Death Sutra

Chapter 449: Death news

Shangguan Yun once persuaded many people, and he did not care if he failed occasionally.

Gu Shenwei felt that he had heard enough. The best answer was not to refuse, but to pull out the dragon sword.

Shangguan Yun is worthy of his sword.

"I heard that the Dragon King wants to compete for the Western Regions, and then put forward the joint proposal. Please ask the Dragon King to think twice, and fight for the fishermen to benefit. The biggest enemy of you and me is not each other."

Shangguan Yun may already know that the heart of the Dragon King cannot be reversed, but he still goes on, and his words are sincere and reasonable.

"If you make a proposal two months earlier, I might still consider it. Now... have you been to the country of Xiangji?"

This is the real purpose of Shangguanyun’s secret departure from the army as Xiaowan Wang. It is neither to unite the Dragon King nor to fight against the Five ** team. He wants to look at the legendary country of Xiangxiang and his own small younger sister.

Shangguan Yun’s eyes showed a hint of melancholy. “No one is more loyal to the Dragon King than her.”

It seems that the failure to successfully persuade his sister is the only disappointment of Shangguan Yun.

"She is not loyal to me, or anyone, she just can't accept everything from Jinpengbao."

Gu Shenwei left Shangguan as a country in Xiangji. It is not loyalty. The quality is always her request to others. As the daughter of the one-step king, she still disdains to be loyal to anyone. After the father was expelled, she became a rootless person.

If there is loyalty, there is betrayal. For Shangguan, she never showed loyalty to the Dragon King, so she will never consider betrayal. She regards the country of Xiangji as her temporary trusteeship, and she will return it to her in the morning and evening. Owner.

Shangguanyun put away the smile on his face for the first time. "You know her better than I do. The whole family doesn't understand her transformation. If she thinks about it, she may never change. It just takes time to figure out the truth."

"like you?"

Shangguan Yun once hated his father and Shibao, but he was willing to return to the family's arms to help his father.

"Do you believe it, don't believe it, these words I said to my sister, but also to you." Shangguan went to another tone, a little harsh, as if the Dragon King is also his close relatives, "Jinpeng Fort is coming soon It’s ruined, and there’s no such thing as the Dragon King. The fate of the whole stone fort is like a godless power. It’s getting more and more powerful. More and more people are killing. One day, one day, its enemies will be more than friends, even Friends will also be afraid of it, this is the day of its demise."

"I don't want to save Jinpengbao, but I don't want too many people to bury it. The people in Shibao, the residents in Yucheng City, and the Dragon King will all be funeral objects. There is time to save themselves, and I am willing to help. It is for the sake of forgiveness."

Gu Shenwei found that his murderousness fell inexplicably, and his will was relaxed. He would be attracted by Shangguanyun's words. Even if he did not believe it would not accept it, he would involuntarily ponder the truth.

He can understand why the killer apprentices who should be loyal to themselves are betrayed, and persuaded those who are simple-minded, but Shang Shangyun is just a small test.

Gu Shenwei glanced at the queen on the bed and the two killers on the ground. These people have become funeral objects, have no chance to enjoy the "goodwill" of Shangguan Yun, and the elementary schoolers who were killed before are counted on his head. "Where are my people, where are you shut?"

Shangguan went back and looked at the passage behind him. "Just outside, in order to express sincerity to the Dragon King, I did not kill them."

In the past two months, he probably spent the same time on the way to and from the country of Xiangji. He wanted to escape the Dragon Army sentry on the way.

Gu Shenwei once again saved the murderous and powerful, he needs to capture the best time, but now it is still a little worse, Shangguanyun mouth is endless, it seems that the Dragon King's murder is unaware, in fact, the alert is extremely strict.

"They are still my people?"

"Most of them are." Shangguan Yun showed a smile and resumed a relaxed and casual tone. "The Dragon King overestimated my temptation. Your people are very loyal. Only a few people are willing to believe me. I admire the Dragon King. There are two children who are obviously enemies with you, but they are more loyal than others. Hey, even Jinpengbao can't do this. We can cultivate from a young age and let one forget the hatred, but I can't let him carry it. Hatred allegiance."

Shangguan Yun said that the first Nanping and Nie Zeng, the former brother and the latter's uncle's family, all died under the Dragon King knife.

"And Hu Shining, I really don't understand how the Dragon King did it. He is obviously a teacher of Jinpeng Fort. He will serve the enemy with sorrow, and with a group of children to hide, I want to assassinate me. Oh. I envy. Dragon King can have such a subordinate."

Gu Shen knew what happened to the night when the first screen was missing.

Hu Shining heard that the Dragon King occupied the sea, so he took the apprentices all the way, and the Shule country entered Huiguo, but heard the rumors that the guests in the palace had Jinpengbao.

The teacher of the martial arts probably won't know the true identity of the guest, so it will be the idea to lead the snake out of the hole.

