Death Sutra

Chapter 572: Loyalty

Luo Ning tea's so-called "help" is to insist that the Dragon King can see Xiao Xiaoshi. She also refuses to disclose who the heir to the Khan who is prepared to support, perhaps she does not know.

"There is a come and go, Xiao Yan's step, you have to take the next step, two days from the Long Ting Conference, you better find the assassination plan of Jinpeng Fort, which is good for you. ""

Luo Ning tea was close to Gu Shenwei, almost attached to him, gently pumping away the covenant, his fingers softly stroked across his chest, suddenly pushing the force, giggling, "Don't dream Unless you officially call me a queen, don't think about touching me again."

Gu Shenwei didn't want to touch her, but there is indeed a moment when his breathing becomes heavier. It is the instinct of the body. It doesn't matter whether the owner is deeply hated, whether it is a crisis, whether he loves others, when he comes. To show your own existence, like a pet that never eats enough.

Gu Shenwei sometimes meets it, this time just want to kick it back to the original.

"How do I contact you? It's too much trouble like this."

"Well, I will stay here these two nights, you can always find me. Don't be too late." Luo Ning tea is very happy, because her purpose has been reached, in a conspiracy that can change the situation in the world, She is a vital person, and this is especially exciting for her.

Gu Shenwei retired, did not ask, can't ask anything from Luo Ning tea, she thinks it is important, in fact, it is just the piece in the hands of Xiao Yu's hand, which can be thrown away when used up.

The darkness of the night is the favorite environment of the killer. Gu Shen stood in the shadow for a while, and the lotus girl appeared.

"Monitor her, see where she is going, who she is in contact with, who is serving her."

The lotus girl nodded lightly, just about to leave, Gu Shenwei added another sentence, "She is still useful."

On the last day of staying in Jinpengbao, the Dutch woman had already stabbed Luo Ning tea. The time passed by her. The control of her emotions was no longer the same. She nodded again and did not reveal any special features.

The night is not over yet, Gu Shen did not want to go back to the camp.

The entire Long Ting was shrouded in conspiracy, and the taste was so strong that Gu Shen could swim in it. Following the strongest traces, he went to the Imperial Palace alone.

Gu Shen assumes that the Shangguan and the old man are going to take the three dead bones. The day after the palace is indeed a good place to hide things. Everyone knows that the old man is the enemy of the king, and naturally he will not think that he will be the most important treasure. Stay here.

There is also Xiao Xiao's, who almost became a woman who was rushed to the king. It is also one of the important reasons for Gu Shen to come. Luo Ningcha thinks that Xiao’s plan and Shangguan’s disappearance are two things, Gu Shenwei is from it. Hear some hint.

Since the day of the war, he has been violently arrested. Since that day, he has stepped up his vigilance and arranged day and night inspections according to wartime standards. Even a small mouse cannot enter and exit freely.

But tonight, Gu Shenwei soon found a loophole, which further strengthened his thinking, and the king was "inviting" himself.

This may also be a trap, the design is clever, let the Dragon King vote for the net, the night palace Wangfu is obviously the act of destroying the agreement. With this premise, the North Court can dispose of the Dragon King at will, without worrying about losing the trust in the world.

Gu Shen has quietly sneaked into the camp. He has observed enough, it is time for adventure.

Guarding the ruthless day camp, leaving the only passage, it is difficult for outsiders to see. On this passage, there are still guards patrolling, but every quarter of an hour, the two teams miss each other and there will be a short gap. The courageous killer can seize the opportunity to pass by.

The person who set up this channel knows the style of the Dragon King very much. Gu Shenwei immediately thought of the Mustang. The two of them once looked for each other in the ruins for a day and night, knowing each other.

At the end of the passage is a small tent near the main account, which is still in the middle of the night.

This is a well-arranged "Journey to Jin", open to only one person.

The king was sitting alone in a simple tent with a finely crafted jewel on his knees. From time to time, he took out a piece of jewelry from the inside and watched it carefully.

In front of him, there is a person's spiritual position, cigarettes linger, and the gods are bright.

Speaking of things, the king of the day almost forgot that there are important guests coming tonight.

"The wild horse told me, of course, that the person who can understand the gesture told me that if I guarded, the dragon king would always appear behind him." The king of the king put a gold urn back into the raft and did not lift the head. Said.

"Who is this?" Gu Shenwei asked behind him, and the memorial was obviously a woman.

"My Wang Hao." The day after the king was silent for a while, showing a trace of sadness that was not commensurate with him. Add a sentence, "It is not the one killed by the old man."

"Yeah." The death of Wang Shuo was divided into different opinions. Gu Shen did not care much.

