Death Sutra

Chapter 882: Desperately break through

A cold wind came, Lin Daguan could not help but feel awkward, how is it so cold?

He listened clearly and understood it, but he still subconsciously resisted: "Just kidding, Snow, are you crazy?"

Chuan Shang Xuezi loudly said: "I am not crazy, you forgot what you did to her?"

"Only once, she is a blood family, I am a class, how can I have children?" Lin Ziqi himself said that he was guilty, because there is something he remembers very clearly, at that time impulsive, no sterilization, but not with This o o!

"Gossip!" Chuan Shang Xuezi came to the sentence ri country 骂, then 叽 呱 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 偷 偷 偷 茱 茱 茱 茱 茱 茱 茱 茱 茱 ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri I was so scared that I sat back on the snow, and my ears squeaked. After a long period of time, "Are you sure that it is my child?"

Chuan Shang Xuezi is furious: "When you get into the house, isn't you a yellow flower niece? You don't know? Julia is not a chaotic woman, not as private as I am, and the time when the child was born is ruined by you. The time to enter the home is the same. If you don't believe you can do paternity test! Do I need to lie to you on this kind of thing?"

It really is not necessary! Lin Daguan was completely paralyzed, and swallowed his throat very hard. He asked, "Is she asking you to let me let her go?"

"I don't know what happened, but I guess it may be related to you, so I asked you... I asked her, she wouldn't say it, just entrusted the child to me, and told me not to let the child know her own. Life experience..." Kawakami Kazuko said the situation before talking to Julia.

How can this be? Lin Daguan was staring at the log relay station surrounded by the searchlights in the distance. It was a confession at a time, and it was no exaggeration to describe it with a large amount of confusion.

"Caesar, you can't hurt Julia, even if you don't have feelings for her, but you can't do it on the face of the child..." Kasumi Kasumi persuaded a lot of words, and did not hear the forest. Reaction, immediately loud: "Caesar, are you listening to me?"

Lin Zi did not answer, and he looked at the phone with a sluggish look. He stumbled upon the log station and stumbled. He was really embarrassed.

After slowly slowing down, I slowly touched the cigarette and came out. I took a bite and took a bite. I felt like never before. After a cigarette was exhausted, he also fell backwards. In the snow, watching the dark night sky without saying a word, the whole into a complete paralysis, I feel no way to cross.

After a while, I sat back again, grabbed the snow with both hands, squinted and stood up, taking a deep breath, and gazing at the direction that Balk used to search with the searchlight, which is where Thomas stood.

Regardless of whether the child is really his or her own, at least Julia can't die here until it is thoroughly verified.

But as he said, he knows that even if he asks Thomas no more, it is useless. This group of paranoia with a stubborn belief will not let go of any blood.

Lin Zi had some headaches and hit his head with his fist. Then he quickly took off the rebel jacket and buried it in the snow. He carried a rebel rifle and hanged his neck. He jumped from the top. Sliding down and drifting to one side.

In the snow forest, a small circle was circled around Thomas, which was centered on the log transfer station. The snowboard on the foot was removed and inserted behind a big tree.

The automatic rifle was slowly put in the hand, the bolt was gently pulled, and the bullet was smashed. After taking a deep breath, he squatted and sneaked forward with a gun.

After touching a place with good sight and good terrain, he stood out from behind a tree and was in the hands of the Knights. After an unusually complicated entanglement, the finger finally pulled the trigger.

‘哒哒...哒哒...’ A series of shès, with the flash of the gunfire, the Shiyan searchlight was instantly beaten and smashed by Mars.

Thomas, who stood by the sword, was still elusive for two hours, and the gunshots and the searchlights that suddenly went out made him look wide and his eyes were indifferent, and he shouted: "Ask What happened on the opposite side?"

The woods that had finished the guns threw their hands on the tree at the top of the head and hung them directly on the branches. They turned their heads and ran, because they had seen dozens of members of the Templars’ swords quickly killing them.

The **** people who hid in the hangar had a sneak peek at the gunshots. Even if they were hiding in the house, everyone felt the signs of the surrounding searchlights weakening.

Balk and Afra, who are preparing to forcibly break through, quickly smashed into the outside and took a curtain to see the competition. Many of them also rushed out to check.

Although it is difficult to open your eyes because of the 1ri white scorpion, there is a place that clearly opens the gap, allowing you to look into the blink of an eye.

The crowds face each other, combined with the gunshots and movements just now, it seems that there is a shot to break through the surrounding suppression of the searchlight, tearing out a hole.

Is there any help, or... Afra is asking for a bias: "Is it a trap that tempts us to break through?"

"Hey, it’s bright, whether it’s a trap or not, fight it once!” Balk threw a word and quickly slammed it back into the hangar and ran to the thick steel plate stacked on the side, grabbing a piece in his hand.

Afra is also doing the same thing, grabbing a piece of steel and shouting to the crowd: "Kill it out!"

