Death Sutra

Chapter 528: Meet

On the tenth day from Tongtianguan, Gu Shen met Shangguanru as a group.

This encounter was purely accidental. Shangguan wrote a letter saying that he would accept the invitation of Beiting Xiaoshi. The route was from the country of Xiangji, through the Xiaoyao Sea, and the northeast exit, from the east side of Yuyucheng. Enter the North Court.

The name of Qianqiuan was a bit of a source. When Shangguan’s anger and the big-headed gods were stationed outside the foreign customs, they later became the military camp of the Central Plains. When the single-step king started, Shangguanyun led thousands of cavalry to attack the Central Plains military camp. Successfully drove away the hidden dangers at home, and then built a checkpoint in Shankou, named "Qianqiuan".

Shangguan’s departure was earlier. When she arrived at Xiaoyaohai, Gu Shenwei was in the country, and deliberately waited a few more days before deliberately letting her go ahead.

Therefore, if everything is normal, the two people who take the line of things should not meet.

Unusual things happened in Qianjiaguan. Shangguan stayed overnight in Guanwai. It was night three. Five unidentified people sneaked into the camp and broke into a tent. Before they started, there was a female soldier who woke up and made a sharp point. The cry, almost spread throughout the level.

The sneak escaping, no one was killed in the camp. After the Shangguan stepped up the guard, he quickly quieted down, but one person was annoyed and vowed not to seize these daring ambiguities.

The old man left only one sentence. "There are not many men in the team. I have to take responsibility." He said that he went out and chased after five days and six nights.

In the early morning of the day, Shangguan had waited impatiently and was planning to wait another day to start. The old man returned.

In front of him, five men with broken clothes squatted once every ten steps, and the forehead was already bloody, as if the devout believers were hoping to worship the gods and Buddha, came to the camp door, hoarse and confessed that their beasts were not as good as they were. Forgive the forgiveness of the female soldiers.

The old man used the man for a day, and the rest of the time was used to force the five to bow.

Five people are wandering knives, and occasionally the role of the robbers. I heard that the female soldiers of the country of Xiangji are beautiful and can't help but move the evil thoughts.

They are still young, have not heard of the reputation of the old man, otherwise the name alone is enough to stop their actions.

The old man was surrounded by five people. Whoever’s posture was not standard, and there was a perfunctory suspicion. He flew up. “If I didn’t swear to the good girl...”

Every time the old man said this sentence, at least one of the swordsmen would be unlucky. They were all afraid and hated about this "good girl". I don't know what vows the evil old man had made.

The reputation of the "Queen" of the country of Xiangji is like this. After the release of the five people, they promoted their adventures everywhere. At the beginning, they wanted to make up a lie and said that they almost succeeded, but the wound on the forehead would not disappear. Let their words be greatly credible, so began to render the terrible of the female soldiers, suggesting that they can survive is not easy.

As a result, they were so popular in various pubs and campfire camps, so Shangguanru and her one thousand female shooters, "狠", were far-reaching.

This kind of statement was passed to Saitama City. The residents said that they were not surprised by the identity of the people who came over. "That is the ten sons. Everything was done in the burning of Yuyu City. Where did you not open your eyes and dare to provoke?" she was?"

The battle into the sea **** has already made the brave impression of the female soldiers of Xiangji State deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. It is not easy to change again.

Shangguan did not want to change, other people's views she did not care, gentle and gentle is never her strength, want to train and nowhere to start, not to mention the "hot" reputation has many benefits: **** and guide of 200 North Cavalry Be careful along the way, never dare to have a split.

Shangguan, such as leading a thousand female shooters, is not to protect his own safety - in the armistice agreement between Dragon King and Bei Ting, Jinpeng Fort, she will also include it - but should be Xiao Xiao's request to prepare for demonstration skills.

For this matter, the old man is more concerned than Shangguan. "Yu is the queen of the North Court, but the North Court is different from other countries. There are two queens, one big and one small, and Da Yu is the king of Khan. A wife, usually not determined by Khan Wang himself, several major tribes take turns to make a village, Xiao Xiaoshi is not the same, Khan Wang who is who.

The old man of the wood has been active in the area north of the Tianshan Mountains. He knows the Beiting Temple very well. He said that the natural head is the road. "So, Xiao Xiao is always very favored. It is said that this little sister is now more likely to be married in his teens. I got the title in a year, and I still have my own army. No wonder she is interested in you. You two are together, definitely have some talk."

"This is not my army, I am just..."

"Yes, you are only training for the Dragon King, but don't you think that your responsibility to them is bigger than that of the Dragon King? The female soldiers of the Xiangji Kingdom are already well-known in the world, and they simply let the reputation become bigger. Otherwise, they will only be provoked. Endless ambition and greed."

The experience of Qianqiguan confirmed the old man’s statement, and the female soldier who is more famous in Xiangxiang’s country is also safer.

