Death Sutra

Chapter 486: cost

Shangguan Jianyi looks at the endgame on the water. It is a strange and terrifying scene: the raging fire is burning on the water, and dozens of warships like paper pastes collapse and disappear under the flames. Soldiers Under the attack of water and fire, the miserable screams made the stunned heart.

"This is the secret weapon of the Dragon King?" Shangguan Jianyi did not care about his own defeat, but dozens of ships, even the ship's pulpers and soldiers, are mostly provided by the four countries of the North Sea.

A staff member standing next to the coach was a little nervous, and he provided information that the Dragon King had mastered the new weapon. He should take the initiative to meet the situation and find out the details. However, the result was beyond his expectation. The Dragon Army’s warship occupied a huge Advantages, almost no contact between the two sides, the winners and losers have been separated.

The strangest thing is that those black oil-like liquids can burn on the water, and the more they burn, the more the slinger on the enemy ship does not need much head, and the thrown round can burn the target.

Intelligence is obtained from the staff, and there is no way to trace the source.

Shangguan Yun did not come to the battlefield. Although he was unemployed in the army, he became more and more active. He walked around and disappeared for several days.

Shangguan Jianyi's default scorpion's mischief is that as long as he does not directly interfere with the affairs of the military, the three young masters can arbitrarily call the Jinpeng killer and the small group of people who are willing to follow him.

"Ready to fight."

The command of Wing Shuai was quickly implemented.

The main force of Jinpengjun is on the north bank, the right wing is close to a mountain peak, and the north of the mountain peak is the cross-sea bridge that has been repaired to the final stage.

At the forefront of the army, just a few steps away from the seawall, it is a row of compact mattresses, followed by a huge slinger. The dragon warship is used to throw a "fire bomb" with one of the instruments, but it is small and small. Noisy toys.

Shangguan Jianyi waited for the Dragon Warship to attack the bridge.

Across the lake, the southeast of the Jinpeng Army, the soldiers of the Long Army also saw the scene on the water, excited to whisper, and suddenly, the victory seems to be no longer so far away.

Unexpectedly, the soldiers on both sides of the North and South, the fire on the surface of the water has not been extinguished, the Dragon King actually ordered the troops to withdraw, and retreat 30 miles.

After the right general Shang Liao landed, he found that he had become a hero. The soldiers were lined up in two walls, and the road was welcomed, especially the soldiers from Kangguo. For the first time, they showed their respects to Xinkang Wang.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..." Listening to this name, which is still very unaccustomed, Shang Liao is a little bit swaying, but when he enters the Dragon King's account, he only expresses his indignation.

"Why should the Dragon King take over the troops? The fire will soon go out, and our army will arrive at the bridge and burn everything."

The battalion generals are there, although everyone feels that the performance of the right general is amazing, but also dissatisfied with his aggressive attitude.

"The Dragon Army decided to launch a decisive battle on land. It is unnecessary to destroy the bridge." Gu Shenwei replied.

Perhaps it is the hostility of the generals who feel the vagueness. Shang Liao understands that he is too rude, so he said: "It is as if the dragon king was killed."

He is the right general, or the new Kang Wang, no need to bow to the Dragon King.

Next, the Dragon King delineated the respective tasks and duties of the Army and the Water Army. Shangliao will produce more fierce fire bombs and supply both water and land forces.

At the end of the meeting, Shangliao Grinding remained at the end, and he wanted to express his dissatisfaction to the Dragon King privately.

"Dragon King, in order to eliminate dozens of enemy ships, use a fiery bomb, is it a bit overkill?"

"I think we have already said it beforehand. The purpose of this war is only to show the effect of the new weapon. Very good, I saw it."

The Dragon King is so understated that Shang Liao is even more dissatisfied, hesitating and repeating his words. "Is the Dragon King not trusting me?"

Gu Shenwei shook his head. He had already roughly figured out the details of Xinkang Wang. This is a guy who is modest and low-key, and who is arrogant in the inside. But it is indeed the commander of the Dragon Army who is in short supply. The solitary is too conservative, and the Daxueshan general is too aggressive. Others are too mediocre, Shang Liao's personality is a useful supplement.

"I trust you, so I want to talk to you about the 'cost' issue."

When Shangliao officially talked with Dragon King for the first time, he once boasted of Haikou. He could help the Dragon King defeat Jin Pengjun. The price was to give him 10,000 soldiers. Later, Kang Guo demanded complete ** and was not controlled by any outsiders.

After hearing the Dragon King mentioning this matter, Shang Liao was very surprised, because his original intention was to quickly cause the Dragon King to pay attention to himself. I did not expect that he would really take it seriously. "I... still like that, give me 10,000." People, Kang Guo**."

After that, Shang Liao regretted it. Looking at the dragon king, he should raise the conditions.

Shangliao people are very smart, but the negotiation experience is not enough. Gu Shen is more bottomed out in my heart. "I will give you a better 'cost'."


"You can have 10,000 soldiers, or even more, but you have to recruit yourself. In addition to the water army and the ship, the Dragon Army will not split a soldier."

"Let me think about it."

