Death Sutra

Chapter 50: Ning died

Gu Shenwei is like a lonely brave man who swims in the endless ocean. When he is in the most exhausted time, he meets a small island. He knows that the target is still outside the skyline. He has to continue swimming in the morning and evening, but he is eager for the comfort of this time and looking for various excuses. Delay the time to launch again.

The Dapeng bird is his small island. He likes these two strange creatures and even fears them.

In the past two months, unless the rain fell, he could see the Dapeng birds almost every day, eat the flowers and fruits they brought, chat a few words, and when they were in a good mood, they touched the black feathers. .

The Dapeng bird is like a majestic elder, loves this unique human being, keeps bringing gifts, but maintains a high-profile attitude, only allowing him to occasionally break through the boundaries.

Before the sad moment came, Gu Shenwei had no hunch, although she was beginning to become impatient and frequently urged him to speed up the progress, although the Shangguan rain was more and more concealed from the hatred of the heart, often giving him a face. Look, but overall, the two months are not shocked. Shangguan has increasingly regarded him as a cronies, and the fire has not happened again. It is the most relaxing period since he entered Jinpengbao.

It’s not as easy as real life with a deep hatred. If you must look for signs, this may be one.

That morning, Gu Shen came to Jushi Cliff as usual, packed up the sundries, practiced a martial arts, and the Dapeng bird arrived as soon as possible. This time brought a few black and big fruits, he still didn't know. It was delicious and juicy when bitten down. He quickly ate it and threw the core far away.

He looked at them in recent trivia: Jiugongzi Shangguan, if there is a wooden knife like it, disappeared, I wonder if it fell to the bottom of the cliff. If they can see it, it is best to bring it up, but it helps a lot.

If the Dapeng bird can't understand human words, he just talks casually and doesn't take it seriously.

The time of the usual Dapeng birds was not long. Today they are exceptionally short. After they put down the fruit, they want to fly away. They just barely stay because the human teenagers have obvious disappointment.

However, they were a little nervous, listening uncomfortably and looking around. This tension became more and more intense. Finally, it was transmitted to Gu Shenwei. He did not understand what happened, he had already reacted and reached for two big birds. "Go, let's go, come back tomorrow."

The Dapeng birds nodded. They were silent, never screaming, the males turned and spread their wings, and the female was still watching the human juvenile. It seemed that he wanted to give him a kind expression before he left.

The two big nets were spread at this time, ending everything.

One net descended from the sky on the high wall on the west side, and the other net was sent under the cliff on the east side. Together, it formed a network of Tianluo and flew to Dapeng and Gu Shenwei.

The male bird has already spread its wings, fluttering in the air, using long claws and claws, and tearing the big net that rises under the cliff.

The female bird hesitated a little, then stretched her legs to set the human juvenile aside, and the big net falling from the high wall was covering it.

Gu Shenwei fell on the boulder and fell down. The female did not use much force. He was not injured. He just saw the male bird returning to the ground to help, tearing the net together with the female.

Even in this critical moment, they did not make a cry.

The big net lost its function, but the big bird lost the most precious opportunity to escape. The second and third nets came one after another. There were a total of five nets, which were layered and dense.

Gu Shenwei only felt that the blood was pouring up. It seemed that the family had been killed and killed, and the mouth yelled at the mouth in a meaningless way. He rushed to pick up the nets, but with his internal strength, the help provided was like a drop in the bucket.

The two Dapeng birds struggled, and their strength and sharpness exceeded the ambush's imagination. It didn't take long for the male to take a torn hole in the head. It didn't take off immediately, but moved one step to continue to expand the opening. Let the females go first.

The ambush jumped out of the wall and out of the cliff. Everyone was gray-faced from head to toe, almost the same color as the rock, and his face was covered with only cold and ruthless eyes.

More than a dozen people took the big net, and another six people rushed to the Dapeng bird.

Gu Shenwei rushed to the nearest ambush. The man didn't even look at it. His right foot flashed out like a violent martial art. Gu Shenwei was like a little martial arts. The whole person flew out. He fell heavily under the high wall.

The male and female Dapeng birds showed their heads from the big net, but their wings were still in the net. Six ambushes threw ropes and wrapped the necks of the two birds.

The more thrilling, the more stable the Dapeng bird, the violently rotating together, all the ambushes were pulled, and even stood unsteadily, and they all followed.

Looking at the enemy's foothold, the two big birds are smashing, the speed is fast, the attack is accurate, comparable to the first-rate master, the nearest six ambush are in a hurry, one of them can't dodge, the eyeball is smashed in.

This person is also powerful, but it is just a sigh, and no matter the blood in the eye socket, still hold the rope end tightly.