The first screen of Nannan Screen, which attracts attention, enters the city alone. If there is a person from Jinpengbao in the palace, he will discover the true identity of the young swordsman and send people to stab.

Hu Shining commanded the apprentices to set traps in the alleys, waiting for the enemy to cast the net.

What he can't think of is that this enemy is smarter than he imagined, and he saw this typical Jinpengbao trap early in the morning.

The specific situation does not need to be guessed. The final result is that Hu Shining and others were arrested. The first south screen escaped. The young swordsman has been hiding in the dark to wait for the opportunity to save people. A few days later, he was introduced to the ancestral temple and was also lost.

Shangguan Yun advised a number of apprentices to seduce them to do things for themselves, and then left the capital with Akasaka and others to go to the country of Xiangji. Akasaka is a famous thief. Before he walks out of Wushan, he probably needs to clear the relationship and lead the path. .

Shangguan Yun seems to be particularly interested in the topic of loyalty, and continues to say, "But when it comes to the loyalty to the Dragon King, no one has surpassed the lotus girl yet?"

"Have you seen her?" Gu Shen gave an ominous premonition to her heart. Shangguan Yun deliberately said it very casually, just to prove that this is what he always wanted to say.

The Dutch woman has been tracking Shangguanyun. He returned to Huiguo. She is naturally nearby. Gu Shenwei was for this reason, dared to break into the ancestral temple and then sneak into the palace.

Gu Shenwei can be sure that the lotus girl is nearby because he found that Han Fen’s sword was transferred.

The first time I saw Han Fen, Gu Shen did not immediately recognize the "Happy" sword of the lotus girl, but outside the temple, he carefully observed that Han Fen was not a "happy" sword, so he borrowed In the past, I took a look and found that the word "Yun" was engraved on the hilt, which definitely indicates that the Dutch woman has returned.

Han Fen probably never knew that his sword had been transferred.

The Dutch woman refuses to show up directly, and naturally has her reasons.

"She is dead." Shangguan Yun is very dignified and seems to be conveying the death of a big man. "I am very sorry. She is a good killer. It is the best killer that Jinpengbao can cultivate. It secretly tracks us forty. No one found out, until we returned to Wushan, only to find some signs."

Shangguan Yun said so realistic, Gu Shenwei's heart actually jumped a few times, and then remained silent, to see how he compiled, Han Fen's "Yuan" sword is the best evidence that the Dutch woman is still alive.

"At the time, I didn't know that it was a Dutch woman. I treated it with a general killer and three ambushes, but I lost five of her men. She is really a good killer. The only downside is that she is alone, and no partner like Dragon King cares for each other. I Had to make more tricks, and finally led her in the swallow wind gorge."

"Say on." Gu Shen was not exposed, let Shangguan Yun think he started to be fooled.

"In fact, there is nothing to say. The swallow wind gorge is a little disgusted with the dragon king. With their strength, I killed the tail that followed. I have never seen a lotus girl, or the person who swallows the wind gorge said that she has seen this woman. Follow the Dragon King."

Shangguan Yun paused for a while, his eyes sagged slightly and expressed his true condolences. "Red Dragonfly told me that this is definitely a Dutch woman. The Dragon King has only her highest martial arts and looks like a rumor."

The more he said Shangguanyun, the more ridiculous he was, the more calm he was on the surface, and the more he was able to conceal his emotions.

"Following one of my killers, I remembered a rumor that the Dutch woman and the Dragon King had created two swords in the city of Saitama, with their names inscribed -"

Shangguan Yun paused again, and Gu Shen’s heart jumped wildly.

"So I checked the sword around the female killer and found that there was a 'Yun' word on the hilt. That was the original name of the lotus girl, so I brought the sword back." Shangguan Yun slightly sideways, smashed Han Fen, who fell to the ground at a glance, "suddenly sneaked a bag with the sword of this crazy woman last night, thinking that this would always fool the Dragon King."

The dragon sword is half-streaked.

Gu Shen’s timely control of himself is not the best time to start, but the horror in his heart is like a raging flood, and the strong will will be instantly rushed in front of it.

Is the Dutch girl really dead? Gu Shenwei still does not believe that although she has always been wary, the Dutch woman has become a part of him. Only under her guardianship can he feel the safety behind him.

The unmistakable evidence is in front of him, and he is still fooled.

Shangguan Yun’s eyes are crystal clear. After a difficult transformation, his heart has become like a crystal, killing, conspiracy, loyalty and betrayal, love and affection, it can reflect everything in the world, but will not stay A little trace.

It was a hard but hollow heart.

The dragon's first sword is completely sheathed.

Gu Shenwei can't wait any longer. If you want to kill Shangguanyun face to face, there will never be the best time.

"This time I can pay back the human condition." Shangguan Yun is very happy to anger the Dragon King. "I will not kill you, as you helped Wu Shengqing and the parrot."

"Your head is the best reward."

The duel began, and the people who shot were not just Dragon King and Shangguan Yun.

(Seeking for advice)

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