground secret rooms, but none of them has such a large scale: the whole house is an institution, sinking into the ground, The walls and ceilings have not changed, only the doors and windows, and they can't be opened anymore.

The little prince plunged into his mother's arms and screamed with fear. The queen smiled. Although he was trapped with the Dragon King, he was confident. She believed that he would kill the Dragon King and save himself.

The smile flashed past, and after the house sank into the ground, the last moonlight was also blocked out and completely plunged into the darkness.

Except for the scream of the little prince, no one spoke, everyone was waiting in the dark.

After a while, the little prince stopped to scream, and a little lazy voice sprang up. "Han slave, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"I still can't see it now."

"Don't worry, wait for me to light up."

There is a lamp on the wall, the light swells like a balloon, and there is no one in front of the lamp.

There was a small dark window next to the lamp, which was slowly pushed open, and a smiling face appeared outside. "You used to look at me across the fence, but now it is the other way around."

The appearance of Shangguan Yun has not changed at all.

(Seeking for advice)

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