Death Sutra

Chapter 450: Perplexity

Gu Shenwei and Shangguan Yun have a palm.

He still didn't have the confidence to make the "Death Man" sword, and it was not necessary. Just in the moment when the two started, Han Fen suddenly leaped in the doorway, and the second attack on the official cloud, the power was fierce, not at all. Like the level of Xiaoyuetang disciples.

The three men’s hands ended in an instant.

Shangguan Yun’s shot to the Dragon King was just a sham. When he touched it, he slid to the bed and avoided the long sword after himself.

The soft swaying of the bed slammed into Gu Shenwei and Han Fen, and the scream of the little prince came behind him.

"Dragon King, consider my suggestion, it has been effective until the Spring Festival."

"I am very glad that the woman is not dead. I wish the two will go hand in hand and fall early."

"Dragon King's human feelings, I will return sooner or later..."

Shangguan Yun left three sentences and people have disappeared into the underground passage.

Han Fen was in a coma for a while, as if he had changed a person, martial arts was much higher, and he took the lead in chasing the passage.

She is a Dutch woman posing.

Gu Shen is close behind.

In the room, the scream of the little prince became more and more high, and he finally found that his mother was already dead.

Shangguan Yun does not seem to be worried about being caught up by the two killers. While running and talking, it seems to be intended to lead them.

"The Dragon King has excellent internal strength, but it seems that there are signs of ignorance. Do you need help from me? It is all about letting me lose love."

"Why didn't both of them make a big sword? I thought it was just a legend. God is so, there are thousands of people living in Jinpeng Fort, but let the Dragon King pick up the secret, haha, it is really bad. ""


The passage is very long, and there are forks in some places. The end is vaguely prisoner. Gu Shen is too late to look at it, but she listens to Guan Yun and said, "Right, don't blame me for not reminding you, your loyal little killer, you shouldn't eat it. What to eat, and then delay for a while, I am afraid..."

The lotus girl suddenly stopped and stepped back from Gu Shen. "There are people in front of me."

Gu Shen did not even nod his time, speeding up, catching up with Shangguan Yun, many things need to be explained, but only for later, he has only one idea: kill the enemy.

When the long passage was over, Shangguan Yun said the last sentence of the meeting. "Leave a life, he is telling the truth."

The voice just fell, this "he" rushed down the channel to the Dragon King, not actively running, but was thrown over by people, screaming in his mouth: "Knife under the knife, leaving the knife under the blame..."

It turned out to be Shangguanhong.

Gu Shen passed him by hand and slammed his sword on his hindbrain.

Shang Guanhong’s voice suddenly stopped and fainted to the ground.

The light suddenly appeared in front of the eyes, and the portal at the end of the passage was opened, releasing Shangguanyun, and was about to block the Dragon King.

Gu Shen’s dragon sword in his hand went out first, stabbed one person, and then the whole person squeezed out from the remaining door cracks.

The sky is already bright.

This is a forest outside the city. After all, the King’s room still prepared an escape route for itself, but when the enemy appeared inside the palace, this passage did not come in handy.

Ten entourages waited for the owner here, one of them was stabbed by the Dragon King, and others were pulling out their weapons. Gu Shen recognized one of them.

Akasaka is a fierce and arrogant thief who was humiliated in the hands of the Dragon King. He hated it and the first one rushed up, ignoring the gap between the two martial arts.

Shangguan Yun’s feet did not stop and fled to the forest. He didn’t want to fight with the Dragon King anymore. His light work was different from the style of Jinpengbao. He didn’t jump around, and he didn’t have much difference from the usual walking. The pace was random and the speed was very fast.

More than a dozen Xiaoyuetang disciples appeared, and they tracked Akasaka and others, and they have been hiding in the periphery for a long time.

Shangguan Yun smiled a few times, as if all these accidents did not exceed his expectations, and did not care about this little obstacle.

His speed was already very fast, and suddenly he accelerated again. He passed through the middle of two Xiaoyuetang disciples. The secret technique of the two men lost their goals before they even got a chance.

The three young masters left behind and fled from their own, but Akasaka and others did not disappoint, but instead desperately blocked the Dragon King and fought for the time.

The battle in the woods was short and bloody. More than a dozen Xiaoyuetang disciples missed Shangguanyun, and the remaining nine were no longer soft. They swarmed up, or hidden weapons, or poisons, and cooperated with the dragon king's sword.

Less than a column of incense time, eight people fell, only Akasaka, Gu Shen to leave him a life.

Shangguan Yun still ran.

Gu Shen did not understand, Jinpengbao three less masters set this trap in the end what is the intention, want to kill him, it seems too simple, is it really just to say a few words? But those words are like a rhetoric that comes to the temporary trust of the Dragon King.

However, he no longer has to sneak in and guess, and suddenly there are a large number of people who can explain the doubts.

The first is the Dutch woman.

She quickly ran out of the passage with a group of people, and on the way back to the capital, she briefly said her experience.

The Dutch woman first tracked Akasaka and found the guests of Jinpengbao in the palace. Although she had never seen Shangguanyun, she quickly guessed the truth and changed her tracking target.

Shangguanyun is not easy to get close to, others are not so difficult. Akasaka sets traps in the ancestral temple, ready to capture the south screen, and the lotus girl looks in the eyes, but there is no interference.

