Death Sutra

Chapter 523: invite

The Queen sat in front of the window and was in a daze. She was finally the owner of the Stone King Palace, but there was no joy in her heart.

Behind her, several maids are silently busy like ghosts, or pretend to be busy, because they are not doing so many things, just to lay the bedding, sprinkle a little incense, small objects Repeatedly placed, when she had only one maid, she did it very easily.

But she is now the guardian of the Dragon King and Shi Wang, and has the right to enjoy these useless luxury. Anyway, the palace is more than a maid, and they can't let them do nothing every day.

The feeling of becoming a master is beautiful. The person who has turned a blind eye to her has now sneaked a sneak peek at it. It used to be a nod to the general, and now like an old acquaintance, boasting everywhere, I saw how the princess is. Different, one heart is counting on these words to pass to the queen's ears.

The Queen is afraid of losing everything that is hard to get.

She turned her head and glanced at the palace lady in the room and asked the oldest one. "How long have you been in the palace?"

She didn't mention the name because she couldn't remember these people. The ladies were working hard, but instinctively knew who the queen was talking to.

The old palace girl immediately stopped her hand and replied with respect and respect: "Twenty-one years, His Royal Highness."

"Twenty-one years, bigger than my age. Then you must have witnessed how many masters have been changed in this palace."

"His Royal Highness, the Royal Palace has always belonged to the royal family, never changed the owner." The palace lady could not guess the intention of the new owner, so the answer was very careful.

"Don't treat me as my brother. These good lies are left to the next owner. I have to listen to the truth."

Her maids are getting more and more busy, the quilt has been smooth and smooth like a marble floor, and there are still two hands gently rubbing on it, vowing to eliminate every fold.

The old woman’s son-in-law is afraid of him. “Yes, Your Highness, I am telling the truth, these twenty-one years... count you, and I have changed five masters.”

The five masters, on average, only a little over four years, could not think of the incompetent brother actually passed this time, and she has just begun.

Who is the master? Are the kings who can't keep their rights in their hands, or are these empty-time ladies?

The Queen of the Queen turned her head and continued to stare at the dark night outside the window, seemingly forgot the old palace lady behind her.

Xu Yanwei rushed the old palace girl to make a look, indicating that she can get up and continue to work.

The old palace woman’s heart is quite a lot. Everyone knows that the queen’s wife is not in the same position. The queen is the guardian of the king, but Xu Yanwei is the guardian of the queen.

Xu Yanwei does not like her identity very much. She would rather be the most ordinary palace lady, or simply take her out of the palace and live freely on the street. It is better to be intimate with the queen here.

The Queen trusts her, relies on her, and guards her, because she is a person sent by the Dragon King, and will tell everything about the Queen to the Dragon King and her brother.

"His Highness, time is not early, go to bed and rest, outside the black paint, there is nothing to see." The petite Xu Yanwei plays the role of mother and sister at this moment, which is what she does not like, I thought that year, It is her pity that brings care and ** to men.

"Well, right away." The Queen was playing a little like a child, sitting for a while, slowly getting up, and being helped by a palace lady to go to bed, the marble-like quilt immediately lost its meaning. .

When the palace lady put down the gauze, put on the shoes, and prepared to close the window, the Queen said, "Let it open, the day is a bit hot."

"It will catch cold at night, or shut it down." Only Xu Yan dared to slightly violate the meaning of the queen, but it was only "slightly".

"No, let it open, I will call you when it is cold." The queen is still as stubborn as a child.

Xu Yan sighed silently, walked over, closed most of the window, leaving only a slit, and then with the palace ladies back.

The Queen is not sleepy, squinting and listening to every sound around. The insects in the early summer are boring. If she orders, there will be a group of maids and eunuchs who will catch the insects. When she really masters all the power, she may In doing so, now she just listens until the sound of waiting is heard in her ear.

"What is it about me?"

The voice was cold and rude. The speaker apparently did not regard her as the master. The Queen’s thoughts suddenly returned from the infinite fantasy to the reality. Dealing with this woman must be careful with twelve points.

"I heard that Dragon King wants to go to the North Court?"

"Yeah." The Dutch girl knew that this was just the beginning. The Queen was not looking for her to prove such a small matter.

After the North Court was willing to send a prince as a hostage, Gu Shen agreed to go to the North Court to participate in the negotiations. Zhong Heng was skeptical, but he was willing to guarantee this. "The North Court is different from Jinpengbao. If you say it, you won’t regret it in the face of the world. The one-step king can sacrifice his son. The old king can’t, even if the prince is not like him, the blood of the king of Khan is sacred in the North Court. There is such a prince. Being hostage, I believe it will be very safe."

"Do you know that a monk from the North Court actually wrote a letter and invited me to go." The Queen looked like a disdain.

"Yeah." The lotus girl saw the letter.

In the battle of the sea slope, the most attractive thing for the world is the female soldiers of the Xiangji country. Although they just shot a few rounds of arrows on the slope, they did not even participate in the battle to chase the deserters. In the eyes of everyone, this is still incredible. phenomenon.

