Death Sutra

Chapter 507: Unearthed

Shangguan never thought about building an army.

She stayed in the country of Xiangji with a very complicated mood. Among them, there is self-pity that has no home to nowhere to go. It also has a glimmer of hope. In any case, since she stays, she hopes to be here. The people do something.

She has never regarded herself as the ruler of the country of fragrant accumulation. It is like a child entrusted to her temporary care, and needs careful care, but will eventually return it.

In the beginning, she did things very simple. She set an example and led the aristocratic women to work with the slaves. They invited the female slaves to participate in the gathering of the big family. This is similar to what the Dragon King did in the army. They all hope to break the slaves and nobles. Isolated.

The early stage progressed smoothly, and the country of Xiangji even produced a paradise like a paradise. Soon, she understood that the scene was illusory and unreal, and a hidden undercurrent caused her efforts to destroy most of her efforts.

The greatest resistance encountered by Shangguan did not come from aristocratic women - their own status is not high - but the nobles of the nobles.

There are more than a hundred people in the old age. They are too old to be recruited into the army. The number of these people is small, the impact is enormous, and they are the most stubborn. They control their own women and secretly give instructions to the slaves. Those who are in contact with the nobility The female slaves who passed, then received lynching punishment and went to the altar of the suburbs to repent.

Shangguan found the truth from the new scars of some female slaves. She can take strong measures. Although there are not many soldiers left by the Dragon King in the country of Xiangji, there are hundreds of people. It is the most powerful force in the country and can easily defeat the old people. Stubborn resistance.

But these old men are not afraid of death. Sometimes they even take the initiative to raise their chests and demand punishment. The most important thing is that many women, nobles and slaves, are loyal to the old masters, and even if they are unfairly punished and ordered, they will not be openly identified.

The country that governs the fragrance has only been a casual job, but now it has become tricky.

Shangguan is quite a headache.

Just at this time, several women who planted flowers found a "baby."

In order to get rid of the old man, the Dragon King set fire to the last flowering forest in the abandoned royal palace, leaving a dark piece of land. Some people feel that it is a pity, according to the national tradition, they plan to plant flowers on it. Back to the labyrinth, let the plants grow freely.

Planting flowers do not need to dig deep pits, so the flowering women could not find underground things, but this treasure is a bit different, slowly expanding, initially mixed with the surrounding ground, but the next day is high Half a foot, and another day, it has been a foot, like a small grave.

The flower girls were scared first, and soon they came up with awe from this fear. They thought that this was a flower god, so they went to worship, carefully cared for it, watered and fertilized every morning and evening, removed the surface of the blackened soil, and looked forward to it growing. A unique flower comes.

It can be worn for a long time, but there has been no seed sprouting.

After Shangguan heard about this incident, he felt that he was not quite right. He went to watch it personally. He only glanced at it. She ordered the excavation and was guarded by God. I hope that I will not be soft.

The earthen bag is a huge "seed", wrapped in a strange hard shell, especially for local women who rarely see metal.

"The seed of the flower god, this is the gift of the **** to the master." The flower girl insisted that the Shangguan is called the master, how can it not be changed.

"This is a person, not a god." Shangguan knows what he has dug.

The remains of the old man have not been found. After more than half a month, he was miraculously "unearthed". As a "seed," he was very big. As a person, he was very small.

Soon, the truth was revealed, and the flowering woman used the raft to carefully turn over the "seeds". The original hard shell was only half, and the bottom was the old man with clothes and dying.

The old man is a master, but he is still very careful. He always wears a soft armor that is invulnerable. When he is captured, no one wants to contact him. The size of the soft armor is not suitable for normal people. Stay on him.

The flower soul forest fires up, the old man has no door to heaven, only to the ground seven feet, he is wearing a soft armor, choose another place to dig a deep pit with both hands, and then shake the upper earth with internal power, burn in the fire I buried myself before, and controlled the breathing with the turtle, so I couldn't get back to the ground.

After the flame, all traces disappeared, and the searchers did not dig into him or digging deep.

The old man was almost buried alive.

He can live underground for more than half a month, and he can slowly lift up the soil, and in many people's eyes, there is not much difference with God.

Shangguan once faced a difficult choice again. She didn't want to kill. The last time the old man was in her plan, she was "burned to death". She couldn't kill it again. The consequences of letting this old devil head be unimaginable.

She ordered the old man to be sent to an underground prison. This was the place where the nobles were not obedient slaves. There were three rare iron gates in the country of Xiangji.

Both the food and the clear water were placed beside the old man, and then he was left to fend for himself.

This is what Shangguan can do. She can't even tell if she wants the old devil to be alive or dead.

The old man once again proved how tenacious his life is. After three days, he could make a weak voice. "I am hungry..."

The food has already been swept away.

