Death Sutra

Chapter 609: Cloud shadow

It took a full two days and two nights for the first screen to capture the erratic shadow.

He avoided the proud disciple in accordance with the requirements of the Dragon King. It was not because of fear. As the only person who secretly cultivated secrets, his martial arts were already higher than most of the same door. Gu Shenwei only hoped to achieve a balance so that those The geeks dare not act rashly if they have a Shangguanru.

Chu Nanping never left Long Ting. On the grassland of Ma Pingchuan, the city full of tents is a place suitable for hiding. He has been hiding around the Longjun camp to monitor those monitors.

There are sneaky guys outside the camp, either bright or dark, watching the actions of the people in the camp day and night. The task of the first screen is very simple, there is no need to bother these people, and there is no need to remind the camp. Only one thing is guaranteed. When the Dragon King quietly goes out, he will not follow his tail.

This kind of thing has never happened.

But on the first night, he found something unusual.

There are no images and no sounds. Just like a cloud shadow that swiftly swept through the ground, Chunan Screen suddenly felt that something was passing by, and it was fleeting, slightly like an illusion.

People who have been on alert for a long time are often arbitrarily arrogant, but this time it is different. The feelings in the heart of Chu Nan have a strange feeling. It seems that as long as they turn back in time, the illusion will become real.

During the day, he should hide in a tent rented in advance, but he couldn't sleep, so after the easyness, he circled around the dragon army camp, and the circle expanded more than one circle.

He has never mastered killer skills, but he has patience. After careful observation, I finally sorted out a hidden route. If he wants to monitor the Dragon Army camp and does not want to be discovered, he will choose this route.

On the night of the night, Chunan Screen patrolled quietly on the planned route, changing direction once every other hour.

The feeling of cloud shadows appeared again, and when he turned and jumped, he was lost. Still almost let him be exposed.

Two young people from the Italian building jumped out and the south screen quickly fled.

After that, the patrol mission became difficult. Before the Longjun camp, there were four disciples who were proud of the building. After discovering the whereabouts of the target, they immediately transferred four people and kept the different positions. The south screen can only bypass the most. Good route, and more around the circle.

The second day. Chu Nan screen did not leave the tent, recharge the batteries. Spend a lot of time on the sword.

He never knew what fear was, so he would pursue the strange shadow tonight.

This evening, after the Dragon King and Yuqing Wusong played against each other, they mixed into the palace. The old man was prepared to participate in a riot with Shangguanfei, and the South Screen was twice in crisis.

For this young swordsman with unique insights, the proud building is sure to win, and in addition to the eight disciples, several helpers have been invited.

The first time the first screen was in distress, the shot was a black masked man. Look at the dress is very similar to the Jinpeng killer, but the means is completely different, holding a North Court-style machete, rushing out like a lost buffalo.

Chu Nan screen only remembers a lot of killer principles. One of them is: If the enemy suddenly jumps out, the best way to cope is not to turn around or escape. There is a possibility that there are traps waiting for you, but rushing up and facing, the enemy is behind the security.

This is not a 100% accurate principle, but this time it has been fulfilled. Chu Nan screen pulled out a single sword, blocked the enemy while passing by, immediately plunged into the shadows, fled along a route he had already known, behind him, several ambushes chased for a while, and soon gave up .

Chu Nanping took a circle and returned to the periphery of the camp. He never wavered or even refused to make a slight accommodation for the tasks he accepted and what he was going to do. In the eyes of outsiders, this is a bit stupid. Reluctant personality, in his own, is only a simple idea, simple to transparent, and can not think of other options.

It is this kind of personality that makes him unable to become a qualified killer no matter how long professional training he accepts. Sometimes he will be deceived, but it is this kind of personality that allows him to find tireless pursuits and only appear. Two blurred shadows.

If it is Gu Shenwei, it may be ignored, it may also cause suspicion, and then set a trap, waiting for the other party to vote.

The second time the first Nanping was in distress, it was because the feeling of the cloud shadow drifted for the third time, which was extremely strong. He was involuntarily attracted, speeded up and chased up, and was hitting four disciples.

A pair of monocular and a pair of one-armed, single-handed person makes a single knife, and the one-armed person uses a short squat.

The confrontation was extremely short, and the first south screen double swords came out. At the same time as the block attack, the speed at the foot did not slow down.

The shadow is not far from the front. He knows that he feels it. Following this feeling, he ran to the eastern suburbs, and the four tails behind him followed.

In a wilderness, the shadow suddenly disappeared. At first, Pingnan Pingping experienced disappointment and sorrow for the first time. When the Dragon King refused to practice ruthless swordsmanship, he did not feel this way.

Four Deyilou disciples surrounded him. They ran too fast and didn't have time to inform their companions, but they believed that they could easily catch the target.

They are very familiar with the South Screen, especially when he is in his teens, so it naturally produces contempt.

"Why are you running?"