Occasionally there will be a king's whim, the establishment of a women's army, nothing more than playing, the entire Western Region, and even the world, the female soldiers only appeared in the absurd legend.

This trick of the Dragon King does not surprise everyone, but also brings his own unexpected influence.

The Queen of the Queen said that the "Bei Ting Wang Shuo" is not simple. She is the youngest of the two kings of the old Khan. She is respected and she is very interested in the female soldiers of Xiangji. After inviting the kings and the princesses to gather in the grasslands, the wine is nominally tasting. In fact, it is necessary to talk about the military.

However, many people suspect that the main content of the final gathering is wine tasting.

"The Dragon King is not allowed to go." The Queen wants to make the sound flat, but still can't conceal disappointment and resentment.

"No one can change the decision of the Dragon King."

The Queen did not intend to ask the Dutch woman to plead, although she did not see much, but she was very clear about the temper of the Dragon King. "I guess the 'Queen' of the country of Xiangji will go."

"Not necessarily, she doesn't like this kind of thing."

"She will go." The Queen's tone suddenly became more certain, as if she knew the "Queen" she had never met before, "because the Dragon King is going to the North Court."

The Dutch woman feels funny. She really wants to remind the Queen that she has been practicing for a few more years and then tries to use a killer. "Are you looking for me to tell me this?"

The Queen is silent, and some words she doesn't want to say too straightforward. She is a little afraid of the Dutch woman. The female guard of the Dragon King is different from all the women she has seen. Sometimes, she will suddenly see the Dragon King from the Dutch woman. The shadow, which made her worry that her draw was ultimately empty.

"The two chapters of the scriptures have always existed in my mind. I swore to the Dragon King, and I will never reveal one to the outsider. But you are the most trusted person of the Dragon King. You can't be an outsider, so... if you want, I can give it back. listen."

The Queen of the Queen believes that the Dutch woman is a wise man and will understand what she means: if she wants to get something, she must always come up with an equivalent exchange.

"You are in vain, she will not go to the North Court." The woman returned in a cold voice, but her heart was a move.

A thousand miles away, Shangguanru does not want to go to the North Court. The country of Xiangji is not subject to the jurisdiction of the North Court. There is no need to please what size, and once invited, it is like acknowledging that he is a country ruler. This is not Her wish.

The old man in the sea kept his promise in the Xiaoyao Sea without murder, so he no longer had to live in the prison. He stood in the chair and repeatedly watched the simple letter.

"You should go." He said, his voice was low and he tried to perform the image of a philosopher in front of Shangguan. "Not for yourself, but for the people of the country of the scent, and the Dragon King."

The Dragon King is another reason why she doesn't want to go to the North Court. "I have done everything I can do. He is better than me, and he is much smarter than me. I don't need help."

The old man shook his head seriously. "Not quite, the Dragon King martial arts is very good, but it is not the best in the world. People are also very smart. Sometimes they will be too smart. In this trip to the North Court, he definitely made a whole set of plans, but I am worried that people are not as good as days, he may fall into the trap and need your help."

"I can't help the trap that traps the Dragon King."

"In the battle of the sea, if you don't have your help, the Dragon King will be defeated."

"That's all his idea, I just... forget it, I don't want to go to the North Court."

A good girl is sometimes very stubborn, and the old man knows her, so she changed her rhetoric. "Well, let's not care about the life and death of the Dragon King, but the people of the country of Xiangji? You don't care?"

"The hands of the North Court cannot reach here."

"When the country of Xiangji is still legendary, you are right, but the situation is different now. You have to blame the dragon king. He let the woman go to the battlefield, making the country of Xiangji famous all over the world. There were only a few wolves around. Let's turn, now you can recruit a lion tiger."

If the Shangguan is silent, the old man is eager to fight the iron. "Bei Ting Xiaoxie invites the kings and the princesses. In fact, you are the most important guest. If you don't go, you will not only offend the powerful country, but also give people an impression. You are in the scent of the country to hurry to train more female soldiers, ready to charge for the Dragon King."

"I do not have……"

"I said, that is the impression of outsiders. If you don't show up, they will believe this more, so you need to make a little explanation."

"You seem to want to go to the North Court very much."

"The North Court is also my hometown, but if you have doubts, put me back in the dungeon, I don't have to follow you."

The old man of the wood secretly prayed: The good girl must take me to the end. In the end, whether the life can be restored to freedom, all depends on this trip.

(End of this volume)


Thanks to the support of all readers, this book can be adhered to now, it is not easy, not because I have a strong will, but because this book really has some people watching, so that I can continue to write down.

There is no fire in this book, maybe not in the future. Many readers have made pertinent opinions. I have seen them. Thank you for your attention to this book. I will try my best to improve.

I am even more grateful to those who support and like this book. I will not suddenly fly away from the current style, and every step of the way is a reward that I should make for everyone.

(The third volume will be issued before 6 pm, the first two volumes will be too long, and each subsequent volume will be shortened, about 100 chapters.)

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