Death Sutra

Chapter 513: With knife

There are such a group of swordsmen, the knife in their hands is not slower than others, the words in their mouths are sweeter than the average person, they are good at bluffing, they know how to act, but they find it difficult to find long-term work, not because they are too stupid, but the opposite, but the brain Too smart, legs and feet moving too fast.

In a word, these swordsmen never fight hard.

The battle is like a ritual to him. The two sides take turns to perform complex techniques, including dazzling knives and impassioned words. The best performers are winners and rules-changing losers. Retired on its own, and even cooperated with the winners to publicize the fierceness and hardship of this match.

But if you encounter an unruly enemy who likes to die, their only reaction is to touch the oil at the soles of the feet. Even if they have the advantage of ten to one, they will not fight hard.

They don't have a fixed organization. Joining and withdrawing are voluntary. There are several common names. The most widely known is the "matching knife". Adding a "match" in front of the "knife" indicates that their knife is just a decoration. Product.

"Life is worth more than everything." is the motto of this group of people.

However, there is no way to live. They still need money. There are bluffing knives. Naturally, there are bluffing patrons. The purpose of hiring is not to fight, but to show off.

Regrettably, there are not many such ideal customers, and the surgeons still have to look for work as a knife.

The war should have been the opportunity of all the swordsmen. The Jinpeng Fortress expanded and almost half of the swordsmen of the Western Regions were included in the bag. Even the young people who had never touched the knife could easily find a position in the army. Only the swordsmen were blocked from the military camp.

Unless there is a real battle, there is no obvious difference between the knife and the knife. The unskilled patron is often deceived and hires a knife but does not enjoy the most basic protection.

Jinpengbao knows how to do. The large-sized hoods of the Yuyucheng bodyguard industry voluntarily provide information to Jinpengbao, and check for the one-step king to screen out the slick-knife with the slicker and prevent these people from carrying the whole army.

With the indignation of the knives, they are deeply insulted, but they dare not complain publicly.

This group of people also has a feature, likes the gossip, believes in various rumors, does not know who made such a rumor, saying that after Jin Pengjun entered the Xiaoyaohai, there will be no soldiers stationed in various countries. This work is very easy. As long as it is a person with a knife can do it.

As a result, the knives were temporarily awake from the tavern, shouting "the treasurer's account book", marching into the sea in three or five groups, followed by Jin Pengjun's main force, all the way to the Huiguo capital city, and finally gathered more than 200 People are simply a big gathering with swordsmen.

However, they still did not get hired. When Shangguan Jianyi was young, he also used the Shangguan to cut a piece of dirty streets in Nancheng. The understanding of this group of people is no less than those of small and small covers. He would rather hire 50 or 60 years old. The old farmer as a warrior will not accept these black sheep.

The knives were in desperate situation, they didn’t have much money, and they had already spent a lot of time in Huicheng, and they didn’t return to Yuyucheng.

The pubs in Saitama City were relieved, and Huicheng’s peers quickly figured out the details of the group of knives, so they made rules for the knives: no credit.

This evening, dozens of knives and friends gathered together to buy a bad wine, sullenly guessing the order, it seems that half of people can only enjoy their nose.

Most of the soldiers are fighting in the South Bank, and only the group of them in the pub.

"Can't go on like this anymore!" A knivesman who didn't drink the wine started to slap the table and said with anger, this is his performance.

"Yes, everyone has a knife. Why do people have a lot of money to collect cash, and we have to take turns to break the wine?"

"Jin Pengjun watchdogs don't accept us, what are they going to do?"

The more people say the more they feel unfair, it seems that the defeat of Jin Pengjun is all because they are missing them.

“Why didn’t I think of joining the Dragon Army at the beginning?” Someone in the crowd said quietly.

why? Because they never participated in the party that must be defeated, how much money they did not do, and joined the Dragon Army, one day in advance, the knife-and-claw did not even think about it.

The Dragon Army actually won, and the knives were mourning. Everyone felt that they had intentionally invested in the Dragon King, but they were only blocked by a friend of the fox and friends.

The topic was thus transferred to the Dragon Army. They were not concerned with the war process, but how many silver medals the soldiers could get.

"I heard that the Dragon King is very embarrassed, gold and silver are left in their own hands, and they are not willing to separate them."

"Stupid, it was in the past, he was afraid that he would lose money when he lost it. Now he won, and from the Jinpeng army, he can search for countless wealth. If he does not divide it, he can't do it as a soldier."

Everyone drooled and fantasized about the scene of silver.

"It’s time to join the Dragon Army."

"The war is over, it is useless to join, can't make a contribution, where is the reward?"

"Who said that the war is over, Jin Pengjun is running, the Dragon Army is chasing, but this... you all know."

The knives are all musing, and no one is picking up. The fact of chasing the defeated soldiers is too dangerous and does not conform to their consistent principles.

"I have the means, both safe and able to make great achievements in front of the Dragon King, and can also avenge the contempt of Jin Pengjun for us."

"Talk about it, let's talk."

"The bridge is not far from here. There are checkpoints on both sides of the north and south. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The people who guard the customs are local soldiers. They are courageous and run scared. If we win, we only need to keep two or three. Heaven, Jinpengjun can't pass the happy sea, it has to be destroyed by the whole army. You said, is this a great merit in front of the Dragon King?"

With the knife, once again fell into meditation, this time is the heart.

"Do it a vote!"

With the knife, they pulled out the knife, smashed on the table, and then rushed out, calling friends and friends, preparing to win the bridge, and falling down on the Jinpeng army.

