Death Sutra

Chapter 52: Flee

Among all the things that happened on this day, the sentence of Shangguanru was the most incomprehensible.

She is only twelve years old. She is the most beloved daughter of the One Step King. She has just made great achievements. In her father’s mind, she has reached a high level. How can she want to escape?

Is this a remark, perhaps what conspiracy is hidden behind it? However, she wanted to kill the slaves. In fact, in Jushi Cliff, it was because of her pleading that he was lucky enough to escape and get the opportunity to be a killer apprentice.

Gu Shen was puzzling, and his hesitation annoyed Shangguan.

"Why, do you dare not listen to Master's words? You are like her!"

Gu Shen knows who this "her" refers to, and it is precisely because of this that he quickly made up his mind: he wants to give the exact opposite answer to the official rain.

"The disciple is willing to follow the master, where is the master, where the disciple will go, never leave a half step, but..."

Shangguan laughed, and her smile was extraordinarily brilliant under the moonlight.

"This will do, let's say out of the stone fort."

Shangguan Russed a narrow knife to Gu Shenwei, then took his hand and walked under the wall. He also yelled at him.

Gu Shenwei took the knife and followed her blankly. This is just a game. If it doesn't go far, it will be stopped by the night watchman.

Gu Shenwei was once intercepted by the night watchman twice, knowing that these people are everywhere in the fort.

But he was wrong. Shangguan’s understanding of Shibao was much more than that of him. She went outside the wall and listened to her ears for a while. It was determined that there was no problem before moving forward. Every time I walked, I would listen to it. And around it, it seems to be hiding from the guard.

Gu Shen listened to her look at the wall and listened. It didn't take long before she finally figured out what was going on.

It turns out that he has always exaggerated the rigor of the guards of Jinpengbao. The night watchmen are not everywhere. They are all mobile and patrolling around, but the route is not in the alley, but in the wall. Every time you visit, the night watchman will be fixed. After a few clicks, the sound spreads out through the wall. In this way, the night watchers contact each other to inform the situation.

Gu Shenwei still doesn't know much about these percussion sounds. Shangguan is very familiar. She knows how to escape the night watchman who is coming, and knows which route is the safest.

The two went farther and farther and gradually approached the gate. Gu Shenwei faced a choice. He continued to follow the Shangguan such as “escape”, or it was called to stop the game. The former pleaded with the nine sons, while the latter was a slave. duty.

Gu Shenwei did not say anything.

Shangguan took him to a high wall, posted it on it for a while, untied the parcel, and pulled a hook wall from it to catch it. She was fully prepared for this escape.

Shangguan, if he threw the flying claws up, fell to the wall and fell down. She hurriedly caught it, but it had already made a sound.

The two waited for a while, and there was no guard to jump out. The timing of Shangguan’s selection was very good.

Gu Shenwei took over the flying claws from Shangguanru. His strength was just raised to the third floor of Yangjin. The internal strength was greatly enhanced. This throw easily exceeded the wall and it was firmly stuck when it fell.

Shangguan, like a smile, grabbed the rope and climbed up.

Gu Shen took the parcel and stuffed the narrow knife into the belt and followed it up.

No one on the wall, Shangguan quickly climbed from the other side, her light work is very good, stronger than Gu Shenwei, and soon went to the ground, Gu Shen has spent some time looking for a suitable foothold.

There was no one on the open space outside the fort. Six months ago, Yang Yuanshuai, who was challenged at the door, died here, his head was inserted in the gun head, and there was no trace left.

The two men's waists marched forward, ran across the stone beams, and took the road up and down the mountain, and they sighed together.

Gu Shenwei felt that the escape process seemed too easy. Shangguanru thought that this was the result of his own careful planning. Therefore, he was proud of it, turned a few turns, and could not see the stone fort. She was also bold and forbearing. Can't help laughing.

"Ah, I can figure it out. My father disagreed with me, and my mother didn't agree. Even Yugongzi opposed it, but I still came out. Hey, I don't know how to come back, I won't come back! Or you are the most loyal, rest assured, with the ability of both of us, there will be something to do, I will teach you all martial arts."

"The disciple can be very happy to follow Master on the rivers and lakes. It is not important to learn not to learn martial arts. Master is so powerful. What terrible do I have?"

"Hey, you are very good, martial arts is not bad, just talking too much like a slave, I don't like it."

Gu Shen sneered in his heart. He was a slave in Jinpengbao. If he showed his true face, he would have been killed.

"You are Master, you see the disciples of each faction and speak to Master."

"Really? I have to take a good look. Anyway, I am not like Master."

The two chatted and went down the mountain. Shangguan was so excited, his mouth could not be idle for a moment, and he was extremely curious about the world outside the fort.

"Han slave, you were not born in the fort?"

"No, I only entered the for a year."

"Then you must know a lot about the rivers and lakes."


Gu Shenwei has no experience in rivers and lakes. He has a very limited circle of communication from Xiaojinyi to the Western Region. He rarely leaves the manor. Life is more closed than Shangguan, but his master Yang Lan is the old river. Sometimes, when I am interested, I will talk to him about some martial arts anecdotes.

