Death Sutra

Chapter 596: Fighting

The two people who competed for the internal work were all taken aback, for exactly the same reason.

There is not much deep internal strength in the Western Regions. Jinpengbao’s insignificant martial arts and the four sets of martial arts of the four sangha are highly respected in this door. They talk to the disciples of the Central Plains, and they will only exchange their disdainful smirk. It is not as good as the death of the outsiders caused by swordsmanship.

Shangguanfei has never been to the Central Plains. Everyone in Shibao has told him that he is invincible in his own world. He inherited this view. After that, he learned the three-gongs and the progress is very fast. He also believes that it is the effect of no magic. The heart is stronger, it can be said that internal strength is his only pride.

Therefore, he couldn't think of it. The Zhongyuan Yuqing faction was obscured and thin and a small old man. The internal strength was so profound, and the first strength came in the air. He almost drove straight into his dantian.

The Taoist priests couldn’t think of it. In his view, there are only a handful of foreign works in the Western Region that are unique. As for the internal strength, it is nothing more than picking up the Central Plains. He recognizes that Shangguanfei is the young man who came back to rule the fire. Not strong enough to go.

But this nervous young man not only blocked a series of offensives he was fully exerting, but also faintly countered, and possessed two instincts, one yin and one yang, completely contradicting the principle of practicing internal strength.

The Taoist priests have heard that the Dragon King is doing "three-in-one", and there is no concept in it in his mind. Until he personally understands it, he is shocked and inexplicable.

In the eyes of outsiders, the competition is a boring scene. The two palms touch each other. Shangguanfei occasionally moves to the footsteps. The Taoist priests are as immortal as the mud sculptures, and they are completely unaware of the fierce fighting.

The timidity is the fatal flaw of Shangguanfei. When he finds that he can't beat the enemy like a broken bamboo, he just wants to retreat. However, the competition is not the same as the ordinary competition. The escape tricks such as qigong are not used, except for self-protection, what is he? Can't do it either.

Shangguanfei felt that he was walking on the edge of the cliff. The only thing he wanted to say was to "concede the loss", but he thought that the dragon king behind him would not dare to say it.

The Dragon King is like a combination of a strict father and a teacher. Shangguanfei is both respectful and fearful to him. He is really afraid that he will throw away his own and walk alone in the stormy rivers and lakes. He can't live for a day.

For a while, hold on for a while, then admit defeat, let the Dragon King try, he will understand his own difficulties.

Shangguanfei set the next standard of abandonment, but his heart was not so nervous, and he did not seek to defeat the victory. He only wanted to take a defensive stance.

Suddenly, he found that he had the strength to practice the Dragon King's treatment.

The Taoist priests have already stabilized their minds. Although the internal strength of the young people is unexpected, they are still more than ten years of hard work and hard work. They are only motivated at the beginning, and they soon succumb to the slogan and obviously lack of stamina.

Suddenly, the Taoist priest found that the situation was wrong. Shangguanfei had two infuriating bodies in his body. He could have barely defended himself against the enemy. Inexplicably, Yin Jin actually "rebelled" and guided the Taoist qi to attack Yang.

In this way, isn't it faster to lose? The Taoist priest is unclear. Therefore, he only thought of an explanation. Shangguanfei’s fire broke out. He quickly discovered that this explanation was wrong. The opponent who changed the tactics did not collapse. Although the internal strength of the internal and external attacks was gradually weakened, it was not scattered, but instead became more and more Introverted, each inch in the meridians, the resistance will increase by one point.

"Evil door!" The Taoist couldn't help but scream, feeling that he might be fooled, and immediately adjusted the infuriating, and turned to "help" his own yin.

Shangguan Fei insisted on the teaching of the Dragon King, and his opponents followed the tide, and Yin Jin turned to attack, and Yang Jin began to “help” the foreign enemies.

This is the treatment method that Gu Shenwei came up with, and it was inspired by the family's harmony and strength.

The yin and yang fellow initiates are a dangerous way. Therefore, Hehe strives for stability and does not seek quickness. It records a lot of shackles of suppressing skill. Gu Shen has been puzzled by this, but now it is regarded as a life-saving.

With the help of Taoist priests, Shangguanfei is recasting two instinct a little bit, making them more pure and more integrated.

Shangguanfei is hard to understand the truth. He only knows that the Dragon King's method seems to be effective. He used to be able to barely support with two instincts. Now, "rebellion" is infuriating, but it is a lot easier, the only price. It is the infuriating gas that keeps shrinking in the meridians. If the enemy is blasting into Dantian, he will be disabled if he does not die.

Shangguanfei was hesitant, and the Taoist priest was even more distressed. He judged that his true spirit was being used by the enemy. He wanted to use the power to drive straight in, destroy Shangtian’s Dantian, and want to control the power in his hands, from this strange The internal power is better than the fight.

"It's a wicked door." The Taoist screamed again, the voice was louder, and the effort of turning a few times, his infuriating entanglement with the enemy's infuriating, the attack became more and more difficult, and the "rebellious" spirit gradually became apparent. The face of "inner rape", while leading the way, is also unwittingly weakening allies.

Retreat has also become an impossible choice: no matter what, when you withdraw the infuriating, there will be a yin or yang instinct that will bring great harm to the Taoist.

