Death Sutra

Chapter 51: Night visit

On the other hand, a dozen of the killers carefully raised the bodies of two Dapeng birds, and another one carried the head of the female bird.

He admired his prey and was full of pride.

Jinpengbao, Jinpengbao, the name is called hundreds of years, how many people have seen Jinpeng birds with their own eyes? Who caught the Jinpeng bird? Only him, the seventh generation of the single step king, brought the greatest glory to this condescending stone fort.

This is a symbol, symbolizing that Jinpengbao is about to reach the peak, and the dream of Shangguan’s generations of the single-step king will be realized in him.

The Shangguan cut was immersed in huge satisfaction and joy. The only regret was that a Jinpeng bird had been smashed his head. He could ask the best craftsmen in the world to make specimens and re-attach the bird's head. Come out, but this is still an irritating lack.

The densely-covered masked killers on the giant stone cliffs hold their breath, and according to Gu Shenwei's killer, he observes every movement of the king. He only needs a hint, and he will pull the knife to kill this insignificant slave.

"Have you caught it?"

A crisp voice asked, in the world exclusive to this one-step king, only she dared to break into.

Shangguan rushed in from the boulder, pushed the statue-like killers and rushed to his father.

"How is it dead?" There was an obvious accident and dissatisfaction in her voice.

"Jinpeng is not a bird, but he can't live without it. There is no way to catch it." Shangguan fell to explain to his daughter, and instantly changed from the king of the killer in the Western Region to the loving father.

"Like this bird, we are not mortal on the official house, are we?"

Shangguan was full of happiness. "Yes, Shangguan is not a mortal. We are the master, the destroyer, the supreme, but unlike this bird, no one can force us to commit suicide."

Gu Shenwei’s heart was blown up in general, and it turned out to be Shangguan’s whistle!

Nine sons must have sneaked into the huge stone cliff, originally wanted to scare the slaves, but found the Dapeng bird, she did not show the wind, even told her father.

Gu Shenwei has always thought that she is more mature than the children of her age. Now she knows that she is ridiculously childish. A 12-year-old girl completely hides him in the drums and plays with her hands.

"As a child, you found the Jinpeng bird, the greatest credit, let's say, what you want, there is nothing you can't get in the world."

"Oh, my father has given me the best things in the world. What else do I have? It is the slave. Without him, no one can see Jinpeng Bird. It should be rewarded."

Shangguan’s unexpected invitation to him, Gu Shen was shocked by her heart, and her mind was even more difficult to understand. In fact, everyone looked in the eyes. This little slave knew not to report and committed the sin of death, but because he was a A small minion, no one takes him seriously, no one wants to sing against the nine sons.

Even the one-step king went to the official slash, and he was in a good mood to forgive a negligible minion. This was a sinister thing. He had never let go of any traitor since he picked up the first knife at the age of five.

"Kid, what do you want?"

Shangguan cut his daughter, still watching the dead Jinpeng bird, and did not look back at the shivering little slave.

Gu Shenwei can't control the shaking from head to toe. He is afraid of the man who ordered the killing of Gu. This kind of fear is from the heart, more than grief, farther than hatred. He despise his timidity, but he It doesn't help.

"I..." Gu Shen was as dry as a scorpion, "I want to be a killer!"

According to the movement of the killer's arm in his neck, he couldn't help but want to laugh.

Shangguan fell back and looked at the minions who were lying on the ground, only to see a back. This is the advantage of the superior, the person in front of him only reveals the back, so the threat is the least, which is also the disadvantage of the superior, he can not see the face that best reveals the true feelings.


"Small slaves have learned martial arts, only to be able to enter Dongbao as a killer apprentice. If the slaves are not good at learning, they will die without regrets."

The disaster has tempered the young man. He has skillfully buried his grief deeply and wants to take advantage of this hard-won opportunity to gain some benefits for himself.

"Okay." Shangguan fell and turned to see two Jinpeng birds. This little slave was no longer in his mind.

The people on the megalithic cliffs went away. Gu Shen left for the last one, and lost his soul. How could he not open the idea: he killed the Dapeng bird, but the chief culprit was Shangguanru.

Although the wish was a killer apprentice, this comfort is far from enough to make up for the great grief of losing loved ones.

Soon, this comfort is even more subtle.

Not long after he returned to the stone house, Xue Niang ordered him to pass him to his room.

There are only two people left, and Xue Niang’s face is blue, which is the performance of her anger.

"You stupid, ungrateful dog thing, why should you hide it from me?"

Gu Shen was hurriedly hurried, and he forgot that the one-step king liked the Dapeng bird so much, which must have important significance for the Snow Maiden.