Excited, they didn't even pay attention to who originally proposed this idea.

If you are in Saitama City, the experienced pub shopkeeper will not be scared by the exaggeration of this group of people, but will stand on the sidelines and turn around and sell every word he hears to those in need.

But here is Huicheng, the treasurer will never be idle.

Meng Mingshu came up with this plan, but when the cronies came back and reported that the big thing had already been done, he was a little bit uncertain. He had somehow heard about the knife-cutter. "Do you?"

The cronies bowed their heads.

Xiao Fengqi knows a little more about the knife-cutter. He laughs: "Don't expect too much. But it's good. At this time, it's a good idea to do nothing, but it's too sinful."

Meng Mingshu was stunned and laughed. Long Wang still needs Mengshi and needs him to be a son of Meng Er. It is not very relevant to this return, whether satisfied or not.

The flusteredness of Huicheng has gone out of control. After the night, the gates have not been closed. Some people have been carrying their families to escape. Therefore, when hundreds of thugs and knives roared across the city gate, they did not encounter any blockage.

This is like a good sign.

Therefore, they feel that they are successful, they have already regarded themselves as the winning dragon army, but when they encounter Hummer, they can't help but say that they will grab it when they go up, and they will be arrogant and there will be no one to resist.

The signs are getting better and better.

There is a checkpoint on each side of the bridge. The south bank is strong and tall, and the north bank is relatively simple. Shangliao has already taken the first step. The Huiguo generals who keep the customs will open the door according to the agreement. When they see Shangliao, they will kneel down with the soldiers. His Majesty".

The work of the prime minister has done a good job. These Huiguo soldiers support the Xiaoyao ** and are willing to take risks.

There were dozens of Jinpengjun soldiers who guarded the checkpoints. They were all asleep at this time, and they didn’t feel the ropes on their bodies. They couldn’t think of the same robes that were usually on their shoulders. They would suddenly be in their own diet. Mixed with drugs.

Just after a while, the two boats came from the east. The garrison on the shore had already ran halfway, and the remaining half was facing the sea. Afterwards, they would claim that the night was too dark and they did not see anything.

Shangliao climbed the watchtower, shook the torch and signaled that the boat stopped at the shore, but did not immediately move out of the things inside.

Full of two ships and fierce fire, Shang Liao did not want to surrender so quickly, he is waiting for the guarantee made by Kang Guoyu.

A quarter of an hour later, a small team of people came from the direction of Huicheng. Kang Guoyu almost fell from the horseback and stumbled and said: "It is me, open the door."

The prime minister is obviously frightened.

Some things are easy to think and hard to do. You need not only swords and courage, but also the willpower to get rid of habits.

Looking at the king who is going to worship every day, he was flustered and hesitated for a while before he issued a secret to the guards. The guards were very professional, and two or three knives solved the problem.

He did not need to do this, but in order to conceal the previous gaffe, he took the scimitar from the guards and slashed it like a hateless enemy.

He squatted in front of the new king, and his blood-stained hands raised the head as a safety guarantee.

For a while, Shang Liao’s heart was full of anger, and the prime minister was also a royal family. He should retain a trace of respect for Lao Kangwang, instead of being so excited and excited as it is now, it seems that it is not the head of the king, but a delicious dish.

Shangliao is now the only Kang Wang, and the way of looking at the prime minister has undergone major changes.

"Yeah." He responded indifferently, turned and shook the torch, and signaled for the second time.

The fire bomb was carefully moved onto the bridge and evenly placed on the bridge.

The guards of the bridge were still impressed by the first water battle, looking at the **** with awe, not even approaching.

The soldiers of the South Bank checkpoints were all evacuated to the north bank, and they looked at the opposite side with the new king of Xiaoyaohai. After a long time, there would be a collapsing Jinpeng army, who would witness the escaping bridge igniting a raging fire.

Shang Liao hopes that these deserters will still have a little bloodiness and can turn their backs to fight against the water.

The Dragon King sent a thousand troops and planned to occupy Kangguo. This is the biggest threat. Shangliao has already formulated a response plan. When the day is bright, he will return to the water army and hold all the soldiers on the ship who are not in the Five Seas. Get up and then block the water.

The Dragon King Thousands will become a lone army, either surrendering to him or dying.

Everything is in the plan, Shangliao began to conceive a far greater future.

The messy hoofs and shouts awakened his dreams.

"What happened?" Kang Guofan looked back nervously and nervously.

no one knows.

In the middle of the night, it seems that there are thousands of troops, and it is clear that there is no such large army in the capital city.

The acting skills of the knife-makers reached their peak at this moment, and more than a hundred people in the district, through the cover of the night, created the momentum of thousands of people.

"The Dragon King's army is driving, not afraid to die and come to a decisive battle, fearing that death will surrender quickly!"

The prime minister and the guardian’s look changed suddenly, but whoever was surprised was not as good as Shangliao.

He always thought about the thousand troops sent by the Dragon King. Suddenly, "this army" did not go to Kangguo, but directly attacked the north of the bridge.

The Dragon King is still counting high, and all plans are paid for.

Shang Liao will not give up on this. He pulls out the scimitar and cuts off the head of the prime minister. Then he said to the stunned guardian: "If you believe me, just join me and throw it at the Dragon King. He promised me personally. It will give Xiaoyaohai**. As for this person, he committed the crime of blasphemy, and he died."

There are only a dozen loyal guards around Shangliao, but there are nearly a hundred people in Huiguo. They are all shocked by this unexpected change. They hold the weapons tightly and don’t know what to do.

(Seeking for advice)

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