Death Sutra

Chapter 487: Master

I have been studying martial arts since I was five years old. For more than ten years, Shangguanfei has never felt the mystery.

For him, martial arts is always full of danger. No matter how high the level is, it may be due to accidental death in the hands of the weak or even ordinary people.

He hopes that there will be such a kind of martial arts in the world. Once he is trained, he can do it once and for all. Whether the enemy is a Ming attack or a dark attack, it can automatically respond, even when the owner sleeps.

It is a pity that there is no martial function to do this. The more powerful and powerful martial arts, the more cultivators need to look at the six directions at any time.

The killer learning in Shibao is almost the same. With the passage of time, the strengths and weaknesses are extremely clear. The gap between them is not martial arts, but alertness.

The killer has to maintain a different degree of vigilance for most of his life. It is rare to sleep a good and steady feeling, and almost all have problems with fear, even in the daytime, often involuntarily quickly look back.

It is this fact that made Shangguanfei lose all his interest in martial arts. The fist and the knife were forced by the Master to learn from him. The Taoist power was the mother’s request that he must practice. The "three-in-one" is even more in the female The torture suffered under the arrogance.

Therefore, when his life decided to take the initiative to meet the enemy for the first time, the first thing that came to mind was what martial arts should be used.

He didn't have a knife, so he couldn't make a knife. He would have a few sets of punches, but it seems that there is no one that can surely block the attack of the knife.

The dragon turned over the clouds and faced the black-handed killer. Two soldiers who were obviously pretending to be murderers launched a sneak attack from behind him. On the occasion of this spurt, Shangguanfei was hesitant in the move.

There is no martial function to automatically meet the enemy, but the practice is familiar, there are always some instinctive reactions, Shangguanfei has not made a decision, the hands and feet have moved.

Step by step, let a boxing to the stalker's ribs.

There are two sneak attackers, and Shangguanfei only blocks one. This is already the limit he can make.

I don't know if my opponent is too weak, or my martial arts is better than I thought. Shangguanfei actually hit this punch, and my heart could not help but be surprised and happy.

Immediately after the move, I will withdraw from the enemy. This is one of the most basic requirements of Jinpengbao martial arts. Shangguanfei thought of it and did it, but the direction was wrong.

Shangguanfei jumped directly to another sneak attacker. In the eyes of outsiders, he was preparing to attack again.

The second sneak attacker responded extremely quickly, and the target immediately turned from the dragon to the Shangguan.

Shangguanfei was stunned, and it seemed that all of them were slashing, and he had nowhere to be avoided.

The dragon turned over the clouds and saved his life.

As the patriarch of the Dafengshan Huagaifeng patriarch and the Dragon King, his vigilance has always been very high. Especially after the weapons were pulled out, the two sneak attackers were swaying. He had discovered that he just did not expect Shangguanfei to take the initiative. Meet the enemy.

After a move with the black-handed killer, the dragon turned back and retreated, and the backhand slashed to the second sneak attacker. It was as accurate as the eyes behind his head, forcing the opponent to give up Shangguanfei.

Then he moved on again and fought with the black killer.

The dragon turned over the clouds in the Daxueshan swordsman belongs to the first stream. In the days following the Dragon King, he got a lot of guidance, and the number of knives for the Jinpeng killer is more familiar than before.

The scimitar doesn't have too many moves in his hand, it is to cut the enemy from different angles, and the speed is very fast and powerful.

Within ten strokes, all three killers fell, and the dragon was puzzled. The first one fell down as one of the sneak attackers. He was beaten by Shangguan Fei and did not get up again.

The three killers made a fatal mistake, thinking that they could kill Da Xueshan Swordsman with a simple cooperation, and the result was to send their own lives.

Shangguanfei only made a punch. The rest of the time was to find the enemy everywhere. In fact, he was farther and farther away from the enemy. His courage had already been used up, and he did not want to take risks.

There are still a dozen soldiers left in the world. In theory, they still have a high chance of winning. But these people are all swordsmen. The calculation in the heart is that the dragon is more powerful than expected, even if he wins him. There will be many casualties.

The knife's life is to keep drinking and sleeping, so not only no one rushes up, but all of them rush to escape, even the body does not want to receive.

"There is no killer supervision, and the swordsmen can't even count on the people." Shangguanfei sent out his feelings. When he and his sister Shangguan competed for Nancheng, he discovered this, so they were not surprised by their performance.

The dragon turned over the clouds and wanted to kill people, and thought about it. I felt that I didn’t have the strength to kill more than a dozen knives who escaped, so I ran to hold the two horses left by the killer.

"You are hurt." After the dragon turned over the cloud, he reminded Shangguan.

Shangguanfei did not feel the pain, bowed his eyes and looked around, finally found the blood on the left side of the lower abdomen.

"It's really true." Shangguan Fei made a pretense, even reached out and touched the wound. He saw the blood stain on his palm. He couldn't hold it anymore. His legs were soft and he sat on the ground and began to feel the burning pain.

The dragon looked at the Shangguanfei hesitantly. In his world, he was not so scared by the heavy injuries. Shangguanfei’s reaction was like acting.

Until the son of Duobu Wang was pale, it seemed to faint at any time. The dragon turned over and went over to look at the wound. "The skin is traumatic and can't die." After that, he quickly wrapped up for him.

