Death Sutra

Chapter 529: Night attack

The perfect banquet came to an abrupt end.

The dragon turned over the clouds and drank a lot of wine, but once he heard that the enemy was attacking, he immediately woke up and rushed to the door, guarding the dragon king, and Shangguanfei swayed behind him. He didn’t drink much, but he was drunk but more serious. .

Shangguan Yun and Zhang Wei seem to have no reaction. One is still sitting on the blanket to play with the wine glass, and one is lying on the ground and screaming, but several followers quietly approached the two masters, forming a loose protective circle outside the five steps.

Shangguan was sober, and several of her female officials were so drunk that she had to go to the side with her old man. She wanted to wait and see, and the wine had little effect on the old man. Apart from a few more toilets, he was a little drunk. No.

Only the largest number of people in the North Court were puzzled. Some people did not even hear the sentinel’s call and were still drinking in the bowl.

What puzzles them is that this place is already in the hinterland of the North Court. Although there are also horses and horses, it has always been to rob single passengers or small-capital caravans. Since the big-headed **** was killed, I have never heard of which gangs have Such a strong strength, even dare to invade the North Court army and the tribe.

"The enemy is attacking, a large number, at least 3,000 people." The sentinel said it again in a panic.

No doubt, the wine bowl in the hands of the tribal leader responsible for receiving the guests was thrown on the ground, angered: "Who dares to be so bold, dare to come over when the North Court people drink?"

The sentinel shook his head in horror. When he found an enemy, he ran to report and knew nothing about the enemy's identity.

A tent man rushed out and yelled at the same time, yelling, "Scream, fight, scream!"

The Shangguan family walked in the end, and they were still modest at the door. Zhang Wei was already awake. Although he was supported by the followers, his face was a little drunk.

Gu Shenwei has returned to his own camp. He has not many people and the reaction is the fastest. The patrol guards almost found the enemy at the same time with the North Court sentry. They immediately wake up their companions and arrange them in an array. When the Dragon King arrives, they are ready. Combat.

Fifty people were too few, and Gu Shen took everyone to the camp of the country of Xiangji, and united with a thousand female archers.

The female soldiers were slightly confused. Some people didn't even wear the armor, but everyone held a short bow in their hands. The body was carrying a quiver. The Shangguan was like a drunken female officer. He rode himself in the camp and even counted down. The order was ordered, and the formation was very fast. Although they all had mounts, they were better at standing and shooting, so they did not launch.

More than 50 people of Gu Shenwei acted as cavalry at this time, stopping at the front of the female soldier’s right wing for the side.

The lotus girl and others did not appear. At this moment, they were more suitable to hide in the dark, and even Han Han hid it, and regarded this as an opportunity to learn from Xiaoyuetang disciples.

In contrast, the North Court cavalry was even more flustered. The entire camp of the Hummers came from them. The first cavalry had already rushed to the door, and many people were chasing their own horses.

Gu Shenwei saw all of this in his eyes. He couldn't see Jinpengbao in the far distance. There was no sound, and there was no ignition of the torch. It seemed that it was not affected at all.

The quality of the North Court cavalry cannot be prematurely concluded. Du Guzhen has been a general in the army of the North Court and the Central Plains. He once told the Dragon King in detail what he knows. When it comes to the differences between the two armies, he There is a view.

"The Central Plains military training is rigorous, slogans, passwords, drumsticks, etc., all of them. The first half of the recruits are almost always used to bear in mind the complicated military orders. They must do what they call. The problem is that once the command is wrong or not, The soldiers were at a loss, and they did not attack themselves. The thieves first smashed the king and used it in the Central Plains army."

"The North Court cavalry is just the opposite. The military order is simple. It is nothing more than going forward and backward. Training is hunting. The tactics are also very simple. The commander is the following. In fact, there are many small units that fight for each other, as few as dozens and more than a thousand. According to their own strengths and practices, each unit arranges the position of the war. It does not need to be deployed in advance. Even if the commander is killed, the military will not be overly flustered. But the North Cavalry is most afraid of sneak attacks at night, they are used to being a hunter. Once you become a prey, you will be in a hurry."

This is exactly a night attack, Gu Shen is planning to observe the North Court cavalry's response.

There are more than 700 people in the North Court cavalry escorting the two escorts. The soldiers in the tribe are mostly ordered to gather in the distance, leaving only 20 or 30 people. From the number, the thousands of female shooters in the country of Xiangji are The strongest army here, but they are guests, so stay behind.

Then two more sentinels ran back to report and estimated the number of enemy troops. "At least 3,000 people, it seems...not like a robber."

The North Court cavalry was not ready yet, the enemy had already been killed, and it was not a robber. Under the numerous torches, it was another North Cavalry.

The leader of the North Court cavalry who escorts the Dragon King and Jinpengbao guests is a captain, the highest status, and the mother is from the Khan family. Therefore, the temper is also the biggest. It is found that the other person is his own person, fearing to fall, anger rising, and the horses are coming out, " Who is here, did you see the Wang flag standing here?"

This sentence seems to be very effective. The cavalry on the opposite side did not charge all the way, but stopped the mount, but the army behind it spread to both wings, and it seemed that the entire camp was to be surrounded.

