Death Sutra

Chapter 506: Female soldier

A group of women? Looking at the unsettled sentinel, and a series of corpses behind him, the people in the valley face each other.

"Does Xiaoyuetang come to kill?" Lenovo, the Dutch woman, some people guessed.

Xiaoyuetang disappeared in the Western Region for many years. The sentinel did not have a clear concept. In the face of all enquiries, he just repeated a sentence, "Woman, a lot of women."

If the sentinel changes his ecstatic expression, the people around him will feel more reasonable.

"Yun Wang, do you still have to die?" Xia Laoji just died his brother and brother, still not delaying his enthusiasm for meritorious deeds.

"You can do it." Shangguan Yun said with a smile, he has decided to take a step first.

The women outside the valley shot more than a dozen sentinels, which seemed to be satisfied and did not come in immediately.

There are more than 700 people in Shangguanyun in the valley. Among them are the masters who have been hired from various places like Xia's Sanxiong. There are Jinpengbao's own green faces and killers. More people are the mine thieves and tribes in Wushan. Most of them don't know who they are doing for, and more than a dozen leaders decide everything for them.

"Line up, line up, prepare to fight, wait for the meeting to use some strength, kill, cloud king has a lot of rewards, live catch, you have been rewarded." The leaders are joking, quickly gather the team, they are not soldiers, not pay attention to The formations, loosely arranged in a few columns, are all geared up, like a large-scale group.

The most trusted people of Shangguan Yunchong are eye-catching, pretending to be farther away from the battlefield and slowly moving towards the place where he has already prepared for escape.

Keeping a good way back at any time is one of the basic principles of Shangguan Yun.

He will not escape from the sea slope. In that case, his defamation will be seen by everyone, especially the Shangguan Jianyi, which will always regard this as a handle. Shangguanyun has also arranged a retreat.

To the east of the valley is a cliff. Five large baskets connected to the ropes are parked here. As long as the person below shakes a string, the people above will pull up the big basket, and each basket can hold four or five people.

This is also set by Wu Zongheng's life, but the idea is from Shangguanyun. He passed his thoughts to the deputy millennium through the spies in the army: high places can set up lookouts and monitor everything around, including the battlefield outside the mountains.

Shangguan Yun did not immediately enter the basket, how can he also take a look at this magical women's army.

By his side, there were more than a dozen killers, including the green face that only he could recognize, and six or seven foreign masters, including Xia Erji, who screamed in his mouth, but when he saw Yunwang I wanted to go, I immediately followed, and I didn’t even think of taking my brother’s body.

The number of people exceeded the standard. Who can grab the big basket of escape, and see who is strong. Shangguan Yun is thinking about it. The failure is really annoying. The Dragon King can actually cross the sea under so many eyes. People admire.

The contest can not be over, and the final victory can cover up all the previous failures. The Dragon King will win a big victory in this battle. The biggest loser is not Shangguanyun, but the Shangguanjian wing outside the mountain.

Shangguan Yun digs out a little bit of victory from the failure, feels the taste and feels funny, and then he sees the army.

Although it is still far away, from the size of the body and the walking posture, the soldiers who walked into the valley were indeed women.

Like normal soldiers, they wear helmets, and they seem to wear light leather. The weapons in their hands are all bowed, and only a few people have swords at the same time.

In the valley, the leaders who stood in the front row of the heads turned back and laughed. "Don't fight, don't grab one, one is definitely enough."

This speculation is too conservative. After the women’s army came in, they did not immediately launch an attack. Instead, they arranged on both sides and gradually became half-enclosed. After more than 2,000 people, the men’s faces changed and they were eager to try. Those who want to take the lead, then began to retreat involuntarily.

Shangguan Yun has no doubts, stepping into the big basket and shaking the string to send a signal.

Others began to compete for the other four large baskets. The impatient people even climbed the ropes and climbed. The martial arts were good, and there were not many people who fell.

When the big basket rose to four or five feet high, Shangguan Yun saw the female soldiers begin to work.

The sun-shaving arrows are like a huge fishing net, and they pounce on the poor prey. These men are only wearing simple armor, almost no shields, and they have no protective ability in the face of attacks from the sky.

Many people make ridiculous moves: lift your left hand to the top of your head, as if holding an invisible iron shield in your hand.

Those who reacted faster, turned and fled, some rushed to the big basket that is rising in the valley north, and some ran to the steepest **** in the south, where many simple ladders were built with thick ropes and wooden piles, which can climb uphill. Top, escape along the slopes.

Shangguan Yun has risen to the top of the cliff. Looking down on the scene below, it is correct to confirm that he has escaped in time. This female army is not a temporary piece of the Dragon King. It has obviously been trained for a long time. Advancing, moving, shooting, chasing, all have rules.

Why does Jinpengbao always take the most valuable people out? Shangguan Yun couldn't help but think about this problem and immediately blamed him on the head of the one-step king.

