Death Sutra

Chapter 524: Pass

Shangguan was angry, Gu Shen was surprised to find that the years were so ruthless in a person, more cruel than the coldest Avengers.

Counting Shangguan’s anger is only about 30 years old, but the eye sockets have been deeply immersed in two groups of shadows. The forehead is engraved with two or three clear lines. It seems to be older than the one-step king, and often looks alertly, and the whole person is in a kind of Inexplicable tension.

He has reason to be nervous.

The Central Plains is more complicated and cruel than Jinpeng Fort. When he decided to betray his father and kill the Big Head God, he never imagined that he had experienced the life and death struggle of the Shangguan family. He would be trapped in the officialdom of the Central Plains. He could not do anything, and live in fear every day. Among them.

Killing the father-in-law of the father-in-law did indeed benefit him a lot. At that time, the one-step king did not want to break with the Central Plains publicly, so he deliberately appease him. The officials of the Central Plains stationed in the Western Regions also vigorously wooed, making all kinds of good promises, waiting for the ambitious king to be ambitious. When the land wanted to annex the entire Western Region and declared the ruling as a traitor, the value of Shangguan’s anger immediately plummeted.

The Central Plains people's acting style is different from that of Jinpengbao. They will not abandon them immediately for the useless, and will not kill them at will, but slowly marginalize them.

At the beginning, Shangguan Fury with the army withdrew to the easternmost Loulan country, only a desert from the Central Plains border. He was appointed as the aide of the Western Regions guardian, thinking that this was a prelude to be brought to the Central Plains, so he accepted it with ease. Ignore the ominous signals revealed in it.

The guardian left the office, but did not take him away, but said with a strong heart: "Wait again, you can't get anything in the Central Plains at this time."

"I have done a lot of things for the Central Plains..." Shangguan’s anger was unbelievable. After paying such a large price, he could not get anything in the Central Plains.

"I know, but the Central Plains court did not know. Try to stand in the perspective of the Central Plains. Those ministers can't see thousands of miles away. They can only see the final result through official documents. You said that you have done a lot of things, but you can still be alone. It turned to the North Court."

All the guards are convinced to comfort the surprised Shangguan anger. "But you don't have to worry. The Central Plains is the best in the world. You will never forget your loyalty. After returning to the Central Plains, I will try to explain to the boss. If necessary, I will transfer you to Central Plains."

When is it necessary? The guardian did not explain, and the Shangguan began to guess that it was the time when he was succeeded by Jinpeng killer.

The Jinpeng killer did not come, but every step of Jin Pengjun's progress has added a heavy burden to his panic and remorse.

In one year, Shangguan was angry and ten years old.

He is still the aide of the current defending officer of the Western Region, but he can rarely see the adult. He can't think of anything in his hand to please the boss. Then he discovers that he has given everything prematurely. , actually reached the point where the mountains are running out of water.

After the last guardian returned to the Central Plains, there was no news. No matter how many letters the Shangguan wrath sent, it was like a sea of ​​stones, and never got a reply.

When he again produces a little use value, when he is remembered by the guardian, he is going to die.

The officials of the Central Plains certainly would not be so straightforward. The task given to him was very simple. He took a letter to Tongtianguan in the west of Saitama City and handed it over to the generals there to protest his harassment of a team of Central Plains messengers.

"Actually, your task is to observe the situation of the garrison there. It is most suitable for you to be familiar with it." The official who contacted him also gave him a "task" in a false manner, but it was tantamount to handing him over to Jinpengbao.

When Shangguan was angry and went to Tongtianguan, he discovered that the object that the guardian really wanted to please was not Jinpengbao, but the Dragon King.

Just one year after the completion of Tongtianguan, the meaning of the name is a bit charming. This is not only one of the two major portals of Saitama City, but also the main way to the North Court, the so-called “Tongtian Road”.

Gu Shen is more familiar with this place. It is less than a day to the west. It is the former Gu Shi Manor and the Da Xue Shan camp. He was also sold as a slave on this road.

Gu Shen was escorted by a 3,000-strong army and arrived at Tongtianguan in early May. It was worth the early summer, and it was nearly two months since he accepted the invitation to negotiate in the North Court.

There are many things that delay the time. The safety of the Dragon King must be guaranteed the most. Zhong Heng and Du Guzhen have met with the North Court messenger more than ten times. The level of the coming is getting higher and higher, and finally the details are finalized.

A North Court prince - Du Guzhen confirmed that this person is correct - was sent to the Shule National Dragon Camp to take hostage, and Jinpengbao also issued an armistice order in the name of the One Step King, and publicly promised that it will never be during the Dragon King's ambassador. Move him with a sword and even stop all assassinations. The beneficiaries are not only the Dragon King but also others.

In fact, Jinpengbao is equivalent to temporarily suspending the assassination business.

Gu Shen started from the Xiaoyao Sea and came to the Shule State from the northwest passage. First, he reviewed the military camp of the right general Shang Liao, and then ordered three thousand troops to **** himself to Tongtianguan.

Shangliao has established a solid base in the deserted area of ​​southeastern Shule.

The army is brought a little bit by the kelp, the number depends on the supply of water on the road, the local grain reserves in the Shule country, and the attitude of the North Court.

Shule has already ruined the country, and the influence of the royal family is still there. Prince Shule has been keeping in touch with the forces in various parts of the country. These people support the princehood to restore the country and are willing to pay for food. They are unwilling to go out and no one wants to disclose it. The North Court cavalry is the enemy.

The Prince has established a number of bases in the southern part of the occupier's weaker powers, secretly hoarding grain and grass, enough to support tens of thousands of people for a year.

