Death Sutra

Chapter 509: Entering the camp

The Jinpeng army is very strict and it is not easy to mix in.

All along, the Dragon Army only tried to protect itself and blocked the infiltration of Jinpeng's killer. Gu Shenwei never tried to send people to the other side of the military camp to stab. He has self-knowledge, and the gap between the two sides in the killer is even more disparate than the military strength.

Shangguan Jianyi did not relax his vigilance. There are always at least 50 killers around him, forming a three- to five-layer defensive circle, covering within 100 steps, and only those who have permission can pass.

He never worried that he would be assassinated, but anyway, the single-step king assigned a large number of killers, no need to use it. They are like the ceremonies of the emperor, and they have become a symbol of identity. The number of killers indicates that he is in the eyes of the king. In the status, and the number of killers he has obtained in this expedition has reached 100, and there are no precedents.

Whether it is before or during the war, the killers are not interested in the front line, or they are not interested in the performance. Everyone seems to be like a game. One is colder than the other. Don’t say ordinary soldiers. Even if they are officials, they will not dare to approach them. When you are forced to pass, you will not be able to shrink your feet, and you will not want to take off your clothes and show that you have no weapons.

The killer is a special group of people in the military camp. It is the greatest merit to have nothing to do. The win or loss of war has nothing to do with them. The life and death of the wing is the only criterion for judging.

Therefore, Gu Shen did not encounter any obstacles when entering the barracks gate yesterday evening, but did not go far, and began to encounter the killer one level and another check.


"Cloud King Messenger."

After Gu Shen led the female archer army for a long way, she felt that the officers appointed by Shangguan were very reliable. So they left the map, specified the route, and agreed on the daily itinerary. He and the old man started early and ran ahead to inquire about the situation.

Shangguanyun’s anti-customer dominated the army of Wu Zongheng in secret, and the assassinations planned by the Dutch women and others, he looked in his eyes, but never intervened. What he wanted was not the victory in the valley.

The Dutch woman destroyed the trap of Shangguanyun. The intention was to remind the Dragon King not to be fooled, but it had an unexpected effect. After Shangguanyun discovered that the plan failed, he temporarily sent two messengers and invited the official Jianyi.

Gu Shenwei has been wondering how to mix into the Jinpeng military camp, and finally found the opportunity.

The messenger crossed the sea **** in the early hours of the morning. In order to avoid the surveillance of the Dragon Army, a circle was circled. On the way, an ambush was encountered, and one was killed and captured. The captured person was also killed after confessing useful information.

Wood old man refused to kill, only to help the dragon king control the target, "I swore to the good girl, never murder, even if others bully to my head, I can only gently teach a meal, you do not use this Looking at me with my eyes, after rebirth, I no longer lie, speak and count, and the oath is all true."

Gu Shenwei has no trust in the old man, but he has tried it. The skill of the old man has not fully recovered. He may never be a top expert. If he dares to fly like he used to, he will live for three days. .

The old man of the wood is not only entrusted with protecting the Dragon King. In fact, he is also protected by the Dragon King. His enemies are all over the Western Region. If he hears that his skill is declining, he will line up to take revenge.

Therefore, the old man is responsible for catching prisoners and tortured the prisoners. The latter task is simply his hobby, but now he has become modest and cautious, and he is optimistic, so he must apologize before you start. "Little brother, let you live and dismember, decide It’s not for fun, I’m just obeying it, I’m forced to do it. I feel the same about your pain. If I can, I will try to shorten the process and make you die a little easier.”

The little old man, who is a little more than three feet tall, is like a demon. The prisoner has not been sentenced. He has already been frightened. When the other person said the words "sense of empathy," the eyes suddenly glow like gems, as if the miser saw it. Jinshan, the captive immediately understood that his pain would bring him great happiness.

"Please, I am all inviting, everything."

Gu Shenwei got the information he wanted, but the old man had only a small satisfaction. The torture program was stopped at the beginning. He had to hand over the prisoner to the Dragon King and watched him be killed. It seemed like a plate. The delicacies were thrown into the trash after they were on the table.

"Dragon King, I want to admit your mistakes."


"I just didn't control my own magic. I always thought about the scenes with blood and blood. Oh, please don't let me do this again in the future. I am afraid that I can't stand the test."

The thing just happened is a test. The horrible look that the captives saw from the eyes of the old man, Gu Shenwei also saw it. Therefore, it is certain that all the actions since the unearthing of this old demon head are pretending to be the same. It is to restore all the power.

He may still be guilty of no magic.

Gu Shen knows to what extent and when to use him.

The characteristics of the old man are too obvious, and the tolerance can not be concealed. Therefore, Gu Shen acts as a messenger for a person, enters the Jinpeng military camp, accepts strict checks, and Ding points may lead to the killing.

"Waist, token."

The waist card is the symbol of Jinpengbao. The token is the pass for Jinpengjun, and Gu Shen is one by one.

After a dozen steps, it was another level. Several killers stopped him and looked at it from head to toe. His eyes seemed to penetrate the clothes and "hand over the weapons."

Gu Shenwei took out a dagger and his sword was handed over to the old man, and he only had this dagger.