Gu Shen estimated that there are about 5,000 people in this army.

The captain of the captain was a little white, and once again said, "Which family are you? Come out and speak."

Finally, a black and fat general urged the horse to come out. "We are Naihang people, come to visit Wang Qi, and catch an enemy by the way."

The tone of the commander immediately eased down. "You are the general general. I am the old master of the old Khan. I was ordered to **** the guests to Longting. You came late at night, but they were a little scared."

Just when the commander of the commander spoke, there were still soldiers behind him who did not find the horses, but the guests who were "frightened" were all waiting.

Gu Shenwei learned a lot of information about the North Court from Du Guzhen. Most of them are related to the military. They have no impression of the "Naihang people". The "speedy general" seems to have heard it, but can't think of the specific content.

The old man untied his doubts. He just came together with Shangguan and joined the Dragon King. "Nai Hang is one of the three descendants of the North Court. Today's Daxie comes from this family. I am afraid it is a bit bad."

The old man did not say why it was not good, and the atmosphere at the entrance to the camp had been tense again.

"Handing over the enemy? We are the old Khan Cavalry. How can there be the enemy of the Hang family?"

"Look for among your guests."

"Don't talk about it, the old Khan king personally guarantees the safety of the guests. Who can dare to violate the order?"

For the Beiting people, the words of the old Khan are more effective than the written agreement of the mountains, because most of the North Court people, including the members of the royal family, are illiterate and do not trust those strange strokes.

"We didn't want to disturb the guests, just wanted to ask the guests for a favor." The black fat general suddenly raised his voice. "Please ask the dragon king to speak."

Gu Shen was shocked. He didn't even hear the names of the Hang Hang people. How could they offend them? The eyes quickly swept over the crowd and finally landed on the old man. This is the only person in the team who should be associated with the North Court. It used to be his "land".

"I said, I am afraid that things are not good." Wood old man stood on the horse, shrugging, a look of carelessness.

Gu Shen was driving the horse, did not let the guards follow, only rushed to the official and nodded.

If Shangguan is behind, the old man can only stay with him.

"How do you offend people?" Shangguan asked in a small voice.

"Who knows, there are too many murderers in the past. I can't remember."

Shangguan is frowning. She still remembers that the old man had eloquently told every murder in the past, that is his treasure in his heart, and he will not forget it.

"Oh, I remembered..." The old man made a stunned look, but he had already reached the door of the camp. He shut up with interest and did not say anything.

"I am the Dragon King." Gu Shenwei said.

The speed of the people looked up and down a bit, obviously it was a bit unexpected. Like most people, he believed in the rumored demon-like dragon king, not the pale and gloomy young man in reality.

"You are really a dragon king?"

"This is the Dragon King." The commander replied first, "The guest who the old Khan Wang invited."

At the same time, he blinked a few more times. Then he saw that there was only one woman and a strange little old man behind the dragon king as guards. The heart was even more disdainful. Even the ordinary greetings were saved. As soon as the whip was raised, the dragon king was asked: "You are old wood?"

"Cough, wooden old man, not old wood, don't make a mistake."

The speed quickly recognized the title. "Old wood, I heard that you have changed. I didn't expect it to be such a thing. The sky has eyes, and you suffer endless torture."

The enemy of the Naihang people is really the old man.

Gu Shenwei and Shangguanru have neglected a problem. Ten years ago, the old man was the first devil head north of the Tianshan Mountains, killing countless people, and many enemies were still alive.

Gu Shen is regarded as a devil for himself, so his name is not sensitive enough. Shangguan Ru is like his own experience. He thinks that the old man is what she sees: although he is poisonous, he still has a save.

The old man sneered twice, and he swears to swear no more, but does not mean that he has become a saint since then. "The sky is eye-catching. You used to be very handsome. Now it is not a **** fat man? I would rather It’s getting shorter and smaller, and you don’t want to grow into what you are.”

The screaming screams and screams, "Don't talk nonsense, it is the Hang people who are going to avenge their blood and hate today. Dragon King, can you pay someone?" The latter sentence was said to Gu Shenwei, and the tone did not slow down. , full of threats.

The people in the North Court have always talked arrogantly, but Gu Shenwei feels that this threat is real.

"Wait." Wood old man rushed to talk in front, jumped off the horse, and came to the Dragon King. "Dragon King, into the battle of the sea slope, am I following you, a camp to kill handsome?"

"Yes." Gu Shen admitted that the help of the old man at the time was very important.

"That's good." Under the eyes of the public, the old man made an amazing move - fluttering his knees and smashing three heads to the Dragon King. "The dragon army is a small soldier, and he meets the Dragon King. Long Wang is long lived."

Both the speed and the cavalry he led were confused. The old man was a big devil who was murderous. Just blocking his sight could cause killing. He never heard of who he was soft, let alone the loyalty of the public.

The old man had his own idea and expressed his loyalty. He waited until the dragon king opened him and stood up. He said loudly to the Naihang cavalry: "I am a dragon soldier. The old king is committed to protecting my safety. Whoever touches me? A finger is to put the words of the old Khan king as fart."

The old man of the wood is going to hug the big tree of the dragon king. Gu Shenwei does not want to be entangled in a poisonous vine.

(Seeking for advice)

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