Gu Shenwei re-touched these rumors and told the Shangguan, such as Shangguan, who was very interested in the so-called rules of the rivers and lakes.

"Is there a rule in the competition? Is it the same as that of Yang Yuanshuai?"

"The rivers and lakes outside are different from those of Jinpengbao. They are shackled and Jinpengbao does whatever they want, so Jinpengbao is even more powerful. Will Yang Yuanshuai not die?"

"But I think it's better to rule outside. Everyone is going to assassinate this set. In the end, everyone builds a stone fort. Everyone feels unsafe. If you want to go out, you can't do it. It's not as good as ordinary people."

"It’s not easy to do whatever you want. The world is a Jinpeng Fort. Others want to learn assassinations, but they can’t learn.”

This conversation is also weird. The daughter of the One-Step King envied the rules of the rivers and lakes. The enemy of the Shangguan family defended Jinpengbao.

The road down the mountain was quite long, and it took less than half. Shangguan was tired and yawned frequently. "How long is it, I know that I have two horses coming out."

"You can buy a horse when you get to the bottom of the mountain."

"Well, happy slave, you carry me."

Gu Shen moved the parcel to her chest, took the knife of Shangguanru, stuffed it into the belt, and then squatted on one leg and let her hit her back.

Shangguan is very light, Gu Shen is carrying her down the mountain, and both of them have not spoken for a while.

"What do you say, don't let me fall asleep, or ask something, Master will answer for you."

Shangguanru’s voice is light and fluttering. After the tension in the middle of the night, she is really sleepy now.

Gu Shenwei thought about it for a moment and thought of a question:

"Do you remember the thing that I didn't die on the cliff?"

"Remember, you lied to me that I climbed up, actually riding a Jinpeng bird, isn't it? I remembered, you are a disobedient bad apprentice, and made friends with Jinpeng birds, not telling me!"


Gu Shen gave a cry, and Shangguan had a bite on his neck.

"Well, I... that..."

Gu Shen did not know how to explain it, especially if she didn't know how to tell Shangguan, for the two Dapeng birds, he would definitely kill her one day.

"Oh, forget it, you go down the mountain with Master, you are still loyal, forgive you. My father wants to make Jinpeng bird a specimen, and I will show you later."

There is no apology in the voice of Shangguanru. She is the daughter of the One-Step King. She envied the rules on the rivers and lakes. She still obeys the principles of Jinpengbao. In her view, it is more important to have two dead birds than to let them live.

Gu Shen was stunned by the anger that was pressed down. He bit his teeth and tried to control the impulse to kill the little girl behind him.

"You ask questions again, I have to fall asleep again."

"Yes, I haven't asked the last question yet. What did you say to Yugongzi, she has to kill me?"

Gu Shenwei has been very curious about this incident, but she has not found any clues in the past two months. Shangguan and Shangguan Yu have been ignorant of this.

Shangguan laughed and breathed into his neck, but did not answer immediately. After a while, as if he was already asleep, he said in a sly voice:

"Yu Gongzi told me that everyone has a chance to believe another person in his life. No matter what the outcome, after that, you will not believe anyone anymore. She said she gave me the opportunity, I said that I took the opportunity. For you, she is not happy, saying that you are a slave to a ghost. You don't blame her, she is a good person. In fact, she doesn't understand what I mean, and I still say what trust and distrust..."

Shangguan is still whispering something, but Gu Shenwei has already been unable to understand, she has not been able to resist the insults of sleep, or entered a dream.

He silently carried her down the mountain and regretted asking the question.

The enemy should be fierce and cruel, so that when they kill them, they will not have a little pity and hesitation. Why should she say such a thing after selling the Dapeng bird?

The mountain road is long, but not as long as he expected. He will go to the corner after turning a few bends. The city of Yuyu is faintly visible, and some lights are faintly lit in the city.

Gu Shenwei sighed and turned and walked up the hill.

The moonlight is like a mercury leaking ground, and Shangguan’s sleep is sweet, and I don’t know if the direction has changed.

Parcels, knives, little girls, even if Hehe Jin has risen to the third floor of Yang Jin, and after so many roads, they still appear heavy in Gu Shen.

He returned to Jinpengbao and passed through the stone beam connecting the inside and outside. This is a good opportunity to throw away all the heavy burdens. He can also jump down together. In that case, the little girl will never know herself. The "opportunity of trust" is given to the wrong person.

Gu Shenwei walked through the stone beam, and saw a bunch of people gathered at the gate. Behind him, many guards appeared like ghosts and intercepted the retreat.

This is still a game, everyone is playing a realistic game with the nine sons.

Several women rushed over and carefully took the Shangguan from behind, and switched to the back of another person and went to the fort.

No one made a sound, Shangguan is still sleeping, she trusts him.

Gu Shenwei handed over the parcel and two knives. A middle-aged woman came over and whispered:

"Mrs. said, you are doing very well."

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