"To pay tribute to the Dragon King." Shangguan Yunchong's few followers said that his face still has a smile, he will not be defeated by a defeat, "To pay tribute to my sister, you will see, defeat Jin Pengjun The person, or the person I went to the official house."

Few people understood Shangguanyun’s words. When Yunwang turned and walked to the mountains, no one left to watch the “Shangguan’s people”.

No one in the valley can run the arrow, only a few people hide in the nearby cave to retain a life, they also surrendered their weapons and surrendered.

The female soldiers obviously knew what they were going to do. Most of them continued to move forward and went to the south to stand by, and another part of the soldiers searched for every pothole and arrested the prisoners.

The soldiers in the mine have already become a mess. Wu Zongheng and Long Fengyun couldn’t hold back. The people who rushed to the exit suddenly shouted: “Listen, listen, it seems to be playing outside.”

When the outside people began to move the stones, the people inside almost cried, even though they were only closed for less than two days, many of them never wanted to walk into any cave.

The biggest stone has not yet moved away. A few rays of sunlight are seen from the outside, and then a voice is heard, the voice of the woman, "The people inside, telling who you are going to be loyal."

"Dragon King, Dragon King." No one doubts who the soldier is.

Han Han was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth. Han Fen just smiled, as if everything was within her expectations.

Outside the mountains, Jinpengjun’s pikemen are waiting for the battlefield. This is the battlefield, regardless of men and women, only the enemy and their own people.

More and more people have noticed the newly-emerged soldiers entering the top of the sea. Even the soldiers who are dying in the battlefield have stopped fighting and looked up in confusion.

No one is more surprised than the dragon army commander Duo, who is not a tribal soldier promised by the Dragon King, but a female soldier of unknown origin, so that they can reverse the situation?

Prime Minister Zhong Heng had received hints that he was ready to **** the queen to leave. At this time, he became hesitant, and he was close to the loneliness and sought his advice. "Left General..."

Du Guzhen quickly made a decision. He couldn’t let the surprise show out, and he couldn’t show a little hesitation. The red crow flag was erected on the top of the slope. It shows that this is the person sent by the Dragon King. What he has to do is to cooperate. He can't believe the female soldiers, but he must believe in the Dragon King. "God down and start the general attack."

Du Guzhen used his only arm to pull out the knife. Although he couldn't fight, he still had to go to the battlefield.

The Dragon Army still had five thousand troops left. After hearing the order, they went forward together. After that, there was no way for the solitary to organize an effective retreat, either to win a victory or to lose ground.

Zhong Heng used to be a military officer. Now he is a prime minister. He does not need to go to the battlefield. He hesitated for a while. He had to pass a knife from the guard and urged him to move forward.

This is a gamble. Since you have already taken all your belongings, you may wish to add another life. In the end, loyalty has nothing to do with the heart. It is an action, especially at a critical moment. Those who fight on the battlefield today will win the Dragon King. Trust.

The queen sat in the tent and used her indifferent expression to conceal her inner nervousness. The family's luck seems to never end. Once she fled the happy sea, what is the use of her stone country princess?

Shangguanhong ran in and panted and said: "The rescue of the Dragon King came, all female soldiers." Looking at him, it is hard to say whether it is happy or disappointed.

The princess stunned, and Xu Yanwei around her asked her: "Where is the female soldier?"

"I don't know, there are thousands of people, all standing on the hillside, and they will soon rush down. The left general has ordered the general attack. Everyone is in the battle, and even the prime ministers are taking the knife."

"Yes, everyone has to fight." The Queen stood up and stood up, "including us."

Since women can participate in the battle, why can't they do it? Isn’t she and the maids all dressed up? It turned out to be just pretending, but now it just comes in handy.

Among the "Queens...", only Xu Yanwei knows her retreat plan, so I have to remind you.

"No need." The Queen understood the meaning of Xu Yanwei. "The Dragon Army will win."

The queen has no predictive ability and has not seen the battlefield, but she can feel the change of the situation from the reaction of others. Zhong Heng is a cautious old slicker. If he is willing to go to the battlefield, it is naturally a big win.

Opposite the battlefield, Shangguan Jianyi does not think that he will lose. Although facing the two-line battle, Jinpengjun still has a quantitative advantage. The Dragon King seems to have no way to go, even to let women participate in the war, although the number is much more than expected, the combat power is even worse. .

The first round of the arrow at the top of the **** made Shangguan Jianyi change his mind and changed the face of the staff and the staff.

Jinpengjun is preparing to face the squadrons on the slopes. He never thought of facing so many archers and such dense arrows.

Shangguan Jianyi can still be calm, just ordered the knife and shield to change defense, and suddenly felt a burst of cold behind him, this is his killer instinct is working, reminding him that danger is around.

(Seeking for advice)

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