Among the killers in the third level, there is a knife master who checks more carefully, especially the letter. He repeatedly confirms that the seal is the three masters and then gives the messenger.

Gu Shen continued to march forward, and the knife owner suddenly asked: "There are always two people. How can you only have one today?"

"There was a dragon attack on the road, and Zhao Biao was killed."

Zhao Biao is a Jinpeng killer. The knife master heard the news and was slightly surprised. "Zhao Biao is killed, but you can survive?"

"I am more fortunate. The first target chosen by the ambush is Zhao Biao. I didn't stop and urged the horse to run fast to save my life."

Gu Shenwei did not explain much, the other party will understand, experienced ambushes always start with the strongest target.

The knife owner seems to have some doubts. "You run so fast, how do you know that Zhao Biao is dead?"

"I guess, falling into the hands of the Dragon Army, there is still to live? Cloud King... The letter from the three young masters is very important. If you must ask for details, let people first hand over the letter to the wing." Gu Shenwei pretended to be angry and angry, deliberately vague on the name of Shangguanyun. He learned from the mouth of the captive that Shangguanyun’s cronies called it “the cloud king”, but in the Jinpengbao It is best to call him "three little masters."

The knife snorted, unable to tell whether it was dissatisfied with the temper of the messenger, or despise the "cloud king", "go to send a letter."

Gu Shenwei was not the first time to go deep into the enemy group. When he was trained in Jinpengbao, he used this trick in the apprenticeship, but it was difficult to change the degree.

The road close to Shangguan Jianyi was not smoothed by the permission of the knife owner. Next, there was a fourth level. A staff member of the White House had to send a letter. After checking the appearance, he personally sent it to the main account. The messenger could only wait outside. All of them are guards and killers nearby. Although they are only separated from the wing, they are unable to move.

Now is not the best time to assassinate. Gu Shen is honestly waiting. If the letter can cause interest in Shangguan Jianyi, he may call the messenger to ask a few words.

Facts have proved that Shangguan Jianyi did not attach importance to the deaf children. The white clothes staff came out and handed over to the messenger a receipt and waved. "I have received it, you can go."

The messenger has nowhere to go. Tomorrow is the moment of decisive battle. He can't go back to the sea to go back to the three young masters, but these words don't need to say to the staff. Gu Shen left obediently and went to the periphery to explain to an officer. Happening.

"Leave it, tomorrow's war is a hundred years, there is rarely such a large-scale war in the Western Regions. I have compiled you into the Wing Shuai Guards, and you will be able to witness the grand victory of Jin Pengjun. I still don't need to go to the battlefield, haha."

The officer is very good at speaking, because he can't tell the difference between Jinpengbao and others. To be cautious, the three main messengers are treated as killers. Anyway, this person has passed the inspection and the responsibility is not on him.

Gu Shenwei left it. The next morning, twenty steps behind the Shangguan Jianyi side, the armor wearing Jinpengjun was mixed among a group of guards.

It is an interesting thing to watch a battle between life and death from the perspective of the enemy.

Gu Shenwei is increasingly acknowledging the idea of ​​being alone: ​​unless the enemy makes a mistake, it is impossible to win less.

On the battlefield, the brave dragon army has always occupied a weak advantage, but every time it goes forward, it will pay the price of casualties. Even if it is an enemy, it will eventually die.

Jin Pengjun still made a mistake. Shangguan Jianyi guessed that there would be a surprise attack on the sea slope. However, the estimate of the Dragon King’s strength is seriously insufficient. The letter from Shangguanyun has made him not pay much attention to this surprise attack. It is a servant soldier forced from the Western countries, and his morale and combat effectiveness are very weak.

This will be a major mistake.

He would not even think that at this moment, the leader of the other party would actually stand near him and only take a few steps to launch an assassination.

This will be a fatal error.

On the slopes of the sea, thousands of arrows were poured down like heavy rain. The soldiers armed with long guns were unprotected and could only watch them fly, or chose to turn and flee.

They were soldiers who were forced to join the army. They fell in the country and were in a foreign land. They thought that they were participating in a battle of victory. When life was threatened, there was only one choice.

The on-site general ordered the attack, but this is a slope. Many of the sections are quite steep. I want to attack from the bottom up. Especially the enemies are all archers, and they are basically dead.

The long-range gunmen of the Jinpeng Army’s right wing became the first group of escapers, and some of them who were on the front line almost all died in the dense arrow rain.

There is still a choice for Shangguan Jianyi. As long as the front line is contracted, the female soldiers who seduce the top of the **** will come down. A round of cavalry can completely rush them. He believes that in the close combat, the disadvantages of the female soldiers will be revealed.

The assassination occurred at this time. It came from a wine barrel. It was not far behind the other barrels. The generals who were removed from the front line were qualified to take a bowl of fine wine from Shangguan Jianyi.

The barrel was torn apart, and the old man was short.

The killers were still able to keep their positions, but the guards were a little flustered, slashing their swords and rushing to the assassin who suddenly emerged.

Gu Shenwei is also among the guards, holding the scimitar assigned to him. In the process of rushing to the old man, he has a chance to be closer to Shangguan Jianyi than at any time.

(Seeking for advice)

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