The biggest obstacle to let the Dragon Army enter the Shule country is not the desert and the Gobi, but the North Court.

The North Court has regarded Shule as his own, and he refused to share it with outsiders. He was alone in his own work. After repeated negotiations, he won the right to station 8,000 troops.

The idea of ​​the North Court is that eight thousand people are not enough to pose a threat to the Shule garrison. Once the incident occurs, it is the fat that is delivered to the door.

Shang Liao is the commander of Shule Fu, reminding the Dragon King: "Want to defeat the North Court cavalry of Shule, how can there be 30,000 people, and 8,000 people in the district even have difficulty in self-protection, in case of war, Xiaoyaohai There will be more than 20,000 people in the trail."

Gu Shenwei understands the danger of being alone. The right general guarantees that he will solve this problem in time when he returns from the North Court. "Build a solid camp. If the enemy launches an attack, I hope that you can persist for at least one month."

The 8,000-strong army of Shangliao includes 6,000 Jinpeng soldiers who surrendered, most of them are Shule nationals, and there are two trustworthy thousands of troops, mainly from the soldiers of the Daxueshan swordsman and the country of Xiangxiang, including the dragon king. Directly under the thousand people.

This thousand-strong army is still led by the vice-president Wu Zongheng. After the retreat of the Kangguo capital, it directly opened to the Shule country. It is the most stable pillar of the rejuvenation, from Shangliao, and thus it is believed that the dragon king is not They sent them to the enemy to die.

Gu Shenwei stayed in the camp for several days, met with all the generals of more than ten miles, and also saw the northern court prince who took the hostage.

The prince is one of the dozen sons of the old Khan. In his thirties, he looks proud and looks like this. He seems to regard this experience as a micro-service private visit. He is dismissive of the fighting power of the soldiers and often points to them.

It seems that he is not a dispensable son in the heart of the old Khan, and the security guarantee is a bit more.

Gu Shenwei did not choose the direct escort, but escorted to the 3,000 **** soldiers to Tongtianguan. After a few days of getting along, these soldiers have completely regarded themselves as the Dragon Army, neither Shangliao’s Xiaoyao The army is not a resurrection of the prince.

This is the case. It is less than 30 miles away from Tongtian. The soldiers can already see the towering towers. A coalition of the North Court and Jinpengbao blocks the way and asks the army to return. Only the Dragon King and his entourage can continue. go ahead.

It is hard to say who the idea of ​​this interception is. The North Court may want to test the virtual reality of the Dragon King. Jinpeng Fort remembers the fiasco of the sea slope, so they must give the Dragon King a horse.

The scene is quite a bit of a slap in the face, personally sent to the Dragon King's one-way singularity and the other side argued that the previous agreement has allowed the Dragon King to lead 3,000 people to Tongtianguan, and then escorted by the North Court cavalry.

A Jinpengbao knife master is the leader of the coalition forces, giving a cold answer, "Hey, that is Tongtianguan, you have already seen that if you arrive, you can go back."

He was so sullen and pale, waving his left arm and asked to find a general in the North Court. The Jinpeng killer dressed by a group of soldiers was in front of him, and he was not allowed to pass.

Gu Shen came over and stopped the quarrel. He didn't know the knife-minded master. He looked at the posture of the other side, the shape of the knife and the position of several killers behind him. It should be an experienced old killer.

So, he broke out at the moment of dismounting.

This knife is not particularly ingenious, nor is it initiated from the side, but it is indeed unexpected, especially beyond the expectations of the knife master. He thought that the two sides were in an armistice state, and there were many soldiers and horses in the coalition. The dragon king was arrogant and not in public. If you use force, you will not be able to pull the knife without saying a word.

The knife's hand is still on the handle, and the plunge falls to the ground. His martial arts are not weak, but once he is not alert enough, he loses the opportunity and does not even have the power to fight back.

More than 20 killers pulled out the knife at the same time.

Du Guzhen was also scared by the dragon king's trick, and could not say a word.

Only one of the people in the field immediately understood the Dragon King's intentions. He rushed to the horse and rushed in front of him and said to the killers: "The one-step king promised not to make a sword and a sword to the Dragon King. Who would dare to violate the order?"

Many people recognize that this person is the son of the one-step king, Shangguanfei, and the body of the ground is still warm, and this has to be explained. Shangguanfei continued: "Kou Longwang never promised not to kill, Longwang is the North Court. Your guests, you dare to stop the road and not move forward, play the game on the agreement words, it is to find yourself dead."

All along, the focus of the preliminary negotiations is how to ensure the safety of the Dragon King. Both the North Court and Jinpengbao have neglected to make the Dragon King make corresponding commitments.

Gu Shenwei re-launched and ordered the entire army to move on.

The Northern Court troops first retreated, leaving more than a thousand Jinpeng troops to be allowed on the roadside, allowing the Dragon Army to pass.

Gu Shenwei arrived at Tongtianguan, and the North Court messenger came. He first apologized for the previous roadblock incident and then asked for a supplementary agreement. Since then, the Dragon King has not been able to move the sword.

The Three Thousand Dragons Station was stationed outside Tongtianguan City for one night. The next day, the original road returned, and the excitement was abnormal. After returning to the southern camp, the scene of the killing of the Dragon King was spread.

The rumors are always faster than the fastest horses. Gu Shenwei has not yet entered the border of the North Court. The deeds of the Dragon King and dozens of dozens of killers have spread throughout the grasslands.

Shangguan’s anger heard the news and knew that he had become a gift from the defending dragon to the Dragon King.

(Seeking for advice)

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