"She is the sister of the old Khan Wang. We grew up from a young age. When I became a relative, I was seventeen years old. When she was fifteen years old, this marriage was a hindrance. The other tribes feared that the forces of the Hang people would expand and do everything possible. The opposition is against, and in the end, the old Khan Wang Li is in the public opinion, allowing us to become married."

When the King and the Dragon King met for the first time, they were arrogant. When they met for the second time, they talked about Gu Lu’s past. This time, she talked about her deceased wife. Gu Shenwei couldn’t answer her words and could only listen silently.

"The old Khan is much bigger than me. When I became a relative, that year, he has already achieved a sweaty position. He has settled the turmoil and has the power to hold it. There is no need to please the Hanghang people. There is no need to please me such a stupid boy. Wang appreciates me, treats me like a biological father. Wang Hao died when he was less than twenty years old. I pleaded with the old Khan Wang, hoping that he could exert his power and save my wife, but he could not control death, but gave me x title of king by king, this title by convention should belong to Khan Wang's most beloved son."

The king joined the scorpion and turned to face the dragon king. "So you can understand that I will protect the old king at all costs, even if he has only one breath, and no one is allowed to touch it."

"Is it a gift to the old Khan?"

"My unspoken son is dead. Xiaoxi is very sad. She swears that she will never marry, and willing to recognize me as a righteous father. I agree, but ask her to marry the old Khan, so that we can The inside and outside jointly protect the safety of the old Khan."

The alliance between the two is secret, indicating that the lascivious old Khan "grabbed" the little singer who had just lost his fiancé, and the day-to-time king showed appropriate dissatisfaction and anger.

For more than two decades, the news of the exchange of the king and the younger family has defeated many plots around the old king.

This time, the conspiracy they faced was enormous and they must seek help from outsiders.

"Turtle son, bastard." The king of the king suddenly popped up a series of swear words. This is his means of releasing pressure. He has nothing to do with the Dragon King. "We have seen the face three times in total. I will shake the biggest secrets. Understand, how can Xiaoxu value you so much?"

Initially, in the small league of protection of the old Khan, the king of the day is a well-deserved leader. As the status of Xiao Yu is rising, the relationship is gradually reversed. Today, the king must accept her advice.

Gu Shenwei did not understand that he had some whimsical speculations and one did not want to say it. "The situation is forced."

"Maybe." The king sighed reluctantly. "Jinpengbao was originally a small grasshopper. Those so-called killers, even if they are disguised, they dare not step into the dragon court. But now, some people would rather Leading the wolf into the room, the squadrons of the squadron wandering around the old King of Khan, pretending that humans and animals are harmless, probably because of this reason, Xiao Yushi needs you, only you know them best."

It is very difficult for the king to make a good impression on the Dragon King. The two have the grievances of the previous generation. The thief is even more sorrowful, and the flames have not been returned until now.

"I am here. So far, you only told me that you are faithfully protecting the safety of the old King of Khan. I have not said what I want to do."

"It's very simple, killing a few people."

The Dragon King was regarded as the killer, and Gu Shen was able to feel the obvious contempt from it. "Jane is not simply related to the number of murders. It depends on who the target is."

"Oh, it depends on who is the person who started it. If the sword of the Dragon King is as powerful as the legend, everything is very simple."

The king of the day praised the Dragon King with great difficulty, and there was still reservation in the discourse. Gu Shenwei did not care, saying: "The first one is Shangguan Shaomin."

This is the goal that Luo Ning Tea has already revealed.

"Yes, she is dead. When Jinpengbao receives the reward, it will lose an important guarantee, but it can only delay the assassination, not the end of the assassination."

"If you want to kill the one-step king, I can only tell you that I can't do it."

"I don't need it. I really want to get rid of the one-step king. I will send a cavalry. He is a small character. The whole Jinpengbao is a small character. The second goal is to praise the king."

Gu Shenwei knew that there would be this answer. Kua is the core figure who stabbed the old Khan. He is not dead, and the conspiracy will change his face and continue. "There must be a third goal."

"Yes, but I can't say it now, I will tell you after the two men die."

"It sounds very simple. I killed a woman and a prince in Longting, and became the enemy of the entire grassland. Then you and Xiaoxie will find a way to save me?"

"It’s said that the Dragon King is suspicious, but it’s a name, but you are not acting alone. I will send two people to help you. These two people will be able to prove that all your actions have been recognized by me.”

Gu Shen thought for a moment, "I must see Xiao Xiao." He does not like to surround the circle outside. If he has to form an alliance with someone, he hopes to have a direct interview.

"As long as the Dragon King wishes, you will see her soon."

Gu Shen was surprised by the small land.

After the day, Wang stood up and planned to go to Xiao Xiao’s. When he walked past the Dragon King, he handed him the jewelry. “The old man and your woman are stealing it, but I promise that they are not in my hands. in."

(Seeking for a subscription) (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better to update faster!)

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