Death Sutra

Chapter 610: Surrounded

Regarding the purpose of appearing in Long Ting, Tie Linglong did not mention anything, and Chu Nanping did not ask.

"Let's go find the Dragon King."

"Why? He said it personally, I am not allowed to appear in front of him again." Tie Ling's tone is still fierce, but the whole person has undergone a wonderful change. The hard shell shrouded in the body is disintegrating, and each word is spit out. She is a step closer to the familiar little girl in Chuan Nanping.

"The Dragon King is talking about anger. He has forgiven you for a long time." As usual, Chu Nanping served as a comforting role he was not good at.

"Forgive? I have not done anything wrong, why should he forgive him? He should apologize to me." Tie Lingling said that he was more and more unable to maintain his indifference, his eyes were crystal clear, and he did not cry. come out.

There is nothing to say in the beginning of the South Screen, he can not even understand his own feelings, let alone understand the complex ideas of others.

Silence for a while, or Tie Lingling said: "You can go to the Dragon King, I follow you, but I don't show up, don't help."

"Good." Chunan screen smiled.

The monologue looked at the young men and women and couldn’t tell the surprise. "You are the disciple of the Pagoda, the waiter of Peng Xianren."

"It used to be, not now."

The two repeated the previous dialogue, but the meaning was different. The one-eyed person shook his head. "You have become a ruthless sword, and how can you fall in love with a woman? Is she the tool that breaks the fourth weight? ”

Chu Nan screen slightly glimpsed, there is indeed a "tool" in his heart, from the age of eleven is Xu Xiaoyi, until the one-eyed person breaks, he suddenly realized that his best "friend" has become a girl in front of her.

In fact, his friendship with Xu Xiaoyi has long since ended. The two have gone further and further in different directions. They can only see each other's figure. They cherish the feelings of the past, but no one wants to maintain it.

Chu Nanping always thought about breaking through the fourth weight. Under the question of the single person, he found that he had lost interest in it. "No." He hesitated for a while before giving an answer. "I didn't fall in love with her. She is not a tool, and the ruthless swordsmanship ends here. I will not practice any more."

The monologue opened his mouth in surprise, as if the slaves had heard that someone had given up the huge amount of property for no reason. "You will eventually be a proud disciple."

"will not."

Tie Lingling was both inexplicable and a bit shy, "Let me kill him."

"no need."

"Why didn't they? They are now the masters hired by the old Khan Wang, leaving a living to let him complain?"

Chu Nan screen asked: "Will you complain?"

"Ha." Tie Ling laughed out loud and just wanted to point out that this question could not be answered in real terms. The single person lying on the ground said without hesitation: "Yes."

Chu Nanping bowed his head and thought about it. He said to Tie Lingling: "You still can't kill."

"Is it just like him?"

Chu Nan screen turned, pulled the sword, and took out the sword, and instantly completed the killing action. "From now on, I will kill you for you."

Tie Lingling felt that she had been despised and raised her head proudly. "Do you think that my martial arts are bad and I don't deserve to kill?"

"No." The sound of Chu Nanping was unexpectedly soft. "Because you are kind, you will always regret it after killing."

The murderousness in the eyes of Tie Ling’s eyes is heavy. “I just killed three monsters and I don’t feel regret at all.”

"This is not true to you."

Tie Lingling frowned, and the boy in front of him was all right. He was talking about Yunshan fog cover. He hadn’t got rid of the influence of the building. His eyes turned and asked: "I have to kill a lot."

"I will kill you for you."

"I want to kill the Dragon King?"


Chu Nanping answered so simply, Tie Lingling was shocked and stared at him for a while, grinning and said: "You will not."

"You won't."

Tie Lingling looked a little annoyed. "It’s really tired to talk to you. I just forgot what I said. Let's go, maybe later, maybe the Dragon King has been killed by others."

The two just happened to catch up with the end of the martial arts Qiqi Palace, and brought two horses from the roadside, galloping north, and ran into the Shangguanfei and Mu Laotou who practiced killing.

The old man of wood did not like all the disciples of Xiaoyuetang. He looked up and down the green-eyed girl. "It’s not right, it’s totally wrong."

"What is wrong?" Tie Ling's left hand is shrunk into the sleeve, and the dagger will be thrown at any time.

"Han Wuxian has always been a disciple who has successfully trained to go out. The semi-finished products are all killed below. You are a semi-finished product. How come you get it?"

Tie Ling was very angry and laughed. "Are you an old man?"

"Also, how come, Han Wuxian mentioned me? Xiaoyuetang is ruthless, your churchlor is a ruthless leader, but to me, but it is not easy to be ruthless." Wood old man is quite content.

Tie Linglong turned to the south screen, "This is the person I want to kill, let's do it."

The old man looked at the long sword and smashed his chest. He was not particularly familiar with the South Screen. He could not imagine that this handsome young boy is not such a violent person. It is the Dragon King, and the face is not so sudden.

His mind turned very fast, and he immediately thought of ten ways to avoid this sword. Four of them can also launch a fierce counterattack, but with his current skill, one can't use it too much, so he can only make the tenth. A stunt, a plop, "Girls are envious!"

