Death Sutra

Chapter 621: Pestle

The ten guards of the Dragon King have all received training from the old knife and the Tooth, and received the hint of the Dragon King, and immediately protected the South Screen. This move surprised everyone.

The old man was excluded, running around the circle of protection, hoping to find a gap, but the epee of the guards was wielding, but he was forced to retreat several steps.

"Wow, don't be like this, it's all of you. Dragon King, are you going to give me a gift for the king and the king? As early as I said, I won't be able to do it myself? Mustang, remember? I also stepped back to you. ""

The thirteen masters of the Holy King are also very surprised. The circle of the ten guards is close, but it is completely defensive, and there is no attack, which means that the attacker only has the dragon king and the useless wooden man.

The shovel was defaulted to the leader of this group of people. His tactics were very simple. Yuqing Wu Lao and Deyilou disciples joined forces to entangle the Dragon King. Others killed the guards and killed the seven people at the fastest speed. The wild horse, let him move freely, chasing the old man.

The deployment of the Dragon King slightly disrupted his plan. Although the martial arts of the ten guards were not the first-rate, the power of the synthetic swordsmanship increased a lot, causing trouble for the rapid annihilation. He gave a look and let Yuqing Wu Lao participate. The siege guard, he wants to fight the dragon king.

Although he lost his enthusiasm in the competition, the shovel is still very confident. In the first few games, he has been observing the dragon king's knives and feels that he still has an advantage, at least he can entangle the dragon king.

It is a pity that although the team that Temporary Patchwork of the King of the Sun is all masters, it is a combination of the people, and the hint of the Iron Man is no one cares.

Yuqing five old ones have to make a head. How can I easily transfer the target, pretending not to understand the look of the shovel, and at the same time rushing to the Dragon King.

The two hunchbacks of the Deyi Building also changed their initial plans and rushed to the guards. The target was the south screen inside, jumping with a cane and hopping to break through the protection circle, which was a waste of time.

The three warriors of the Holy King knew the current state of the prince, so they all wished to please the building and jumped up and down with the hunchback.

Only another Khan Wang Yiwei silver carving stepped into order. Direct attack on the guards, but encountered obstacles on the way: I do not know whether it is intentional or unintentional, the wild horse and the wood old man ran a chase, always flashed in front of him.

The purpose of Gu Shenwei was realized, and the protection of the South Screen was intended to stimulate two camels.

For the Deyi Building, the importance of Chuan Nan Ping is not weaker than that of the Peng Xianren in the hands of the Dragon King. The Dragon King suddenly protected him closely, meaning that he would never give up the boy easily, and the two camels really counted. . It is not necessary to grab the first screen on the spot.

Gu Shen's use of this trick in ordinary people is likely to have no effect, as long as he kills seven people, even defeat the Dragon King. At that time, the Dragon King can only hand over the relics and the young swordsmen according to the agreement. Why do you have to grab people immediately?

The thoughts of the disciples can be different from ordinary people. They are good at confusing people. Instead, they make little understanding of the human heart. The idea is simple and straightforward: the dragon king protects the south screen and does not want to pay, so he has to grab the hand in advance.

The thirteen masters of the Holy King are divided into three or four groups, each fighting for it. Gu Shen is not willing to fight with any group, just like the old man. Running around the swords of the ten guards, he followed the Yuqing five old.

"Dragon King, what do you mean in the end?" Wood old man shouted.

"Wooden old man, don't kill two people, I will drive you out of the Dragon Army." When Passing by, Gu Shen returned.

The old man’s foot was stagnation, and suddenly he turned to catch up with the Dragon King. During the period, I easily passed the wild horse. "Do you see it?"


"Where did I reveal a flaw?"

The old man speaks on the mouth, and the footsteps keep going, no matter how the Dragon King changes direction. He can keep pace with him. It is not like a person whose work is seriously damaged. Although the situation is grim, he has to figure out this problem.

Poor Yuqing five old, light work in general, scattered, always want to surround the Dragon King, but often defeated.

As for the wild horses, the pursuit is quite tight, but from time to time to judge the mistake, when the old man followed the dragon to make a sharp turn, he continued to move forward, and occasionally hit the accomplices.

Gu Shenwei launched a attack on the iron shovel and the silver eagle, preventing the two real masters from approaching the guards, and then quickly leaping, and then took the time to answer the old man. "You are all flawed."

"Ah?" Wood old man did not understand.

"There is no skill. Do you dare to take Shangguanfei into the Longting restricted area?"

"Oh... think about it, it’s really not like me, oh, but I’m going to follow the good girl and it will change.”

Gu Shenwei snorted again, and the old man would not change. In order to heal him for more than ten years, he could not bear anything. In order to protect his own safety, he could bear anything, unless there was fear and no risk.

Nowadays, the self-proclaimed skill has been tortured by Yuqing Wulao, but with the unreliable Shangguanfei taking the initiative to go deep into the dangerous land, the change is too big.