The Dapeng bird took advantage of the scorpion, while the claws kept scratching, and each one could tear off a piece from the big net. Those tough nets were fragile under the claws like weeds.

Gu Shenwei fell to the ground and watched the birds and birds fight with horror. He couldn't help, and he could only pray silently. For the freedom of these two great birds, he would give everything and even give up revenge.

But from the day he broke his family a year ago, his prayers have never been realized. God just teased him, gave him hope, and took mercy without mercy.

The Dapeng bird is very powerful, and more than a dozen ambushes can't be swayed. Seeing that the hole is getting bigger and bigger, there will be another time, two birds will fly and fly, and the six rope holders will either let go or Follow a piece of heaven.

Several large nets could not withstand the destruction of the big birds, and finally they were torn apart. The males immediately used their claws and forced the six rope holders to retreat. The females spread their wings and it could fly.

Gu Shenwei’s heart is about to jump out, looking up at the female body, the wind-like wings, the golden crown feather like God, and shouting: “Go! Go!”

The female's feet were off the ground and headed to the sky. Then, the beautiful head of the world's unparalleled body fell, and the headless body remained in a flying posture. The red blood rose from the sky, like a red flower dyed throughout. sky.

A black shadow appeared behind the female, he was like an invisible demon, appearing directly from the air, holding a narrow, dull knife in his hand, with the cold heart that could freeze the steel into powder, even if it killed The most beautiful and noble creatures in the world are not at all concerned.

"Do not!"

Gu Shen screamed for tears, which was like bringing him back to the night a year ago, forcing him to watch the dear ones killed and cut off their heads one by one.

"Do not!"

Almost at the same time as him, another screaming voice sounded, and then a figure flew over the boulder in the north. He was a man, but he was as agile and elegant as a bird, as if he had wings behind him.

The moment the man flew, it was the dead body of the female bird that fell, the moment the killer was landing from the air, and he came first, and hit the chest of the killer.

The masked killer had just killed the Dapeng bird and committed the biggest mistake of his life. His knife was useless in front of this person, spurting a blood, and the body flew beyond the cliff and fell to the bottomless abyss.

The killer did not make a scream, and that one had already ordered his life.

The female bird fell down, and the head with the golden top feather turned over. It fell on Gu Shen for a few steps. The yellow eyes were still big, but they lost all the brilliance.

The male's eyes are like a burning flame, giving off a burning light. It turns the body a lot, and the wings are violently whirlwind. Every time it hits, there must be someone who loses his eyes, its claws. Every arrest, there must be one person who loses a large piece of flesh and blood.

These horrible Jinpengbao killers are as weak as the children in front of the mad Dapeng bird.

In an instant, the last six people have already lost their lives. The man who jumped from the boulder has quickly retreated and screamed: "If you want to live, no one will hurt it!"

More ambushes swarmed from the high walls from outside the boulder, with forty or fifty people.

The male bird stood upright, and the long feathers of the winged tip shook like a sword with a handle. For a time, no one dared to challenge.

The male bird looked down at the dead lover and suddenly looked up. The chest was full of gas and swelled high, and its body was doubled.

Every ambush here has killed countless people. At this time, they are frightened. No matter how the master swears, they dare to approach slowly. No one wants to be a victim.

The male bird dismissed these small humans and accumulated all the spirit and strength. It was the first tweet since birth and the last tweet.

The sound was as loud as a thunder, and it spread throughout the Jinpeng Fort. It was rampant all the way, and it was passed to the Yucheng City under the mountain.

Until the male bird fell, the sound was still lingering in the ears of everyone, and it took a long time to rest.

The male bird is so dead, it chooses to end its life.

Everyone's face suddenly changed and stayed still. After a while, there was a voice sighing. "I don't know how to sing, it's a true Jinpeng bird, but unfortunately, I hurt one."

Or the person who shouted "No" with Gu Shenwei, a gray coat, a medium-sized body, a long and thin face, slightly black, with deep eye sockets and no specific features, but it was everywhere that could not be covered. The gas of the ruins and the spirit of the king, the surrounding killers in front of him involuntarily hang their heads, even the Jinpeng Fort made by the stone seems to be short.

Gu Shenwei once felt a strong murderousness in Yang Yuanshuai, but compared with this person, it is like the creek met the sea.

Gu Shen’s grief and anger in her heart were suddenly replaced by a fear from the deepest point. The body was soft and could only continue to lie on the ground. He used all his will to force himself to look up and look beyond the ten steps. The gray man knows the identity of this person.

A masked killer walked to the front of Gu Shenwei, kneeling down one leg, pressing the neck of the boy with one hand and holding the narrow knife under the waist with one hand. The person in the gray coat asked humbly:

"Wang, how to deal with this slave."

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