Death Sutra

Chapter 508: Training

Shangguan Yun has a grand dream. The country of Xiangji has an important position in it. He envied the good luck of the Dragon King and even encountered such a unique country in the process of fleeing.

His dream is this: taking the Yuyu City as the core, annexing the entire Western Region, west to Shule, east to Loulan, occupying the distant sea as a transit, and Xiangxiangguo as the most stable rear.

Shangguan Yun did not care about the danger to run to the country of Xiangji, and persuaded her sister to return is only one of the reasons. The most important thing is that he thinks about seeing this land with his own eyes.

All the way to see him shocked, the country of Xiangji may be the most suitable area for human habitation, with a large piece of fertile uncultivated land, under the control of the stupid nobility, the population is pitiful.

Forests, mountains, rivers, and legends have become the best cover for the country of Xiangji. From the topography, it does not belong to the Western Region. There are only two roads that maintain a fine relationship with the spring. One road is located in the northwest. Crossing the vast swamps and innocent forests, the second road is the trail in Wushan.

Shangguan Yun does not intend to close this piece of land again. It is precisely the same. He has been considering how to open a smoother road and introduce a large population to the country of Xiangji. After two or three generations, it will not only become a granary or drug warehouse. It will also become a "human warehouse" and provide endless soldiers for Jinpengbao. Until then, the Western Regions were truly able to stand up with the North Court and the Central Plains.

He did not have the opportunity to mention his grand dream to his sister.

Shangguan has changed one person, and the transformation process is completely opposite to that of the third brother. One is from the good to the strong and the other is not willing to use, and the other is not willing to use the real weapon. The other is from the abyss of the deep love, and never looks back.

But she has not changed a bit, still holding a passionate ambition, she has not yet discovered this, Shangguan Yun has recognized it at a glance.

The capital of the country of Xiangji was well organized under her control. The plants in the city were restrained. A large number of free places were restored to residential areas and provided to former slaves. When Shangguan Yun arrived, she was organizing manpower to repair the crumbling walls.

Shangguan Yun thus determined that, as a younger sister is still a typical Shangguanjiazi: whenever and wherever, regardless of depression and pessimism, the bones are rulers.

Those of the same family who are under the Ganren are not worthy of the surname.

After the first meeting, Shangguan Yun knew that he could never convince his sister.

Shangguan was very happy to see his third brother. He was also surprised by his choice after he went out of prison, and he was blunt about it. "Three brothers, you are betraying yourself."

"You are not the same?"

"I was young and ignorant at the time, and I didn't have my own ideas. It doesn't matter."

"Young and ignorant?" Shangguan Yun smiled and recalled his childhood. Although he was young, he was not ignorant. As early as the age of thirteen, he had already formed a theory in his mind, whether it was teaching Mr. Zhang Wei or taking a step. Wang, there is no way to convince him.

Therefore, he did indeed betray himself, so thoroughly that sometimes he would feel a trace of sorrow, as if he had been murdered before. "You have made up your mind?"

Shangguan nodded, did not say what his idea was, Shangguan Yun did not ask, he gave up persuasion, in order to show respect for his sister, the two abandoned their ambitions, just like ordinary brothers and sisters, chat past events, comment on relatives and friends .

Shangguanyun is unconstrained and can walk freely inside and outside the city. He and the group of guards have caused a lot of commotion among the women. Shangguanyun let his men do his own thing. He refuses all temptations, but carefully observes the customs. , to plan for the future of great cause.

Must win the country of Xiangji, at any cost, Shangguanyun has made up his mind. At one time, he even wanted to launch a coup at that time, and soon gave up. Since the Dragon King came, the situation here has been different from the past. What happened will soon be passed to Xiaoyaohai. As long as a small number of dragons come to the rescue, he will fall into the trap.

He didn't want to lose it.

Shangguan, like the army he is training, he also saw, just because he saw it, he did not take it seriously.

At that time, there was a coincidence. In the forest in the northwest, a few savages ran out and harassed the residents outside the city. Shangguan’s thousands of female soldiers who had completed the initial training were dispatched to drive the wild donkey back to the forest. Building fortifications on the edge of the woodland and preparing for long-term defense.

What Shangguanfei saw was just a group of awkward women, who were cutting with a simple wooden knife, similar to the game of the children in Shibao.

He did not think that this would be a prototype of an army. It may be worth noting to train a female knifeman on others. As for Shangguanru, it is not only normal, but also reasonable.

Shangguan Yun quickly left, Shangguan’s plan to train the army continued. She was a little addicted. By training female soldiers, she not only cultivated a force that could defend the country, but also fulfilled many of her original purposes, such as letting slaves and nobles. Convergence, such as women's jealousy, has indeed decreased dramatically.

The strange thing is that these two things are expected by the old man.

"The heart of the people is so." Mu Laotou became a philosopher. After a period of rest, his body basically recovered, but his skill was not lost. He only recovered to 60% to 70%. He is still a master, but he has no strength in the Western Region.

