Death Sutra

Chapter 571: Covenant

Luo Ning tea likes a powerful man. For her, it is simply an irresistible temptation. She hates her husband’s Shangguan anger. Breaking hands is only the least important reason. The key is that he is now a dog at home, not to say power. Even life is hard to protect.

At the same time, she hated the man who was indifferent to her beauty. Even if she was only on the street, she didn’t even stare at her when she passed, it would make her feel bad all day. Fortunately, she had almost no such thing. experienced.

When the two principles conflicted in an unprecedented way, she was a bit confused and didn't know which face to reveal.

"I don't hate you, I took the initiative to send it to you. You didn't want to look at me. What the **** is going on? Is it so easy to be scared by the North Court, and even... can't do it? This is not like my impression. The slaves, I want to be..."

In just a few words, Luo Ning tea's tone will be resentful, angry, threatened, sad, and forget the task of his own trip, and the more it is said.

Gu Shenwei can't let her go on. "Now it's different. You have your own army. It's the confidant of Xiaoxun. I have the power in my hands. I don't deserve you."

Yan Ning tea show Yan Yixiao, "I know you are lying to me, but the lie is always better, when you are a slave, I am the master, you are not..."

"In my heart, I have never regarded myself as a slave."

"No wonder, Xue Niang always said that you are different. I also think that you are different from other slaves. You have always wanted to be a dragon king. Ah, listening to you, I am too much. To be honest, sometimes I think of you. The son of a minion, who is also a slave in Shibao, is a bit embarrassed in my heart."

Luo Ning tea has this ability, just let the other party's heart praise and sympathy, and soon made these good impressions far from the true face, she thought she changed a lot, but some characters did not even realize that she did. No change.

"Still say Xiao Xiaoshi, from her, we can get more power."

The words "We" made Luo Ning tea more happy, so I sat up straight and said seriously: "Yes, Xiao Xiao is the most important, but before she said that she had to talk about 'We are', I am not ran for free. People."

"Of course, people like you are so smart, how can you waste such a good opportunity, say, what do you want?"

Luo Ning tea did not hear the dragon king's sarcasm, but more proud, revealing a negotiating expression - no sound, but she is too excited, even the tip of her fingers are restless, "What do I want? I want to never be out of date Power and status, don't rely on any man." She suddenly laughed, adding, "except you."

"I have this power, I will be deprived at any time, and I want to rely on me."

"Or you have taught me, relying on the strong to win the weak, you are weak now, with my help will become a strong, then you will not be like the one-step king, if you want to give it, take it and take it Go, hey, you won't?"

"No." Gu Shen shook his head solemnly. "I am willing to share power with my allies."

"I know that I am right. If Shangguan is the daughter of an enemy, you can give her the country of Xiangji, let alone me?"

Gu Shen couldn't help but ask: "Is there any news for Xiao Xiaoshi?"

"Don't worry, when you agree to my conditions, naturally there is a question and answer."

"Well, let's talk."

"I also want to have a country. In the Western Region, any one can do it. I don't like grassland, but I can't be too remote."

"As long as I have this power in the future."

"Don't be me, the Five Kingdoms are all yours. If you want to give it to anyone, Shangguan, such as the little girl, can get the country of Xiangji. Can't I compare with her?"

"Okay, I agree." Gu Shen hopes to enter the topic as soon as possible.

"Yeah." Luo Ning tea was very satisfied. Suddenly found that it was more exciting than the bed thing, so the dissatisfaction with the dragon king disappeared. "I don't care who you win with the one-step king, Jinpengbao and Yuyucheng." It’s all my son’s. He either inherits the title of the one-step king, or has another title, which cannot coincide with the country I own.”

Everyone wants to be on the decline of the stone fort, Gu Shen has already allowed it to go out at least twice, do not care about one more time, "transaction."

Luo Ning tea pressed his hands on the lower abdomen and took a deep breath. It seems that these two conditions have exhausted most of her physical strength, which is more exhausting and more satisfying than the overnight indulgence.

The situation of men and women is irrelevant in the face of power, but it is a guarantee that Ronin tea still needs such a guarantee. This is her last condition. "After defeating Jinpengbao - with my help, that is certain. - You want to marry me as a queen."

For other conditions, Gu Shenwei can perfuse or even lie, but this one is somewhat unexpected. He couldn't find a lie at the moment. "You... I already have a queen."

"I know, Princess of Shiguo, I don't argue with her. You can be like the King of Khan. You can marry two queens, but you can't divide the size. My country is not too close to Shiguo."

Luo Ning tea stared at the Dragon King, his eyes were extraordinarily large, and a pair of ambitions must be obtained. She put this condition at the end, because she remembered that the slaves once said that the more important the goal is to be placed behind, negotiating The opponent has already agreed to the previous conditions, and it is naturally difficult to completely reject the last item.