Chunan screen seems to have returned home, a home that is indifferent and self-destructive. Even if they live together for decades, they are also "you and me". They only have one name - drum fairy, even if the gnome is dead, they can't get it back. ** Consciousness always feels that you have a part of it from the inside out.

Chu Nanping suddenly realized how lucky he was. Among all the disciples who were proud of the building, only he chose a different path, followed the murderer who killed Peng Xianren, and walked farther than others on the road of searching for self.

"I am not running, it is chasing."

The four monologues and the one-armed man gave a slight glimpse. "You are a proud disciple."

"It used to be, not now."

"Always will be."

Both sides fell silent and then made moves at the same time.

The advantage of Chunan Screen is that one person alone makes two swords. The disadvantage is that it has not broken through the fourth realm. After ten strokes, five people are in trouble.

The first screen was tied up, and the martial arts of the disciple of Deyilou originated from the same set of lyric secrets. They knew each other well. His wonderful swordsmen had no special meaning in the eyes of the other party.

The four disciples of the Deyilou were also tied up. They saw with their own eyes that one person could make two sets of swordsmanship, which is smoother than the best co-cultivator.

They are so fascinated that they can't kill the killer. I just want to force the South Screen to continue to demonstrate until I understand it.

The fifteenth move, the beginning of the South Screen suddenly changed the routine, the figure flashed, stabbing a swift and incomparable sword.

A one-armed man squatted back, his shoulders oozing blood, his face was so excited that his sword was more powerful than he had imagined.

The first screen of the South is a modified sword by the sword.

Gu Shenwei once chose the major, and passed some of the scriptures to the first screen. It is very helpful to him, and occasionally he uses a trick in the ruthless sword. More amazing.

The disciples of Deyilou have their own specializations. They have seen the ruthless swordsmanship, they are familiar, but they have no in-depth understanding. They suddenly saw powerful swords, all of which belonged to the martial arts.

"You can't swallow it alone," said the injured one-armed man.

"You and it belong to the proud building." Another one-armed man said that the short shackles in his hands did not stop.

Two one-eyed people followed the opening. "You can be a Peng Xianren." "You should be a Peng Xianren."

The minds of the four people are exactly the same: the boy has already walked in front of all the disciples who are proud of the building, and is fully qualified to become the new Peng Xianren.

There was a slight hesitation in the heart of Chu Nan. What tempts him is not his reputation and status, but his familiar lifestyle. One person is like everyone, everyone is like one person, and he no longer needs to make his own decisions.

Hesitation is only an instant, and the South Screen has already experienced the taste of reality, and it will never return to the illusion. He leaped to the nearby grass.

The disciple of Deyilou can not hesitate, and the circle is not destroyed.

The four men fell in turn, as if they had lost the ability to control the body. A black bird-like assassin jumped in the grass, smashing three times, killing three people, and the fourth scorpion was blocked by a long sword.

"There is no need to kill him." Chunan screen said.

The black bird squatted on the ground and turned his head sharply, staring at the south screen.

It was his familiar and strange green eyes, stubborn, persistent, and a bit more fierce with madness.

"Step aside."

Tie Lingling used to like to direct the South Screen to do this. Most of them are jokes, sometimes there is the meaning of spoiling. It has never been like this, as if this is an order that cannot be violated.

"I am very happy to see you again." Chu Nan screen did not mind, did not let open.

Tie Lingling turned her eyes and looked a little slower. It seemed that she had just recognized the teenager in front of her eyes and then became fierce. "I will make you unhappy because I block my way."

Chu Nan screen closed the sword, "You will not."

In the blink of an eye, Tie Ling’s dagger arrived on the juvenile’s chest, and the two were close to each other, so they could hear each other’s heartbeat.

Chu Nan screen did not know why he was laughing, but he smiled sincerely, long wait, boring pursuit, and finally have results.

Tie Linglong put down the dagger, and the fierceness disappeared, revealing the most familiar annoyed look of the South Screen. "I blame you and interrupt my killing."

"This person may be useful to the Dragon King."

"What about that? I am not under the Dragon King, I am a disciple of Xiaoyuetang."

"It doesn't matter who your subordinates are. You are not suitable for killing."

Tie Linglong regarded this sentence as a humiliation and raised the dagger. "If necessary, you and the Dragon King can kill."

"Why don't you use the knife in the past?" Chunan Screen did not seem to hear the threat, and asked along his own ideas.

If it wasn't already used to the way of Nannan Screen, Tie Linglong would think that the other party is playing with herself. She wants to show her indifference and can answer the involuntarily export. "The dragon king teaches the knife, I don't want to use..."

There was a strange laughter behind the screen, and the surviving one-eyed man was lying on the ground with a few fine needles in his feet, so that he couldn’t stand up. "You don't like Dragon King? Very good, he will soon die in the palace." You can't see him anymore."

Tie Ling’s face was eclipsed, and there was no hint of joy.

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