Once some physical strength was restored, the old man began to talk about suffering. Sometimes the guards listened to the annoyance and went far. He also talked to himself. "Cheat the grass roots, eat the insects, and there is no sky, ah, I understand, I understand. To the real mystery."

After Shangguan heard the report of the guard, he gave a sigh of relief. She did not kill, but the old man was not as good as death, but more cruel.

She went to visit the old man.

The old man has changed, his appearance is much thinner, like a rumpled baby, his expression has become the most obvious. It is neither the arrogance of martial arts and the arrogance of martial arts. He seems to have experienced countless trials and tribulations. The philosopher finally reached the realm of optimism.

"Good girl, I am so happy to see you again." Wood old man seems to be unconcerned about the inhuman life of ten days, his tone is dull, and his face even has a smile that can be called a smile.

"Sorry, it hurts you, but I can't let you kill again."

"I know that it is unreasonable for me to kill people in your name. It is also self-deception. Every blood, every human life is my own sin and cannot be transferred to others."

Shangguan has seen the ability of the old man to lie, so he doesn't believe his current performance. "This is your home. I won't kill you. I will always give you food, but you can never go out." ”

"I am willing to stay here, good girl, just be penitent for past behavior."

If Shangguan left, he still did not believe his words.

The rumors of the flower gods have faded for a while, and few people know that the old man is alive again.

Shangguan occasionally went to visit the old man, both to ensure that the guards were tight and to chat. She had no friends here. The soldiers and slaves regarded her as the ruler of the high, and the nobles carefully watched her.

The old man also likes to talk as he used to. Even if he is acting, he plays very well. He always talks to her. It is him who suggests that Shangguan should teach martial arts to the female slaves and take the first step in building the army. .

"The problem of the country of Xiangji is that slaves are unwilling to resist. This is the life tradition of their generations for hundreds of years. It has long been ingrained, deep rooted, and can be smashed, teaching them martial arts and letting them feel their strength. Naturally, there will be a will to resist, as long as you don’t practice too much, just enter the Magic Road like me."

Shangguan smiled and did not agree, but the two things that happened later made her seriously consider the advice of the old man.

The first thing was that the two slave women started to fight and smashed, almost to the point where you lived and died.

The results of the investigation made Shangguan feel blushing, and the two of them turned out to be jealous for a soldier.

The soldier was a knifeman under the genius. Because he was a little older and physically disabled, he stayed in the country of Xiangji. It was such a man, but he became a romantic figure, and he has a relationship with at least ten women, and he is not a For example, almost all of the hundreds of soldiers were welcomed by women.

If Shangguan is not a child, he can still understand this kind of thing. The old man has a rich life experience and immediately sees the crux of the problem. "Men need women, women also need men. This is the way of nature. The people of the country of Xiangji are too busy, and it is normal to have such a thing."

Indeed, the country of Xiangji is rich in natural resources and sparsely populated. Most of the crops do not require much care. The main job of the slaves is to plant famous flowers, which is the main exchange of goods between the country and the outside world. Too much thought.

Learning martial arts to kill time seems to be a viable option.

Then another, more pressing thing happened.

The Dragon King brought hundreds of savage soldiers from the large forest in the northwest of the country of Xiangji. Some of them continued to follow him into the Western Regions, and some returned to the forest. They described the country of Xiangji as a heaven, and provoked individual villages. Ambition.

The nobility of the country of Xiangji once relied on pretending to be a ghost to stop the invasion of wild people. Now this trick is no longer useful.

Fortunately, the number of savages is small, and the villages are rarely united. Dozens of people, even a few people, dare to invade and rob, food, livestock, and women are their goals.

Only relying on the hundreds of soldiers, apparently no way to stop the savage in the forest, Shangguan decided to establish a women's army.

After all, women suffer losses in physical strength, and the country of Xiangji does not have many weapons. Shangguan thinks of the "sealing flow" of the year, and the bow and arrow seems to be the best weapon for the weak female soldiers.

Shangguanru and the Dragon King have always kept correspondence, the content is basically all official, even after the Dragon King's wedding, this connection has not been interrupted, sometimes just a sentence, or a list, telling that some goods have arrived, Dragon King The reply letter indicates that it has been received.

The establishment of the women’s army naturally also informed the Dragon King in the letter.

Like the normal reaction that most people will have, Gu Shen did not value this army at the beginning, and even regarded it as a toy of Shangguanru. She felt that she wanted to restore her identity as a "ten son."

Until a month later, Gu Shenwei suddenly changed his attitude and encouraged Shangguan to expand the size of the army. He even sent 50 savage savage soldiers who are good at bows and arrows to teach.

At that time, Gu Shenwei had not thought of entering the Haipo surprise plan. He just felt that having a secret reserve force, even if it was weak, would be used sooner or later.

When Shangguan Yun sneaked into the country of Xiangji to persuade his sister, he almost found this secret.

(Seeking for advice)

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