Shang Liao really needs to think about it. The Dragon King only gave him the name and preparation. Of course, these two things are also very important. Without them, more soldiers are recruited, and they also scored thousands of troops, but they can’t fall into their own hands. Xiaoyaohai has such a large population in such a large territory. After the Longjun and Jinpengjun searched, there is really little potential left.

"Well, I agree, but I have to add one."

Shang Liao learned very quickly in the negotiations and already knows how to make further steps.


"After the war, I hope that the Dragon King will allow me to expand the territory of the Kang State without the help of the Dragon King, nor the interference of the Dragon King. Kang Guo himself will contribute."

Shang Liao's ambition is not small, and it is expanding at any time and anywhere. Gu Shen is vigilant about this, but before he turned his back, he needed this ambition to serve the Dragon Army. He thought about it, "One day, one day, I will rate. The soldiers attacked the city of Saitama. After that, you can expand the territory for the Kang Kingdom, but I only allow you to march west."

To the west of Kangguo is Shaguo and Huiguo. Gu Shenwei has no sorrow for the sacrifice of these two small countries.

Shang Liao also thought for a while, "I hope that Dragon King can keep his promise in the future."

"As long as you can recruit a 10,000-strong army, any promise will be observed."

Shang Liao smiled and suddenly understood the advantages of the Dragon King. The young man, who is a few years younger than himself, has unimaginable self-confidence and can allow his men to play their talents.

From the perspective of Gu Shenwei, giving Shangliao a huge space is a last resort.

There are still potentials to be digging in the Xiaoyao Sea. Gu Shen is very certain. No matter whether it is the Dragon Army or the Jinpeng Army, there is no way to go deep into every corner of the Five Kingdoms and collect all the manpower. However, Shang Liao may have a solution. He is the King of Kang. Children, familiar with local customs, but only when fighting for their own interests, he will spare no effort.

To take a step back, even if Shang Liao failed, the Dragon King paid only a verbal promise.

Gu Shenwei has a rough idea about the overall strategy of the hegemony of the Western Region: When Beiting and Jinpengbao dominated, he should support the forces of the ** as much as possible, and wait until the Dragon Army grows up, and then find another way to solve the surplus. king.

Only one Shang Liao can be supported now, Gu Shenwei feels too little.

After reaching an agreement, Shang Liaolian’s tone of speech has eased a lot. “Dragon King, one thing I have to explain first, I can’t make so many fiery bombs, materials, manpower, time, are not enough, they are used together. It is up to you to give it to the land and water forces."

"Is the fire bomb you want to come out?"

"No, this is from the Great Qin Dynasty in the west. Daqin is a national treasure, and it is secret. I am also a coincidence to get a formula."

“If you teach the formula to more people, the manufacturing speed will be faster.”

Shangliao was silent for a while. "I can give the formula to the Dragon King, but I hope that the Dragon King can understand that Daqin State has a reason for this secrecy. Once it is rumored, it is difficult to guarantee that it will not fall into the hands of Jinpengbao."

This is a euphemistic refusal. Gu Shenwei does not want to insist. Although the power of the fire bomb is huge, it also has shortcomings that cannot be ignored. The water war just now has been clearly exposed.

The skin is filled with flammable liquid. The ejection distance is much smaller than that of the stone bomb. It is easy to break. The only lost ship of the Dragon Army is burned by the fire bomb on its own ship.

Moreover, the characteristics of the fierce fire are peculiar, and the water is burning vigorously. When used on land, the power is reduced.

“Make as much mass production as possible, excellent supply to the Army.”

A quarter of an hour ago, Shang Liao would fiercely oppose this arrangement. At this time, he was all right, and he took the initiative to think of the reason for the Dragon King: The Dragon Army had an absolute advantage in the water, and the final battle was still going on the land.

Gu Shenwei has been calculating the time, waiting for the Dutch woman to bring back good news.

Now, both the enemy and the enemy should believe that the dragon's winning way is a fierce fire, and the squadrons led by the gyro can achieve an unexpected effect.

This is the biggest goal of today's war.

In the deep mountains hundreds of miles away, the old knife and the driver can not know the important mission that he is about to shoulder.

The messenger sent by the Dragon King has not arrived yet, but the Toon tooth has already keenly smelled the taste of the war, gathered the soldiers scattered everywhere, and issued a call to the tribes in the name of the Dragon King, promising a large number of rewards and demanding them. Send troops to fight.

Every day, there are tribal warriors joining, and the number is increasing. The deputy Qianqi Ha Chilie is very happy about this, because many people are watching the dragon king in his face with his father. The status of the Ha's family in Wushan This is recognized.

While being happy, Doon can also have a hint of vigilance in the heart. When so many newcomers join and increase their strength, they also provide Jinpeng killer with the opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

On the morning of the victory of the Dragon Warship, the Toon tooth wakes up very early, and the heart is full of ominous premonitions. He has been through the rivers and lakes for many years. He has experienced such a moment many times, as if the danger is around, as long as he can turn back I can see that it is not every hunch that is accurate. In fact, not even half of it.

Premonition is often another manifestation of rich experience. Toon tooth alone thought for a while and decided to follow the intuition and conduct a thorough investigation of the recruits in the whole camp.

He believes that if there is a Jinpeng killer coming in, he can't escape his eyes.

(Seeking for advice)

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