The long sword of Chunan Screen was less than an inch away from his forehead and stopped moving.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh, I was confused for a while, and I said the wrong thing. Xiaoyuetang, who was a savage force, was forced to go crazy in the past ten years. Hantang’s vision is far-sighted. He decided to build a martial arts foundation in addition to the secret technique. When the girl sees it is that martial arts is well learned, she is qualified to come out to walk."

"I have no better martial arts, and I don't need to be gracious to you."

"But the Han Tang master definitely wants to live, I don't know if she has mentioned it. Xiaowutang's martial arts, I have had a little effort, no credit and hard work. Yes, you ask the lotus girl, The Dutch woman always wanted to take my life to you."

Tie Linglong does not seem to believe that Shangguan Fei just recovered from panic, thinking that the old man can not die now, so he boldly confuses: "I can prove that this woman has several chances to kill... Wood old man, I didn’t start at the end."

Tie Lingling is not ignorant of the things around the Dragon King. More than half of the old man who killed the wood is testing the South Screen. "Right you, I will return to Xiaoyuetang with me later."

"That is certain." The old man stood up calmly. He had no concept of a senior of his predecessors, nor did he feel that it was a shameful act to beg for mercy. "I also miss the noble house, she is okay? Is there any better? I used to be younger and more beautiful. I have had a lot of experience in martial arts these years, and I am preparing to have a good conversation with her."

Shangguanfei’s heart is more and more admired by the old man, thinking that he has not followed the wrong person, and he will have his murder skills and shameless skills in the morning and evening.

Chunan screen closed up the long sword, as if nothing had happened, asked: "You also go to the palace to help the dragon king?"

"Yes." Mu Laotou and Shangguan replied in unison, looking at each other and feeling satisfied with each other. Shangguanfei still did not forget to explain, "I will know that the two are masters and think that you are the one who sent them. The assassin, the result was misunderstood."

Chu Nanping and Tie Linglong did not have so many ideas, urging an old and a small to start.

Originally, I wanted to hide behind the two people who practiced killing. So I followed the entrance to the northern restricted area. Because of my guilty conscience, I didn’t dare to ask Dong to ask the West. I don’t know that this boy just listened to a threat and went to save the Dragon King. There are no plans.

Until catching up with a large number of martial arts people in front, Shangguan Fei asked: "Xiaochu, do you know where the Dragon King is?"

"I don't know." Chunan Screen never lie.

"Definitely not in a crowded place, we both guard the Dragon King... Anyway, we know his habits and will find him soon."

The Dragon King usually chooses to lurk outside the crowd, but the four people circled a large circle, and found no clues. Instead, they found more than a dozen timid followers. When they found someone close, they immediately broke into the grass like a rabbit.

"What happened? Is that one-eyed child deceiving?" Tie Lingxi said that she did not want to see the Dragon King. She did not find anyone but she was more impatient than anyone else.

It’s not just her who issued similar complaints. Nearly a thousand martial arts people are moving at a slower pace, and many people are simply walking.

There is no guard in the northern restricted area. This is a good sign, but the closer to the palace, the more people are in the heart, and the urgent need to see the leading figures.

"What about the Dragon King? Why didn't it appear?" Most of the words were from the Western Regions.

"Nine major factions? Isn't there a lot of masters?" The Central Plains people believe in local celebrities.

"Hey, who isn't the Qingcheng faction?"


"Taishan pie!"

Not long after, the martial arts people in the Central Plains were divided into dozens of groups, each following different leaders.

There are not many swordsmen in the Western Region, about three hundred people, some joined the small group of the Central Plains, and the other part is still persistently looking for the Dragon King or Jinpeng killer.

Shangguanfei and other four people gave up on the periphery and wanted to explore the news in the crowd. It didn't take long before they found a lot of swordsmen gathered around.


"The Dragon King's men, the Warriors Conference won two days in a row..."

"The son of the One Step King..."

"A punch can kill a group of people..."

Before Shangguanfei reacted, he had become the leader of the Western Division's swordsmen, and no one asked for his opinions. In short, he went there with more than 100 people.

With the help of the piece of fire, the old man in the Central Plains saw an acquaintance in the gang of the Central Plains. "Red bat, how come you?"

"Come for the Dragon King."

The red bat took ten Yuwang Guards and took the Yuqing faction. He did not think that Taoism became the protagonist. Just like Shangfei, he just made a group of followers.

The old man did not like this scene, and whispered to Shangguanfei: "The trouble is big, I can't run if I want to run."

"Yeah, this group of people always follow us, what should I do?"

"No, they are following you, not us, so..."

"You can't go." Shangguan Fei did not wait until the old man said that he would raise objections.

The old man of Wood just wanted to force Shangguanfei to accept the facts. There was a groan in front of him. "Hands!" "No cavalry! No cavalry!"

The crowd was excited at once, like a tide, and Shangguanfei could not get out of it. In a blink of an eye, the old man was lost.

There is not much left in the old man's work, and it is easy to avoid a group of messy swordsmen.

Therefore, he was the first to leave the main crowd and breathe a sigh of relief. Then the first one found that the hordes of cavalry were propelling from the side, without a torch. In the dark, the cavalry was like a huge serpent snake, quickly surrounding the prey. .

(Seeking for a subscription) (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better to update faster!)

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