Many people are prone to leaking stuff. The Dutch girl ordered Xiaoyuetang disciples to be scattered and hidden. Only a few people stayed in the city to monitor the movements, including Han Fen, who led the three to follow Shangguanyun to leave the capital.

Her intention was to wait for an opportunity to assassinate, but Shangguan Yun was very vigilant. It was not good to start. When the pedestrian was found to have crossed the sea by the boat and prepared to enter Wushan to the south, the Dutch woman decided to find out the final purpose of the other party.

In this way, they crossed Wushan in tandem and entered the country of Xiangji.

Shangguan Yun stayed in the country of Xiangji for three days and talked with his sister many times. The specific content of the woman could not be known. She had never appeared.

Shangguan Yun did not seem to persuade his sister, but he was not very disappointed when he set foot on his way home.

In the long process of tracking, the Dutch woman increasingly felt that the goal was a hard bone, and she could not find a chance to start. Instead, she was found by the other side.

When the Dutch girl overheard the conversations of Akasaka and others, she knew that after Shangguan Yun returned to Huiguo, there was a conspiracy against the Dragon King, and she was vaguely afraid of the female killer around the Dragon King, so she thought of an idea.

A Xiaoyuetang disciple dressed as a lotus girl, with her long sword, went to assassinate Shangguanyun, and the result was an ambush, instead of being killed by the imperial division.

Since then, the Dutch woman is a "dead man". She did not continue to follow up. She took the first step and returned to Huiguo Metropolis yesterday afternoon. The next thing is simple. She once again changed her identity and dressed as Han Fen, just in the last moment. Let Shangguanyun relax and be vigilant.

This plan is almost a success, but the purpose of Shangguan Yun is not to assassinate the Dragon King, no intention to fight, only to escape a run, so that the lotus girl's sword has no use.

"That Han Fen... You are really like it." Gu Shenwei discovered the truth until Han Fen fell to the door of the secret room. Before that, the woman who was both crazy and simple did not reveal any flaws.

"At Xiaoyuetang, Han Fen is the person I trust the most. I know her very well."

After talking about his own affairs, the group had already entered the Longjun camp, and the soldiers were all taken aback. In the chaos, the lotus girl said faintly: "I heard that you are going to marry the princess, congratulations."

"Yeah." Gu Shen did not say much about it. He couldn't even figure out how to stay in Huiguo for two months. Is it to avoid the unavoidable wedding? Zhong Heng has repeatedly sent letters to urge the Dragon King to return to Shiguo. He found all kinds of reasons to evade. Both of them did not mention the princess and the wedding, but they all understood that this was the core of the incident.

The next person who explained the doubts to the Dragon King was Chunan Screen. Others' bodies were still weak, and only he was barely able to speak.

When Shule died, Hu Shining immediately led many apprentices to hide in the mountains. Every day, he sent people out to inquire about the situation. He heard that the Dragon King was dead. He thought about dissolving the team, but only a few children were willing to leave. They were willing to become killers without masters. And I don't want to return to my past life.

The news that the Dragon King returned to the Western Region came. Hu Shining was very happy. He immediately organized his apprentices and pretended to be a shackle and went to Xiaoyaohai in batches.

The rest of the matter is similar to Gu Shen’s previous speculation. Hu Shining found that suspicious people have entered the Huiguo capital city, so he sent a south screen to lead the snake out of the hole. As a result, the action was fiasco, and the enemy was prepared, but surrounded them.

Hu Shining has only 40 children under the age of ten. He is completely defeated by Jinpeng killer. A few are killed. Most of them suffer. Only the south screen escaped. This is the order of Shangguan Yun, asking for more live.

Since then, they have been locked in the underground of the palace, not a few days, the first South screen is also counted.

Before Shang Guoyun left Huiguo, he spent three days talking to each other individually. Several apprentices have rebelled. Many people still insist on their positions, but the impression of the three masters of Jinpengbao has changed greatly. From fear to admire and even reverence.

Shangguan Yun used to learn Wu in the building, and Chu Nanping would probably feel very kind about it, but he did not care about the meeting.

He is still the same as before. There is no concept of time in his heart. He has not seen the Dragon King for many days. He is still plain. He is not surprised when he is rescued. He simply finished his experience and asked only one sentence. "You take Tie Ling away. Already?"


"She didn't return to Shule."

This is the end of the conversation between the two.

Hu Shining asked to see the Dragon King and reminded his master of his obligations: "These children are very dangerous. They are all poisoned by three young masters. They don't say anything, but their minds have changed. Dragon King is better off trying to solve it."

Shangguan Yun did not kill indiscriminately. He left a seed next to the Dragon King. He was not good or bad, or he was all eradicated, or risky, and always beware of someone’s betrayal.

Gu Shenwei does not intend to take the approach of eradication, which is tantamount to admit defeat to Shangguan Yun.

The third person who asked the Dragon King was Shangguan Hong, who took a circle. He went from the Shangguan Jianyi to the three young masters, and finally returned to the Dragon King. No one regarded him as the son of the One Step King.

So, no wonder he would be pale and sneer, "Dragon King, killing me is useless, my status is not as good as a dog in the Stone Fort. Hey, three less... Shangguan Yun let me say: killer The glory of the past is over, let us both win and lose on the battlefield. From today, no one will engage in assassination."

(Seeking for advice)

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