Death Sutra

Chapter 597: mean

Shangguan never thought about cultivating a killer in the country of Xiangji. The red bat learned the rules of light and night, but did not have the ability to respond randomly.

She came to save the head and found that things were not quite the same as the imagination. I was a little panicked and squatting at the old man, and actually ran to report the situation to the Dragon King.

"Go." Gu Shen is only this one order.

The red bat was ordered to leave, and he was yelling at the high road with the Shangguanfei. "You can't leave, leave people!"

He can only shout.

The elegant Taoist priest said: "Dragon King, Mu Laotou is a disciple of Yuqing School. This faction has no resentment with you. He has done evil. Why should the Dragon King find trouble? Give him back to us, and the Yuqing faction owes you a Human feelings."

This is the way of talking about the martial arts people in the Central Plains. "Humanity" is a universal vocabulary. The weight of the vocabulary can be large or small. It depends not only on the sincerity of the speaker, but also on the degree of cooperation of the other party. The so-called "reciprocity" is the way you are. Add bricks to me, add a little bit.

After moving to the Western Region for many years, Gu Shenwei still remembers the rules of his native land. After thinking about it for a while, he said, "Well, let's stop at the same time and discuss the old man."

The five Taoist priests nodded together. Although the internal strengths of the Dragon King and Shangguanfei were defensive, they would not pose a threat to life, but the practice was really evil. They would rather get out early.

The Confucian Taoist priest is obviously the leader of the five people. "I count one or two, and everyone receives the work at the same time, Dragon King? Shangguanfei?"

Gu Shenwei said "good" for two people, Shangguanfei can only barely nod, but one hundred hearts are willing.


Shangguanfei felt that it was too slow to check the old number.


The refined Taoist priests have a long voice, and he is buffering time for everyone.


The last one was simply decisive, and Shangguanfei did not care whether there was any conspiracy. He immediately took back the two instinct of yin and yang, and squatted back, almost sitting on the ground.

The seven people finally separated, and the Yuqing disciples breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. The refined Taoist priest coughed and prepared to speak back to the old man. Since the Dragon King knows how to accept it, he believes that this negotiation will go smoothly.

Gu Shen did not want to follow this set of rules to understand the rules of the Central Plains.

The elegant Taoist priest opened his mouth, the first word had not been spit out, and the Dragon King made another move.

This time, Gu Shenwei did not want to compete with the internal forces, he pulled out the Wufeng knife.

The shortcomings of the Yuqing faction's decline in external powers were revealed at this moment. The Taoist priests did not breathe in a breath, and they all attacked. All of them were in a hurry. There was no martial arts master's demeanor. The high roads had the most words, and they also jumped and jumped. Not idle, "cheat, you swindle!"

Gu Shenwei does not feel that he is deceiving, or that he does not feel that there is anything wrong with the swindle. From the moment he entered Jinpengbao, he was rolling in the quagmire of conspiracy, and he was already used to the scent of the soil and regarded it as beneficial. Good medicine.

Gao Da Shi Shi Wu Gong is also the weakest, so it became a breakthrough point for Gu Shenwei.

After ten knives, the five Taoist priests had just stabilized their positions, and the high avenue was in the middle of the knife, shouting "I am dead" and fell straight.

Other Taoists were hesitant between saving and counterattacking, and the flaws revealed were more obvious.

Just for a moment, Gu Shenwei had already rushed to the back of the Confucian Taoist priest, stunned him with a shank, dragged him quickly and retreated, and jumped in the night, when the Yuqing sent disciples reacted. It’s too late to catch up.

Shangguan Fei’s reaction was over, but his hands and feet were slower. As early as the Dragon King’s first knife, he felt that his task had been completed and he could run away. He was afraid of being accused by the Dragon King afterwards and waited for a while. It turned out that the Dragon King had thrown him down.

Shangguan Fei just wanted to jump up. The three Taoist priests had already surrounded him. The Yuqing faction was weak, and Jinpengbao did not attach importance to the fists. It just happened to be evenly matched. It was only the case of an enemy three. Shangguanfei did not want to shoot.

"Hey." Shangguanfei hopes that his smile can express a little goodwill, and wants to make a cover for the current tragic situation. "Dragon King knows that you will not kill me. Tomorrow I will also participate in the Warriors competition for him. He will take The old road is for me."

Gao Da Shi did not die, touched it and found that only the ear was cut off halfway, and a lot of blood flowed, so he jumped up with his ears. "The Dragon King took the brother!"

"Know it." At first, he said that he was impatient with Shangguanfei's road fire and turned to Shangguanfei. "You said that the Dragon King will save you. How do I feel different? You are all despicable villains who are not trustworthy."

"Yes, we are despicable, but you kidnap the old man, and you don't have to be bright." Shangguanfei smiled and said that he did not want to offend these people, and he did not want to be despised for no reason.

"The old man is my disciple of Yuqing."

Shangguan Fei suddenly nodded and nodded. "It turns out that the same door can be stricter."

"That is, of course, just as parents discipline their children, they have to fight, and they have to fight."