"Do you really think that I can defeat Jinpengbao?" Gu Shenwei did not understand the idea of ​​Luo Ning tea. Even after the victory in the battle of the sea slope, most people still think that the one-step king has an advantage, only she is so sure Dragon King.

"When you know Xiao's plan, you will have more confidence than me."

"Okay, I agree with this, but there is a premise. I have to see ‘your help’. If it’s just a word, I’m better off squatting directly. Anyway, the old Khan will not live for a long time.”

"Haha." Luo Ning tea laughed and leaned forward, as if the waist and limbs had to be broken.

Gu Shen was funny when she knew her words, but she didn't expect it to be so funny. This made him know more about Luo Ning tea's hidden plan.

Luo Ning tea laughed abruptly. "You can definitely see my help. Yes, my conditions will be one more. You can only marry two queens. You can't taste the sweetness and marry a national princess."

"Well, not everyone is so optimistic about the future of the Dragon Army."

"You know it. Originally, you should go to bed with me tonight as a 'deposit', but I am really not interested, and a little tired, so you write a formal covenant."

"I can't write, such a thing, it doesn't matter to me, it is a deadly threat to you. Once you reveal it, even if you gave Son to the One Step, he will not let you go."

"Do you think I don't know? It is your business to write a covenant. It is my business to keep secrets. And with this covenant, you can also believe that I am not a spy of Jinpengbao."

Gu Shenwei believes that even if he wants to use Luo Ning tea, he will never tell her the true purpose, just like his current practice.

On the road of revenge and hegemony, deception is like a slate of paving road. It can be seen everywhere. It can be deceived by Luo Ningcha, a woman who simply can’t see the danger. Gu Shenwei still feels a little embarrassed, so when writing the covenant, Wording, and finally press the fingerprint.

Luo Ning tea watched the whole process and couldn’t stop nodding. When she wanted to collect the covenant, Gu Shen was in the first place. “I have to listen to Xiao’s plan first. If it’s not worth it, I have time to tear it off. Sheet of paper."

Luo Ning tea did not sit back on the soft couch, standing outside the three steps of the Dragon King, staring at the covenant in his hand, as if he was a master of martial arts, able to rob him of the rush, "Small 阏's plan, Shangguanru Where are you going to listen first?"


The dragon king’s answer made Luo Ning tea very satisfied. “Well, let’s talk about it from Jinpengbao. The one-step king has tried his best to make the little girl’s little girl’s name come to Longting’s name. You know it, you want to attract The attention of the old king of Khan, of course, the reputation of the light is not good, there must be someone to match the bridge, there are already people in action around the old Khan Wang, Xiao Xiaoshi hope you can stop this marriage."

"I thought she was going to borrow my sword."

"Hey, why don't you understand that killing Shangguan Ru Shaomin will of course use your sword." Luo Ning tea recognizes this "little girl", but her feelings are left to herself, when it comes to "killing" Do not feel embarrassed.

"What is the purpose of doing this?"

"Shangguan Shaomin married the old Khan, this is part of the transaction. When the old Khan is dead, Jinpengbao will be able to participate in the distribution of the property justifiably, and this means that they will start."


"Korean king, there are several other princes, they must assassinate the old king of Khan, and then planted to you, Jinpeng killer is responsible for imitating your approach, this is the whole plan."

"Xiao Yu's hope to use my sword to protect the old Khan?" This is Gu Shenwei's strategy of discussing with Fang Wen, and even coincides with Xiao Yu's, Gu Shen can not help but secretly guard.

"Yes, Xiao Xiao is the only person who does not want the old Khan to die."

"But he will die after all, even if there is no assassination, he will not live for many years."

"It doesn't take many years, and after another year or two, Xiao Xiaoshi has the ability to compete with the king of the king."

At that time, Xiao Yu will be like other princes, hoping that the old Khan will die immediately.

"She is a woman, can she compete for sweat?"

"No, her plan is actually similar to me. It is also to support a person who is currently in a weak position. When he becomes a King of Khan, he will be a child."

Gu Shenwei finally understood where the wisdom and wisdom of Luo Ning tea came from.

"This ‘weak person’ must also be the son of the old Khan king?”

"Of course, there is no bloodline, and it is useless to support it."

"Can Xiaoxiao be married to his younger generation?"

"The customs of the North Court are different from those of the Western Region. This kind of thing does not happen often, but there are precedents."

"What benefits can I get?"

"First, the assassination did not happen, you will not be planted. Second, Xiao Yu will lend you 100,000 cavalry. After defeating the assassination plot, he will immediately borrow 20,000. After her chosen person inherits the sweat, then With 80,000, with these forces, you can sweep the Western Region."

It seems that Xiao Yu is very aware of the Dragon King's mind.

“What about Shangguan?” Gu Shenwei asked suddenly.

"Xiao Yu does not know her whereabouts, but she got the news that a few days ago, there were two people who went to the palace on the night of the night, one high and one short, and the whereabouts were not clear afterwards. Would you have some use for you?"

(Seeking for a subscription) (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better to update faster!)

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