Death Sutra

Chapter 512: Baoqiao

The war seems to have grown wings. Just one night apart, no soldier has fled back to the north shore of the distant sea. The news of the defeat of the Jinpeng army has spread to the capital city of Huiguo. The words of the people are arrogant and unbelievable. The whole city immediately falls into the last days. The chaos.

This is a peculiar city, packed with members of the various royal families and speculators who come to the road. Most of them have placed huge bets on Jin Pengjun. They thought that they would not lose money and make no preparations for the blood.

It was just dawning, a carriage galloped through the gate, and the groom’s clothes were not perfect. It seemed to have been picked up and put on the seat before he got up. The guards of the city were puzzled. Someone soon recognized it. “That’s not An’s. Carriage? Is the Dragon King already defeated, and he is eager to return to the country to regain the throne?"

The truth is the opposite.

Lao An Wang rushed to escape, and the city gate was already overcrowded. The carriage crashed and often fell out of gold and silver jewelry.

Those who can take away the wealth are lucky. More speculators find themselves riding the tiger. The few animals have been robbed. A lot of goods are trapped in the city, and the loss is too great. Staying here is a crisis.

War is a business. The big businessmen who specialize in supplying materials need not say that it is a rare opportunity for small business hawkers. Those soldiers who are born and died to earn silver are always very generous before and after the battle, and they spend a lot of money to attract the smell of the Western Region. Businessman with niece.

Everyone is stunned and cheers on each other. "The Dragon Army also needs fine wine and women. We are not Mengshi. We specialize in serving Jinpengjun. As long as they are guests, they will be treated fairly. Dragon King will not be able to slap on us."

It was the Mengshi of Saitama City, and the reaction was even faster than that of Lao'an Wang. As early as a few days ago, a large number of goods were suddenly transported. It is said that all the boxes were gold and silver, and Jinpengbao sent the soldiers to the army. Entering Meng’s money again.

At that time, there were still people who laughed at Meng’s two sons, Ming and Forg, and did not like the style of the big business owners. Now they understand that people can become the first giants in the Western Regions.

Soon, more rumors flowed out. Some people claimed that Mengshi could avoid the loss of blood. It was not a business talent, but a bet on the two sides. "Is it heard? Meng Ergong personally met with the Dragon King secretly. I knew the results before the war, so I was eager to transport a lot of money."

"Really? But... why did the Dragon King let go of such a rich man, is it not good to stay in his hand?"

"This...this...there must be an agreement between the two sides. How did the Dragon Army win? There may be credit for the Meng family."

Meng Mingshu is also thinking about the same problem. He did not escape. He is dispatching manpower in the back garden of the palace, going to various businesses and money houses, preparing to take away the last batch of goods. Others have money to buy the animals, and Meng’s uses Insufficient, the hundreds of horses, if sold now, the price has increased by at least ten times, but unfortunately, the money that can not be taken is meaningless.

The Dragon King sent Shangguanfei to sneak up and say hello, Meng Mingshu thought about it for many days, still can't ask for it, but he felt the confidence of the Dragon King, so he settled with the customer in advance, and lowered the price to speed up the shipment, finally two days before the final battle. Recover most of the dues and entrust a team of Jinpengbao knives to Saitama City.

Although worse than expected, Meng has still earned a lot of money through this war.

What Meng Mingshu can't understand is why the Dragon King sent himself such a big favor.

Yes, they have cooperated in Saitama City. He poisoned the Dragon King and killed his five younger brothers. The Dragon King assassinated the Mengjia Dagongzi, paving the way for Meng Mingshu to inherit his family business. Since then, he has had the idea of ​​building a business network. Because of the defeat of the Dragon King, it was not implemented.

It shows that the two sides do not owe each other.

Meng Mingshu did not understand, returning to the bedroom in the evening, hoping that another person could clear his mind for him.

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Meng Mingshu told her everything. His relationship with this woman is getting closer and closer. It is not just as simple as a lover. She is more like his partner and staff, making suggestions and becoming an indispensable right arm of Meng Ergong.

Especially she is still a glamorous woman.

Even Meng Mingshu does not know her true age, but it is not important. He has already passed the age of craving for love, but he even appreciates the charm of Xiao Fengqi, and feels more mixed than the prostitute who stays in the whole lane.

Xiao Fengzhen is reading a letter, the letter is only one page, but she seems to have been watching for a long time.

"Who's the letter?" Meng Mingshu asked casually, the same as the old wife.

"Dragon King." Xiao Fengqi replied very simply, those methods that charm men are not used - perhaps this is a more advanced means.

Meng Mingshu took the sweat towel and suddenly stopped.

Xiao Fengqi is a clever woman. It is she who just pointed out that Meng Mingshu made a major mistake.

"The second brother should not rush to transport the goods." That was last night, the result of the decisive battle has not yet reached Huicheng, "If the dragon king really wins, the trouble of the second brother can be big, the stone castle has many eyes and ears, Shangguanfei When I came to see my second brother, I couldn’t help myself."