"Can't you die?"

"It’s ten times worse than this. I can’t die.”

"That... will you stay?"

The good impression that Long Guanyun had just produced on Shangguanfei is being lost. "There are shackles in the people who learn Wu, you see the Dragon King, the whole body is."

"I, I haven't seen the Dragon King all over, have you seen it?"

The dragon turns over the cloud and looks blue, and raises the scimitar. "Take your mouth well. Otherwise, you will have more scars on your body."

Shangguanfei immediately closed his mouth and obeyed. He stood up and walked two steps. He couldn't help but speak again. "Old Fan, your dressing technique is really good. I don't seem to hurt any much. Hey, I can't see you. Such a tall man is so clever."

The dragon turned to ignore his gibberish and looked down at a corpse. "How did you kill him?"

The deceased is a killer, martial arts is more general, and it will not be a general generation. Even a trick is to die under the Shangguan Feiquan. It is incredible. After the dragon turns over the clouds, it can quickly kill the other two killers, including the escape of the soldiers. Related to the initial horror.

"I... I don't know, is it really killing me?" Shangguanfei also came over and looked at him. He couldn't believe that this was the person he killed. "Maybe he happened to happen."

The dragon turned over the cloud and looked at Shangguanfei sternly. Compared with the weak and fearful, the Daxueshan swordsman could not tolerate lying in person.

However, this corpse is indeed a bit strange, there is no scar, the bones are complete, it is a bit of a disease that is violent and dying.

It is impossible to have such a clever thing in the world, but the dragon has not traced the bottom of the question. No matter how strong the martial arts of Shangguanfei is, it is a weak person who is flustered by the enemy. If he wants to live, he still has to accept his protection.

The two had a mount this time. Shangguanfei finally got rid of the pain of walking. Soon he forgot his injury and turned to praise the dragon. "Old Fan, you are really powerful. Even Jinpengbao has no name for you." Method."

Although the black-handed killer was a big one, it was not unprepared. When the sixth move was made, the drug was sprinkled, but it did not achieve the effect on the enemy. Instead, it revealed flaws and died under the scimitar.

Shangguanfei is very familiar with his own drug, so he can see the trick of the black killer at a glance.

"Yeah." Long turned clouds and did not want to explain to him more. This is the secret that the Dragon King taught him.

"But it's strange that the killer and the knifeman didn't even know me, but they recognized you. It seems that I was really neglected. Oh, I really hope that I can be completely ignored, so I don't have to worry about someone assassinating."

On this topic, Shangguan Fei spent a long time, Long Tuanyun had to explain, "I guess the soldier once participated in the Snowy Mountain and later rebelled to Jinpengbao, so I recognized me."

When the Daxueshan army occupied the western boundary of the city of Saitama, there were some swordsmen who volunteered to join. Later, the situation was not good, and many of them defected. The dragon turned over the cloud and therefore had such speculation.

Shangguanfei took a shot with his hands and a big fuss. "Yes, dragon... Lao Fan, you are so smart, smart and brave, choose you to perform the task with me, it is really lucky, Dragon King will not want you... ..."

The dragon swears through the clouds and swears that there is no more talk in the rest of the journey.

This vow is very difficult to complete. I didn’t go far. Shangguanfei raised a question that he must consider and give an answer. “I think of one thing, Lao Fan, our whereabouts are exposed, and I’ve been playing all the way. Or do you want to go around?"

The Dragon King sent them to the North Shore instead of killing them. The dragon turned over the clouds but couldn’t think of any way. He had to say, "You decide."

"Let me decide? Think about it, think about it, let's make it easy."

There is a feeling that the dragon turns over the clouds. Shangguanfei must have come up with a solution, but he has waited until now.

But Yi Rong is indeed a viable strategy.

The hands-on person is Shangguanfei. Yi Rongben is one of the basic trainings he has received since he was a child in Shibao. Compared with martial arts, this is a skill he is better at, and the materials are carried with him.

Long Yunyun would rather pass through, and would not let Shangguanfei touch himself.

Shangguanfei did not insist on it. He first gave himself a costume. In less than a quarter of an hour, he became a frowning old man. The dragon looked at it and still felt unbelievable, but finally agreed to accept his help.

In the evening of the same day, two old people who entered the city of Huiguo entered the Huiguo capital, mixed among the many escapers, and did not attract anyone's attention for the time being.

Behind the two men, the killer who died after a punch, not only caused the dragon to cloud the strange, but the knife master who came over to see the situation was even more surprised.

The knife must be clear, so pull out the narrow knife and slowly cut open the body.

Around him, around seven or eight killers and dozens of soldiers, the killer was indifferent to this scene, the soldiers could not stand it, they all turned their heads, and soon they glanced at the curiosity and looked again. Can't move anymore.

The corpse with intact surface, but the inside is terrible, the heart and lungs are broken, and almost no complete piece can be found.

"Master, no wonder the dragon dare to dare to go to the north shore of the sea, and he is surrounded by real peerless masters."

Among the soldiers, there were many people who had fled back. They heard the judgment of the knife master and they were all stunned. How could a young man who was scared to go around with only one punch?

(Seeking for advice)

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