"You show me soft armor, and it is too hot." Gu Shenwei added another reason.

Lu Tianfeng of the Kunlun School once hit the old man in the wood. The old man pretended not to escape, but he did not die, or even suffered serious injuries. In order to disguise this, he deliberately revealed his soft armor and expressed his willingness to lend to the Dragon King. He felt that he was seamless. Gu Shenwei determined that he was deceiving.

Wood old man looked helpless. "I am not like a good person? Oh, forget it, I am not a good person. Dragon King, please, when will I lie to succeed once, every time I let you see it, I am too faceless." La."

The old man’s attitude has become faster, and his flattering is also very good. He used a similar pleading temptation to avoid the apology and praise the dragon king’s cleverness. In fact, since the reunion in the North Court, he has lie twice.

"Hands." Gu Shen issued an order, and first set an example, rushing to the silver eagle that is said to be better than the iron shovel.

The purpose of hiding the martial arts of the old man is to avoid responsibilities. Now that he has been exposed, he knows that he must make all efforts to kill two opponents in order to obtain the forgiveness of the Dragon King.

His light work is even better than the Dragon King. He didn't even stop the action. He immediately returned to the Yuqing priests who were behind him. He screamed in disgust: "Let me report a hatred first."

The old man is still willing to stay in the Dragon Army camp. The skill is naturally not fully restored. It is still at the level of 60% to 70%, but it is enough to deal with the average master.

The Dragon King and the old wood counterattack, the enemy immediately responded, the silver carving has been bored, and every time he rushed to the guards, he was blocked. The Dragon King attacked and was in line with his own intentions, so he also actively greeted him. Failure, simply regardless of other people, to fight the core figures of the enemy together with the silver sculpture.

The five people of Yuqing sent more jealousy to the old man. I heard that the other side’s skill is still there, and immediately they will be ready for the battle. If the wild horses are in front, they will have surrounded the target.

This is the first time that the masters of the North Court and the Central Plains taught the dragon king to fight alone. The judgments were frequently mistaken, but they were impressive afterwards. As for the crowds, they only felt dazzled. The Dragon King and the old man said a few words. Suddenly changed the situation on the field.

The two hawks and silver eagle eagle claws, if the attack target is determined from the beginning, originally had the opportunity to take the initiative, but the two hesitated between the Dragon King and the Guards Swords, losing the best opportunity.

Gu Shenwei coincides with the tactics of the old man. All of them are screaming at the West. They have not touched the enemy. They suddenly turned again. They killed the three warriors in the Holy Palace. They are the weakest of the thirteen opponents. The link has long been the priority target of the two.

"Don't grab it with me."

The old man said four words, and even a dozen punches, a warrior flew, and his face suddenly changed. "Forgot, I swear to the good girl not to kill."

After the samurai landed, the mouth spurted blood, and the eyes could not live. When I heard the old man, the last thought in my heart was: my luck was really bad.

Gu Shenwei’s knife was faster, and the two warriors fell to the ground even if they didn’t have time to produce the last thought.

"Today's exception." He spoke only after killing.

"Listen to you." The old man waited for this sentence. With the permission of the Dragon King, even if the girl knows it, she can't say anything.

The old man once again rushed to Yuqing Wu Lao, saying the same sentence, "Let me report a hatred first."

The three warriors who died under the armies died so easily. The face of the Holy King was dull. The king of the day was not willing to shut up. "Why, who can tell me how this monk died? Two or three strokes made me see clearly." Twisted and said to other princes: "I knew this, you should be like me, lend a few masters to the two kings."

"It’s still a visionary, we didn’t expect it.”

The princes are mostly in the midst of disasters, and the Holy King secretly bites his teeth, thinking that this hatred can be reported sooner or later.

The situation of several princes talking, the situation on the field has changed.

The second man’s declaration of revenge is not a bluff. He and Yuqing’s five old fights are together, but they can no longer be quick-fixed. Although the Taoist priests are far behind their opponents, they have a strong effort and the palms are fierce. Can't push into five steps.

The wild horse knife is so hot that it seems to be really killing the old man. The secret he got is to secretly help the dragon king, including the old enemy who is the king of the day.

Soon, the old man fell to the bottom, "Dragon King, come help!"

Gu Shen can't open the body, facing many enemies, his style of play is to lure the enemy to catch up, the people who meet the order to fight back, but the silver carving and the iron shovel are not ordinary warriors, only the first move, Gu Shenwei was entangled in two people and could not get out.

After the five strokes, Gu Shenwei used his left hand and the silver carving to the palm of his hand.

The cold ice did not play a role, the silver sculpture did not tremble, the movement was not slow, the knife in the hand was faster than a stroke, he dared to pick this palm, because the chest is well-founded.

Even the King of the Holy Day saw that the Dragon King’s offensive was frustrated and his face returned to normal. He smiled and said: “Laocha, can you see this time?”

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