Death Sutra

Chapter 608: Excited

Shangguan’s flying corpse is in the flesh, sitting next to the elated wooden old man, listening to strangers, you will introduce the situation in a word.

"Inside news, absolutely accurate, the old Khan is dead, the house account is a zombie, controlled by a group of mages, pretending to be alive, occasionally making one or two actions, and even someone speaks for him. ”

"Wang Ye and the ministers are angry, but they are bound by the vows, not to move their swords in the palace, so they think of these people."

"Tonight, three more moments, rushing into the palace area, killing people, remember to cut the nose, and get a reward from any prince, one thousand two."

"If it is a mage, you have to have a head, one hundred and two one, have you heard it? One hundred thousand two!"

"Women casually grab, gold and silver jewelry to take, as long as you resist."

"I am confused, is the woman robbing or killing?"

"Stupid boy, if you look at it, you will grab it. If you don't see it, you will kill it."


The crowd was in a state of extreme excitement, and they drank a drink in a nearby pub. No one was willing to pay, and all the utensils were smashed. Many people ran to the official toast toast, and they planned to organize a group with him. Don't blow your nose, you just kill, I cut my nose behind, and finally three, seven, you seven and three."

Shangguan Feifei smirked and turned to the old man when he was free. He whispered, "Do you believe it? This is not right."

"What's wrong?" The old man did not speak. A drunken smoked knife next to him rushed to explain. "Do you think, how long have you seen the old Khan Wang show up? Every year, the old court of the Dragon King I will watch several important competitions in person, but this year, I didn’t even watch one, that is, the car drove around. Also, this is about to start fighting with the Central Plains. The old Khan is still the same as nothing, even the decent parade. No……"

The drunken cites a lot of reasons. The one who thinks the most powerful is this one. "I heard a friend say..." The word "friend" was mentioned. He aggravated the tone, but lowered the voice and revealed the mystery. Even the alcohol in the mouth is much weaker. It seems that this "friend" is a god. "The ten kings set the agreement, first kill the mage, and then choose the new king. They are not good to start, they can only ask us these. Outsiders."

Shangguanfei couldn't help but grin. He felt that he should know more than these rivers and lakes. The Dragon King painstakingly digs out intelligence. If he doesn't even know, it must be fraudulent.

Regardless of this, the old man of the wood pushes the drunk to the bottom of the table. "What are you afraid of? We are behind, there are traps to escape, you just kill, you have to kill and you can’t stop, I used to spend it. Ten days and a half, now it seems that you can make you reborn tonight."

"People in the palace will not martial arts, is it useful to kill?" Shangguan Fei is still not practical, looking for all reasons to refuse to participate in the violence * action.

The old man looked at Shangguanfei in a dull manner, as if he had said a particularly stupid word, and then he really asked: "Are you a good girl with a good girl? Is it wrong? You two are a good one." I am timid, how can I have half the temperament of the official? Your mother..."

This is the most taboo topic of Shangguanfei. I will stop the old man from saying anything. "My mother is fine. My sister and I are more like Mengjia, but you can look carefully, eyes, nose, and cheekbones, especially It is the earlobe, exactly the same as the king."

"It is the son of the one-step king, you have to be ruthless." The old man looked around and saw the drunkard who was hard to get out of the table and pressed it down. He said very quietly: "Stupid, who said killing the palace eunuch?" You practice peerless martial arts, all the silver in the world is yours, I let you kill these people."

"They?" Shangguan Fei looked around in horror, for fear of being heard.

"Of course, do you think I am stupid? Killing people in the palace, even if it is not a trap tonight, it is also a crime of death. I want to take the nose to collect the money. Hey, it’s almost the same, and you will be on the knife of the Western Region and the Central Plains. When the Long Ting is in a big mess, it is a good opportunity for you to kill. Are you not afraid of revenge? In this case, who knows what is your hand?"

The old man’s voice just fell, and someone next to him asked, “You are Shangguanfei? Are you old man?”

There is nothing wrong with the old man. He has forgotten that his skill is running out. The real move may not be played. Shangguanfei almost jumped out of the chair. ", who are you?"

It’s the red-faced man. Look at him. There’s no such thing as revenge for the beard and beard. I’m close to Shangguanfei’s seat and smile. “I’m saying that the two looks are extraordinary and the martial arts are strong. It’s definitely not a nameless person. It’s the Dragon King’s. Left and right arm, famous wood old predecessor and Shangguan Shaoxia."

Shangguan Fei laughed out loudly, and his surname was followed by the words "Xiao Xia". How to listen to it is awkward.

The old man was very dissatisfied with the name of the "predecessor". He frowned and said: "There is something to say here, there is a fart to go elsewhere, and there is no need to pretend to do it."

The old man is the well-known devil in Beiting more than ten years ago. Shangguanfei is from the Western Region. Even if he wins two days in the Warriors, the reputation of the two in the grassland is very small. As for the Central Plains, they are unheard of for them. Zhangkou is a set of words, and the result is not "set".

The old man of the wood and the Shangguanfei are not famous. The dragon king is known to everyone under the efforts of several princes. Even the Central Plains people know that the killer is from the Western Region.