Meng Mingshu regretted that he was greedy for a while, but the things he sent away could not be shipped back. He could only find another excuse to explain.

As for the real purpose of the Dragon King, Xiao Fengqi did not know at the time, until she received the letter.

Strictly speaking, this letter has nothing to do with the Dragon King. It was sent by a businessman who had business dealings with Meng. The name was given to Meng Ergong. Meng Mingshu was busy at the time. The servant knew who could be the master. So hand over the letter to Xiao Fengqi.

The letter reminds Meng Ergong that he remembers the "one-fifth covenant" and by the way mentions how important the Huiguo bridge across the Xiaoyao Sea is to the business of both parties.

Meng Mingshu understands the meaning of the "one-fifth covenant". It clearly means that he cooperated with the Dragon King to assassinate the Mengzi Dagongzi and the Wugongzi. He has been hiding in his heart until the Dragon King escaped and told Xiao Fengxi.

Therefore, Xiao Fengxi also understood the meaning of the word, and thus knew that this was the letter sent by the Dragon King.

“Is the person delivering the letter reliable?” Meng Mingshu was a little nervous, worried that this was the trap set by Jinpengbao.

"I have checked people. There should be no problem. The ‘about five will not be known to outsiders. It’s the bridge mentioned in the letter. The Dragon King seems to value it.”

After all, Xiao Fengqi did not know much about the war. Little is known about the significance of the bridge. Meng Mingshu suddenly realized that "this is what the Dragon King wants me to do. He wants to keep the bridge."

"I thought the Dragon Army always wanted to destroy the bridge."

"It used to be like this, but now the victory and defeat are reversed. It is Jin Pengjun who wants to destroy the bridge and the Dragon King."

The smooth road always tends to the winner. For the defeated, the road behind him is destroyed.

Knowing the true intention of the Dragon King, Meng Mingshu is not at all relaxed. He does not want to break with Jinpeng Fort now and get rid of the murder.

Xiao Fengxi understood the thoughts of Meng Mingshu. "The Dragon King is letting you make a choice. He has already shown it. It is your turn to express your position."

Meng Mingshu bowed his head for a long time, and looked up and still didn't make up his mind. "What should I do?"

"The best way is to keep the bridge and not let you know that it is your means. At this time, there should be a lot of people in Huicheng who want to please the Dragon King?"

Meng Mingshu suddenly thought of the ready-made idea.

Also in the palace, in a room not far from Meng Ming, another group is planning to rob the bridge before the Jinpeng army.

"Let them play a dead and alive in the South Bank. Both the revival of the Kang State and the revival of the Happy Sea depend on this bridge." Kang Guozhen was so excited that his cheeks were red.

He has completely turned to Xinkang Wang Shangliao, and jointly worked out a plan to draw a bottom: to ruin the bridge before the Jinpeng defeated the troops, and to send ships to patrol the sea, to prevent all people from crossing the sea, and then quickly recruit soldiers to block the happy The access roads on both sides of the sea are restored to **.

"How about people in Huiguo?" Shangliao has been calmer. Before the plan is successful, there is no need to be too happy. The world is unpredictable, and the plan has to be changed at any time.

"Wu Wang has been scared to be crazy, just want to wait for Jin Pengjun to arrive, and flee with them to Saitama City, the bottom of the people are worried, several major generals are willing to follow your majesty, I have tried, they are even willing to support you as ' Happy King."

Shang Liao gently snorted, "The King of Xiaoyao" is a famous temple that comes out of the picture. The eight characters are still not seen. He has already begun to dream of "freedom in the country".

"I am even more excited tonight, but I am too late to come, but I still feel that it is not safe." Shang Liao has been hiding in the palace for many days, and has barely stepped out of the door. He said "unsafe". Refers to.

"While you are relieved, when you ruin the bridge, I promised the ‘security’.”

"I want to see the evidence."

"Yes, very soon, there will be another hour at the end."

The evidence that Shang Liao wanted was the head of Lao Kangwang. He didn't want everything to be successful. He changed back to the ordinary royal family, and he might even get into trouble because of his high power.

He retired with respect and began to prepare "evidence". He not only needed the new wisdom, but also needed the only water army in the free sea. This is one of the key forces for the success of the entire project.

As soon as the prime minister retired, Shang Liao took out the secret newspaper. It said that the Dragon King sent a thousand troops and was crossing the Xiaoyao Sea. The location of the landing was probably Kang Guo.

The Dragon King is not good at dealing with it. The action is faster than that of Shangliao. However, the arrow is on the string and has to be sent. If you want to achieve Wangye, you have to take huge risks. Shangliao decides to gamble once.

When life is alive, how many people can encounter such an opportunity?

The people who destroyed the bridge and Baoqiao were busy on the same night.

(Seeking for advice)

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