As soon as the words were finished, they nodded with Balk. The two entrances were no longer hesitant. They took the lead and left a steel plate to protect each other. The joints rushed out and rushed straight into the gap opened by the searchlight.

The same is true of other blood races. When you move in and move a piece of steel plate as a shield, you don’t want to rush.

Julia is also in it, the steel plate covers her body, mad, and it is really a life. There is a dying taste, very sad.

For Julia, this may be the chance to see her son again in the end, madly rushing o! Fight this time and fight this time!

However, her strength is not the highest here. The first is the Balk and Afra, the second echelon is the prince-level master, she is in the third echelon.

At this time, everyone cares about each other. Because she is a granddaughter of Prince Clark, everyone in Bijing has only one life. It is the premise to protect herself first, and she has not taken care of her. She is equal in the face of death.

After the searchlight is broken through the gap, it will not be attacked by the lethal weapon by exposing the body to the outside of the blocked steel plate because it can't see the direction or see the road. It is a good opportunity.

However, there are also shortcomings. Pushing a large piece of steel plate in front of you, the wind resistance is too great, and it has a great influence on everyone's breakout speed.

Almost at the same time, Thomas heard his men say that the opposite side was attacked, and once again saw the blood clan break out of the road, Thomaston was angry.

Hey! The sword inserted in the snow came to the hand, dragging the sword with one hand, disappearing in the same place as the phantom, taking the lead, crossing the snowfield, stirring the snow with a straight line at an incredible speed, killing and killing alone, brave and incomparable .

A group of men fetched swords and followed them quickly as waves.

At this time, after the forest ran away from the sneak attack site, he quickly pulled out the pistol in his hand, and the bullet was on the rifle, and shot in a direction 砰砰砰砰.

Soon a dozen glare flashlights were shining on him, seeing himself in the direction, and quickly illuminating him in the direction of the shè, more than a dozen Templars members close together and respectfully said: "Caesar Bishop! ”

Linzi leisurely looked back and saw a few words: "I just came to see the ghosts fleeing and fleeing, what happened?"

"There was a sneak attack on us, and it broke the searchlights of the Ten Commandments to suppress the blood. The bishop entered, did he run over there?"

"You listen, there is movement, it seems that the blood family is breaking out!" Lin Zi idled back and pointed the direction of the circle, the big hand waved: "Don't be diverted into attention, first stop the blood family, go!"

More than a dozen members of the Templars immediately followed him back. Lin Ziyi looked back and forth, his heart sighed slightly, and the trap he had made himself, but he sneaked into the destruction, it was really good to be bad.

The final battle has already begun, and the Templars around the encirclement have quickly concentrated, intercepted and re-enclosed in the direction of the breakout.

嗖嗖嗖 箭 箭 箭 箭 箭 箭 箭 箭 箭 箭 箭 箭 箭 箭 箭 箭 箭 箭 箭 箭 箭 箭 箭 箭 箭 箭 箭 箭 箭 箭 箭 箭 箭 箭 箭 箭 箭 箭 箭

The bow and arrow deal with the steel plate. Obviously, there is no bullet effect, and the other side has no influence on the visual, and the steel plate can be used to protect itself smoothly. However, there are also a lot of unlucky ones, and the arrows are screaming and falling to the ground.

The two sides quickly entered a state of short-handedness, and they rushed into the group, and Balk and Afula, who were each other in a corner, immediately separated, as if the tiger had entered the flock, and the steel plate became the meat grinder in their hands, roaring. Sweeping, broken limbs and blood and madness.

No suppression, short-handed melee, the general Templars are the two opponents, and they were immediately surrounded by two insults, and they were killed and wounded.

The reaction speed of the other party was too fast. The Knights of the Templar sent shè arrows at close range. As a result, they did not have two of them. Instead, they gave themselves a wound. Everyone can only fight the sword and fight with the top two **** top masters.

Then the **** people who rushed up quickly joined the battle group, and the scene became **** and cruel in an instant.

A sword light flashed, and Julia's ponytail was scattered, almost cut into the head, but fortunately it flashed fast. The steel plate in the hand swept backwards, with a **** flower, and directly smashed the two Templars to the waist.

If you can't take care of it, there are too many sieges, and some metamorphosis of giving yourself a shot is not a regular entry.

Her back was plunged into the mammoth, and her whole body was smashed into a group of slashing cross swords.

Julia screamed with sorrow, with steel plate bodyguards, and quickly tumbling on the spot. The swarming swords were slashed on the steel plate, and the steel plates were cut and shaped, and two swords were cut open. Her back, suddenly opened the skin and blood.

At this time, Thomas, who has been dragging his long sword, has taken the lead, and it is a sword in the group that kills God and rushes into the fierce battle. It is like a knife-cut tofu, and a piece of steel plate and a blood family are divided into two pieces. .

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