"Too evil door!" The voice of the Taoist priest is getting louder and louder. It is not to express the confusion in the heart, but to ask for help from the brothers and sisters.

Shangguanfei couldn't figure out what the priest was calling at the ghost. The person who was about to pay was obviously himself. He hadn't called it yet, and the Taoist priest actually spoke first.

"I...I..." Shangguanfei felt that he had been holding on for a long time, but he couldn’t say how to "concede the word". It was not self-respect, but the method that the Dragon King taught him was too energy-intensive. I can't breathe to talk.

The four Taoist priests came out of different tents. Shangguanfei saw one of them. His heart was even more anxious. It was not important to admit defeat. He only hoped that the Dragon King would save himself.

"What happened?" asked a Taoist who came out.

"This kid... this kid... I will pull me out first." The thin priest secretly blamed the same door for not having long eyes. He was so eager to do this. The four men even had a leisurely question to ask Dong.

The four finally found the problem. A tall priest came first. He didn't want to hurt the innocent. Therefore, both palms were shot at the same time, and they were pressed on two people, trying to separate them peacefully.

"Hey, evil door." Gao Daoshi also called.

He did not separate the two men who had worked hard, and his palm was stuck.

The Taoist who looks good and looks forward, that is, he once negotiated with the Yuqing and the Dragon King, and proposed a ten-day deadline. "Shangguanfei, you are at night in the camp, what is your heart? Dragon King, is it also coming? ?"

If he can speak, Shangguan Fei really wants to marry her while asking for mercy. He has to guide two foreign instinct now. The situation is getting more and more difficult. What kind of "heart" is still talking about?

He was more cautious with the priests. Seeing the two men in the same door, he naturally refused to rush and took a turn around the three.

Gao Da Shi was anxious, and his temper was bigger. He actually said the voice of Shangguan Fei. "Dao Sheng, no help, I want to marry my mother!"

"No hurry." Daosheng is not angry. "And we have already said that we should not call the law in the North Court."

"Go to you... Come and help, this kid's internal work is really strange, plus mess, can be refined into two instinct is enough evil, and even not working together... Hey? How do I talk to the fire brother's infuriating Hit it up?" Gao Da Shi, anxious, called everyone a real identity.

Unconsciously, Shangguanfei’s more skillful use of the Dragon King’s method is not only able to guide external forces to strengthen their own other strengths, but also occasionally provoke distraction and let the two priests’ instinct suppress each other.

The fourth long-term priest came over and came up with the simplest solution. "The two younger brothers insisted that if you get rid of this kid, you can break free."

It was not long before Gao Dajie entered the game. Instead, he was most unsettled and immediately nodded and agreed. "Hurry up."

The long-haired priest takes out a dagger from the sleeve and can just end the fight with just a throw.

Shangguan Fei’s heart was shocked, and the body’s real gas was almost lost. “Dragon King, Dragon King”, he recited these two words in his heart and pinned his hopes on him.

It’s not the Dragon King who saved the life of Shangguan Fei, but Daosheng, “Wait.”

"Awaiting a fart!" Gao Da Shi finally did not hold back, swearing swearing, the horse red head down and blaming himself.

Daosheng did not care, pointing to Shangguan Fei to several of the same door and said: "This is a wizard, killing is a pity, this door is good at internal strength, there is no such a set of fellow practitioners, if brought back... ”

The long-haired priest wakes up. "Yes, this person can't kill."

The high fires of the high roads are hard to come down again. "If you kill, don't kill, let's get rid of him first."

The fifth Taoist priest looks elegant and looks youngest. His status is the highest. "I am going to seal his acupuncture points, and the two younger brothers will stop in time."

"Brothers are good ideas." Gao Daoshi and the thin priests praised at the same time.

Even Shangguan Fei was relieved. He had long wanted to end the competition. He had no choice but to take the plunge. He couldn’t die. He still suffered.

At this time, the Dragon King jumped out of trouble, and when Shangguan Fei’s heart was long-awaited, he did not appear. Everything was coming to an end, but he shot.

Gu Shenwei did not want this internal strength competition to end too early. Shangguanfei proved that the method of “taking advantage of practice” is feasible, and he has to personally experience it.

Gu Shen was slammed into the priests of the Confucian priests, and the feet kept going, and they attacked the little Daosheng, and kicked them to the long-distance priests.

In the twinkling of an eye, the four men fought in a group, and the priests did not wait for their reaction. Their palms were already touching the body of the Dragon King.

Gu Shenwei once practiced a harmonious spirit, and the method of using it is much more skilled than Shangguanfei. In an instant, he has firmly controlled the three foreign forces.

"Evil door!" Several priests exclaimed at the same time.

Then they watched a figure rushing into the camp and heading straight to their hiding place.

Only five of them are masters in the camp. Others are chores. Since they heard the sound outside, they are honestly hiding their heads, and no one will be idle.

"Be fooled." It was the high street screaming, but they could not get away.

A moment later, the female fox of the country of Xiangji showed up again, holding a thing in his hand, and his face was astonished. "The head is not here."

Gu Shen can clearly see that the red bat's hand is a wooden old man who is shrunk into a ball.

(Seeking for a subscription) (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better to update faster!)

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