"The human heart is always aware of the feelings. How much do you have to think about how big a problem is, like me, when the martial arts are low, the lower three and the four places worship the teacher for art. The higher the martial arts, the stronger the temper. When the invincible, when invincible, they can not help the world. So, manage your female soldiers and don't let them become too strong."

Without the reminder of the old man, Shangguan would not be able to teach high-level martial arts. She abandoned all the training methods of Jinpeng killers, taught them only the most basic knives, and then trained them to make bows. The purpose was to let the women in the country There is something to do.

More and more female soldiers.

Gu Shen gave strong support. Not only did he send 50 masters, but also sent many iron shovel. As for the short bow and the arrow shaft, the country of Xiangji can be used locally.

Fifty archers are the savages of the Dragon King. Their arrival also solved the problem of intrusion in the northwest. Through negotiations, the two sides reached a settlement, established a market in the border area, opened ten days, and exchanged. The country of Xiangji has thus obtained a number of ready-made bows and arrows.

The threat of invasion has been lifted, and Shangguan still trains female soldiers, the excuse is to let women **.

The old man was sitting in jail and had enough time to analyze every act of Shangguanru, so in the end he pointed out the real thought of Shangguanru. "You want to keep in touch with the Dragon King in this way."

The Dragon King already has a wife. Shangguan feels that he has forgotten that care, and he is awakened by the old man, only to clearly see the hidden expectations.

Training female soldiers has become the main content of her correspondence with Gu Shen. Most of them are very simple. For example, "A woman who shoots a hundred steps today, although she is not in the target, can be good," never involves the number of people and equipment. .

Gu Shenwei’s reply is also very simple. After talking about the current situation in Xiaoyao, it’s just a matter of mentioning the army of the female soldier who is expanding. It’s nothing more than “the first time for the shooter and the second is the second.” common sense.

Under the order of Gu Shenwei, these letters were all secretly transmitted, and they were mixed in other official documents. In fact, even if someone sneaked a few, I never imagined that the female soldiers who had taken one of them had expanded to an astonishing number.

In order to prevent someone from inadvertently leaking secrets, Gu Shenwei gradually shrinks the passage to the country of Xiangji, reducing the transportation of materials and allowing only the most trusted people to come and go.

Shangguan, if he kept all the letters of Gu Shenwei, was awakened by the old man, and took it out again. He looked at it alone. Every one did not fall. After reading a drink, he often laughed and read all the words. After the end, he burst into tears and was drunk until dawn.

Since then, she has collected the letters more steadily and began to enthusiastically invest in training.

Those who need to transfer emotions are no longer women in the country of fragrant.

She also thought that the female soldiers she trained would soon be used by the Dragon King on the battlefield to participate in the endless killings, or the old man to dispel her thoughts.

"You have no choice, the country of Xiangji is no longer a paradise, the dragon king is defeated, Jinpengbao, Beiting, Zhongyuan will rush to enter here to occupy this place, the means will be a hundred times more hot than the Dragon King, you will lose the foothold, the woman who is protected by you They will become men's spoils, so when necessary, they are not fighting for the Dragon King, but protecting themselves."

Not only that, but the old man also taught her a lot of tactics for training and arranging troops. "It’s all things that have been idle before, and they talk about it on paper. How to use it depends on yourself."

The old man is very modest, and Shangguan is sometimes embarrassed, but she manages her kindness and prevents her from being fooled for the second time.

Finally, Gu Shen decided to use this army that is secret to the entire Western Region.

From the very beginning, when he developed the surprise plan, he suspected that the army of Tonto could not be kept secret. He never imagined that the dragon army was in a precarious period. It was almost all normal people’s reaction to sit on the wall, punishment and draw. It is impossible to block all the loopholes.

All he has to do is prepare his own hands.

Gu Shenwei left alone in the name of tracing the traitor to take over the army. In fact, it was to go to the female soldiers of the Xiangji country who came from afar.

A total of more than 8,000 people, far exceeding his expectations, although the training time is long and short, not yet fully mature, but it is already usable, as long as the enemy can be blocked by the arrows, they will be on the battlefield. Not lost to any male soldier.

Gu Shen made detailed plans for the route. When he had to go through certain tribal villages, he sent a vanguard to surround him. In the name of the Dragon King, they were asked not to leave the village for a few days.

Finally, a total of 7,000 people arrived at the sea slope.

Shangguan did not come, she refused to participate in the war, and refused to meet the Dragon King at this time, but she sent a wooden man who was greatly discounted by martial arts. "You are not allowed to kill a person, as long as you protect the safety of the Dragon King."

The old man restrained his inner excitement and solemnly accepted this task.

Gu Shenwei had already learned in his letter that his underground was born again, so there was no special accident, but the first task for the old man was related to killing. "Come with me to assassinate the enemy commander."

In addition to stabilizing the military, the Dragon King did not have much use, so Gu Shen thought, why not play his own strengths? He is a killer, and this can never be changed.

He knows that this decision will be opposed by everyone around him, but it will also surprise all enemies.

(Seeking for advice)

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