Huannu’s dumb voice makes she more angry. In order to enter Jinpengbao, she waited for many years. In order to achieve the ultimate goal, she is still waiting for many years, but a great opportunity is in front of her, and she was wasted by this kid. It is.

"It seems that I am wrong. I believe in you, but you betray me. I have made you suffer too little. Look up!"

Xue Niang screamed, then bent down, sticking out the iron-like fingers, and poked directly on the aunt's chest.

Just a moment, the strength is unprecedentedly strong, a huge stream of heat into the body of Gu Shenwei, such as the wind and sweep the leaves, all the way to Dantian.

The fire is burning. Every inch of skin and every internal viscera seems to be splitting into soot. He falls heavily on the ground, like a fish that is out of the water, twisting desperately, and his mouth is one by one, but he can't make a sound.

Two months ago, Gu Shenwei had such an experience of ignoring the fire, but could not compare with the present time. He could not survive, he could not die, and the burning pain from inside to outside even ridd the grief and hatred. Deep-rooted emotions, he only wants to beg for mercy, but he can't open his mouth.

The hot air spewed out of his throat, and it seemed that even the internal organs were taken away.

Xue Niang sat back in the chair, and the pain of the slaves slightly calmed her anger. She drank tea, thought about her mind, ignored him, and let him roll on the floor.

In an hour when life is not as good as death, Gu Shen made a circle in **** and returned to the world.

"How, my finger power is not much worse than the one-step king?"

"The little slave never dared, and asked Xue Niang to forgive her," he said in a hoarse voice.

"Get out!" Snow Maiden screamed.

Gu Shen dragged her body back to the stone house and was unable to lie on the bandit.

The fire can burn everything, and the fire can cast steel. He laughs openly and silently. The pain has passed. His heart has become harder by this hardening. Everyone is an enemy. Everyone is dead.

In his mind, the text fragments in the nameless swordsmanship suddenly appeared. The more you think about it, the more you feel that you can meet the current state of mind. The person who is dead can kill, and the book does not seem to be a prank.

Gu Shenwei jumped down and practiced the peace of mind. He laughed again.

Xue Niang's finger force can bring pain and help. It is just a powerful force to improve the internal strength. The power of the one finger was too strong, and he pushed his strength to the third floor of Yang Jin.

But why is this? Snow Maiden definitely does not have this kindness.

Gu Shen has already caught a clue on the embarrassment, and now I finally understand that it is because of the nameless sword.

He used to read the book in three days. Although it was not very good at the time, many words were printed in his mind. When he was tortured in the house of Xue Niang, he unconsciously recited the words, although he did not relieve the pain. However, she has guided the strength of Xue Niang as a driving force.

When the pain was too strong, he did not think of this at all, and now he suddenly realized.

What kind of book is that?

Gu Shen’s suspicion of raising a large group in his heart is not just a swordsmanship as it seems to be, but also contains internal skills in the annotated texts.

Gu Shenwei was more and more excited. He almost wanted to go to Jushi Cliff immediately to find out the book and read it again, but he still resisted it. Now it is afternoon, without the accompanying twins, it is almost impossible to enter Dongbao at this time. Just wait until tomorrow morning, he will be able to study this mysterious book in detail.

This day seems to be a concentrated day of blessings: the Dapeng bird was killed, but he realized the desire to enter the East Fortress as a killer apprentice; Xue Niang made him go to the fire, but inadvertently improved his internal force, so that he began to understand the unknown sword The secret.

And it seemed that it was not enough. At that night, two people in the stone house were sleeping, and suddenly they were awakened by a knock on the door.

Gu Shenwei and Lao Zhang sat up at the same time, and the person knocking on the door had entered the house and stood at the door.

"I have something to tell you."

The person who came was Shangguanru, who could not see her in the dark, but could hear her voice.

Even if Zhang was half-awake and half-awake, Lao Zhang could be a good servant. He didn't seem to hear anything. He fell asleep and slept, and even the snoring sounded, as if the action was just a sleepwalking.

Gu Shenwei was very surprised. He was hating this girl. She didn't expect her to come late at night.

Is this another new game she wants to play? Or is it a new conspiracy behind the Shangguan rain?

Gu Shenwei dressed in the bed and whispered, "Nine sons, what is the order."

"I am not your master?"

"Yes, Master, what does Master ask the disciples to do?"

Shangguan, like a beckoning, walked out of the stone house, Gu Shen was close behind, but secretly prepared.

"Do you really want me to be a master?"

There is moonlight outside, it is brighter than the room. Gu Shen is so serious to see Shangguan, not as happy as during the day, with a big parcel behind him, two knives on his right arm, the real knife, not Usually a wooden knife when practicing martial arts.

"Yes, Master, one day as a teacher, for life... the disciples are all true words."

"Well, you will run away with me now."

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