The two teams met in a tribe. Some people were pleasantly surprised. The receptionists were quite busy, but the number of gifts was not lacking. The food was extremely rich. It was only a little troublesome when arranging camps.

The Dragon King and Jinpeng Fort must be separated. Although the two sides have ceased fighting, there is no need to test the reliability of this truce. The female striker of the country of Xiangji has to be separated from everyone. The protection of fame is illusory after all, and actual defense measures are needed.

After the camp is completed, it is late at night. For the Beiting people, everything can be omitted. Only the dust-washing banquet must be held as usual. Even in the early hours of the morning, we must put together layers of food, so that the guests can eat and drink enough.

It took several hours for the two teams to merge. Until this occasion, Gu Shenwei and Shangguan Ru really met each other and nodded to each other. The Shangguan smiled and said hello. After that, he was surrounded by a group of people and had no chance to speak. .

The custom of the Beiting people is that they are not allowed to participate in the banquet. In the face of Shangguanru and her subordinates, they feel a little embarrassed, but it is not long before they discover that the truly luxurious guests are actually these women.

Gu Shenwei does not drink much, usually by the dragon and the Shangguanfei. The temper of the Daxueshan swordsman is quite in line with the taste of the Beiting people. The amount of alcohol is evenly matched. The dragon turns over the clouds like a fish, and Shangguanfei helps on the side. But the Dragon King is the Lord. He does not participate. There is always some cold spot.

On the other hand, Shangguan has a good amount of alcohol. The key is that the visitors are not reluctant, the manners are free and easy, and there is no girl's tweaking. The subordinates she chooses are also female heroes, and they do not fall into the wind with a group of men.

When the drink rises, the banquet enters an unfettered stage, and the status and status become irrelevant. The north court of the face will dance and dance. The female official of the country of Xiangji laughs loudly, even Zhang Yi, who is always serious, is also red-faced. A small soldier rowing and ordering, will throw away the oath of abstaining from alcohol.

For Zhang Wei, there are some things he doesn't bother to do. Some people don't bother to win. When they were slaves, they didn't have the chance to see his talent for performance. These days' journeys made Gu Shen realize the other side of the book.

This is the military division that Long Wang needs. Unfortunately, Gu Shenwei can only express his regret with these two words.

There are fewer and fewer people around him, and the dragon has been pulled by several Beiting masters to the Shangguan. The Shangguanfei is naturally reluctant, and he greets his sister by the way.

If you know that drinking is so important, will you follow the alcoholism of Master Tie Hanfeng? Gu Shenwei feels that he will not, and there is a loss of income. Tie Hanfeng has become a savvy businessman, but he is no longer a first-rate killer. Gu Shen is not willing to pay such a price.

He quietly looked at the excitement not far away, occasionally glanced at the lively core figures, and planned to leave for a while.

Unless specifically invited, the Dutch woman never participates in such activities, but she is not born with indifference. When she is willing, she can also like everyone in a very different way.

Gu Shenwei wants to know what the real self is. If there is no misfortune, he must be very different from the present, but he can't find clues. The experience before the age of fourteen is like a world, and the image of the teenager is blurred. a name.

Shangguan Yun did not invite himself, sitting next to the Dragon King, holding a jug in one hand, holding the cup in one hand, his face was reddish, and he looked at the crowd, keeping his silence like an old friend, saying for a while: "瞧She, if it is a famous man, I am willing to give up everything, concentrate on assisting her to climb the throne, the person who goes to the official house, only she is suitable to be the king, because she has all the advantages of the Shangguan family, and the most scarce qualities of the Shangguan family - Kindness."

This is said from the mouth of the son of the one-step king, with a little irony, but Shang Guanyun’s attitude is serious. In the end, he shook his head. “Unfortunately...”

Less than a quarter of an hour before and after, another person thought of the word "pity", Gu Shen stood up, "unfortunately, Shangguan fell without punishing you."

Shangguan Yun smiled a few times. "Why did he punish me? That was the failure of Shangguan Jianyi. I opposed his practice from the very beginning. If I mean, we will have no war at all. You and me. People should be sitting together and discussing how to divide the Western Regions."

"You are a fanciful person."

Shangguan Yun stopped smiling. "When the whole world is not true, only fantasy is real. What do you think is real? Hatred? Tell me how far you have deviated from hatred in order to gain the power of revenge. How far will it be compromised in the future? In this tent, there are three people who are surnamed, why don’t you do it?”

Shangguanyun has the ability to confuse people. The most common means is to guide the other party to follow his own ideas. Gu Shenwei immediately reminded himself to be careful, so he turned and walked outside the account, and did not answer his question at all.

The night was thick and the air in the early summer was soft and warm. He saw the starry sky in the distance swaying in a strange way, and soon understood that it was not a star, but a myriad of torches.

A North Court sentry hurriedly ran on horseback, turned over and slammed down, almost hit Gu Shenwei, rushed into the tent and shouted: "The enemy is coming! The enemy is coming!"

(Seeking for advice)

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