"It goes without saying that the Dragon King must have treated you as your own son."

When the words were exported, Shangguanfei regretted it. The Taoist priests did not seem to be jokes. The brothers were kidnapped, and they were even less guilty. The sorrow of Shangguanfei, they showed nothing but anger.

"I will take you to find the Dragon King." Shangguanfei did not intend to eat the loss before the eyes. "Remind that the Dragon King is very profitable. If I am injured, I can't participate in the Warriors' contest tomorrow. He will definitely not want me. You can't change back to your brother. ""

The Yuqing faction has more tricks to control the captives. The long-haired priests stepped forward and pointed to the central point of the Shangguanfei. Before he came back and resisted, he felt that the meridians were stagnant. Although it did not affect walking, the infuriating could not be used. It is.

"Good effort." Shangguan Fei sincerely praised: "We do not have such acupuncture in the Western Regions. You can only use the handle to stun people. It is really incomparable with your deity."

"Lead the way!" The long-haired priest drank and was not interested in these words.

Shangguan Fei walked to the Longjun camp in the aristocratic area, pondering the plan of getting out of the way. He was not sure that the Dragon King would agree to change people. "My internal strength, you have seen it, can you?"

"The Tuen Mun ramp, but Seoul."

Shangguan Feiqi smiled two times. He clearly heard that the guy named Daosheng had an addiction to the three functions. It was not as simple as "Ir", so he hinted that he was willing to hand over the exercises as long as the conditions were reasonable. .

His words were inconspicuous, and the roads were not in a straight line. Daosheng first discovered that it was wrong. "Stop, where are you going to find the Dragon King? We have gone through this place once."

"Is it? I am not familiar with Longting Road, now it is dark..."

Gao Da Shi has already wrapped the mouth on his ear and glared at Shangguan Fei. "The Dragon King is deceiving. You also love to swindle, and you can't save your brother. I will smash you."

"The road is long and angry, don't break because of this kind of person. Although the Dragon King is a little treacherous, it is very reasonable, and he is very friendly. He kidnapped his brother. In fact, it is to inquire about the whereabouts of my sister. No evil. Otherwise, Killing people with his temper."

"Your sister? Woman in the country of Xiangji?"

"Yes, the last time I came to see you with me, you should have seen it secretly."

The four Taoist priests frowned. They did see it at the time. They just didn't like to add the word "sneak" in front. What they said was mainly the Dragon King, not the woman.

"Your sister lost, what does it have to do with us?"

"Hey? The old man is the running dog of my sister. He is in your hands. My sister is naturally also **** by you."

"Yuqing faction will not be kidnapped!" Gao Daoshi shouted and looked excited, perhaps too excited, and even fell to the ground.

The Taoist priests were frustrated this night, all sighed with anger, and they were attacked again. The reaction was much faster than before. They jumped up and rushed in three directions. Everyone felt that their judgment was the most accurate.

Shangguanfei spit out his tongue and thought that he would not be surprised to hear from a young age that a good killer can remove the martial arts who are more powerful than their own. The Yuqing faction’s miscellaneous hair is too big. Not even leaving a person to guard the prisoners.

Gao Da Shi is still not dead, struggling to get up, Shangguan Fei no longer hesitate, immediately sneak, although the internal power is gone, the consciousness of choosing the path is still, go straight to the dense place of the tent, hide in the shadow, like a cat at night Soon away from the original place, and then found a relatively hidden hiding place, no longer moving.

Shangguanfei’s heart is jumping, this is the first time he has practiced the cooperation between the killers, for fear that he will take the wrong step.

When he left the Yuqing camp, he was looking for a suitable ambush location. After he found it, he began to circle. If the dragon king wanted to save people, he would observe his suggestion and set a trap at the intersection.

Unsurprisingly, when he circled the circuit, it really triggered the agency.

This is the means of Jinpengbao. Shangguanfei did not understand the specific process. He only knew that his own acupuncture points were sealed. The chaotic running would only reveal the whereabouts, and he must be hidden and wait for the rescue of the Dragon King.

The four Taoist priests were chasing enemies and captives in anger. In the recent past, they were less than ten steps away from Shangguanfei. If they stayed for a while, they could even hear the gasping of Shangguanfei.

A team of patrolling North Cavalry cavalry is coming, and the hooves are extremely clear in the silent night.

The Yuqing priests can only retreat.

Shangguanfei finally breathed a sigh of relief. After the cavalry passed, he could walk back to the camp. The only hope was that the old road used only ordinary cauterization and would not leave other sequelae.

The cavalry hurried past, and Shangguan flew sharply, and looked at the person suddenly coming out with surprise, that is not the Dragon King, "Shangguanyun... Three Brothers!"

Shangguan Yun raised his finger on his lips and whispered, "Brother, Jinpengbao will save you."

Not far away, Gu Shen was silently watching. He did return to rescue Shangguanfei, but was the first step by Jinpengbao.

(One point: I don't know what the problem is in these two days, I can only add points to the comments, and the fine option is not easy to use. I will fill it later.) (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated.) fast!)

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