The red-faced Han was not taken care of by the blame. He smiled and said: "I really rushed to the Dragon King Temple... Sorry, sorry, I said wrong... In fact, are we a family?"

The old man looked at him with his eyes. "You are my son who has been lost for many years? It doesn't look very much."

The red-faced Han smiled more and more charmingly. "Predecessors are really joking. I mean, we all do things for a master." As he said, he clenched his fists and shook his head.

"Why, want to fight? Come on." Wood old man picked up his sleeves and pointed at Shangguanfei. "You go."

The red-faced Han quickly waved his hand. He didn't want to end up with a dead body. "Ten, this is ten. I am the one who came to the king by day. The dragon king is a friend of the king. Isn't this a family?"

The old man of the wood and the Shangguan fly face each other, the dragon king's allies changed too fast, they have not yet produced a "family" feeling.

"The two are assigned to participate in the action tonight? Hey, to be honest, I have seen more than two martial arts, I am more confident." The red-faced Han looked at Shangguanfei reverently and suddenly lowered his voice: "I heard that the Dragon King will Is it true that he is the main force tonight?"

Seeing that neither of them spoke, the red-faced Han nodded in disapproval and retired satisfactorily.

"Why did the Dragon King go tonight?" asked the old man.

"I don't know, he always has a ghost at night."

"This is really not right. The day after the king is spreading the news that the Dragon King is the main force? Is this unknown?"

"Where are we going back to the camp and see if the Dragon King is not there."

"Don't worry, I ask you, are you going to be loyal to the Dragon King?"

"Of course." Shangguan Fei replied simply and neatly, but his heart fluttered a few times.

"Well, it’s a good performance. It’s a great lie to say that you are a good one."

"I didn't lie. The Dragon King protects my safety. I deserve to be loyal to him." Shangguan Fei said more naturally.

"Yes, he protects you, you are loyal to him, if he can't protect you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Tonight's action, we have to participate more. If this is really related to the Dragon King, you and I will act on the plane, or you will make a great contribution in front of the Dragon King, or... Hey... Have you ever known the Dragon King's end?"

Shangguanfei looked around and said with excitement: "In fact, I think so."

"Okay." The old man suddenly became harsh. "I finally scammed the truth of your kid."

Shangguanfei trembled and almost fell off the stool. "You..."

"I am joking, help you practice your courage." Wood old man stood up, "Go, let's go."

Shangguanfei felt that his courage had been thrown away and did not know where to go. He barely got up and saw that the people in the pub were calling friends and friends, and confidently walked out of the tent. The red face Han Chong was both a fist and a gesture. It seems to be an old acquaintance.

The drunkard poked his head out from under the table and said vaguely: "The dragon king... see the machine... take me away."

The old man rushed to Guanfei to make a look.

Shangguanfei did not particularly resist, because even he himself had the idea of ​​killing people.

This fist disappeared silently. Shangguanfei became more and more sophisticated in controlling Yin and Yang and Qidong. The drunkard was unscathed and did not have a drop of blood.

Counting the daytime competition, the night has not arrived, Shangguanfei has killed five people, he feels very strange, he also personally killed people in the stone fort, why the more the courage is the smaller, the effect is the opposite of the old man. ?

Freedom, he thought, it was the old man’s beautiful description of freedom that touched him. In the stone fort, killing is like a craft to support the family. When you learn, you can’t have passion. After learning, there will never be higher. realm.

The crowds are getting more and more people. I don't know who brought the road. I bypassed the artisan area and the aristocratic area from both sides of the east and west, and went straight to the northern restricted area. The roadside is free of charge and is free to use.

The horseshoe bursts, the momentum is much larger than the last riot in the Dalit area, but it is unimpeded along the way, without any North Cavalry coming out to block.

Most of the swordsmen’s initial thoughts were the same as the old man, walking behind and found that the situation was not right to escape immediately, but the calm situation gave them great confidence, and the rumors became more and more like things. The royals of the North Court seemed to Really controlled most of the cavalry, the only thing they didn't want to do was to rush into the palace.

The crowd began to speed up as if it were a treasure in the front, first come first served.

The old man did not worry, he immediately dismounted in the suburbs, and the Shangguanfei hid in the grass, picking the target among the speedy cutters.

"There are too many people in this group. This is too weak. This... Hey, ran, these two people can look at it and shoot."

Shangguanfei silently recited "not afraid" and slammed out and kicked a boxing knight.

The knight’s sword was so incredible that the confidence that Shangguanfei had just built collapsed at the same speed, and he fell to the ground in a hurry and rolled over into the grass.

"Stopping, it’s your own." The old man jumped out. "Isn't this a small beginning? For a long time, what are you doing?"

"Look for the Dragon King." Chu Nan screen closed the sword.

Shangguanfei was so embarrassed that he climbed out of the grass. "It’s okay to recognize you, almost killing each other."

The old man looked at the person behind the screen in the beginning of the South. "Who is this little girl? Is it my eyes, or is it true? How strange is her eye? Xiaochu, are you hitting the demon?"

The little girl's green eyes looked over, revealing a fierce murderousness. The old man in the wood trembled and immediately knew that this was Xiaoyuetang disciple.

(Seeking for a subscription) (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better to update faster!)

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